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I'm rooting for the ID-SOL! No offense. I'm just tired of people taking them lightly and always managing to kill them so easily. Nep GMs never let the Reds win, so they don't make very respectable enemies.
Well, she clearly can't kill him, not without a weapon. Bones are too strong and they're wrapped in massive amounts of muscle. So I'm settling for just disabling him.

I can't help but wonder what would have happened if Nel had done nothing when he asked about Cyrene's gun, though >_<
Yeah... if you had waited... just a bit. No harm done though, I suppose.

Anyway. I'm working on something so Cyrene and Athrylis aren't statues getting shot up.
Wes said:
I'm rooting for the ID-SOL! No offense. I'm just tired of people taking them lightly and always managing to kill them so easily. Nep GMs never let the Reds win, so they don't make very respectable enemies.
The only other unarmored fight with the Reds we've really had was on the Alliance, where there were two marines to each ID-SOL, and it was still a reasonably close fight, especially considering we still weren't able to actually kill them.

Other than that, we've only fought in armor, where we've beaten the Reds most of the time for the sole fact that we're at a massive technological advantage almost all the time.
Nah, NDI Tech > Red Tech.

Also, Cipher, what wall is Chandler hiding behind? He's on the roof or something of the other house?
Roofs usually have a small wall around the outside to prevent people from falling off. You know, the roofs of the skyscrapers, where they have the concrete barrier about waist height?

Wait, it was a residential house, not an apartment. Wasn't it?
Sorry about any hold ups caused by me being gone all day. ^^; I'll catch up in a bit or whenever I wake up again!

*Cackles evilly in the name of Nerkat's first mission.*


*Leaves the topic.*
I am -really- wishing I brought those throwing knives...

Sub, what's that wall made of? Concrete or standard wood-frame-and-drywall? Or maybe twenty-inch steel?
Walls are made of dry wall, with a wooden foundation. It's pretty much a normal, modern house, except for the basement and the stairs leading to it.

Also, Ex, post?
It might have been a better idea to wait for that cover to arrive or, still better yet, to make sure the previous target was actually dead before continuing.
Sorry dude, had to buy a new router since my old one was like in its death throws. That was like a $100 down the toilet. -.-
Linksys, they're ok little buggers, and considering it lasted a year it was worth it.
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