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Approved Submission [Iromakuanhe] Mazerin Free-trade Zone


Inactive Member
Submission Type: Location/Megastructure
Submission URL: https://wiki.stararmy.com/doku.php?id=iromakuanhe:mazerin_free-trade_zone

FM Approved Yet? Yes.
Faction requires art? No. Maybe?

For Reviewers:
Contains Unapproved Sub-Articles? No.
Contains New art? No.
Previously Submitted? No.

Notes: Even at the height of its isolationism, people were able to access China through the port cities of Hong Kong and Macau. The Iromakuanhe are leery of being influenced by foreign powers leveraging larger or more efficient economic systems to bring them to heel, but have built the Mazerin Free-trade Zone as a way of opening the doors to see what's on the other side.

The place is a blank slate right now, but that's intended. I'd like as many people as possible to get on-board with this and turn it into an interesting, exotic location people will want to visit in RP. In its present form it's mostly there for review, the approvable form will probably have one or two locations detailed by me.

Consulates of various nations are welcome (and probably necessary, given the intended space traffic).
This suggestion has been implemented. Votes are no longer accepted.
Apparently the aid meant a lot more to you than me. To me, it was a minor footnote. But this says it was a big deal.

Unless anyone has any objections, this will become approved in 3 days.
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