• If you were supposed to get an email from the forum but didn't (e.g. to verify your account for registration), email Wes at stararmy@gmail.com or talk to me on Discord for help. Sometimes the server hits our limit of emails we can send per hour.
  • Get in our Discord chat! Discord.gg/stararmy

July Updates

Hi Star Army!

Here's the latest news and updates!

Discord Updates:

Congratulations to @Gles for winning the Emoji RP contest run by @Ametheliana ! As a result, the new Molli Dead emoji and sticker were added to the Discord:

I definitely hope there's more of these in the future!

Forum Updates

I've added the following to the Members section of the forum:
  • Game Masters
  • Faction Managers
  • Recently Active
  • Oldest Registered
  • Newest Registered
Forum Style Updates

Star Army's forum styles now support light and dark mode, which are set by your computer's system preference or by picking them here:

Then choose from the dropdown:

Forum Trophy Updates
  • A trophy was added for Github account association, similar to the ones for Twitter, Facebook, Google, and so on (10 points). You can use Github to log onto the Star Army forum.
Wiki Plans & Updates
  • My intent is, now that Xenforo can be used for OAuth Single-Sign-On, is to eventually add "Sign in with Star Army" as the primarily login method for the wiki. I have been trying to get this set up but it's not ready yet.
  • Struct Tag clouds are now fixed on the wiki and I am restoring pages that used them.

Roleplay Updates
Can You Help Out?

There's a new Tasks section that has tasks the staff could use help with. Usually these are things like making missing wiki articles. This was created based on a popular idea from the suggestions forum.

Bring Us Home A Trophy

From the Khitomer convention folks:

Star Army, you guys can get get these awards -- but only if we apply. I know we have some great characters, game masters, players, and posts, so I encourage folks to do so. I'd love to hear the great things people are nominating too.

Thank You

Thank you everyone who contributes to keep this awesome corner of the internet going, whether that's by posting RP, helping pay the server bill, running an RP plot, or spreading the word to new people.
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