Star Army

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RP International Relations Conference of YE 42 [Open RP]

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RP Date
4月 YE 42
RP Location
Reikan Park, Kyoto, Yamatai
Reikan Park, Kyoto

It was once again time for Yamatai's bi-annual international peace summit. where nations from the Kikyo Sector and beyond would convene in the spirit of goodwill and friendship and spend some time talking to one another to improve relations and cooperation to benefit everyone involved. This year, Yamatai had decided that instead of cramming the handful of leaders and diplomats in a conference room, they would instead set up the conference as a sort of exposition, fair, and/or convention where political groups and nations could set up booths and displays and the leaders could mingle with the general public, within reason.

Yamatai had set up the conference area as its diplomacy center this time, where people could come talk to the Empress, Himiko, and also the Star Army of Yamatai had a huge pavilion set up nearby showcasing the highlights of the Star Army, from Nekovalkyrja to the new LSTV, and Taisho Yui, its commander was there, looking to talk to other military leaders. A small Star Army scout ship parked behind the pavilion served as a secure place to make military plans together.

It was a gorgeous and warm early summer day in the park and a lot of people had come out to this new style of conference that looked like a cross between the old IRCs and a Yamataian festival like Hanami. Food vendors lined the pathways selling everything from fresh sushi to pitas and deep fried cookies.

OOC: Anyone with neutral to good relations with Yamatai can participate! Strictly no violence in this thread.
Reikan Park, Kyoto

Three Diplomatic Saâdori Ikâ (Ground Gliders) left the Poku Saeruo Degonjo (Hidden Sun Clan) Kavoráy Rouka (Embassy). These were stretch models that had been armored. The lead Saâdor and the following one contained the Ifânume for the delegation. In these troubled times, security was paramount. Driving out of the Clan's Compound Tesgi was reviewing the data packet supplied by the Yamatai government. "This is rather different that the previous Conferences. Which is why we have a larger contingency that we would in an enclosed venue."

The white furred female Qaktoro looked at the brown striped Tula, "Tesgi please relax, Legos Miaurm has reviewed your security arrangements and the contingency plans. You have been on Y-amatai since the beginning of our alliance." She paused for a moment, the unnatural sound that started Yamatai was awkward for her.

"Since our Allies are wanting this to be more casual, we will be more cordial. We have personnel setting up our E-x-po. There will be sufficient security for where I will watching from." Tarbah said to Tesgi.

Tesgi took out a small box and offered it to Tarbah and spoke. "Mui-sar, this device when worn on the neck will help form the sounds that do not come natural to us. I have used one for a while. It may help make your visitations easier."

Tarbah looked at the device in the box. She put it on and tried saying a few words that did not come naturally. Satisfied with the results she spoke. "Thank you Tesgi. I am very proud of you. You are a credit to your Clan and your people.."

The vehicles came to their designated location. Tesgi sat patiently while the security teams got our first and took their positions. There was a thump at the door which then opened. Tesgi stepped out and looked around. It would seem to him that the other members who had been invited were still in the process of setting up with the new format.

"A SAOY warship. A small one to be certain, but still something that could be interesting." he said out loud to himself. He had only traveled one time aboard a Yamatai warship. The Aeon which was badly damaged during a joint mission with a Clan ship.

Legos Miaurm was next to come out of the glider. He looked at the ruoniom (tent). While its walls were covered in cloth, there was anoka'ano (armor) under the fabric.

He offered a hand to assist Tarbah getting out of the vehicle. Once out she straightened to her full height of 6' 2“ by Yamatai standards. She looked around once to get her bearings of where things were. "Tesgi, kindly send an invitation for Empress, Himiko to visit when it is convenient. Or if it is not convenient, have her folks find a suitable time for me to meet with her."
Among the highlights of the Star Army of Yamatai, two static displays of a Keiko Thought Armor and a Mindy can be seen with a volumetric display showing the Giretsu training at the School of Advanced Infantry Combat. Two individuals man the station, ready to answer any questions on both, an officer and a senior NCO.

Wearing a white paneled Type 35 Class A's, the officer watches the activities around him casually close. Large crowds in any setting always made the dark skinned Minkan nervous. Not that he was anti-social but because it was too many potential targets and varibles for him to keep track of. He might be "out" of SAINT, but SAINT never leaves you.

He looked over towards his Senior Enlisted Advisor. He looked more at home compared to the Minkan, but he definitely much rather chew out the junior enlisted than playing informal diplomat. The officer then looked back towards the ongoings.
Hanako arrived with a few of her crew members and went and found Tesgi and the Hidden Sun Clan delegation.

"Welcome! I am so glad you are here," she greeted them. "You are some of our most looked-forward-to guests. Would you like to see the Empress now?"
Tesgi was surprised to see Hanako. "I did not know you would be here Hanako-Sar. I was just about to request an opportunity for our leaders to meet. I will see if the Mui is ready to meet your leader." The Tula moved quickly through the Clan members and ducked into the ruoniom.

A minute later he stepped out from the ruoniom, and held the opening fabric aside for Tarbah. Once she started toward Hanako and her personnel, Tesgi fell in step on her right. Tarbah still moved with the feline grace that most clan members had. Once she approached Hanako, Tesgi took a few steps and spoke. "Mui Tarbah Leyto this is Hanako Ketsurui-Chujo."

Tarbah took a moment to look at Hanako. "Thank you for arranging for an opportunity to speak with your Empress. It has been a while since we have been able to talk face to face."
Reikan Park, Kyoto
Two shuttles made their way to the location for the Conference. The first was one that contained NDC Dignitaries guarded and kept safe by members of Yamatai’s soldiers, while the second contained only one technical dignitary. The first shuttle landed, the Yamataian escort exited first followed by the dignitaries who immediately went to their booth. Before the shuttle took off, allowing the second to land so that those inside can disembark.

Much like the first the escort team exited followed by a black-haired red-eyed woman who exited. The Plebian looking ‘Organic’ woman looked around letting her eyes see Yamatai the planet for the first time. The world looked beautiful, holovids and people talking about it didn’t do it justice.

Nyx Pine had joined the dignitaries for the international relations conference because she wanted to meet new people, people not at all from her home in the New Dusk Conclave, and since Yamatai were allies, and she thought and hoped that this would be a perfect opportunity. They’d docked with a Yamataian Station, and transferred to a Yamataian shuttle as a show of good faith, and Nyx was wearing her Jasabelle form since it had no built-in weapons, another show of good faith. while the other dignitaries filled the first shuttle with others they can talk to, she sat in the second, mostly because she was afraid her wings would get in the way.

She’d gasped when she saw the planet “your world is beautiful” she said but she repeated herself now that she was outside on the planet. “So beautiful, those trees, are they Sakura trees that I have been reading about?’ she asked her companions. She noticed Hanako and the members of the Sun Clan delegation, and she wanted to go there and meet them, but she was unsure what was the proper way, since she didnt want them offended.
Reikan Park, Kyoto

It had been a long way to get here from Virginia and it hadn't been a very safe trip. Senator Iemochi, his wife Arbs and their children had been having a worrying past few months. Virginia was on the frontlines these days and overseeing the civilian evacuation was a monumental effort. However, the civilian government had done its job there and he had sorted for things in his absence.

Mochi wondered if he would spot any familiar faces at this conference, or any Elysians who might recognise his family from the media. In truth, he wasn't sure where to go first, the sunrise-toned wings that shifted uncertainly at his back expressing his emotions. A few thoughts flicked through the veteran's mind, the people he had met in his military career, scientific works and then political office.

Close by, there seemed to be some sort of display of armour, which his special forces background predisposed the politician to look over to. Perhaps Arbs, who had been a weapons operator for so long, would be interested to reminisce over the exhibition. It was around this point that Mochi spotted the NDC host, recalling how he had opened communications between Yamatai and the NDC to some extent. It would be interesting to hear how far they had come. "Where do you wanna go?" Mochi looked down to his significant other, a warm smile across his features. @Arbitrated
The Empress was seated in a big amythest-encrusted golden throne with spotless white cushions and wearing a red silk kimono with galaxy patterns woven into it in black, teal, and silver. She was pale white with a black hime-cute hairstyle. At her side were two Ketsurui samurai. Two Star Army soldiers in Mindy power armor also stood in the meeting area like knights Hanako led the Hidden Sun Clan leaders in with a smile.

"Your Imperial Majesty, this is Tarbah Leyto, Leader of the Poku Degonjo Saeruo clans."

"Welcome to Yamatai!" Empress Himiko warmly greeted them. "You are most welcome here. How is life for the people Hidden Sun Clan? I imagine your settlements in the former Mishhuvurthyar territories have blossomed into beautiful cities."
Tarbah took a moment to see how the room had been laid out. She expected there to be security, but she did not expect the room to have powered armor. She removed her outer garment and handed it to Tesgi. Removing it showed the ornate robe that she was wearing. The robe was a deep blue with silver and gold embroidery of the Sects and the major Houses. Around her waist a white silk sash was tied.

"Thank you for your warm greeting Empress Himiko. Life among the clan is prosperous. My people are adapting to life on a planet. With all the challenges that come with it, and it makes me happy to see the growing number of children in the population."
Reikan Park, Kyoto

Arbles, one arm supporting Alicia - the other keeping the standing, wobbly Daniel stable against her flank. Her pink wings made a nice shade from the sun, and an improvised wall against the crowd behind her. "Hmm... The tent looks neat! Let's check that out first, Mochi!" The high-pitched, soft voice of the pint-sized mother floated atop the hubbub of the gathered crowds, and she held onto her kids tightly as the two of them approached the Clan tent with armor tucked neatly inside.
Andar and Enki had been at the Noval Heavy Industries booth all day, entertaining visitors, dignitaries, and the like. The booth was the picture of Noval's subdued glitz - pristine white, gold trim, and currents of gently glowing teal made up its surfaces. From time to time, the booth reconfigured itself in a shift of liquid metal to showcase the next product or work-in-progress.

The young man gave a well-practiced smile to the next group to approach. "Welcome, please come closer. Would you like a seat?"

The group gave a questioning nod, not seeing any chairs nearby. A set of three silvery chairs formed up from the floor they stood on, then took on the colors and textures of plush white seats. As they sat, they were each surprised to find that the chairs were a perfect fit - the seat's width, height, and so on tailored on the fly to their individual needs. It was a simple enough trick, but it showed Noval's dedication to the customer from the very first moment. Enki, tall and graceful, stepped forward with a small platter of tea cups. Two of the group took them, taking tentative sips and then widening their eyes at the taste.

"Now then," Andar said with an infectious smile, taking a step to the side as the twenty-foot tall display continued to change behind him in full 3D. "Thank you for your interest in Noval Heavy Industries, a corporation from the New Dusk Conclave! Formerly a luxury craft company, we have reoriented our efforts to the wider civilian and military market. With all the turmoil in the sector, I'm sure you can understand our desire to contribute to everyone's continued safety."

One of the group spoke up, "I'm sure the extra profit from those markets don't hurt."

"Indeed they don't," Andar agreed with a nod. "But profit alone isn't what led us to make the change. After a lifetime of making things for the sector's wealthy, my late father's regret was that he hadn't been able to touch more lives."

He paused a moment, his long black and white tail going still, then smiled once more as he motioned to the shapes behind him. "Our goal now is to provide luxury-tier goods and services to a wider array of customers. The dedication to craftsmanship that my father began is carried on today- you're sitting on an implementation of one our foundation technologies, Rebinder. As you can see, it's quite capable of carrying out a variety of roles..."

When the group left their chairs to wander and inspect the various displays that Noval had prepared, Andar gave a huff of relief. His mother had reminded him time and again that they were not there to speak to everyone; rather, they would take their time and make an impression on a handful. Those who didn't get a chance to speak with him directly would, hopefully, have a stronger desire to do so in the future.

"Yes, we want their business- but more than that, we want their interest," his mother had said.

The lavish setup and restricted guest count were designed with that in mind. Unfortunately for Andar, it meant that he had to be fully present for the entire day.

A comforting hand on his shoulder drew a smaller, more genuine smile from the young man as he looked back to see Enki.

"You're doing fine, young master," she said softly.

"Thanks, Enki," he replied. He turned to face the next group with a big, inviting smile.
Poku Saeruo Degonjo Venue

A female white furred Qaktoro stepped out of the tent she smiled at the folks who approached, and her bright green eyes looked at the two youngsters. "Greetings, I am Soiqab. I am the assistant of our Ambassador Tesgi Toioky. He is away with our Mui who is seeing the Yamatai Empress. But I can assist you." She motioned to one of the attendants. The individual brought two of the stuffed toys for children. "May I give these to your children? The tent we have set up is a traditional one. Although we have added some security measures."
Seinosuke would give a beaming smile to his radiant wife and young family. "Sounds great!" Mochi exclaimed in his usual, enthusiastic tone, before crouching down to their son. "What do you think Daniel?" The Neo-Caelisolian scooped up the shorter Elysian in his arms, letting the boy rest comfortably there so they could easier walk to the tent.

In no time, the four of them were safely through the crowds and were being greeted by being with very sleek white fur. "Of course! I'm Senator Iemochi, this is my wife Arbitrated and our two kids. There's Alicia and this...-" Seino would jostle the little man in his care a little. "Is Daniel. Go on, Daniel.. You can take the gift from the nice lady."

Daniel, who seemed to be somewhat overwhelmed by the whole scenario - as would be expected - gazed up at his dad with wide eyes. Mochi would give his son a fatherly grin as if to say 'you can do it!' The boy would reach out with both of his little hands, wrapping them around the stuffed animal. Then, very carefully and tentatively, would bring the gift back to his chest and cuddle back into his father's embrace.

"What do you say, Daniel?" The Senator would whisper quietly in an expectant tone, at which point the young boy would look between Mochi's expression and the two strangers. After a moment, the small Elysian would chime, "Thank you!"

Sorry this took a while, it seems my alert didn't go off.
"It is a pleasure to meet you Senator. Your children are adorable. You are the first Elysians that I have had the pleasure to meet. How old will your children be before they can fly?

As a mother I find the concept of children flying to be frightening. Its enough for me to have to deal with my children climbing in trees and such." she said with a smile.

The tent's interior was divided by a beautiful tapestry. Although the tapestry was not complete drawn. This allowed visitors to see some of the traditional items, such as their beds, and other items such as dressers and the like..

Soiqab pointed out a few thing, "The main part of the tent has a Buvoli Vakame (Resting Chair) which our leader prefers, Visitors or attendants would sit on the Buvoli Ovume (Standing chairs). This arrangement is also common within most clan houses." She paused for a moment.

"Tarbah Leyto has lead our clan for 46 years. She was responsible for a number of reforms that helped our people grow. Which include establishing relations with Y-amtai. If you have time, you may wish to visit our embassy, they have a splendid video on her life.

Most of the items you see in this tent belong to our leader. She prefers when possible to purchase her garments and fixtures from artisans. Only out of necessity will she purchase something that was mass produced. As she would say, the artisans put our soul into the items they make."

"Do you have any questions for me?" Soiqab asked.
“Conclave member,...” said a warm voice from beneath the recesses of shade that an evergreen provided.

“Senator,” came the Iromakuanhe’s curt reply upon sitting on the bench beside the seated dignitary. “Quite a day,” said the Iroma as her head and horns swiveled to look about Reikan Park at its busiest.

“Quite a peace summit,” replied the opalescent eyed senator.

The Iroma lamented, “In the middle of an all-out galactic war.”

“A peace summit seems out of place, you mean to say?” Looking to her seated companion, the Elven senator continued. “Peace here is a word that veils interests.”

The Iroma smiled in her small conversational victory, pushing up freckled cheeks. “It is indeed a misnomer. What would peace look like here if you had won the election?”

With quiet contemplation, the Senator’s multi-colored eyes moved to the rippling of water nearby. Her lips parted to speak only after staying coiled tightly for one too many pregnant moments until her thoughts burst from their damming.

“When I lost my family to war, when I lost my home to war, and when the power imbued in this land was lost to war, peace did not bring any of them back. What it brought was fear, pain, and anger. Fear, pain, and anger all end. In the Kikyō Sector’s case, they yield when there is hope of a war won.”

“I am rewarded to not share your Sector’s fate,” said the Iruotl System member to the elf.

“To answer your question,” Sachiko continued, “If I had become Premiere then your leader, their leaders,” she pointed her eyes to the throngs of people, “and the summit’s hosts would all be signing alliance treaties. Our greatest neighbor would be our ally rather than engrossed in a sibling rivalry of my own empire’s making. Moreover, there would be no veils and no peace. We would be together in our loss and unified by hope for a battle yet unwon.”

Coming from a place of resignation, Aaki said, “It sounds like it would be chaos.”

Sachiko tilted her silvery haired head up to look through the branches above her. She was quiet and seemingly ready to take her leave of bench that had only momentarily offered a respite for her.

The Xiulurian senator said only, “Oh, yes. This is much better.”
Hidden Sun Clan Display Tent

Arbitrated couldn't help the smile that crept on her face as her son's voice thanked the nice lady, politely. "Oh, too soon, too soon... I think that they'll bolth be bigger than I am if I blink three times!" She joked cheerfully, softly bouncing the silent Alicia. Seems that this child was quite shy, reaching out to take the - nope, arm back to her mommy. And she reached out a second time...

"Go on, Ali!" So close, but no cigar, the infant safely burrowing her hand once again under the safety of her mother's warm hair. Arbles took hold of the toy, murmuring telepathic coos of comfort to the little one clinging to her flank before also thanking Soiqab.

"Ah, everything here is hand-made? That's impressive, and... Beautiful," the redheaded mother stated. "It seems that you use quite a bit of cloth; do your people farm or, harvest material from animals?" She paused for a moment, then added, "Or - are some of these items passed down over generations as well?"
Hidden Sun Clan DIsplay

Soiqab smiled at the family. "Personal items tend to be hand-made. We have many artisans who manufacture things. Also some families will create personal items for their members. If they do not have the skills, they can always hire artisans. Prior to the colonization, fabrics were created on our fabrication facility. Our ships would gather raw materials and bring them back to be processed. Now we have textile processing plants on several of our worlds."

She picked up a carefully folded cloth. "This particular item is a sign of her position. Only she will wear this, when she passes it will be put in the hall of honor. Then the next Mui will design their sash."

Soiqab walked over to a cloth that was hanging on the wall. It had a series of symbols and writings. "This is the chronicle of the Mui's family. Each member is marked on the cloth, it traces her Punla. The names of the members are listed, along with important achievements."

"As for common items such electronic devices, or protective clothing for use during space walks or inclement weather on planets. They are mass produced to ensure a consistent compatibility. "
Hidden Sun Clan Display
Nyx remained quiet as she walked the convention hall, seeing all the nations and what neat things they are showing off, fascinated her.

She stopped at the Hidden Sun booth, her eyes looked over everything they showed, the design was different than what they had back home. An idea popped into her processer Separa’shan might have a booth, though they were a part of Yamatai. She might be able to learn about gifts her lover would appreciate. She pinned that to her memory to remind herself as she looked on and listened as Soiqab spoke about the cloth, she was showing the family close by her. Her ears twitched as she listened with a pleasant and happy smile on her face. She was already learning so much she didn’t know, and while she wanted to know more she knew there was a time limit.
Conference Area

After some small talk, Empress Himiko got down to business with Tarbah. "While I do not wish to impose the desires of my nation on yours, would you agree that our nations have a shared, mutual interest in spoiling the Kuvexian Invasion of the Kikyo Sector?" she asked.
Conference Area

"That would be a true statement. We would lose honor if we did not honor our treaty. It is safe to say that we find the situation needing change. We are in the midst of building a new generation of warships. But as this last incursion showed the Kuvexian threat needs a change of operation. We are building a completely new warship. But by the time we get word of the Kuvexians, the damage would be done before our ships would arrive. Tesgi, Legos Miaurm and I have an idea. When our new designs are in production, we would like to have a forward staging point. Somewhere within your area. This would allow are forces to join with yours to repel or crush the enemy." Tarbah replied.
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