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RP: 4th Fleet Intergalactic Disaster: The End of Nataria

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SARPiverse Culture Dreamer
Retired Staff
Two hundred unmarked, unregistered Ayana's left the Syndicate Base in the northern nebula, heading towards YSE space under full power. They emerged, guns blazing towards a group of Pirates on the run from the UOC; they had stolen a MIKO unit from one of MFY's processing facilities and were to be destroyed at any cost; even it meant crossing the boarder. The data on the unit was highly classified and possibly could possibly be the most dangerous set of instructions yet to be written.

After several hyperspace folds, the battle had drifted within a light year of the 4th SF's base at Taiie. The Pirates were falling, but their lead ship was still making it's way in front of the other. It's captain, a renegade, who had been enjoying the unsettled relations between the UOC and Yamatai, and he had gotten ahold of a very dangerous set of codes.

The fire fight chase continued, and the lead Ayana delivered a burst of Xeneth Cannon pulses across the bow of the lead pirate vessel. However it's captain, had already initiated another fold.

"No..." the captain of the Syndicate's Wing cursed, as the pirate slipped away yet again, this time however it was too late, now they were within FTL communications range with Nataria. Once the pirate ship emerged into realspace it transmitted the code.

Months before Independence.

The Fifth had been preparing to goto battle the Mishhu at Bizankro, the fleet had converted the 100,000 Kyoto Carriers used in the Lorath Exodus into massive aether-bombs in which they had intended to use on the Mishhu. The Kyotos had been stripped of their IES systems, and had been outfitted with aether generators filling the majority of their inerds and were set to detonate upon the receiving of the coded transmission or their hatches being opened without the authorized code.


When Yamatai had requested all of its resources back, in the shuffle, the bombs had been forgotten about, save for the Syndicate and a few ranking UOC officers. Sadly the data had fallen into the hands of the pirates which had been plaguing the new nation since the erection of its banner.

The Fifth Expeditionary Fleet ships had been holding in the Yard at Nataria. Left alone until now...

The transmission was received and processed, the 100,000 Kyoto's began their overload sequence, clustered in amongst the ships of the formerly famous fleet. One by one the Aether generators aboard the massive Kyoto Carriers began to detonate, spewing aether, sending shockwaves rocketing through the yard, smashing ships against each other, sending pieces of Carriers slamming into even the mighty Seijin no Umi which broke into two sections before being totally obliterated.

The massive amount of Aether explosions tore space, destablazing distortion waves rocketed outwards from the detonating ships, laying to waste the Yard at Nataria.

The Captain of the UOC Wing that had been chasing the pirates slumped back in his command chair, a look of fear filled his eyes as he watched the sensor data come in from the exploding shipyards and starships. "Oh my god....." he uttered. Saying "Turn us back! Turn us back!" The Ayana's engaged their hyperspace drives and headed back towards UOC territories, alerting UOCPF Command what had happened.

"Dear god, they may blame us..." Everything went black, as the Captain watched the clock above the main viewer counting back the time until they would arrive back in UOC territory.
Inside her quarters on the YSS Nadare, Shimizu Taisho sat playing her violin, a bottle of wine was left out on the table on the other side of the sofa and seating area from where she went over the sheet music. The sound of the e string shrieking broke the peace through her quarters when the alert sounded.

Everywhere on the vessel, the alert blared and sent off-duty primary soldiers and officers rushing to their stations, or into their uniforms. Akina tapped into the KAMI and brought herself up to speed while making her own sprint to the lift near her decadent quarters. Her physical state did not make it easy on her.

"Taisho! Spirit City is relaying sensor data now, they're still out there!" Her tactical officer announced as the rushed woman arrived on the fleet bridge. "We're going out there. Send the pirates a standard ultimatum and forward all the data from Spirit City we've gathered, and continue to update them with the files."

While the communications station rapidly began orders, Akina linked with the large display of her fleet that projected for the gathered officers. It shrunk until the group of pirate ships could be seen. "Make sure the Takumi coordinate their own sections. Full alert, I want the split-leaf vanguard. Move." Nearly 800 ships broke from the Nebula at Taiie, moving towards the pirates to entrap them. Shimizu was going to get more answers somehow.

YSS Nadare said:
Attention Attention!

This is the 4th Fleet, you are ordered to stand down or be destroyed. Again, This is the 4th Fleet, Yamatai. The unregistered vessels will power down, and wait to be boarded. We will not hesitate to open fire if you show hostile intent.

Akina sent a personal message to the retreating UOCPF ships.

Shimizu Taisho said:
United Outer Colonies battle-group. This is Taisho Shimizu, Fourth Standard Fleet. You aren't planning on leaving those ships of your design for us to sweep up, are you? Please assist in their apprehension or destruction.

Only the guilty run.

I will keep this private channel open.


"ETA?" The Taisho sighed, watching their forces close according to another of her personal formations.
A hiss as the doors opened to the aft of the Nadare's Fleet Bridge. For the first time in weeks Motoyoshi Katsuko emerged from her quarters, she wore a blank Star Army skirt-style uniform, it had no fleet patches or pins. She had heard the alerts and came to see what was going on. Her blue hair held back in a tight, highly set ponytail, probably the first time she had taken the time to do her hair in a month.

She listened to the communications, tilting her head slightly, her face portrayed nothing but coldness, her icy gaze was fixed upon the volumetric images of local space.

Sitrep... She whispered in Akina's mind, crossing her arms as she moved to the left of the command chair.


No response came from the UOC ships, they fled, the pirates however remained, trying to flee but unable to having received damage in their battles with the Ayanas.
Akina looked a little startled to see Katsuko, much less see her on the bridge in a uniform before letting the touch of warmth run through her that the other woman's presence brought her bring her focus again.

It looks like they tried to engage that fleet, but have fled after a transmission was picked up by the rogue vessels..they're fleeing. Leaving us to fight for their mistake. 200 assorted pirates they didn't see coming? There is no conceivable way their borders are so loose. Anyway, we're pursuing with a 3:1 ratio. We'll connect with them soon, my heart.

She sent one last message to the fleeing UOCPF, though knew she had the advantage so far against the assembled fleet of pirates.

Shimizu Taisho said:
What brave peacekeeping force that came from the 5th turns tail and runs to let someone else do the dying alone? If you are really so wonderful, you'll turn around and not let us clean up for you alone. Once the operation is complete you will leave for the colonies under escort, but unharmed.

"That's as nice as I'll be to them for this surprise." The Taisho announced grimly, holding the fleet a safe distance from the pirates when they came into weapons range. A few of her officers nodded their agreement, anger showing on their faces that surpassed the redhead's own.

"Data transmitted to command successfully! We're getting a flash...gods. Nataria is in pieces." The communications officer slouched over her station.
"Permission to temporarily transfer to the YSS Sunrose. If permissible I would like to take care of this..." Katsuko said, her expression not changing, her cold gaze focused on Akina directly.
Tell me what are you going to do with her first, love? Akina asked privately, imagining what hellfire Yui would put her through if she didn't at least ask Katsuko what her designs with one of the few precious Takumi she had in the fleet were.

"No response? Open fire, disable their engines first I want them taken alive, if possible. Launch alert armours, keep them back for now. Standby wings Echo through Foxtrot."
"Hold your fire." Katsuko walked up to Akina, and ran her finger under her lover's chin. "Let me go to the other ship, I can handle this myself...I will bring resolution to this." Her hot breath, lapped against Akina's face. Her eyes held a seductive, yet twisted evil.
The tactical officer literally had her finger on the green light for the rest of the 800 ships to open fire. She was inclined to follow orders, but was well away of the CO's history with the former Empress.

"Something is strange they haven't even replied." Akina murmured, a slight frown on her lips that Katsuko had chosen to speak against her orders on her own bridge. Set a wedding date, and I'll give you temporary command of the ship.. The Taisho thought back with a heated tone. Tempting her in the middle of a major catastrophe. It gave the woman two kinds of shivers.
Three weeks from today... Katsuko replied, holding her ground.
Akina silently ordered a Nozomi towards the pirate vessels, with orders to investigate and turn back if fired upon enough that it would endanger the ship. Everything was giving her a bad feeling, but she honoured her word to Katsuko with a smile.

"You have temporary command of the Sunrose. I know you'll make us all proud."

"Assigned standby wings are ready to launch!" The secondary tactical officer shouted.

The Takumi in question was made aware of the new commander being sent over.

The UOCPF ships had gone without a word, and that didn't surprise Akina as much as the pirates who normally had something to say when a fleet of naval ships was baring down on top of them.
Katsuko took one of the interfleet lifts over to the Takumi, arriving only a few seconds later on the Command Deck, she said coldly to the officer in the command chair, "You are relieved..." The officer got up, and allowed Katsuko to take a seat.

Engaging her SPINE interface, Katsuko took command of the Sunrose. She handled full control of the ship, disrupting the interfaces of the rest of the bridge crew, she powered up the hyperspace drive, and the Sunrose blinked out of formation with the rest of the fourth.

Meanwhile, the Nozomi sent to check out the pirates, was met with silence, they made hot dog manuvers, flying within close proximity to the ship that severely outclassed them, beyond that nothing seemed out of the ordinary.

The Sunrose emerged into realspace, Katsuko put the ship into a corkscrew-like roll. Pushing the ship to the limits of its STL drives, the ship shook and the command she relieved said. "Careful with my ship."

Katsuko smirked, "I know what she can do. I designed her." The lead pirate ship was a captured Ayana, it turned, and began to fire its Xeneth Cannon at the Sunrose. Katsuko manuvered the ship, only a single pulse grazed the Sunrose's dorsal shields as she came to bare.

The Takumi's Raker Energy Beams clawed across the underbelly of the pirate ship, simutaneously a single AS-5a Torpedo was fired from the aft tube, slamming into one of the other pirate ships.

The lead ship, damaged still returned fire, its missile launchers launching volleys of fifty, and pulses of its Xeneth Cannon slammed into the Sunrose's dorsal aft.

The ship shook, and Katsuko uttered something as she brought the ship's forward section in line with the pirate, The Sunrose's Heavy SEPC fired a single shot, blasting straight through the bridge section of the Ayana, the ship blasted apart in a single explosion, sending debris in all directions.

All 4,000 of the Sunrose's Mindy compliment flooded from the launch bays, baring down on the other pirate ships as they tried to flee. Katsuko plowed the ship through the field, sprays of Raker and Projected Energy Beams lashing out at the pirate ships.

Escape pods flew from some of the ships, and the Mindy's moved to intercept.
"I love watching her do that." Akina admitted, the Nozomi had withdrawn silently to keep away from Katsuko's attack when scans didn't detect anything that was out of sort tactically. The retinue at the table watched as hell rained upon the fleet of pirates. "Make sure we get this from different angles, and recover all the data from the Sunrose. I'm going to compile it." Only a few moments later the Taisho relaxed somewhat in her chair.

I think I missed this. She sent to Katsuko, thoroughly beaming despite the terror that had visited the nearby depot. For the first time in months she felt right, and knew that while her love was probably seeking something personal in the fight she had reassured her deeply at the same time as a result.
The Sunrose headed back to the Nadare, Katsuko disengaged her control of the ship and said, as she got up to the Taisa she had relieved minutes before. "There, all nice an tidy, a few dents but I'm sure it will hold up." She smirked, walking off the bridge and headed towards the multipurpose bay.

A single Hyuga Fighter left the Sunrose. Katsuko opened communications with Akina.

I have to go take care of some business, pick up some ships...I have been reinstated.

See you soon,
Akina growled under her breath when she got Katsuko's message, she had been feeling...unlike she had for a long time, and shifted in her chair. She sent a message down to Faye, whom she imagined was sleeping. Set the wedding date for the 28th.

Akina said:
You had better come back with said ships and talk to me about what I can guess you're planning, if you think anything of us at all.


Faye was snoozing lightly when Akina messaged her. The sudden noise in her mind made her jump slightly, but just enough to fall out of her bed. Her panty-clad rear made a dull thud sound when it hit the floor. "Ow!" she squeaked sharply before the Neko remembered what had awoken her.

The aide yawned slightly before writing the new date down in a notebook that she had started to bring around with her lately. Yes, Taisho, Faye automatically replied, I will get the date fixed as soon as I can. Do you require anything else? Either way, she started putting on her uniform. It just wouldn't do for one of the Taisho's aides to go running around in only her matching green bra and panties.

She was actually asking herself, Getting the date changed will be a piece of cake, but.. why? Did something happen? A little worry welled up in the back of her mind as she exited her quarters to start the day... rather early, actually.
"Get hourly reports from our ships at the nebula gaps, if anything should change let me know, otherwise let them go to Hakumei-Juni." Akina told the Shosho bending down next to her chair. The woman's voice was a bit quiet, and troubled over Katsuko's departure and she hadn't yet noticed it seemed.

Nataria was hit by pirates from the UOC...Katsuko wanted to stretch her legs, so I let her on the condition she set a wedding date. I'm going back to my quarters. I could use some tea, coffee, or cocoa..something. Akina pushed herself out of her seat, and left the bridge as the after-action report was compiled, and the debris field was swept for any survivors of the battle.

We still have six hours before the shift starts. The redheaded admiral stepped through the threshold to her quarters, and quickly stripped her boots off before she walked to the bottom of the stairs, staring up at them. "One at a time..." There was no way she was going to float up the stairs, something about the thought bothered her. What was really bothering her was she hadn't a reply from either Katsuko, or Tio. " will be soon." The Taisho made it back to the empty bedroom, and promptly stripped out of her uniform down to her blue panties and bra. Maybe something to read, too? Something not about music, and not about ships or..something to watch I don't know.
Oh... that's horrible! Do we know who did it, and why? I'll get you something right away, Akina-sama.

Faye nodded to herself as she went to the galley to get something for her mistress. After acquiring some strawberry tea, the aide went to the Taisho's quarters. After a brief knock, she awaited acceptance to enter, saying, "Mistress-Taisho, I've brought you some strawberry tea! May I enter?"
The doors slid open, and the KAMI informed Faye that Akina was already in her room waiting.

They were rigging the old kyoto to detonate for the Valaad assault if I recall, but somehow the pirates got the code to detonate. Can't be sure why, other than they wanted to cause a war or just plain hate us. We might have to postpone our mission to go to the UOC. We're going together, I should think Ka-chuun won't leave me here. I don't want to talk about this right now though, just come up? The admiral asked with a somewhat more quiet thought. Normally music would have been playing but the mother-to-be had forgotten to do that, hoping her aide could think of a better distraction when she arrived.
Faye stood there, a little surprised at the news. However, duty called, so she was needed. The Neko aide quickly, but not quickly enough to spill the beverage in her hand, walked over to Akina's room. As she entered, she said aloud, "Ma'am, don't think like that. Katsuko-sama would never abandon you... I have your drink her-"

Her voice trailed off as she noticed Akina was only wearing her underwear! She blushed lightly as she set the drink at a reachable distance from the bed where it wouldn't be spilled. "Is there anything else?" Faye toyed with her own hair, a little embarrassed.
Akina pulled the blankets up over herself, then sat up against the head of the bed. "What's the matter?" Her amusement was only a little hinted, and that soon was washed down with tea. "I need something distracting to help me sleep..sit down and have some if you want. Just think of something." The Taisho requested, setting the teacup on her knee.
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