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Rejected Submission ITC technology


Inactive Member
I've got some tech for ITC that I need approved, check them out here:

Sugureta Engine: https://wiki.stararmy.com/doku.php?id=system:ushobrakflug:itc_sugureta_engine
Tsukiakari-class space station: https://wiki.stararmy.com/doku.php?id=tsukiakari_class_space_station

If anything needs improvement before it can be approved in any of these two articles, please post it below.

Submission Type: Technology
Submission URL: https://wiki.stararmy.com/doku.php?id=tsukiakari_class_space_station, [url]https://wiki.stararmy.com/doku.php?id=system:ushobrakflug:itc_sugureta_engine[/URL]

FM Approved Yet? Yes
Faction requires art? No

For Reviewers:
Contains Unapproved Sub-Articles? Yes
Contains New art? No)
Previously Submitted?/No

Notes: I'm sorry I didn't post this at first.
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This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
In regards to the engine ... um. They are incredibly expensive units considering their performance. Most civilian ships have CDD technology, or at least some kind of fusion thruster/engine.

Not that you can't manufacture outclassed tech, but if you want anyone to use it, I think it needs to be exceedingly cheap.
Reactions: Wes
I've added details to the engine, so check it out and see if it works better now and isn't being outclassed.
I would like to know why the actual engine pages have been moved from the Gartagen name space since this were actually Gargtagen engines
Is the station approved? Because all I've heard so far concerned the Engine. So I guess the station is good?
We're paying attention to the engine right now, but others might come along in the commenting window to talk about the station. Please wait.

@Nashoba: @Wes said that the engines were such basic technology that the Garts did not have a monopoly on it. Instead, he specified the Gartagen contributions to the technology and made the engine types generic.

@yoerik17: They remain deeply outclassed. The details are not the problem; it's the technology itself. Ion and chemical rocket engines are very basic, even archaic technology for a majority of the SARPverse. You're talking about civilizations that have mastered faster-than-light and cross-dimensional travel, let alone sublight speeds.

For example, the engine replacement you've created for the Mucoyi costs a little more than half of what a stock shuttle costs, but it offers far less performance than the stock equipment. There's no incentive for anyone to buy the tech based on the cost alone, let alone the that performance gap.

In Nepleslia and Yamatai, only the poorest of people would buy this engine for a starship they might own, and it likely would have to cost a tenth of its current price.

Note: this isn't a barrier for it being approved (I'm not even a tech mod), but no one's going to use it.
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Doshii Jun

I understand your concerns. All your basically saying is that i should lower my price? Then what do you think would be reasonable considering the tech?
And did you read the trust vectoring part?
I would like to know why the actual engine pages have been moved from the Gartagen name space since this were actually Gargtagen engines
They were general articles not really specific to any particular Gartagen tech or model, so they made better general setting articles than Gartagen articles. In light of setting articles not yet existing, I moved them so they could fill the role.
Just a heads up. The article for the thrusters is in the namespace for the system..I think it's supposed to be in the company's name space.
Doshii Jun

I understand your concerns. All your basically saying is that i should lower my price? Then what do you think would be reasonable considering the tech?
And did you read the trust vectoring part?
I did. Thrust vectoring is technology similar to the brakes of a car — it's a given. Nothing special about it.

I think you would need to have each price be maybe 1/10 of their current prices: 400, 600 and 1,000. I still think it isn't likely anyone will use them, but at least your economics would make sense.
I once again updated the article to include CCD-like technology. Does it make sense now to keep the prices with these current components?
If nothing is against it, I hope to get these articles approved tomorrow, but not until I now that at least some people are going to buy the stuff.
They may have been basic, but that was Ira decision. The HSC have there own version of ion thrusters, and Both of my starship companies have their own versions. My objection was that tech articles from a faction were removed without consulting with the acting FM.

Anf Yoerik that does not mean the spacestaion is good just means we are focusing on the engines for now.
@yoerik17: Now the technology doesn't make sense. Why are there rockets and ion engines included with plasma engines and CDD? And it's a bit lame for you to just keep tacking stuff on just to make your stuff competitive.

The speeds still are way, way too slow. Read the shuttle article. It has a gravitic drive that has a top speed of 0.1 c, which is millions of times faster than this engine's sublight speed. Read other wiki articles on ships we have in the SARPverse.

When people complain that you're jumping onto the site without doing your research, this is what they're talking about. We have stuff already that's great. You need to bring something new and interesting if you want people to care.
Then what should I do to get things competitive?
From my experience being a tech developer recently for Origin. To be competitive you have to find products that are not offered, or make variants of products that are offered to be used in new interesting ways. Like for instance if you want to sell shuttles, you're going to have to develop shuttles to fit a niche currently not catered to. Like how Origin has a super cheap bare bones shuttle and a luxury shuttle.
how much is 0.1 c exactly?
1/10th the speed of light. 'c' is a constant in physics that represents the speed of light.
One of my biggest problems and the reason I will NOT approve this is because the OP still won't follow our rules; all tech submission must be accompanied by the submission forum found in the sticky on this forum, continued failure to follow these rules 'will' have consequences.

Also, please do not remove any articles from another faction without first consulting that factions FM, it is very rude otherwise.
I've got an update on the page, so check it out again. I'm really trying to making it work, and if it looks like I'm mainly adding and deleting stuff, it is becouse I'm trying to persuay you to approve the article.

And if the Engines are approved(at last) , youmay post regards on the station as well.
@Syaoran has the right idea. You need to do your research and offer up something we don't already have. As well, you've gotta understand that we usually submit whole, complete ships for approval, with their components as either wrapped up in those submissions or as separate because the tech is that new.

Your adding "This tech has not been seen before" is wrong. It has been seen before. It's not unique. It's not special.

To be frank, you need to understand the setting better. That's not doubting your knowledge and skill in astronomy, but that you're not really paying attention to scales that we have here. For instance, your space station is 15,000 km wide — that's larger than Earth. Wes' ring that he's building with Yamatai is HIGHLY UNIQUE in the setting and will take some time to construct. Typical space stations are 5 to 30 km wide.

As to engine speed: 0.1 c is 107,925,285 kilometers per hour.

You're not persuading anyone to approve your stuff because you aren't listening to what we're trying to tell you.
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