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RP: Bounty Hunts [Interlude 3] Payday

Foxtrot 813

Prettiest Member
Inactive Member
Maharombi Spaceport - Iron Ferret's Hangar - Noon

It had been three days since the showdown inside the industrial complex, allowing the bounty hunters and mercenaries to sort through the procured loot and recover the wounds sustained in the raid. During this time, bounties were claimed and the sensitive intel retrieved from the server farm inside the factory was on its way to being handed over to the authorities, at a reasonable price. While the payoff from the bounties alone was substancial, barely over half of the money made in the job had gone into paying the parties involved that allowed it to happen. Vehicles that were borrowed had to be repaired, people who were injured needed their medical bills paid, precious, precious ammo that was spent needed to be restocked to both the Bounty Hunters and Jaina's mercenaries. There was too, the need to pay the middlemen who had looked the other way while they turned that particular area into a small warzone and made it possible.

Upping their game came with its consequences and extra spenditures, but despite that, the profit was still substantial. The crew of the Iron Ferret was no longer going after the small-time bandits that were a dime a dozen on every street of the Democratic Imperium.

The captured pirate ship stood silent in the middle of the large hangar, easily big enough to fit a few of the small Jinssoku freighters. The front entrance was closed, allowing the hangar's air conditioning units to keep the room temperature at a bearable level, while the overhead windows allowed the daylight to shine through the building, revealing the suspended dust particles that always seemed to seep through every nook and cranny in that Desert planet. The freighter stood deactivated with its back facing the hangar doors, and the cockpit facing the people assembled in the open space in front of it.

Stacked against one wall to the sides stood what remained of the stolen munitions and guns from the Warehouse raid, and had becomed significantly smaller in size once it had been used in the last job. There was a green net thrown over the green metal and wood boxes, ready to be transported back inside the ship. To the opposite side and against the other wall, were a few of the larger tools used for maintenance, which were also slowly gathering dust, and the most noteworthy thing there were the bullet marks from when the ship got jumped when the bounty hunters had just landed on the planet, by the very same gang that they had brought down.

Desmond mused over that as he glanced to that spot of the hangar, scratching the stubble on his face there was a twisted poetry to that. The bounty hunter was wearing his usual off-duty clothing, the beat-down, faded cargo pants, a gray jacket open and with its sleeves folded up to his elbow, with a white T-shirt underneath it. His face was still spotting several of the small cuts and bruises, and there was still a large bandage across his nose from when it had been split during the fighting. As ever, he didn't look very pleased with anything in particular.

Despite being missing for three days with the Iron Ferret's shuttle on some errand, on the same night that they had finished the job, he had returned with the same disposition of getting things done and making money as ever. The bounty hunter sat behind a wooden desk, which was as much beat-down as the clothes he was wearing, a few feet in front and under the cockpit of the Iron Ferret. Underneath it was a metal box, away from the view of the others.

In front of him, there was a small line of people forming as the mercenaries and bounty hunters filed up to get their pay, looking like entirely different people once the dust and grime was washed away and the combat gear removed. Most of them were still injured, with bandages around their wounds, one even with his arm imobilized by a sling, while another stood on a crutch. Only the most injured weren't present at the time, but that still didn't stop their friends from collecting their keep.

Puffing out a small cloud of smoke, Desmond inserted a sizeable sum in DA bills, then sealed the yellow paper envelope that he had deposited them in. "Next," he called out after handing the paper envelope to the mercenary in front of him, one of the man's cheeks was criss crossed with stitches, making him seem like he was leering all the time.

Desmond drew another puff of smoke from the cigarette as he started to count the pay for the next person in line.
Danny seemed to be the next in line for payment. He seemed to be sporting a couple of lovely bruises just beneath the neckline of his crumpled shirt, and underneath his casual clothing Desmond could see that he wasn't wearing that strange suit. There was the occasional spot of padding that covered a cut or a particularly nasty bruise and nicks and burns on his fingers, but he still held out his hand for a payment envelope.

"That was something, wasn't it?" he reminisced as he watched the other bounty hunters collect their pay before. No doubt looking at their mental checklists and figuring out what to spend it on first. Danny, however, wasn't sure what to spend his money on aside from the essentials. Maybe something would come up.
Tannozako stood in line, behind Danny, waiting patiently and silently as the line went down. Wearing a pastel Yellow sundress and carrying her large suitcase, She looked for all intents and purposes, as if nothing had happened to her; the self-healing synthetic skin having covered over any tears or 'injuries' she had sustained during the prior battle. To those who noticed, her chest was slightly smaller than it had been before, synthetic skin material having migrated to fill in the gaps. Beneath, however, her chassis was dented and somewhat damaged, and her neck remained oddly still while the rest of her body continued to move naturally. Still, to the untrained eye she appeared as if she had not had a scratch on her.
Two spots behind Tannozako, Rathe stood waiting in line for his cut of the pay. The golden skinned nepleslian had bandages over his nose and right hand, holding the latter near his abdomin to protect it from harm.
"Quite," Desmond replied, staring at the other bounty hunter closing the envelope and handing it to Danny. He saw how the sandy-blonde haired bounty hunter was equally destroyed like he was; he didn't look the part, but Desmond had seen how he was tough as nails when he took out that vehicle on his own. It took some special kind of balls to pull that off. "You get an extra for nailing those guys trying to get away, and being the one who captured that guy in the server farm. The NPF is loving what he has to say," the bounty hunter added. Inside the envelop there would be a hefty sum of 6000 DA that the bounty hunters had earned, plus the 4000 extra. He waved Danny off soon after handing him the payoff.

He watched the next person in line closely, eyeing her up and down as he stubbed out the cigarette he had just finished on a metal ashtray. "You are surprisingly in one piece, despite not using any armor," he commented. It had been suspicious to him at first- the little signs, that was, not sweating, the very high strength. He had actually thought that the Iron Ferret had stumbled into another rogue neko, but he had been wrong; he hadn't been there to see it, but her true nature was the subject of talk among the mercs for the entire way back, as well as how she had 'kicked the ID-SOL's ass.' "Come talk to me after I'm doing paying up," he said as he put another lump of cash inside another envelope, in the same manner a teacher would ask a student to see him after class. Amano had also gotten the standard 6000 from all the bounties, but since she had stalled the gang leader long enough for the mercenaries to pounce him, Jaina's men had concluded that she more than deserved a hefty sum of his bounty in relation to what was split between everyone, giving an extra fat of 3000 DA to her envelope. Unbeknownst to her, only one thousand of those three were from the gang leader that she had fought, while the rest was the compensation for being shot at by her own side.

"Next," Desmond called out in a gruffy voice, lighting yet another deathstick after fishing it form his pocket.

The sight after he had paid the next two men somewhat surprised him. "Oh, it's you," he said to Rathe, staring at the golden-skinned Nepleslian closely. The bounty hunter shifted on his wooden chair, separating the mercenary's pay. "You shot one of my guys," he commented, glancing briefly at Tannozako. He hadn't been there to witness it, but bad news travelled faster than light. "You too, wait here until I finish paying everyone. Here's your pay, by the way," he said, handing him the envelope. Rathe had only gotten 4000 DA, receiving 1000 less than the other mercenaries in Jaina's band because of the friendly fire.

Raven shrugged as he lined up, he'd had to duck and try to avoid the massive numbers of heavy grenades being launched at his position after his early successes. "Sorry I couldn't give more covering fire Desmond, I ended up getting suppressed by a damned firing line of grenade launching robots."
Rathe stepped aside after pocketing his reward, stopping next to Tannozako. He recognized her as the person he had mistakenly shot, "You look surprisingly fine, but for what it's worth, sorry about shooting you and all..."he said to the brightly dressed robot.
"I hope the NPF enjoy his company as much as I did," Danny nodded towards Desmond as he took the envelope and pulled his vest open, putting the meaty parcel into an unseen inner pocket. As he put it in, he seemed to wince a little, perhaps by rubbing some of his bruises by accident. As he passed by Tannozako and raised an eyebrow, "Good to see you in health. I heard about your work on the Gang Leader," he smiled. "All that sound and fury signifying nothing, hm?"

From one mysterious professional to another, they seemed to share a mutual understanding of keeping an unsaid masquerade of mysteriousness up. Tanno's card had been played though, and it was one that seemed to strike chords with the other mercenaries, and Danny. "You might want your neck looked at though," he observed, looking at that bend in her neck.

It made his neck hurt looking at it.
Anna and Thanos lined up behind Raven. They waited patiently for their money. "Good shooting," Anna said to Raven, poking into his back to get his attention. "Some of my buddies are alive today thanks to your sniper rifle. Glad to see you are all right." It was easy to see, that out of the duo Anna was the chatty one. "Hope we get to team up again, this was fun. Well... fun. Good money anyway."
Tannozako raised an eyebrow at Danny, possibly the closest thing to showing an emotion since she had appeared in the hanger a few days ago. "I am not sure what you mean about the gang leader," she began, her face settling back into an impassive expression. "However, I am perfectly serviceable for the time being, you needn't worry." Tannozako looked at the package she had been given, weighing it with one hand before opening her suitcase just a crack, a few clicks of the latches being heard, sliding the package into it, and then closing the case once again.

"I have been asked to remain here, as Desmond needs to speak to me. About what, I am not sure."
"Happens," Desmond casually replied to Raven, passing the bounty hunter another envelope containing the 6000 DA of his pay before turning around to the rest of the line. The mercenaries were paid one by one, going on their own ways to blow off their cash as the line slowly dwindled, and the bills inside it progressively got more scarce. Eventually, everyone that needed to get paid was, allowing the bounty hunter to finally emerge from the worn-out wooden seat that he had been taking behind the table and stretch his legs, feeling the leftover exertion from the last job that still remained even after three days.

Desmond looked around the hangar, a few of the mercenaries still lingered there, as well as some of the bounty hunters, most likely enjoying some bouts of idle conversations inside the cooler air of the hangar. He stuffed a hand inside the pocket of his jacket and fished out the pack of deathsticks that he carried around, with a small tap on the bottom of it, one jumped out from the opening on top of the pack, allowing him to pluck it between his lips. The bounty hunter set the pack back inside the jacket's pocket and made his way towards one of the groups, shielding his face as he lit up the cigarette. By then, he had approached the group consisting of Danny, Tannozako and Rathe.

"So," He started to say, acknowledging each one of them with a look as he exhaled the smoke by he nostrils. The dress-clad bounty hunter looked surprisingly fine while everyone else in the group had their wounds, however, he wasn't surprised anymore by then. "How are you?" He asked, crossing his arms in front of his chest.
Rathe glanced over to Tannozako, then back to Desmond, waiting for the former to respond before himself. This was mostly due to the fact that Rathe foretold a follow-up of the previously stated 'You shot one of my guys' from Desmond and that made the golden nepleslian slightly fearful of what exactly the bounty hunter was capable of. His nervousness wasn't physically expressed, of course, and he kept a calm and confident outward appearance.
"Perhaps further employment, maybe," Danny replied to Tanno. He gave the gold-skinned mercenary an upwards nod of acknowledgement as they passed by. He'd heard the whisper that they'd done friendly fire by mistake, but Danny didn't see it nor was he affected - he didn't think much of what he'd heard. Danny then looked to his left and speak of the Empress, he took a step back and gave way for Desmond as he approached to talk to Tannozako.

Quietly and figuratively (rather than literally), he faded into the background to let Desmond talk to the Mimicom.
Irene had decided to pass the time by poring - admiring, really - over the policed weapons. Sure, she wasn't able to actually hold the damn things, not without cutting through the netting or something she'd rather not do if she were going to keep this job, but it was hell of a lot better than standing in goddamn line with a thumb up her bum, like she was at the DMV or something worse. (Okay, there wasn't much worse than the DMV. Maybe sucking chest wounds.)

It's not until she catches the line shfiting and shrinking out of the corner of her eye that she remembers. Right. Payday. Moolah, et cetera. Definitely not a demonstration of you blanking out, on a job where blanking out was certain death. She quickly hustled back into line, heart beating a little faster. She wasn't sure if hearing Rathe get chewed out a little would make her feel a little bit better that at least she wasn't alone in that mess.

He didn't shoot two damn co-hunters in some misguided attempt to play cowboy hero, jackass.

...Right. About that. Well, time to get in line and face the music.
Amanozako leaned agaibst a pillar, loitering in the background, keeping an eye on things from the background. She had not taken part in the last mission, having been busy with other things, so she got no pay out. She was not bothered seeing others get money when she wasn't and just waited in the shadows to make sure none tried anything funny.

The NMX neko crossed her arms over her chest and kept her red eyes roving around the room, scrutenizing all the new people that had shown up and that she did not trust.
Tannozako Waited as Desmond lit his cigarette, and then spoke. She thought for a moment, processing every bit of damage that she had received during the battle, how much of it had self-repaired, and how much it would cost to have properly fixed, versus her income from the venture. this of course, took just milliseconds, and nobody would have known that she had even paused to think by the time she had begun to speak.

"I am fine. I have taken worse damage in the past, though perhaps nothing I could not fix myself, such as this" she stated obliquely. This was, of course, accompanied by her somewhat oddly turning her torso toward Desmond, rather than her neck, as currently doing the latter was less than ideal. "Hopefully e will soon find our way to some place which has more proper facilities than Delsauria," she added.
"You're in luck, because the next place the Iron Ferret is heading is Dawn Station," Desmond said, noticing Amanozako standing on one of the corners of the hangar. The bounty hunter gazed at the neko's way for a few moments before turning back around towards the assembled group. He let that information sink in for some time. "The Iron Ferret needs some components replaced that I can no longer jury rig into functioning, but that's besides the point," he continued, drawing a deep breath and shifting his weight on the other feet. Desmond was about to say something more when he noticed Irene standing where the line had ended.

Desmond pulled an envelope from his jacket, and waved the woman over with the hand holding it. He waited until she was until earshot before continuing. "So, you wanna stick around for more jobs?" he asked.
Tannozako watched and listened, seeming to be pleased that they would be heading to Dawn Station, where she had been manufactured. they obviously had the necessary facilities available there with which to enact the repairs she needed. When she was waved closer to the Bounty Hunter, she moved somewhat closer and listened more intently. "Continued employment would be appreciated, although I do hope the next job is less strenuous than the previous one."
"You got that right..." Rathe told the automation with a chuckle as he flexed his injured hand once more.
Since Rathe's first impression on the group of hunters he was allied with was far below par, he would love to get a second shot with them, but he waited until Desmond addressed him directly to answer, as he still predicted a tounge lashing from him.
Irene gulped, turning to face the man. This was going to lead in to "then you'd better not be a moron and shoot at your teammates" lecture, wasn't it? "I am," Irene said. "Uhm, is it alright if I get one of my friends in on this, as well?" ...dammit. Would have been better to mention friends when you had made a better impression, but it was too late, now...
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