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Aww, that was thoughtful of Alaster. Saved Lenz an angst trip back to get another fork. ;p

Edit: Oh noes, what's this?!
View attachment 1446

Lenz is gonna be so mad when he sees this. ;p
Basically, the IPG's armory should have a wide range of guns including old KZ energy pistols and some grenades. Keep it simple, keep it light. We're going for stealth.
I hope they're not using stolen Star Army of Yamatai property (the pistols with the SAoY logos and/or STAR ARMY USE ONLY on them). ~,~
Nope, only the ones available to civilians. Any SAoY logo ones would have to be a result of aquisition from old SAoY personnel that for some reason kept their standard issue firearms. (So if they have any stolen SAoY property it would be in limited numbers maybe like 10 at most.)
There would be very limited KFY material there. Veles despises Yamatai for the most part, and the Ketsurui clan in particular, and wouldn't be too keen on using their products.
Don't suppose the Emry's Industries Body Armor is on the menu? *notes the lack of body armors on the wiki*
There might be a suit or two of it lying around, but most of the armor in there is made of SynAraS or Kevlar with some light durandium plating strapped in.
I'm sorry I forgot to mention this earlier, but I will be out of town, and all but an exceptionally slim chance of internet access tonight, tomorrow, and until sometime on Sunday.

Once again, sorry I forgot to mention this sooner.

As for when we're leaving, I'm waiting for Kyoki's character to get approved before I have you guys head out, so it should be sometime this weekend.

Thank you all very much for your patience on the matter.
agh!!! sorry for keeping you guys waiting!!! well i'm here... just need to think of an intro post.... suggestions would be lovely.
She should be escorted to the armory where the squad is prepping for deployment. Simply follow the AI's floating arrow or generate a helpful npc to show her how to get there. Heck, you could even have Sarai or Caleb show her the way if you just want an npc with a personality prefabricated. =)
I was thinking more along the lines of "emotionless/suppressed mentally and heavily augmented/altered/trained". I'm not feeling much anger from Anima, Nelew, or Athrylis.
IPG: send us your emotionally damaged so we can make them into... killers?
Come to think of it, that isn't too far off the beaten track for secret organizations looking for assassins or spies...

*thinks of Noir, Kite, Nikita, Alias, etc.*

I guess what makes it seem odd to me is that you usually don't see more than one or two in the same place. And, if there are two, one of them is a traitor.

Oh. Right. *shuts up and walks away whistling*
well... it just happened that Athrylis was put here. Different Nep GMs wanted me to make her for different places.... Athrylis could have ended up also as a standard marine or at Cirrus. It was litterally a matter of rolling dice ^^;;;
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