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OOC [Iromakuanhe] Dream World

Ay Aaki can chime in with ideas and suggestions. She put this together after all
Friends and Amends involves interaction with the Azoreans in the Iroma City. Originally made for Ira and I to conduct some Azorean-Gartagen diplomacy, but I wouldn't mind interacting with the Iroma or any other faction residing in the city as well!
Reactions: Ira
I think we could run an Aaki - Mahsa thread, too!
I'd like to know who would like to be in the next arc? Plans depend on who wants to be present for it.
Okay, sounds good we can do something great between you two!
Want to JP the rest out?

@Syaoran @Gunhand4171

After this is over I think we should take a Dream World break. Maybe Mahsa and Aaki will come back as a duo at the International Relations Con Syaoran? I've already asked and gotten her a spot there so Mahsa is more than welcome. Alistair might be there ;]

I have every intention of having this plot continue here and there when faction heads or what have you want to RP diplomacy. It's just not something that happens often enough for all of us to constantly be RPing a plot. I'll figure out some way of RPing out the rest of the treaties that isn't just open RP but that may be the way it happens.

Hey, I'm also sorry : (
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