Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

Note: This is a play-by-post RPG site. If you're looking for the tabletop miniatures wargame "5150: Star Army" instead, see Two Hour Wargames.

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July 2015 Updates

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Hello Star Army!

Here's what's going on lately on Star Army:
  • The summer has been rough on our activity, be sure to check to make sure everyone in your plot is still around so you're not waiting on dudes that wandered off into the sunset. On their user profiles you should be able to see their recent visiting and posting activity.
  • Aquila Flight now has its own forum, as of today! This is actually the first starfighter plot in Nepleslia (ever!) that I know of.
  • In the thread prefix list, Nepleslia now has its own category so instead of their plots being under the general plots section, they'll be in their own group, like Yamatai's are. Each plot should get a thread prefix of [RP: PLOTNAME]. If yours needs one, just ask me.
  • Tonight there is a planned maintenance on Star Army's forums which will close the forum for 10 to 30 minutes. Some of the bugs fixed in XenForo 1.4.9 include:
    • Make changes to support version 2.4 of the Facebook API. This fixes problems registering via Facebook with newly created Facebook apps.
    • Make the contact page trigger a redirect if it is not loaded in an overlay. If it is loaded in an overlay, reset the contact form after successful submission.
    • Fix filter list input height in Windows 10 version of IE 11.
    • Fix unexpected parsing of email addresses within autolinked URLs.
    • Fix a situation where BB codes would not be stripped as expected from thread previews.
    • Prevent double alerts in certain situations with profile post comments.
GMs, I encourage you reply to this thread with a brief description of what's happening in your plot, so that people outside your plot know what's going on.

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In the Eucharis, we're finishing up our first meeting with the Rixxikor, a bug-like species with terrible manners and finding out who sent them to our area of space, and also dealing with a severely injured crew member and recovering a crashed pilot from a mysterious hostile military.
The battle damaged Sakishima is in the yards for repair and her crew on shore leave, recovering from a very hard mission.

Meanwhile, the Sakura II is missing in action after falling through a subspace anomoly she had been sent to investigate. The crew now struggling to survive in a hostile alternate timeline and find a way home.
In Aquila Flight, the squadron led a defense against a Red attack on a new NSN base. Overwhelmed, they were forced to retreat while the Red insurgency wiped the base from existence. Currently they are in transit to regroup with the rest of the 78th Tactical Battalion, rearm and strike out against the Reds.

Also of note, the NSN has been infiltrated but the extent of such is currently unknown.
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In the Yome Ismâopate, the ship is heading to the nearest settlement. The Yome is due for repairs and upgrades. There will be a short time skip which will allow characters to heal, and if they need to take care of anything. Then they will head out looking for the ship that attacked the Science vessel.

In the YSS Aeon the away team is landing on the Neshaten planet to meet with representatives there.
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In general, the GM of the Akahar and Phoenix has been a bit up and down recently, and he's had to change how he does things.


Some break time has been spent aboard the Phoenix, where a salvaged hoplite is getting its wings and other systems again. Luca is still waiting for word from DATASS about the situation at Handler's Reach, and the cold war between Lazarus and their brother company, Lagrange. He really isn't looking forward to having to fight a proxy war - but he's got the equipment to do it.


On the Akahar, the gigantic Lazarus ship, Mynydoed has arrived. However, a tense situation has come to light between the LSDF and the Lazarus Consortium and how the Consortium did business at the time - but things seem to be cooling down as the crew of the Akahar are aboard the Mynydoed for treatment. However, Merril seems unwilling to budge.


Somewhere else, a new ship is being put together, and we have someone willing and able to captain it.
Oh, and the guy who designed it with Matriarchy and Consortium assistance is completely bonkers.
In the YSS Heartbreaker, while investigating a seemingly deserted NMX base on UX-29 III, things took a suspenseful turn when a swarm of Mishhuvurthyar Parasites and now Zombified members of Uesu's lost fleet left behind began attacking the crew. With two crewmembers gravely injured, the away team is being forced to retreat... but thankfully the antique ship has also had it's full engine power restored just in time.
In the NSS Sledge Mama, we're racing to the station's C&C and computer room to try and restore systems. However, the enemy had managed to hack a TASHA, which now stands in between the squad and their goal. In the background, a fight is ongoing as telltale teleportation signatures herald the arrival of SAoY backup to retake the station. Their progress is unknown however.
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In the Wayward the Anbruch is on Zath-Nianach taking care of yamataian job 6. They've run into some unexpected trouble with animal life.
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The Black Vipers are finishing up their first raid of the ISC Juniper, and the Anoiktos is coming across their first unexpected discovery in the undiscovered parts of space.
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Things have been slow, but for the most part that has been my fault, The ship is currently on route to meet up with the rest of the task force, part of said task force (lead by Lamb) will be there ready to assault the Soyokaze once they arrive in system.
Ake is slow, and this is my fault. But at the moment the party has been split up so they may be more easily consumed.

Service to the Free State is also slow, and there are mixed reasons as to why. We enter a combat phase in the next turn of posting.

My eternal love for ShotJon goes unchallenged thus far, and I feel that none here are foolish enough to question it lest they be destroyed.

Similar notions towards my loves for Doshii, SmokeEmpress, and that one guy who knows who he is.
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