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RP: Freespacers [Irregulars] Meeting at Port Hope


Inactive Member
A small transport ship began to slow down as it approached the Nepleslian patrol around Port Hope. The ship's markings were that of a commercial vessel with the logo for Tran Seed, a local corporation of Nepleslia. A hailing signal was sent from the transport to the nearest patrol vessel, NSS Bridge of Sighs.

"Patrol ship, this is Tran Seed cargo hauler 'Halberd Debacle,' requesting access to Port Hope." came the transmission from the pilot.
After a few moments, the small transport ship witnessed a large Nepleslian warship haze into view farther into the distance. The ship, A DD-4 class Nepleslian destroyer, cautiously scanned the general area of the vessel for anything suspicious. After a minute or so, the crew would receive a reply.

This is Captain Dio Praxis of the NSS Bridge of Sighs. We are currently maintaining the order of Port Hope, a temporary gather place for the Freespacers. State your business in Port Hope, Halberd Debacle.
The cargo transport casually flew as it was scanned. "Parts, medical supplies, and tech support donations courtesy of charities sponsored by Tran Seed Corporation." declared the captain of the ship.
The NSS Bridge of Sighs scans revealed nothings alarming, just ship parts, computer bits, typical Nepleslian medical supplies, and a few bodies.

"They seem legitimate enough," the sensor specialist stated cautiously as he relayed the information to the captain. Captain Praxis lightly glanced at the readouts...he also found nothing that would be considered threatening. Nodding, he called his XO at the side of his captain's seat.

"Alright, organize a small escort team...two will do fine, arm them lightly, no armorsuits; they won't need them," Praxis ordered.

The XO, a thin, serious-faced older Geshrin woman, nodded with her captain's demands. "Yes sir. Any particular officers you had in mind?"

"Get Seargent Sanroma to do it," the captain didn't take long at all stating his personal preference, with a small hint of distaste no less. "Anything to get him out of the mess kitchen and away from the staff there. Have him pick one of his subordinates to go with him."

"Right away, captain."


Alright Halberd Debacle, you are cleared for approach to Port Hope. Follow the beacon lights the Freespacers have set to guide yourself to their main port. There you will meet a small escort of our soldiers to oversee the exchange. Thank you for your cooperation; I'm sure these people will appreciate the gesture of good will.
The core of Port Hope was bustling with starships of all classes, sizes, shapes and types.
Owing to the Freespacer's preference for custom-built vehicles, no two ships looked the same. While more than a few still managed to look like proper starships, most were not perfectly symmetrical, and some seemed more like flying scrap yards welded together. Most of them were painted with loud, brilliant, chaotic colors, bizarre logos or pictures.

Many of them were also damaged, small Junker drones swarming around the scars of battle. Some seemed beyond repair, but were still in one piece and being reassembled. A small, sleek ship that kinda looked like a robotic pair of scissors was literally cut in two and in the process of being put back together.

In the middle of the vast gathering of ships, a large structure was being assembled: a ring-shaped space station, probably above a hundred meters in radius.
It wasn't really massive, as most of it consisted of empty space. A few sections were still missing, however, so it was mostly a three-quarters open circle. Swarms of Junkers and small industrial and construction ships were lingering around.

A communication signal was directed to both ships, the Bridge of Sighs and the Halberd Debacle, audio only. A high-pitched, slightly robotic, quirky voice that sometimes tripped on syllables or inserted almost imperceptible pauses that made its talking hiccuppy (for lack of a better term).
The people on the Bridge of Sighs (and most of the Nepleslian escort vessels) were used to that voice by now, since it was, apparently, in charge of greeting and guiding most incoming ships and, when it wasn't, it attempted small talk while they were on duty.

Hello and wel-come to Port Hope, Tran Seed ves-sel! Syntelligence Hau speak-ing here, I'll be your guide around these part-s! Hel-lo, Praxis! How's li-fe treating you? All's fine with the Brid-ge?
"Thank you, you really didn't have to go to the trouble of an escort." came the captain's reply to the Nepleslian vessel.

When the Spacer comm signal came the ship was already following the signal beacons but was unsure which ship to approach. "Greetings Hau. Could you direct us to the ship which we could best deliver these supplies?"
The Bridge of Sighs is flying fine, Hau. We have some Nepleslian citizens who wish to offer up their assistance to your fleets. We'll be following them with a small escort to ensure the safety of Port Hope.

You may guide them in whenever you are ready.
The activity outside was drawing the attention of a couple passengers in the Halberd Debacle. The door to the ships' tiny bridge opened and two large figures entered, making it feel even more cramped to the pilot and captain. The captain, a short Nepleslian with a beard around his chin, looked back and shrugged at their guests. There was no real way to keep them contained and they had been given orders to let them go about their business. The pilot, another man with rather plain features just continued to fly the ship. He had grown used to the odd appearance and behaviors of the two 'special' passengers.

They were dressed in plain clothes with technological maintenance overalls but despite the sizing of the clothes were still rather strange looking. Thomas was over seven feet tall to begin with and being a fully converted cyborg, was easy to pick out. Shannon had another attention draw in that there were certain protrusions from her shoulders that, while folded in and less menacing, still made it difficult to cover them. The mass of ships on the main viewscreen was exciting to watch and Thomas took it all in, memories of past times coming to mind as he did.

"These be a strahnge group these Spacahs. I have'n nae seen som'thin' lahk this since th' Dahmahsica campehgn agains th' Vordachibean." Thomas telegraphed to Shannon. The communication used was unheard by the two humans who continued about their business. This was another thing they had grown used to about their passengers.

"Aye, th' Spacahs be a booncha dafties wit a strehnge way o' operatin' but we actually 'ave a lot in common." Shannon telegraphed back. The multiple odd ships definately reminded her of one of the times the Vordachibean had attacked their worlds. The mish mash of ships cobbled together and customized was much like the scavenger style of the Vordachibean but with a lot more function to their form. "Jes leh me do th' talkin' at first."

"Excuse me, but the patrol craft is sending an escort to keep everything safe. Will that interfere with your work here?" said the captain at the two cyborgs. Thomas shook his head before replying out loud in standard Nepleslian. "Negative Captain Hammond. We should be just fine. Simply carry on as planned. There is no need to hide anything, we'll handle it ourselves."

"Very well." replied Hammond. "We are awaiting the Spacers to direct us to the best place to dock. I'm pretty sure that giant ring they are building is their port station but you can never really be sure with these guys. Plus it looks incomplete so I don't want to dock where they are not ready."

"That is fine. No need to hurry just take your time." Thomas said before crossing his arms. They had plenty of time as it was.
The slightly broken-sounding voice replied:

Su-re, Tran Seed ves-sel! A quarter of the Port Ho-pe station is pressurized, acti-ve and with a control-led habitat, so you needn't wor-ry about rad pro-tection, airborne che-micals and other things that you'd find on our other ship-s. I'm flash-ing the guide light of the dock-ing door.

And in fact one of the lights strewn on the station's hull was blinking, turning on and off every second. Nearby, a universal docking port could barely be seen - the surface was so uneven that it was hard to notice patterns and irregularities. However, the gearwheel-sun-and-moon logo of the Free State was painted on it, making it a bit easier to identify. Just above it someone painted a huge, flaming, grinning skull as part of the station decoration.
"Confirmed detection of the beacon, Spacer Hau. We are following it in. Ship of Sighs, this is the Debacle. We are moving in to dock where the Spacers have designated our delivery point. Feel free to meet us there." Hammond reported with a nod to the pilot.

Thomas and Shannon both nodded together and walked back to the main hold where they mingled in with the rest of the tech crew. The ship meanwhile cruised in slowly as it followed the guide light that was being flashed. Within moments they were docked and settling into the station. The ship followed standard procedures to prepare for delivery of their supplies while the passengers massed by the entrance where they would be able to get their first glance at the station when the doors opened.
"How ya holdin' up, baby?"

Off to the side of the bulkhead leading to the universal docking port, two men in green Nepleslian military uniforms waited patiently off to the side. Their small shuttle had arrived a few minutes before the Halberd Debacle, carrying with it the small escort promised to oversee the exchange on Nepleslia's behalf. The two men were one Seargent Rico Sanroma and his subordinate, friend, tech sentry and student all the same, Private Gran Keats.

Gran smiled weakly and turned his attention away from the small groups of Freespacer to answer his Seargent. "O-oh. Uh, yeah...I'm doing alright." The two of them had been watching the events play out in the docking bay, awaiting the crew of the Halberd Debacle to make their way towards them to get their little exchange finished.

"Shit, chill out Gran," Rico smirked as he quickly combed a hand through his hair, gently replacing his uniform beret afterward. "It's just a lil' escort job. Not like yer gonna get stabbed again, not all these space hippies are like that. HEY!"

Rico called out as he caught sight of two crewmen from the Halberd Debacle get closer towards them. "HEY! Yeah, you two. You from that ship right there?" Rico thumbed towards the Debacles' direction, the handsome Nepleslian smiling in a welcoming fashion. As fun as it was being assigned yet another escort for these gestures of good will, Rico would have much rather been somewhere else.
The two technicians which Rico had motioned to looked back at him and nodded. "Yes, we're part of the tech crew that came to help work on some of these Spacer ships." said the first one, a young man with short, dark hair and olive complexion. He wore the typical tech outfit of a shirt with work overalls. "I'm Terrance Harden and this is Ed Miller." he introduced.

Ed just nodded before pushing back a strand of his long red hair behind an ear. His square frame glasses slid down his nose slightly at the act had he quickly pushed them back up before setting his hand down at his side. "The rest of the crew is still exiting but we're all about to gather at the cargo drop point." Terrance said and pointed over to another point on the ship where more of the crew had been gathered. There were a total of seven other people there already, although two of them looked taller than the majority of them. Their shoulders were above everyone's heads and appeared to be metallic. They all waited as the ship lowered a ramp from the hold to the floor of the docking bay.

"Hey guys, our escort's here!" Terrance shouted at the group as he began walking to them. A few of them looked over to identify the two soldiers although most just glanced over uniterested before looking back up to the ramp. As soon as it had landed the tech crew began to scurry up the ramp to gather materials and stage it outside the ship.
A C2 class starship would warp in near the station. Its rocket like design would contrast with the bulky DD4s and unique spacer ships though the traditional green base with yellow banding would give it away as a Nepleslian Starship. It had its external lighting on which highlighted the writing across the yellow banding on the nose, the ship’s designation, NSS Potemkin.

While the ship’s control system, Drei, would automatically update other Nepleslian ships in the area of its arrival and appropriately classify the information it had to resort to more traditional methods to contact the spacers.
“Greetings,” The transmission would remain audio only for the moment, carrying the sound of a young woman’s voice towards the station. “This is the NSS Potemkin carrying engineers and mechanical equipment to assist with the repairs and construction being carried out at your station. We would like permission to dock and come aboard.”
The inside of the station was unsettlingly empty. Just a vast, empty space surrounded by rough metallic walls, most of which were still being assembled. Windows on the space outside were large, but rare and arranged irregularly, some on ground level, others up in the arching walls and roof. Some Junker drones were scuttling about working, sparks flying from their welders, and some metallic crates were scattered around.

After a short while an indigo-skinned man, apparently in his late thirties, appeared in the distance, walking up to them, without haste. We was wearing some kind of bulky spacesuit made mostly from flexible plastic, but without helmet.

As he drew nearer no one could fail to notice a large, neat, imposing, almost shiny pair of moustache on his upper lip, glossy black like his long hair, held in a ponytail. A small flock of Junkers followed him silently, some 10 meters behind him.

"Welcome aboard." He greeted everyone somberly upon arriving, eying the cargo being unloaded. "Sorry for the delay, but this is the only area open to docking procedures today, and, as you can see, it's still mostly under construction. My name is Puppetmaster Kin."

Meanwhile, in space...

The quirky, robotic voice of the SI sprang into life:

Hello and wel-come to Port Hope, C2 Class ves-sel! Syntelligence Hau speak-ing here, I'll be your guide around these part-s! Your-your arrival... hasn't been an-noun-ced to us previous-ly. Could you cle-ar your situation for us? Em-Plo-Yer, Mission ID...

After a long, deep sigh sounding like "auauau...", the voice continued.

Sor-ry for the trouble, but since the Darkening our comnet's been quir-ky, since the Hackboys are bu-sy pulling it a-part and rein-for-cing it.
The ship’s computer system, Drei, would fill in the requested information stating her Employer as the Nepleslian government and stating the mission ID as the same as the one used for Free spacer relief efforts. The computer would naturally try and decipher what auauau meant and provide an appropriate response in terms of the information that the spacer syntelligence. After a short pause the female voice returned.

“I understand, with any dealing with the spacers a level of quirky is to be expected. I am this ship’s computer system, Drei. Right now I am speaking for Captain Wazu and the senior engineering staff. Our intention is to help undo the damage to the spacer fleet as quickly as possible.”
The various tech crew members turned around and offered greetings at about the same level of enthusiasm as Kin. Thomas and Shannon observed the Junker drones as well as the Spacer standing before them. "Aye this sot look a bit mohr nohrmal then ah was expectin'." Thomas telegraphed over to Shannon. "Aside mebbe th' moostasch." he added as he ran his passive visual scanners over Puppetmaster Kin to see just what all he was made of. He allowed his multidirectional scanners to continue to map out his surroundings, meeting the occasional odd interference that confused him.

"There be no need t' get all jittery wi' 'im. Lahk ah said, soon as we c'n brek ohf from th' res' ohf th' group we c'n find someone t' talk teh." Shannon telegraphed back, keeping her scans mostly on their escort and running them through her personnel files to ensure these weren't IPG operatives. "An' don' be worryin' 'bout th' intahfeerrance you pick up. Tha's jus' thehr SI chattah. Once we geht t' our contact ah'll show you 'ow t' tel'graf t' them."

One of the tech crew members looked over at the Junkers following Kin and gave an excited look. "Hey, look at all the drones working. I wonder what kind of system they use for those?" Before more excitement or remarks could be made Shannon stepped forward to talk to Kin. "Greetings Puppetmaster Kin. On behalf of Tran Seed Corporation I would like to offer our supplies and services to aid your people in their time of need. Once we have unloaded is there specific location where we should focus our efforts to your greatest need?" she stated in regular Nepleslian.
Kin didn't have obvious cyberware, but that didn't mean much, since most of his body was hidden under the spacesuit and anyway biological freespacers usually have a lot of internal cyberware, especially on their brain and nervous system.

He glanced at the cargo being unloaded. "Of course, we thank you deeply for your offer of help." He said, very politely. "The Junkers will take care of transporting your cargo where it is needed... Oh, you even have some gravity well projectors. Wonderful." He said, probably checking the cargo manifest with his mindware implants. "Then we'll use them... as grav well projectors 11098 to 11150." He said to himself, looking thoughtfully to the empty hallway. "Medical supplies will be stored with the others. Those will be of great help, too."

In fact, the 'spacers had been buying (or, rather, bartering), among other things, a lot of gravity well projectors, graviton-generating and manipulating technology, and similar space-distortion equipment, from many different sources. Were they all being used in this station? Those numbers were huge.

"Meanwhile, if we could use your help... ring sections 70 to 90, in the opposite direction, are one of the sectors specifically designed for lodging and necessities of Nepleslian traders, tourists and visitors, so we're mostly leaving them in the care of Nepleslian personnel, either volunteers like you, or civilian or military contractors." he pointed the other way, where the empty corridor ended in a large metallic wall blocking the way, with a huge double door.
Probably the station was to be divided in numerous sections, each isolated from the others by a huge bulkhead that could be hermetically sealed in case of a hull breach. It was standard issue on every spacefaring vessel, alright, but, even for such a large station, having more than 90 independent sections was security bordering on paranoia: it meant a bulkhead every 10 meters, possibly less.
The station could get cut cleanly in two by an aether cannon and keep working fine, losing only the damaged sectors, by the looks of it.

This design philosophy was actually slowly becoming pretty well-known among Nepleslian fleet personnel as a sort of inside joke, nicknamed "murphy-proof engineering" with a mix of respect and of thinking that all Freespacers are, in fact, nutcases.

"You can log in freely to Polysentience here, we've established a wireless network easily compatible with your computer interface." He explained, walking up to the bulkhead as the Junkers stayed behind, helping to unload the cargo and slowly, crate by crate, scuttling about and carrying every box to its rightful destination. "You can use it to check the basic blueprints for the hull and what those that were here before you built in that sector."

There... wasn't any planning at all? Basically, they said to every Nepleslian who came aboard to help, either because they had a contract or because they were volunteers wanting to give a hand, "Ring sections 70 to 90 are yours, go crazy"?

The bulkhead doors opened, revealing a familiar-looking area.

It looked a lot like the interiors of a Nepleslian ship, but, obviously, minus the symmetry.
More accurately, it looked like if someone had jammed together the interiors of a deluxe passenger ferry, a cargo ship, a scientific vessel and a battlecruiser. There were intersecting corridors, small crew quarters, large, elegant rooms, long and narrow cargo holds, elevators and industrial goods-lifts, what would probably end like an L-shaped dining room, a small observation deck...

...yeah, it was a mess. A familiar mess, but an incoherent mess nonetheless. Still, it looked habitable, comfortable even. The complete lack of symmetry or sensible planning, however, was a bit disturbing.

Here and there there were a handful of junkers, nepleslians and freespacers, both biological and automata, walking around, carrying construction materials, working or chatting.

"Is there anything you'll need?" Asked kin, stroking his moustache.

Meanwhile, outside...

Oh, you're one of those ar-tificial in-telligences Neps use! Well then, let me clas-si-fy your ass-ist-ance as "vo-lunteer aid". We get a lot of Nep vo-lun-teers wan-ting to help us. Just when most of us were think-ing that yours was a mercenary culture that only cared for per-son-al gain, back just be-fore the Dark-en-ing, you go out of your way to sur-prise us and pro-ve us wrong!

The broken robotic voice was sounding excited.

Un-fortunately it would be dif-ficult for you to help us re-pairing the fleet, both be-cause con-ditions on our ships are rather un-favorable to your biology, full of ra-dio-active materials and chemicals poison-ous for your or-gan-ism, and be-cause, well, our ships are quite different from yours as de-sign phi-lo-so-phy, it would be long and dif-ficult to explain.

A light on the ring-shaped station's hull began to flash.

But we're assembling a bit mo-re than a quar-ter of the Port Hope station with Nep-leslian bi-o-lo-gy and ne-ces-sities in mind, and we're leaving them the lead the-re so that they can build, well, how they like. I'm fla-shing the light of the dock-ing door, just next the Tran Se-ed "Halberd De-bacle". Thank you for your assistan-ce!
Shannon nodded and smiled. "Allow me to give my crew some instruction first and then ask you one more thing." she said before turning to face the Nepleslian tech team gathered around. "Alright Harden, take your team and see what you can do about that atmospheric compressor unit in the dining bedroom. It keeps fluctuating and I want to make sure it's stabilized. Emmet, you and your guys retrieve the heavy tool set. The corner of subsection seventy five looks like it could use our work."

The two Nepleslians who were addressed nodded and set off with their members. Shannon looked back to Kin and then their escort. "Al'righ' now we ha' t' keep th' military boys busy. Try t' aksess th' Polysent'ence o' theirs wi' your tel'graph. 'Ome in on th' odd foozy signal ye be gettin' when we fairst set afoot 'ere." she telegraphed to Thomas. "Puppetmaster Kin, you mentioned gravity well projectors. What do you need those for?" she casually asked out loud. At the same time though, Shannon accessed the Polysentience to ask a more direct question.

Inquiry to the Polysentience: Greetings, I want to discuss something without the tards around me aware of this. Would it be possibleto speak to any of the former prisoners that were in the Ketsurui Military sector? Is anyone able to assist in giving us any intel of that area?

The message was sent out via the software in Shannon's body that had long ago become part of her essence. It was the same trick used to access the Rusty Bones but synchronized to transmit and receive into the Polysentience. It was even easier since the Polysentience signal was all around them. Thomas meanwhile followed Shannon's lead and found that he could access the Polysentience just the same.
The Drei AI responded to the station’s syntelligence:

Flashing light acquired, proceeding with docking. I would like to know if the Nepleslians here are registering plans for the station with you for their sectors or if their sections are being built entirely on their own.

Meanwhile the long, slim shape of the C2 maneuvered into position, rotating itself until it was aligned with the station’s docking port then slowly closing the distance until a docking could be accomplished.

While the ship was performing the docking operation on its own the crew was getting ready for boarding. The engineering staff and the captain were in the moon bay, putting on tight light green pressure suits, which would fit snugly under their uniforms. Helmets were then clipped to their belts in case of emergency and a round of anti-radiation drugs administered by the ship’s doctor. This left the crew wearing the almost identical set of tan pants and green tank top that were part of the standard uniform along with the thin pressure suit under that. With the preparation ended the captain asked, “Is everyone ready?”

Minutes later the airlock to the station from the NSS Potemkin would open. The engineering staff would begin moving the heavy containers of components out into the station. Wazu would then address his crew, “Engineering staff, begin work on the Nepleslian area of the station.” He then pulled a data pad off his belt and sent a message off to the station’s syntelligence.

“The NSS Potemkin has a large supply of junker drones which can be transferred over to your hives upon request. We also have a large amount of hand held hardware for construction and power systems for ships that can be transferred to other ships as needed.  I would also like to inquire as to how to reach one of your kind who is familiar with your networks. I have a few questions that I would like to ask in person.”
Kin smiled, evidently happy to be of any assistance. "This station will serve as a connection portal between the Democratic Imperium of Nepleslia and the Free state. You see, unlike your people, we are nomads. We are not attached to a planet or an area of space, and instead travel as circumstances dictate. Right now, the greatest part of the Free State has decided to remove itself as further away from the Fascist Empire of Yamatai as possible. So, once all preparations are complete, we will leave this area of space, never to return as long as Yamatai lasts. Despite this, we do not wish to be sundered with our friends in this region, first and foremost the Democratic Imperium of Nepleslia."

He gestured around himself. "So, we are building Port Hope. It will be a sacred temple, a reminder of the horror of the Darkening and of the succor offered us by Nepleslia, but it will also be a trading and communication outpost, outfitted with a powerful Rift Generator in order to facilitate transit between here, and wherever we might go in the future."

Meanwhile, the Polysentience, which wasn't very active (well, for Polysentience standards: it still had several orders of magnitude more traffic than any Nepleslian network even when relatively calm) suddenly sprang into full action after Shannon's request, with dozens of questions being addressed at him all at once from the people on the station alone. The interest increased as news of the event reached the ships and the more distant branches of the Free State.
* You serious?
* What do you want to do?
* The guys of the "Screaming Angel" were imprisoned there, right? 
* Someone contact them!
* Searching...
* Whatever you want to do, please don't drag us in it. We've suffered enough.
* The whole place is surrounded by anti-FTL fields, with the only two gates in correspondence of two heavily fortified systems...
* Are you gonna kick their ass? 
* The sector is crawling with sensor drones... good luck getting past that.
All in all, a slow, chaotic dump of information was slowly being shoved around. It was mostly a mess and it would need some serious sorting out and reordering, but it all seemed fairly useful. Accounts of captured Freespacers, archived images and videos, at least sixty maps of the area as remembered by the captives, details on Yamatai fleet tactics used against the Free State and technical details on their weapon and sensor systems...

Meanwhile, Hau answered to Drei:

The-re are no plans in par-ticular, the only re-quire--ment is that it must fit in-side the sta-tio-n. We've had several Nep crews wor-king at this. some have left notes, o-thers fol-low-ed, changed or ignored them, but, overall, the thing is co-ming out good!
As for the Junkers, why do you have Jun-kers on a Nep-les-lian ship? Did you re-trieve a stray co-lony? Or did you make them your-selves? As for a net-work expert, let me check... Ah, yes, we have a Ha-cker cultist on-board, Datajack Dan-te One Nine. I'll signal him to reach you in the Nep-leslian sec-tor.

Nepleslian sector that, as described previously, managed to look both fairly comfortable and a total mess. Mixed crews of Freespacers and (mostly) Nepleslians were working together, sometimes arguing on how to build something or negotiating for space for their own project.

In fact, it looked like the work of many independent teams, each of which simply designed and assembled a room, a corridor, a conduit on its own and without following a project (which did not exist, apparently).

While Kin was in a corner chatting with the crew of the Halberd Debacle, another Freespacer was coming right towards them. Another biological 'spacer, this one was tall and slim, dark-skinned and purple-haired, and wore a long coat of what could be easily mistaken for leather. It had numerous mechanical and computerized parts, circuits, LEDs and displays flashing, cables running from one point to another. He wore a goggle-like sensor over both his eyes.

"Potemkin? Hau told me about you. Said you wanted to talk to a cultist. In person." It was hard to tell his feelings, with his eyes hidden, but he sounded something between mildly irritated and curious.
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