Nelew nodded to the medic and returned to her seat. While she had been talking with the medic, her cold eyes kept looking over at Lenz, watching him steadily for three seconds each time he yelled at Chandler. His outbursts repeatedly caught her attention by reflex, but she finally adjusted to ignore him visually and just listen.
After returning to her seat, a survey of the food present on the table made Nel realize that she had used a substantial amount of energy in the mission. Not much, compared to the energy output that she had been tested at, but it was habit to keep her energy reserves "topped off, just in case". And the repairs had created a notable drop in her matter reserves, in addition to the energy taken to perform them. She stared at the meal a moment before getting up and piling some on a plate for herself, then returned to her seat and consuming it in her steady, methodical way. It was swift, but not as messy as Chandler's eating. And each bone of the several pieces of meat was thoroughly cleaned of eatable material.