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RP: IPG [IPG Operators] Breaking Blood Explosion Extraordinaire!

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"As has been stated before, we are going for stealth. Gas billowing out of a room would not be what most would call stealth. Or, if the target or someone with him were to get out of the room before they were subdued by the gas, it is likely that they'd start shouting, which again, is not what we want in this mission. Beyond that, we don't have any gas to 'gas' them out with. This is why I had asked if you had a better proposal," Athrylis responded. She was trying her hardest to stay calm.
"Quit your squabbling already, Initiates. We have touchdown in five... four... three... two... one! Go go go!"

The chopper the Operators had been loaded into shut its lights off opened its doors, ushering in a burst of cold night air. On the outside, it was almost pitch black. The copter had set down about 800 meters down the road from the target house amid numerous construction materials. Behind the IPG vehicle, empty, half-constructed highway continued on for about a quarter mile before dropping off over yet another highway, this one actually running. Lights from the vehicles traversing it were lightly visible through the distant trees.

Surrounding the Initiates' current position was a vast forest, which would give way on the Eastern side to several manicured lawns around the houses. All in all, the entire area seemed dead, except for the lights barely visible from the home currently occupied by a traitor to the Nepleslian Imperium and his bodyguards.
Lenz exited the chopper and located the position of the water tower looming overhead. "Let's get this shit done! Good luck girls," he offered the women an almost reassuring smile... though it looked more like a less menacing grimace than what could be perceived as a smile or even reassuring.

"Get into position, you need back-up, or we need to go to our fll back plan, ask Hatu for a black out." His gaze lingered on Athrylis for a few moments longer than the others before he slung his back on and hurried off into the forested darkness towards the towering darkened structure of the water tower.
"Just call if you need me." Chandler moved off towards his own building and carefully opened the front door. The entry was empty, so he made his way inside. Slowly sweeping his GP-1 from side to side, he moved towards what, by his reckoning, was a staircase that would lead him directly to the roof.

About two minutes of jogging later, Chandler arrived on the roof and removed the blinds on his 12x zoom scope, sighted in on a window on the target building and waited. He radioed Lenz just to check in.

"Neis, this is Initiate Chandler. First things first- i'm in position and waiting for your orders to open fire on the building. Next; why are you so protective of that Athrylis girl? I mean, she's one of your squadmates, but still, a little ribbing never hurt anybody." He lowered the end of the scope's lens long enough to rub one of his eyes- caffiene is what he needed, not a tricked out GP-1 with a silencer and sniper scope.
Lenz paused once before exiting the LZ fully at the construction site long enough to find and acquire a spare construction worker uniform. Then he found his way through the woods to the water tower. He quickly pulled the uniform over his clothes before ascending the high ladder up to the top.

He glared at nothing when Chandler accused him of being protective of Athrylis. In his eyes, he had done nothing protective. But then again, his notion of protective was breaking someon'e's jaw or arm in 5 places.

"Chandler, this is Neis. I have no clue what the fuck you are going on about. But acknowledged, in position now. What for my mark before opening up. Over," he growled into the line as he came to the platform. He circled the top to make sure that there was no one else hiding or any security cameras before he settled down into a sitting position close to the structure in the center of the platform.

It took him less than a minute to fully reassemble and load a magazine into his rifle. He checked over his gear one last time before he took up a prone firing position, trying to locate the target location in his scope to ensure he was in a good sniping position like they had thought.

He didn't really favor the notion of possibly having to climb a tree with his rifle but he was willing to do what he could to get through this mission. To him it seemed like Chandler was treating this like a game for him, successful completion o this mission meant his sister's life.
Cyrene exited the craft, her left hand firmly clutched around the grip of the RPB holstered on her hip. It wasn't the first time she was assigned to infiltrate and execute, but she'd never really had to take care of any other operatives while she was in the field. It was an alien feeling to her, a combination of nervousness and worry, that had never crossed her mind prior to this assignment.

In and out. Let's try to keep this quick so they don't have the time to formulate any sort of plan, or allow any already made in case of an attack like ours to be executed. Nelew seems like she can handle herself. If we have to split up, I doubt I'll need to stay in contact with her for much more than information sharing and coordination.

Cyrene glanced back at the other two female operators in her group and nodded. "I want one of you to stick with me, and the other to break off and flank. If need be, we can have Hatu cause a short brownout giving us a security gap that the hidden operative can use to her advantage. Try to slip in though an open window, or any other means available.

The remaining operator and myself will go via the front entrance, and attempt to clear through quickly if our cover gets blown. If it is possible to keep this a purely stealth operation we'll do so. Otherwise, sweep and clear. Mark targets for our marksmen when possible." The cyborg concluded.

"Any suggestions?"
Athrylis followed Cyrene off the heli. Experience with this would probably help the most here and Athrylis realized that. Despite her displeasure of making such a choice, she replied to Cyrene,"I shall accompany you, unless either yourself or Initiate Nelew have any objections. As for suggestions, I have none."

She did a brief check over herself and her gun. The CO pistol was fine, and her cybernetics seemed to be in order. She supposed she was ready.
Nelew kept close to Cyrene, playing out simulations of the mission in her mind as she listened to Cyrene outline how things were to happen. Ninety percent of the simulations failed. Nelew looked at Cyrene, then Athrylis, then felt at the S-Pkr device on her own ear. Removing the device, she cracked the case and took the speaker portion, discarding the case.

"These will not help our mission. The guards will notice them, they are too large," Nelew said, her voice low as if she was talking to herself. She placed the micro-speaker into her ear, and draped the wires over the top of her ear, and attempted to tuck the microphone and transmitter assembly into her hair behind her head. However, she didn't have enough to hold the mass of wires and circuitry in place, so she stopped trying and just held it in her open hand in front of her, staring at it. The simulations with the S-Pkrs removed were succeeding at a more acceptable rate, but the success percentage was still not very high. But it was better than it had been...and Nelew did have a low amount of behavioral data regarding Nepeleslian males.

She looked up at Cyrene, her voice perking up and her face gaining an oddly expressive quality. "So...do we really need to wear these? They don't seem to fit very well, ya know?"
"Not at the moment, especially not if the guards have been instructed to seek out suspicious people. Just... keep them somewhere they won't look." Cyrene answered calmly, eyeing Nelew's broken SPK-R apprehensively. It seemed like a bit of a waste of a perfectly good piece of technology, but there wouldn't be much of a reason to complain about it. Better warn our marksmen about the plan... just to be safe.

The cyborg communicated to Lenz and Chandler over their SPK-R's. "We're approaching the building, radio silence. If you hear weapons fire, give us 20 seconds and attempt to communicate." She warned them.

She then shut off the earpiece, and tucked it into her boot. Cyrene glanced over at Athrylis and shifted her head to the side, signaling the operative to follow. "Be sure to do the same with your earpiece, and try to act vulnerable. I think we can figure something out before we get there..."
Crouched like a hunter on the prowl, Chandler nodded from his rooftop vantage. He scanned the horizon for signs of trouble, watching the approach of the three females from his scope.
Lenz silently watched the house through his scope as he lay in a prone position on his belly on the water tower's platform. He watched the door and waited, he didn't like the notion of radio silence from the girls but it was better than giving them away.
Alaster Langford hopped from the chopper and leaned on a stack of tarp-covered construction materials after seeking out a carelessly discarded construction uniform. He sat and waited, watching the operation as a supervisor. Seeing that its payload of Operator trainees had been disgorged, the black, stealthy helicopter lifted off from the pavement and quickly darted away over the trees.

As the several women began their way towards the house, the front door popped open. Light poured into the street, and out stepped one of the large ID-SOL body guards. He spoke over his shoulder to another man inside the house looking back towards the road.

The large man reached into his pocket and pulled out a package of cigarettes, looking up at the Rok'Veru night sky and all its beautiful stars, lit one with a rather plain-looking black lighter, and began to puff as he stared into the sky. He was apparently oblivious to the arrival of the IPG operatives.
Athrylis nodded to Cyrene, turned off the SPK-R, and hid it away in her boot as well. She sighed, realizing just how she had acted aboard the helicopter. It was a disgraceful.

She looked up, toward the building they were headed to, to see the very large man step outside of a room. The initiate wondered if that was where they were going....
Nelew followed Cyrene after tucking the remains of her S-PKR into her boot like the other two women had done. As they walked, Nel watched them, matching their gait and movements as best she could.

Location: Confirmed
Perimeter: Unsecure
Status of Primary Objective: Present. Visual contact unavailable
Confirm Target(s)

Identify target (Designation "XxxXxx")
Identification confirmed: ID-SOL
Status: Possible threat
Target marked for incapacitation

Identify target (Designation "XxxXxx")
Identification incomplete (Reason: out of visual range)
Track target for status changes

The thoughts that went through her mind as she surveyed the house, and as she observed the man who came out of it, were not mentally verbalized in any known language. Instead, they were like...gut feelings. Like instinct, but more defined, as if she _knew_ that things and people were present, and knew what they were supposed to do. It was similar to a human's "gut instinct", except barely any guess-work was involved. To Nel, if she did not know it, then it did not exist. If probability or proof of anything she knew was not over 50%, then it was not worth knowing.

Personality emulation active

Recalling Alaster's suggestion earlier, Nel smiled and let her head bob from side to side in a playful manner as she walked, putting a little hop into her step. When they neared the house, almost within earshot of the guard, she started talking.

"So, when are we gonna get there, huh?" she asked, turning to Cyrene with a bit of airhead in the pitch of her voice. "Why do ya think they asked for us to dress like this? Maybe they're the type of guys who can't resist a girl out of uniform?" she added with a smirk and the unintentional double entendre.
Chandler was nonchalant now, resting his chin against the lip of the building's roof, attentive through the scope but otherwise completely lax. He pulled a cigarillo out of his pocket and carefully lit up, concealing the smoke contrail with one hand.

"And now we begin the waiting game."
So we're going to be acting... Well, from what I know of my own capabilities, I doubt I'll be able to pull that good of an act. But I think I can work with what I have. Maybe show weakness, or emotional distress? I'm quite sure that at least one of them would probably try to comfort me, if only for self-serving reasons.

It might work.
She thought to herself, giving Nelew a forced smile. "In a minute. I can see a man by the door, and I can safely assume you both can as well. He looks rather bored... You don't suppose we could convince him to let us in nicely, could you?" She answered and inquired the other two operators rather rhetorically.
Athrylis took a deep breath, delving into her mind for something she'd rather lay forgotten, though a rather large portion of her past. She dragged up the little part of her mind, the part for her slutty acting, which perhaps got a bit too good. Once more, memories of her time using this part of herself came back, which she shoved aside once more within her mind.

Athrylis was ready to assume her role when needed, as she just kept following behind the others. She just wanted this to be over as fast as possible.
The ID-SOL standing in the door still seemed rather oblivious to the presence of the IPG. They hadn't, after all, made themselves known yet. Quite a way away, on top of the water fountain, a voice crackled into Lenz's headset.

"Initiate Nies, report status on operation." The stoic voice belonged to Mitchell Flins.
"Squad has broken into two separate groups- all the female initiates are about to make contact with the target posing as hookers while the others have taken up sniping positions on the nearby overhead structures. There are two contacts at the front of the structure, one outside smoking, and at least one directly behind the doorway," Lenz replied quietly into the SPK-R to Flins as he observed the movements of his squad through his tinted scope.

"The contact squad has disabled radio contact, we're keeping track of their status visually. Outside phone lines have been cut for this area- electronic black-out at ready in case the need arrives." He looked away from the girls for a moment to check the other windows of the building for movement.
There was a pause on the other end of comm line. "... Hookers? You truly decided on that method?" Flins seemed a bit incredulous at the idea. "Never mind it, keep me informed, Initiate." Flins stopped talking, but the line remained open.

Down below, several yells were audible from some distance. They seemed to come from inside the target house. The smoking ID-SOL standing outside turned around, yelling back into the house several profane words before shaking his head, tossing his cigarette to the ground and heading inside, but left the door open.
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