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Rejected Submission International Currency Exchange Update

If you're going to do an article like this Frost you need to do it all the way. Edto isn't throwing a 'fit. He's telling you what he wants his exchange rate to be. And you personally don't have the authority to tell him otherwise. Wes can decide if it's right or not but you can't just sit here and say he can't have that. And removing other factions just because you don't get along with the FMs is petty. You need to realize in this kind of article it's not your opinion that matters, this is essentially a reference sheet for data the FMs decided for their factions. Not something you get to decide on.

Edit: Actually with these kinds of changes to the article, I'm going to revoke my approval. Because that's just not right.
Although I'll be writing a much more in-depth response to the post Syaoran made when I get off from work, just as a heads-up @Syaoran: your approval is no longer required for this submission, as I've removed all mentions of the Abwehran Star Empire from the submission article. I'd edit my original post to reflect this, but for some mysterious reason we can't edit approved posts in this sub-forum anymore. :/
Sorry, no, you won't.

I'm flagging this as Denied until you can approach your fellow FMs and interact in a way where you don't get to hypocritically lord over them like this. I was willing to tolerate this at first since this was your submission with you taking the lead... but the way you seem to readily cut others out frankly has ceased to inspire confidence.

If this was meant to help, then you kind of blew it. The jabs about editing were also unneccessary (though I will point out, after researching the matter, that Frostjaeger is being falsely accused).

Once you're willing to work with your fellow FMs and accept the values they give you for informative purposes, feel free to try again. But it's not your perogative to rule over the matter of the worth of another faction's currency.
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