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RP: IPG [IPG Operators] Breaking Blood Explosion Extraordinaire!

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Lenz readjusted the positioning of his scope to see if he could find the source of the disturbance. He inwardly wished the girls would hurry the hell up and get on with it. "Roger that, sir." He went back into silence breathing steadily as he tried to figure out WHAT was going on. Since the girls had removed their means of communication to them... he really only could sit and watch for now.

"One of the contacts went back inside, there seems to be some commotion inside the house, trying to get a visual but the front door is open."
Once near the ID-SOL, Cyrene began conversing pointlessly with the other two Initiates to further the ruse, until they passed him. She then noted he'd be perfectly in earshot to hear them. She turned to Athrylis and winked, remembering the gesture usually meant 'play along'. "Aline, I really think you were given the wrong directions. This *really* doesn't look like the kind of neighborhood were we'd find a few guys asking for a little *entertainment*."
"Oh shoosh Crystal! They said this was a good place. You can't blame me." 'Aline' put on a playful pout and sighed. "There has to be some nice guys around here we could play with.... Maybe we should put on a little show and get them out here!" Athrylis giggled.

The initiate raised her arms above her head, stretching.
If Nelew were a normal person, she probably would have cringed at Cyrene's first attempt at play-acting. Instead, the simulation results merely dropped. It would have been best just to take the guards out quickly and quietly instead of weaseling their way in at this point.

Then the guard went back into the house. This plan was becoming increasingly risky, but Nelew decided to bide for time until he came back out. Also, Cyrene's acting had become a bit more convincing, as was Athrylis'. Matching the 'loose' attitudes that her fellow initiates were displaying, Nelew smiled and put a hand on her hip, pushing it out to the side, but said nothing. Instead, she just watched the other two, monitoring the guard and his comrade through her hearing.

Running simulation...
Estimated time for action sequence completion: 3.0001 seconds.
Results for selected action sequence: Termination of Target XXxxXXxx and Target XXxxXXxx
A moment later, the ID-SOL returned to the door, looking out suspiciously. He had his right behind his back, and looked around for several seconds before sighting the trio of women standing outside and poorly acting like hookers.

"Who the fuck are you?" The massive man growled at them, showing off a rather rotten set of teeth that seemed to complement his yellowed irises and shaggy brown hair.
Lenz watched the ID-Sol warily through his scope as the girls made contact. It didn't look like it was going to work but he had to be patient and just watch. He was ready for a head shot if he tried to attack the girls. "Chandler hold fire until the target pulls his piece. Get a visual if you can inside the house."
"Way ahead of you, Neis. I've located a window near the door, so if the ID-Sol makes a bolt for the house i've got him covered." Chandler spat the butt of the cigarillo onto the building beside him, wiped his nose and shouldered the GP-1 again.
"Ah? Us? We're just lil' lost... but we're looking for a little... 'fun'" Athrylis smiled a bit seductively at the ID-SOL. She moved away from the other girls, closer to the ID-SOL, keeping that seductive smile. " A big guy like you could always help with our little search." She kept moving closer, getting as close as possible without seeming threatening.
The ID-SOL looked around a bit before leaning closer to Athrylis. His breath was rancid. "You guys serious?" He had a bit of a crooked smile on his face, obviously elated at the idea.
Lenz cringed as he watched the ID-SOL leer at his sister's doppleganger. He felt the itch of his trigger finger as he impatiently watched and waited forcing himself to remain still. Hurry the fuck up, will ya! He mentally screamed. It was almost a form of torture for him to watch this and be unable to interfere.
Nelew's smile was a mirror match of Athrylis'. "Sure...ya got any friends with you? The more the merrier, wouldn't you say?" she added to her squadmate's offer. "Though I am not sure even the three of us would be enough for you-" She stopped mid-sentence and just stood there. This was as far as her database allowed her to go, Nelew simply didn't know what to say or do next...so she froze in place. The goal of the mission continued to prod her into action, but it conflicted with the means to complete that mission...namely, seduction, of which her knowledge had just run out. And, with her S-PKR out of reach and the ID-SOL watching, she couldn't request further instructions.
Chandler watched Nelew's loss of information. He was immediately tapping his SPK-R with his left hand and cradling the GP-1 in his right.

"Neis... Neis-" Here the speaker hissed loudly, temporarily deafening Chandler in one ear- "We have a problem. It looks like Newle- Newel- The quiet girl just shut down. Requesting advisory on the situation, things could get really hot down there, really fast, and I don't want my team-mates being mowed down."
"Not much we can do with the girls having radio silence, Chandler. Hold tight, the girls will have to fix the problem, maybe the guards will just think she'd retarded or something. It might work out better for her, she's not down there for intelligent conversation," Lenz murmured quietly into his SPK-R continuing to watch the guard through his scope. "Take no action, yet. Wait for his reaction, if we fire now it'll blow the whole thing."
The ID-SOL stared on at Nelew for several moments, his smile fading fast into a mix of confusion and concern. "Hey, she alrig-" The massive man's eyes fell on Cyrene's RPB pistol. He clamped his jaw, and began heading back into the house. His hand was still behind his back. "Now where did you get that pistol, missy?"

Behind him, in the house, a rather deep voice could be heard calling. "Hey, Roy, the fuck's there?"
As she waited for a cue on how to proceed, Nel finished her passive scan of the building. Most of it was performed by audio cues, footsteps, furniture creaks and the like, things that could be transmitted through the floor and frame of the building, as well as seeking appropriately shaped heat sources inside.

She wished she could get confirmation on those sources from her teammates. They had optical enhancements, it would help confirming those source positions.

Meanwhile, Nelew also monitored the ID-SOL's vitals to alert her if he decided to attack.

Seeking Primary Objective...

This might have to go quickly...playing it slow merely increase the risk they would be caught at the door...

Processing Acceleration: Active

Too late. There was a blur and Nel was behind the ID-SOL, then on his back, jabbing a stiff-fingered hand at the base of his throat under the jugular before placing one hand under his chin and the other on the top of his head... she gave it a sharp twist and dropped off of his back before confirming the success or failure of that maneuver...best not to be there if he survived it.
"Well... shit," Lenz cursed quietly into the SPK-R. "Chandler get ready to provide to provide support. Nelew lost it." He adjusted his scope, seeking a new target . "Flins, Nelew just engaged the first contact. The door is still open, it looks like they get to muscle in. Hey LT, we need to shift to plan B, give me a black out."
"What i'm here for, Neis. And don't worry, I won't hit any of our guys." Chandler sprang to his feet, black/red hair flickering in the moonlight. The black-barreled GP-1 swung up to his shoulder, the scope found its mark on the fallen ID-SOL's temple. He fingered the SPK-R in his ear, then thought against hailing the girls- if anyone was suited to advise in this situation, it was Initiate Neis, not him. Chandler was only a reformed shuttle pilot, and Neis was... Well, what was he, exactly?

"I'm ready. Tell me when to shoot."
This wasn't going to plan, now was it? As soon as she realized that Nelew was on the move to take down, Athrylis' hand was going to her pistol. Regardless of whether or not Nelew's attack worked, it would be quite obvious to the ID-SOL or the ones inside that this was hostile.

She drew the pistol in her left hand, taking aim at the door, as her right arm's blade extended, pointing at the ID-SOL. So much for covert ops.
"Neis, it's confirmed that Nelew is going into the building. I'm tracking her progress, but we need to intervene ASAP." Chandler suggested through his SPK-R, clearly nervous because one of his teammates was charging into what could be a suicide run.

We should have just gassed them.
A primal roar erupted from the ID-SOL Nelew had just jumped on. While the attempted neck-breaker would have probably worked against a regular human, the small mountain of muscle and super-dense bone that made up the super-human was more or less left with a still functioning neck, even if it hurt a fair amount.

The man quickly turned, his eyes blazing. His pistol was quickly up and firing, aiming for Nelew's chest. Unfortunately for Chandler, he also stomped forward after the small woman, disappearing from the window's view. Inside the house, shouting of surprise were quite apparent. The other occupants of the building were obviously alerted.
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