Star Army

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RP (non-canon) It ain't much, but it's honest work.

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RP Date
YE 42
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Kennewes was a well-known place for its scrapping industry. The many, many wars fought over it left a lot of that stuff, and there was always the more recent sweeping up after the Gang wars had torn through a place. It could be dangerous work, with unexploded bombs, not-quite-dead drones, sudden avalanches of metal, and hostile scavs who will shoot first, take your shit later. These dangers were why Egwene was happy that her armor came prebuilt with some offensive capabilities, even if it wasn't designed that way.

In one of the older battlefields, there was what looked to be a sort of skinless android. It was a full body suit of armour, and not immediately unnoticable as armour, but at the same time easily mistaken as a fully separate robot due to its humanoid construction that adhered to the human shape. And, the armour/robot, was talking to itself.
"If I can render down enough silcon to make the lenses, I might be able outfit my armour with some lasers. Welding and cutting design, but with auxiliary capabilities for fending off the undesirables. Ohh, maybe Laser-eyes! Wait, no, that is stupid. How would I see out of them? Pragmatic ergonomics would probably say shoulder mounted. Easily to use when flying and a good point all round"
In the murky swamp, beneath the rainbow patterns of a thin oil slick, the robot's eyes noticed upon a few pieces of abandoned military gear not far beneath the surface. There was a length of rope, several hand grenades, and a bayonet laying in the sunken remains of a rusting jeep-type vehicle that was covered in sand and muck. Perhaps the battery was salvageable, or maybe even the radio.

A dense fog began to roll into the area and in the distance a violent thunderstorm rumbled menacingly.
"Ahh, nades~ TONY, set repulsor to 18/23m2" Egwene spoke. Sure, she could do it herself, but talking to TONY helped her feel human and dampened down the feelings of lonliness that she could feel in the fields. Lifting her hand and aiming at the hand grenades, she prepared for the shot. While they might be good salvage if you worked it right, the chance of them being worn and going off when you picked them up was too big, and she couldn't afford damage to her suit in such a careless manner.

Her repulsor set to the requisite force, Egwene shot the grenades one at a time. Each was hit with a punch of energy and went skittering off to explode away from the jeep. Degraded pin had been fully dislodged by the force, which meant her worries were well founded. From there, she stepped up to the jeep and modified her Repulsors. They had an air intake function that allowed the repulsors to travel better in an atmosphere, but that could be modified to create an air-blaster. Hardly enough to knock a person over, it was still great for cleaning prospective scrap, breaking up worn muck and hosing off the sand with a jet of air.

"Run volume dyametrics on the jeep. Want to know what thrust I will be at to pull it out of the ground"
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"I go out of my way to go to the most remote back water place I can find and I still end up finding people." A deep carried across the thick fog of the swamp. A modest sized person pushing out from between from bushes in a half hazmat suit. He had long wild looking hair, as if he had just touched a tesla coil. It was dark in color with small streaks of white through out it. He reached down and pulled up a plant. "Ahh, just what I need for my next experiment drug." He said taking out a long knife and hacking off the dirt ball on the one end of it.

"If you are out here farming, I have to believe there is a better method than using grenades. Though I have to admit I like your way of thinking." He again left his comment hang while he grabbed yet another plant from the ground. From this distance he had what looked to be a slender build, not too big but not too small. He looked to be unarmed but did have something on his hip that could be a weapon of some kind.
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Yay new person! Egwene finished washing off the truck and then crouched down, turning to the man and opening her faceplate so he could see her smile.
"Sorry~ Didn't mean to intrude on your solitude. Just here grabbing stuff to make into other stuff" she exclaimed, placing her armoured hands on the undercarriage of the truck and then blasting off with her thrusters. The foot-based repulsors gave her a jolt of force and ripped the truck out of it's half-buried state.

From there, she set a small tracker onto it so Ken-TEC salvage shuttles could come pick it up, and stood up, putting the face plate down and scanning the ground for anything else that might be of interest.
"The grenades weren't mine. This is an abandoned military truck, and had some left over munitions. I don't go in for salvaging grenades given the risk, so I just blasted them away" She would then walk over to him, the soft sound of whirring servos making it clear she was wearing a suit of Power Armour, though a very strange suit given it's small size and humanoid appearance. It didn't seem to have any kind of weaponry to it, but getting hit by Power Armour always hurt, even if it wasn't a bullet.

"So, what'cha doing out here, other than being shady?"
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As she got closer would see that he was wearing a pair of glasses. These same glasses then lit up as he looked at her. "I see, seems you also have some secrets just under the surface. Most fascinating." He went back to picking more items from the ground and mumbled to himself something about using this and that to make a potion. "Ah yes, what am I doing. Gathering items I believe will aid in my science." He did not look up as he continued his work.

It finally clicked she was implying he might be up to no good. "Well, forward of you to assume I am up to something shading. Coming from a person that is looting military gear. I believe in this sense we are both equally up to no good if this is your criteria." He then spotted something in the distance a few steps away from himself. He then started to flare his arms around all crazy like. "Ahhh yes, this is what I came here..." He stepped closer and took a better look at it. "Boo, this is just a flower. Only good for wooing woman folk, not for making science." He reached down and pulled the flower from the ground and handed it towards her. "I am Dr Belmont. Who might you be?"
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A scientist, it seemed. Chemistry, from his interest in potions and flowers. And quite the charmer from how he announced a flower was good for wooing women, and then immediately handed it to her. Sure, he flared his arms up a bit and seemed a little mad, but hey, all good scientists were mad scientists.

"Your assumption is unfounded, doctor. I am Doctor Tai, officially licensed reclamation agent for Ken-TEC. We are contracted to scour the battlefields and extract anything that might be of further service to the Nepleslian people. Where as you, are wandering around a battlefield where still active munitions could take you apart if the gang members who scavange these lands don't first, with no aid or protection. The only reasons for that, would be shadiness"
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"Oh my, have I by chance found myself another doctor. My my, this must be fate out of all places I happen to be to find another who scours the lands looking for things to reclaim. Most exciting indeed." He took his head and gave her a head to toe look over. "While maybe less armed than you, the danger is equal for you as well. Yet here we are. Do I dare say that maybe the both of us have a thrill for danger!!" He let out a cackle as he reached down to pick up another item from the ground. "How do I know you are not one of those bandits, ready to capture me and do all kinds of horrible things to me." He looked up at her with a smile pointing a stick at her.
"Mmm, out of all the places you happen to be, the planet with a large and famous university is one where you happen to come across another Doctor. What are the chances?" Egwene asked, a coy grin on her face.
#About 21.7% given the current location# TONY piped in. Egwene groaned and rolled her eyes.
"It was rhetorical! Remind me to program you a better send of bloody humour" She exclaimed, shaking her mechanical head. And then looking back and smiling softly. "The danger is far from equal, darling. I got a suit of armour that can take light anti-tank fire and keep functioning. If you took light anti-tank fire, there probably wouldn't be enough of you left to identify. I don't have a thrill for danger, I have a thrill for paying off debts"

She'd then move off to the side a bit and pull out a retractable spade, driving it into the ground and starting to dig.
"If I was a bandit, I would have taken you already. If you were worth anything more than hot air, of course"
"What is this, a blasphemy bot. Chances are exactly 21.78453469 repeating. My gawd, robots these days can not even get the math right, let alone the joke." His hands were tossed up in the air clearly displeased with the unfunny robot. This was followed by him putting his hands together and rubbing them together. "Yes, let us program this robot to have the best sense of humor the worlds has ever seen." Clearly he was enjoying himself now grand standing like this was the biggest breakthrough the universe would ever see.

Then he paused and looked to her with a lifted eye brow. Her word had caught his attention. "Ahh yes, hunny! I do get what you mean. I seem lightly armed yet my shield generate tells another story." He reached down and taps on his hip where a decent sized box was located. "Though I'd be more worried about what I have under my belt." He reached into his belt, doing a hip swirl as he pulled out a vial. "This, I am very proud of..." he tossed the vial over his shoulder and it broke against a tree. Within seconds the tree quickly started to disintegrate into nothing. He looked over his shoulder and got giddy for a moment. "Ohh that is so good. Yes, this will turn most things into a pile of goo. Mix of biological engineering and nanotech." His voice was filled with excitement, maybe even a little bit of evil notes there too.

After a moment his composed himself and looked to her digging into the ground. "I shall call myself lucky I am just hot air. Given the use of pet names already I'd fancy you might just be serious about the part to take me. That is if you was a bandit. Though who is to say behind that doctor face is not a cosplay master." He gave her a sly wink and continued brushing his hand through the ground looking for items.
A large Nepleslian Eagle, whose family had lived in the tree for hundreds of years, circled the area in confusion and panic, looking for its nest and its babies without success.
"Well at least you got a better sense of humor than him" Egwene commented, staring at the mad man for a little bit. Then he went and reinforced his thoughts of madness by wearing a shield generator outside of a closed system, like he didn't like being slowly and horribly murdered by the shield system's workings. Magnetic and Gravity fields tended to make gibblets of people without some protection. Even her mechanical body was not immune to that. Maybe that was why he was a nutter?

Walking over to the tree and scanning the whole thing, she'd then look back to him and groan. Why did she had to run into a guy like this?
"You didn't have to kill the tree and the Eagles in it, you know. Gods, you call yourself a scientist and yet you are such an idiot. I'd kill you myself if you weren't going to die in a few days anyway"
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"Yes yes, scientist, bio engineer and crazy. I have a few titles." He slowly walked over to the tree and kneeled down next to the now void. "The idiots are the ones who see only what they want to see and not what something can be." William reached down and scooped up some of the goo that was left behind. He looked down at his cupped hands, the glasses on his face glowing bright. As the light dimmed he held in his hand a flower. "Following laws of nature, energy can be transformed into another form. They rapidly reproduce and convert energy into information and store it." He took a step back and looked at the goo on the ground, his glasses again glowing bright. Moment by moment the tree formed back into a wooden stool.

He stood back up and looked to the eagle in the sky. "Sadly the technology to bring back conscious life from energy does not exist. Though the baby eagles shall go on living in another form. A necessary sacrifice in the name of progression." He bent down and placed the flower on the ground. "So tell me, do you enjoy your line of work?"
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"Hmm, particulate reassembly. Pretty decent tech, though I guess with you being in a swamp slowly killing yourself with an open shield system rather than being a multi-multi billionare who has revolutionised the logistics world, it's got more limits than you care to admit" hefting large amounts of sediment out of the way, Egwene eventually came across the metal she had scanned out of the ground and began to wash away the looser dirt with her air intakes.

"As for my line of work, I do like it. Lets me get out into the world, play with my toys, make new toys. Watch fools die from their own inane stupidity. What more could I want?"
"I leave the money part up to the rest of my family. I do this just for the science behind it. To see new emerging technology is just too fun. Though those pesky regulations do tend to get in the way. Something about being unethical to experiment on live subjects. Far as I am concerned they were lab rats stuck in the social confines of their own creation anyways."

He looked down at the shield box on his hip and was confused by her thoughts this would kill him. "I do not follow your line of thinking. Unless you think this is a field generator type shield. Oh, you do think me to be a dangerous person indeed. However, this is just a modified Personal Defense Shield." He reached his across his body and slid his arm behind the box. He unhooked it from his belt and a moment later it unfolded into a full working shield. "Crude but gets the job done and stays out of my way while working." He tapped the back of the shield and it folded back up so he could put it back on his hip.

"My, you do have a sassy mouth. Insulted my intelligence twice and my worth once. Why so hostile? I am but a simple scientist."
Egwene would watch him pull out a shield and unfold it before then sticking it back in the box. What he thought that was going to do when a few bullets started coming from a guy who wanted his brain matter on the floor, she did not know. And even dained to show him such when he had finished putting it back on his hip. From there, Egwene would suddenly and with mechanical swiftness, raise her palm up and shoot off a blast at the guy's lower leg. It was reduced so as not to blow his leg clean off, but the impact wouldn't be a pretty one regardless.
William has just enough time to turn towards her when the blast went off from her weapon and knocked him to the ground. Pain shot up from his leg as it registered that she had clearly shot him. Only she would not hear the cries of pain but that of hysterical laughter. "Haaa, you bloody shot me. Ooooh, good show my lady." He reached down into his belt and popped a pill into his mouth. A moment later the pain vanished and his senses cleared. "Seems your true colors have come out, my young bandit friend. Yes indeed, this is my lucky day."

From around his waste a thick fog started to engulf him. His shield once again on his arm but had a new addition. From over his back he pulled a what looked to be a hammer head. With a press of a button on the handle it extended to over 3 feet long and the head expanded outward. "Come quietly or not, either way I am sure the authorities will have use of you." Instead of pressing forward he slipped backwards into the fog. Sensors would pick up a distorted mess of information. Normal sensors would be fuzzy, IR would be a mix of colors and lastly energy signals a spiky mess. It was as if the fog was alive.
"Ohh, wow~ It's like your shield you were so confident in protecting you from all the threats out here is totally insufficient to protect you unless it is directly in front of you at the moment of impact" Egwene commented, shaking her head. Though he didn't seem to like her lesson and instead created a fog about him that was decent for covering most of the normal sensors. Egwene however, had gone a little overboard with 'can so why not?' and her suit had a lot of sensory equipment. One of those was an ultrasonic listening device.

It scanned the surrounding area, filtered out the white noise with Egwene's formidable processing power and triangulated his position within a few seconds, and then shot a second beam at him with uncanny accuracy. This beam was shot at full power, capable of busting the plate of most suits of power armour with varying degrees of efficiency. Before felt like a hard punch, but this time it would feel like being hit by an eighteen wheeler, that then proceeded to back up over you when you got up.

'tsk, five senses, moron. Blocking one doesn't do anything' she muttered under her breath as she kept a sensory track of him via auditory lock.
A spark would light up beside Egwene and impact with the force of Light Anti-Armor weapon. The fog would clear from her blaster shot to reveal the shield and a person holding it. The shield fell to the ground as the goo melted away.

"Your not the only one to use cheap shots." He said with a hiss, his floating form landing on the ground. "You honestly think I was checking you out earlier." He reached up and tapped his glasses. "You are not the only one with sensors." His glasses lit up as he pushed a button on the handle of his weapon, igniting the rocket on the end of the hammer. It was coming in fast.
#Confirmed impact, diagnostics nominal# TONY reported. In combat situations like this, TONY reported instantly in a stream of data rather than talking to her as normal. She liked feeling human but didn't sacrifice efficiency for that desire. The guy's shield seemed made out of his goo, which was always interesting. But, of course, given the mass of Muons, they weren't gentle on anything they hit.

Still, he had an interesting plan, and that plan seemed to rush at her with a big hammer. Neat trick, she wondered how it would go for him. Stepping up, she'd lift an arm to take the impact of the hammer and shoot a second repulsor blast into center mass, while also running a charge through her skin to activate it's hardening function. Sure, that came at the cost of manuverability, but if the guy had a way of taking her repulsors point blank, she was in more trouble than she could handle anyway.
"No, but I am the one with big fucking armour"
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