@yoerik17 your prices are still backwards, KS are worth more than DA (It's not DH) not the other way around. Also your finance record does not really fit the time span your company has been existing even if it was allowed. At most your company could've existed for 5 months, since they are formed in YE36, but they have over 2million in sales, and a million and a half from investors. As well as 3 production runs. That doesn't really fit the time frame they'd have to do it all in. Also you seem to be a bit mistaken on how finances work. The finance sections for the other companies and for characters are 'real' and they're based on real time as well. Every entry in the finance section was actually done, and not just fluff of the past. You're going to have to accept that your company is -new-. They do not have solid footing yet, you have to play them to get them on their solid footing.
Like Aendri said it might be a good idea for you to not just glance at other companies and try to match their numbers, but watch them and look deeper, see how they operate. As an idea your company is good, but you're losing focus and precision because you're trying to crank them up to a point where they can compete with companies that have been around for years. The problem is you don't have the information you need to operate at that level. So you need to get that information.
Your companies only product right now is a thruster, that while powerful in real life, in the SARP universe would not hold much of an audience and with flaws still in it's design. thrusters are STL(Slower than light) travel. to go FTL(Faster than light) you'd need to distort space in some way. You can not just 'accelerate' to such a speed, so thrusters should not really have FTL capabilities on their own, that is a separate drive. Like in Star Trek. They have impulse engines for STL travel, then a separate warp drive for FTL travel. But aside from that, the FTL speed you put isn't even half as fast as most of the low end drives out there.
If you don't slow down and actually examine the technology of the setting, you're going to put in products that are too weak, and people wont bother to aid you any more, and if it gets approved, then your company spent money on it and are stuck with it, but it wont even sell as a budget product. And I'm pretty sure you don't want your company turning into that.