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Kōzan kaisha no shiten no hajimari


Staff Member
🎨 Media Gallery
RP Date
Ye: 46
RP Location
Planet Yamatai
(Google Translation intended to be: The beginning of a Mining company branch)

As Alice Sursilvan, The Mining Guild's Corporate Diplomatic Ambassador, walked out of the bustling Conference Hall on the conclusion of the first day of the International Relations Conference, held in the Yamatai System under the dominion of the Yamatai Star Empire, she couldn't help but feel a surge of satisfaction coursing through her veins. Her strides were confident, her expression one of contentment as she reflected on the fruitful exchanges she had just been a part of.

Engaging in dialogue with Essia's senator had been a pivotal moment for Alice. The opportunity to establish connections with such a key figure promised potential avenues for future collaboration and trade agreements. Their conversation had been fruitful, with promises of support and assistance in navigating the intricate web of political and economic landscapes. Alice's mind buzzed with anticipation at the prospect of forging stronger ties with Essia, a prospect that held immense promise for the Mining Guild's ventures.

But it wasn't just Essia that had captured Alice's attention. Another highlight of the day had been her interaction with a Senti from a different Flotilla. The exchange had been enlightening, offering insights into alternative perspectives and approaches to diplomacy. Their discussions had sparked ideas and strategies that Alice was eager to explore further, recognizing the value of diverse perspectives in navigating the complex interstellar relations.

And then there was the pinnacle of her day – the conversation with Yamatai's Imperial Premier Hanako. The opportunity to engage directly with such a prominent figure within the Yamatai Star Empire filled Alice with a sense of accomplishment and excitement. The mere possibility of the Mining Guild expanding its reach into the prosperous territories of the Empire sent a thrill down her spine. The potential for collaboration, mutual benefit, and growth seemed boundless, and Alice was determined to seize the opportunity with both hands.

As she stepped out into the cool evening air of Planet Yamatai, Alice's smile widened, her mind already abuzz with plans and possibilities. The first day of the International Relations Conference had been a resounding success, laying the groundwork for a future filled with promise and opportunity for the Mining Guild and its ambitious diplomatic endeavors.

Yoko Takashashi, a Nekovalkyrja wearing a Kimono who had escorted her to the Hotel, then to the Conference made her approach. "Greetings, Ambassador Sursilvan, I take it talks went well, as expected?' She asked Alice, with a smile on her face.

Alice turned to face Yoko Takashashi, the Nekovalkyrja adorned in a graceful kimono, who had been her escort throughout the day's proceedings. The sight of Yoko's serene smile brought a sense of familiarity and warmth to Alice's heart, a welcome presence amidst the bustling events of the conference. "Greetings, Takashashi-san," Alice replied, returning the smile with genuine warmth. "Indeed, the talks exceeded my expectations. It was a day filled with promising conversations and fruitful exchanges. The possibilities seem endless, and I'm eager to see where these discussions lead us."

Yoko's presence had been invaluable throughout the day, her guidance and support ensuring that Alice navigated the intricacies of the conference with ease. As they walked side by side towards the hotel, Alice couldn't help but feel grateful for Yoko's steadfast companionship and unwavering assistance.

"I must thank you for your assistance today, Yoko," Alice said, her tone filled with appreciation. "Your guidance has been invaluable, and I couldn't have navigated through the day's events without you by my side. I look forward to continuing our collaboration as we work towards forging stronger ties with our counterparts here in the Yamatai System and your empire." With Yoko's reassuring presence by her side, Alice felt emboldened to face whatever challenges and opportunities the coming days of the conference might bring. Together, they would chart a course towards a future filled with prosperity and cooperation, one diplomatic encounter at a time.

Yoko smiled at Alice's kind words. "oh, no need to thank me, it was my humble duty to escort you here. If you need anything, please ask me, and i shall help anyway i am able." She told the Mining Guild's Ambassador. Alice returned Yoko's smile, appreciating her humility and dedication to her role as an escort. "Your kindness is greatly appreciated, Yoko," Alice replied warmly. "Knowing that I have your support and assistance is reassuring, especially in such a dynamic and unfamiliar environment."

As they continued walking towards the hotel, Alice couldn't help but feel a sense of camaraderie blossoming between them. Yoko's offer of help resonated deeply with Alice, reaffirming the importance of collaboration and mutual aid in navigating the complexities of interstellar diplomacy. "I will certainly keep your offer in mind," Alice said gratefully. "In the days ahead, as we delve deeper into discussions and negotiations, I may indeed require your assistance. Together, I am confident that we can navigate any challenges that arise and work towards achieving our objectives for the Mining Guild." With Yoko's steadfast support at her side, Alice felt invigorated and prepared to face whatever the conference had in store. As they reached the hotel entrance, she turned to Yoko once more, a glimmer of determination in her eyes.
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"Thank you, Yoko," Alice said sincerely. "Let us continue to work together towards a future of prosperity and cooperation for the Mining Guild and our partners here in the Yamatai System and your Empire," Alice said before realizing something. "By the way, Yoko, do you happen to know of a List of Apartments here in the Yamatai Star Empire, but specifically here in the capital City Kyoto on Planet Yamatai?" She asked.

Yoko nodded graciously at Alice's words, her own sense of determination mirrored in her gaze. "Of course, Ambassador Sursilvan. I am fully committed to our shared goals of prosperity and cooperation," she replied earnestly.

As Alice's inquiry turned towards finding accommodations in Kyoto, Yoko's expression brightened with a helpful demeanor. "Certainly, I can assist you with that," she responded. "Kyoto offers a variety of apartments suitable for different preferences and needs. I can provide you with a list of reputable real estate agencies and rental listings in the area. Additionally, if you have any specific requirements or preferences, please feel free to let me know, and I will do my best to accommodate your needs."

Yoko's willingness to aid Alice extended beyond the confines of their diplomatic endeavors, reflecting her genuine desire to ensure Alice's comfort and convenience during her stay in the Yamatai Star Empire's capital city.

"Once we return to the hotel, I will gather the necessary information for you," Yoko continued. "Is there anything else you require assistance with, Ambassador?" she asked, her demeanor poised and attentive, ready to address any further needs or inquiries Alice might have.

lice smiled at how dutiful the Nekovalkyrja assigned to help her was. "Thank you Takashashi-san in addition i think we should make a stop at a restaurant for food. I am interested in sampling some authentic Yamataian foods." She said to Yoko.

Yoko returned Alice's smile with a nod of agreement. "Certainly, Ambassador. Sampling authentic Yamataian cuisine would be a delightful experience," she responded warmly. "Kyoto offers a plethora of restaurants renowned for their traditional dishes, each offering a unique culinary journey."

With a graceful gesture, Yoko led the way, guiding Alice through the bustling streets of Kyoto towards a nearby restaurant. As they entered the establishment, the aroma of savory dishes filled the air, tantalizing their senses and igniting their appetites.

Seated at a table adorned with elegant decor, Alice and Yoko perused the menu, filled with a diverse array of Yamataian delicacies. From savory sushi to hearty ramen, each dish promised a culinary adventure unlike any other.

With Yoko's guidance, Alice selected a variety of dishes, eager to savor the flavors of Yamatai firsthand. As their meal arrived, they indulged in lively conversation, sharing their impressions of the conference thus far and exchanging insights into their respective cultures.

As they savored each delectable bite, Alice couldn't help but feel a deep appreciation for the rich tapestry of experiences that the Yamatai System had to offer. And with Yoko's company by her side, the meal became more than just a culinary delight—it became a cherished memory of camaraderie and friendship amidst the bustling world of interstellar diplomacy.

Eventually they soon returned to the hotel Alice was staying at and Yoko showed Alice the list. As The wolven eared Mining Guild Ambassador looked through the list one place caught her attention, Satoh Doeringu or as it is known in trade Satoh Apartments. Out of all the Apartments this one seemed to be the best out of them all in her opinion. "Here, I like this place, and it appeared to have an apartment available." She said to Yoko.
Yoko nodded approvingly as Alice expressed her interest in the Satoh Apartments. "A wise choice, Ambassador," she remarked with a smile. "Satoh Apartments is indeed renowned for its quality and convenience. Many esteemed visitors to Kyoto have found it to be a comfortable and accommodating residence."

With a swift motion, Yoko retrieved her datapad and quickly verified the availability of an apartment at Satoh Apartments. "It seems there is indeed an available unit," she confirmed, displaying the details on the screen for Alice to review. "Shall I proceed with securing the reservation for you, Ambassador?"

Alice's eyes lit up with enthusiasm as she inspected the information provided. The prospect of settling into a prestigious residence such as Satoh Apartments filled her with anticipation, offering a sense of stability and comfort amidst her diplomatic endeavors in the Yamatai System.
"Yes, please," Alice replied eagerly. "I believe Satoh Apartments will serve as an excellent base of operations during my stay here. Thank you, Yoko, for your assistance in arranging this."

With Yoko's efficient coordination, the reservation process was swiftly completed, securing Alice's accommodation at Satoh Apartments. As they finalized the arrangements, Alice couldn't help but feel a sense of gratitude towards Yoko for her unwavering support and dedication to ensuring her comfort and well-being.

With the logistics settled, Alice looked forward to settling into her new residence and continuing her diplomatic mission with renewed vigor and determination. And with Yoko's continued assistance by her side, she was confident that their partnership would yield fruitful results in the days to come.
Date: 46.3
Location: Satoh Doeringu, Reikan Park, Kyoto, on Planet Yamatai.
A few days after the main events of IRC 46.

Toidorno Sejgui, acting Ambassador of the Hidden Sun Clan, was on-duty. Conferring with the Diplomatic Representative of the Mining Guild was a duty. He was an Ambassador, and she was a Diplomatic Representative, and for the two to meet and discuss was a professional thing, and worthy of his time.

Yes, she was also a remarkable being, with origins that baffled and fascinated him. And yes, she was large-eared and long-fanged... And finely-furred. And yes, she possessed striking brown eyes that were analytical, careful, as meticulously designed as the rest of her. She had also performed spectacularly during the Hunt on Clan Embassy property, as well... Alice had successfully Hunted one of the meanest and most cantankerous Buvory Lizards that Toidorno had ever seen. At the Embassy, they had named the 7-foot long lizard T'husasa'ka, or 'Big Mischief', for indeed the omnivorous lizard was a known troublemaker back on the World Station's numerous ranches. T'husasa'ka was a creature who refused to leave the walls of any enclosure un-scratched or un-damaged, no matter how much free space he was given. He was abusive toward female mates, which meant he wasn't going to breed even if someone wanted to carry on his accursed bloodline, and he was murderous and cannibalistic toward platonic male company. The ignorant might've suggested he simply be butchered and turned into meat, but T'husasa'ka's meanness suffused his very flesh. He was ill-made, and his muscles and organs were full of black bile, and his eyes were orbs of cruel thoughts. When it was announced that the Embassy at Yamatai was seeking a new batch of creatures to send to the Embassy as Prey, T'husasa'ka's handlers had broken down in tears; finally, they had a chance to make even a tiny amount of money back to make up for all that had been spent feeding and confining the creature.

Thanks to Alice Sursilvan, the Buvory Bastard called Big Mischief was finally slain.

Alice had been impressive, oh yes, almost frighteningly so. But these were not factors in Toidorno's decision to assign time to visit her on diplomatic business. Not factors at all. She was the Diplomatic Representative. That was all.


Toidorno continued to try to convince himself of that right up until the moment that he first laid eyes on Satoh Doeringu. The apartment structure rose nobly against the skyline of the city dressed in beautiful glass facades and beautiful, well-kept grounds. He commended himself for remaining composed as he was met by the building's amply-secured lobby. They verified his identity and issued him a card which he was asked to wear at all times; he pinned it to his fur compliantly. With their guidance, he made his way toward the quarters of Alice Sursilvan, and the interior of the building impressed him just as much as the outside. The World Station was all cobbled-together plates and recycled starship parts; odd angles and myriad maintainance policies and shifting redesigners, and each City State therein had its own feel, its own themes. Here... Satoh Doeringu felt consistent. It felt planned, even strategic. He'd noted that the Mining Guild had managed to situate the strcuture in quite an enviable location within the Reikan Park region. All this seemed to be additional clues as to the nature of this organization. How much of this place was Alice Sursilvan herself, and how much of it was the Guild, he wondered? He resolved to ask.

In due time, he was before her apartment, tapping its surface with his claws in a rapid trilling sequence; 1-2-3-4, a beat, 1-2-3-4, a beat, 1-2-3-4.

Naturally, he was dressed for business; these were the same clothes he'd worn at the Conference functions, and at the Hanami Festival. They included a maroon tunic with gold trim, and a blood red sash tucked into the tunic under his furry chest and around his waist. A white shirt and trousers lay underneath both, and his ankles were wrapped in the Clan equivalent of sandals. On his chest lay the identification badge given to him at the lobby, as well as his various Honor Crests.

He waited patiently after his knocks, suspecting he would not have to wait long; Alice was an efficient woman, and this date was scheduled. Meeting. Meeting! The professional meeting was scheduled.
Date: 46.3
Location: Satoh Doeringu, Reikan Park, Kyoto, on Planet Yamatai.
A few days after the main events of IRC 46.

As the days passed following the conclusion of the International Relations Conference, Alice found herself settling into her new surroundings at Satoh Apartments with a sense of contentment and purpose. The vibrant energy of Kyoto flowed through the streets outside her window, serving as a constant reminder of the bustling world beyond her doorstep.

In the tranquil confines of her apartment's living room, Alice sat at her desk, surrounded by a sea of important documents and diplomatic correspondences. Despite the weight of her responsibilities, a happy smile graced her lips as she reflected on the meaningful connections she had forged during the conference. From esteemed diplomats to newfound friends, each encounter had left an indelible mark on her heart, enriching her experience in ways she never could have imagined.

But amidst the flurry of paperwork, Alice's thoughts drifted to one particular individual – a dear friend who would soon be arriving to share in her company. Anticipation bubbled within her as she envisioned the joyous reunion that awaited them, eager to catch up on the latest developments and share in each other's company once more.

Before diving back into her documents, Alice took a moment to make some preparations, ensuring that her guest would feel welcomed and cherished upon their arrival. With meticulous care, she set about crafting Hidden Sun Clan Style Cuisine, a culinary masterpiece that spoke to her guest's tastes and preferences. Each dish was lovingly prepared, infused with the warmth and hospitality that had come to define Alice's approach to hosting.

As the savory aromas filled the air, mingling with the soft hum of the city outside, Alice felt a sense of satisfaction wash over her. She knew that her efforts to create a welcoming atmosphere would not go unnoticed, and she eagerly awaited the moment when her guest would step through the door, ready to embark on another chapter of their friendship amidst the tapestry of interstellar diplomacy.

As Alice's canine-like ears twitched at the familiar sound of a knock on her door, she couldn't help but feel a surge of excitement ripple through her. Setting aside her documents, she rose from her seat and made her way towards the entrance, her heart pounding with anticipation. With practiced grace, she swung the door open, revealing the figure of Toidorno standing before her, resplendent in his ambassadorial regalia.

A warm smile graced Alice's lips as she took in the sight of her esteemed guest, her brown eyes alight with delight at his presence. Her gaze drifted to the intricate honor crests adorning his attire, each symbol carrying its own significance and history—a testament to the noble lineage of the Hidden Sun Clan.

"Good day, Ambassador Toidorno. Welcome," Alice greeted warmly, her voice infused with genuine warmth and hospitality. Stepping back to allow him entry, she gestured graciously towards the inviting interior of her apartment, eager to extend her hospitality to her esteemed guest.

As Toidorno crossed the threshold into her living space, Alice couldn't help but feel a sense of camaraderie and kinship wash over her. Their previous interactions had laid the foundation for a bond forged in mutual respect and admiration, and she was grateful for the opportunity to reconnect once more.

"Please, make yourself at home," Alice offered, gesturing towards the comfortable seating arrangements arranged in her living room. "I've prepared some Hidden Sun Clan Style Cuisine for us to enjoy. I hope it meets with your approval." With a warm smile, she ushered Toidorno further into her apartment, eager to embark on another chapter of their friendship amidst the backdrop of diplomatic intrigue and camaraderie.
The portal opened gracefully. Toidorno had prepared himself as best he could. He knew what Alice looked like, had seen her in her fine suit, and the look of the building told him that her quarters were likely to be well-adorned and functional and-

And a scent wafted stealthily out of the door, sliding past his defenses like a sly assassin. That wasn't just a meal, it was a familiar meal, warm spices and freshly-cut fruits and hearty vegetables and the seared flesh of slain meat-animals... They were familiar, like a neighbor or a friend or a lover, and wearing their guise the assassin that took the form of those smells thrust a dagger into his unprotected heart. This being who had begun as code had replicated cuisine in the fashion of his people! His situation became 'worse' when his eyes began working again, having been set aside in favor of his nose, for he then realized that Alice wasn't wearing the marvelously-tailored suit that he was accustomed to; she was instead wearing something akin to an Umatsa, a Clan robe. It was professional, and not out of place for a Diplomat to wear to any formal function, but it was different enough to disarm him. Toidorno cursed himself for being ambushed on two counts; Alice Sursilvan had quite readily gained the upper hand in this initial bout. Toidorno, at least, had brought along a few secret 'weapons' of his own that he would bring to bear later.

"You are a gracious host." he complimented her, again noting how splendid her command of his language was. He entered the luxurious space, immediately feeling the rugs under his feet and marveling at the fabrics. They each boasted remarkable designs, and he feared he might trip if he stared down while moving for too long. As Alice closed the door, he turned to her; he could admire her home more in a moment.

"If I may..." he began, withdrawing a small, handcrafted box from his red-cloth belt. "I crafted a gift for you. Among my people it is... Well, I suspect you already know that it is polite to give a gift to a host on such occasions." He presented the box to her. It was made of a metal that had once been quite damaged; its structure had been warped and rendered rigid and brittle, likely by an energy weapon. The metal had been buffed down to a flat sheen, and then carved with a sharper and more durable metal so that its surface was now covered in artistic designs. Somewhat primitive artwork depicted trees, bushes, grass, and then a crude drawing of a large lizard, and behind it... A large-eared, beautiful being leaping at the lizard, her claws outstretched. The box rattled, revealing within a brush. This, too was made of recycled materials; the handle was actually the broken pistol-grip of some unfamiliar weapon, fused quite decently to the actual brush portion. The tines, or teeth, of the brush were fine firm wires tipped with tiny globes of plastic, perfect for working down into fur and getting at the skin.
Alice observed Toidorno's reaction keenly as he entered her apartment, taking note of the subtle shifts in his demeanor. The scents of the Hidden Sun Clan Style Cuisine seemed to evoke a sense of familiarity and nostalgia within him, sparking a moment of reflection and contemplation. His realization of her attire, clad in a Clan robe rather than her usual suit, appeared to catch him off guard, a tactical advantage she hadn't intended but welcomed nonetheless. She remained composed, her brown eyes gleaming with a mixture of amusement and curiosity at his reaction.

Toidorno's compliment towards her hospitality brought a genuine smile to Alice's face, her pride in her ability to create a welcoming environment evident in her expression.

"Thank you, Ambassador Toidorno. Your presence honors me," she replied graciously, gesturing towards the elegantly appointed seating area nearby. As he moved to admire the intricate designs of her home, Alice took a moment to appreciate the rapport that was beginning to unfold between them, a connection rooted in mutual respect and camaraderie.

When Toidorno presented a handcrafted box as a gift, Alice's curiosity was piqued. She accepted the box with reverence, recognizing the significance of such a gesture in his culture. The craftsmanship and artistic detailing on the box spoke volumes of Toidorno's skill and thoughtfulness, a tangible symbol of respect and appreciation.

"I am deeply moved by your gift, Ambassador," Alice expressed sincerely, carefully opening the box to reveal the brush within. She marveled at the inventive use of recycled materials, the fusion of different components creating a unique and practical tool. The imagery on the box, depicting the scene of a being leaping at a large lizard, resonated with her, a symbolic gesture that transcended language and culture.

"This is truly a remarkable gift, Ambassador Toidorno. Your craftsmanship and thoughtfulness are greatly appreciated," she acknowledged warmly. "I will treasure this brush and the story behind it. Thank you for sharing a part of your culture with me."

As she held the brush in her hands, a sense of gratitude and connection filled Alice's heart, bridging the gap between their respective worlds through the exchange of gifts and gestures of goodwill. With Toidorno's presence in her home, a new chapter of diplomacy and friendship unfolded, setting the stage for meaningful interactions and shared experiences in the days to come.
With a sense of reverence, Alice carefully selected a special spot in her living room where she could prominently display the unique brush crafted from inventive use of recycled materials. The fusion of different components in the brush not only created a practical tool but also imbued it with a sense of ingenuity and creativity that resonated deeply with Alice. As she admired the intricate craftsmanship, her mind wandered to the imagery adorning the box—a scene depicting a being leaping at a large lizard—a symbolic gesture that transcended language and culture. The symbolism spoke to Alice on a profound level, evoking a sense of unity and resilience in the face of adversity.

Placing the brush on a small table near the window, Alice ensured that it would catch the soft glow of sunlight, illuminating its unique features and highlighting its significance. It was a gesture of reverence and appreciation, a visual reminder of the bond forged between herself and Toidorno, as well as a testament to the shared values and traditions they both held dear.

"I believe this spot will do nicely," Alice remarked, her voice filled with satisfaction as she admired the brush's placement.

Turning to face Toidorno, Alice's smile widened as she spoke, her eyes alight with enthusiasm. "Indeed, many in my culture, and indeed the Mining Guild, share a similar tradition. Gifts hold great significance, not only as tokens of appreciation but also as promises of friendship and cooperation."

As she spoke, Alice's gaze drifted back to the brush, her heart filled with gratitude for the opportunity to share in this moment of exchange with Toidorno. It was a testament to the power of diplomacy, where gestures of goodwill transcended language and culture, forging bonds that spanned across the stars.

"In light of that," Alice continued, her voice carrying a note of anticipation as she took a purposeful step towards the safe situated in the corner of the room. With practiced ease, she inputted the combination, the mechanism clicking open to reveal its contents. With gentle precision, Alice retrieved a small object from within—a delicate acorn-shaped ornament crafted from shimmering blue gemstones, its surface adorned with intricate designs that caught the light in dazzling patterns.

Returning to Toidorno's side, Alice extended the object towards him, her eyes sparkling with a mixture of excitement and curiosity. "I believe you'll find this quite fascinating," she remarked with a warm smile, offering him the opportunity to examine the ornament at his leisure.

As Toidorno took the ornament into his hands, Alice's smile widened, her heart filled with a sense of satisfaction at sharing this moment of discovery with him. The ornament held a special significance, a token of her appreciation for their friendship and a symbol of the bond that transcended the boundaries of culture and tradition.

"I was rereading about your culture," Alice explained, her voice tinged with enthusiasm. "Some of my reasons were because I wanted to learn more about the Hidden Sun Clan, but I also wanted to explore the culinary traditions of your people. I thought perhaps you might appreciate some of the recipes I've discovered, as a way of further strengthening our bond and understanding." As she spoke, Alice's gaze lingered on Toidorno, her expression earnest and sincere. In this exchange of gifts and knowledge, she hoped to deepen their friendship and foster a greater sense of mutual respect and appreciation between their two cultures.
The Ambassador politely looked away and pressed his ears against his skull as Alice unlocked her safe, lest he see or hear part of the combination. It gave him a moment to see where she had placed the brush; perhaps the window was one of the places where we groomed her fur. His keen eyes didn't spot any fur on the floor or rugs near the window... But then again, Alice seemed to be a fastidious and professional person, even in her living quarters.

When she returned with the gift, Toidorno's dark eyebrows raised with curiosity as he watched the crystalline blue thing sparkle in the light. He held it carefully, unsure of its fragility, and when she turned away for a moment he sniffed at it experimentally. 'Not food.' he realized. Perhaps the enchanting smells in the air were making him think it might've been! He was about to ask Alice about the gift's function when she shared about her further research into the Clan's traditions.

"You reveal yourself to be more dutiful than I." he admitted to her, valuing honesty more than saving face through secrecy. "In the time since we last met, my own research into the cultural practices of the New Dusk Conclave were limited to how I should present myself to your home here on Yamatai. And I... spent time assembling the box and the brush." He brought the blue nut-like gem close to his chest. The flicking of his tail revealed his excitement, but he said as much openly. "I am... excited to try what you have made, Alice Sursilvan. Is your work complete, or may I help with final preparations in some way? I am not an entirely inexperienced chef."
Alice observed Toidorno's reaction with a warm smile as he examined the crystalline ornament in his hands, his curiosity evident in the way he carefully inspected the delicate gift. His experimental sniff to determine its nature elicited a soft chuckle from Alice, amused by the subtle exploration of the unfamiliar object.

"I'm glad you find it intriguing, Ambassador Toidorno," Alice replied warmly, her brown eyes reflecting a sense of camaraderie and mutual respect. His admission of valuing honesty resonated with her own principles, fostering a deeper sense of understanding between them.

As Toidorno shared his insights into his research into the New Dusk Conclave's cultural practices and the craftsmanship behind the gift he presented, Alice listened with genuine interest, appreciating the effort and dedication he had put into preparing the box and the brush. The flicking of his tail revealed his undercurrent of excitement, a gesture she found endearing and genuine.

"I admire your dedication and attention to detail, Ambassador Toidorno," Alice acknowledged with a nod of appreciation. "Your craftsmanship is truly remarkable, and I thank you for the thoughtful gift you've shared with me. It represents a connection between our cultures, a bridge that transcends language and tradition." His offer to assist with the final preparations of the meal sparked a sense of shared camaraderie and collaboration within Alice, eager to engage in a culinary exchange that went beyond mere food but embodied a deeper sense of partnership and friendship.

"I would be honored to have your assistance, Ambassador Toidorno," Alice replied warmly, her voice filled with enthusiasm and a shared sense of excitement. "Creating the Hidden Sun Clan Style Cuisine is a labor of love, a tribute to the culinary traditions of your people. Your experience as a chef will be invaluable in perfecting the final touches of the meal." With a graceful gesture, Alice led Toidorno towards the kitchen area, where the fragrant scents of spices and herbs filled the air, mingling with the tantalizing aroma of the carefully prepared dishes.
Toidorno decided to carefully place Alice's gift next to the brush near the window; seeing the sunlight act on its crystalline cerulean colors was quite nearly breathtaking. But... there was a job to do! The tall Qaktoro performed a tunic-tuck maneuver to make sure no fabric was loose as he entered the kitchen, and he knotted his sash behind his waist. Dangling cloth was a problem in the kitchen!

He entered the space, and simply had to shut his eyes for a moment. "It is... a very good kitchen." he had to say. "Everything is In Its Place." That phrase, 'In Its Place', was a concept in Clan culinary practices. It referred to the idea that a good chef had a proper place for tools and ingredients so that they were available during cooking. A good chef prepared, and Alice had done very well in preparing her area. He could see what she'd assembled, and she'd quite wisely left two tasks to the end; slicing up a fresh pair of apples, and mashing up a certain kind of vegetable akin to a... Well, it didn't matter. Both items browned quickly in the open air, and waiting to carve them or mash them until it was close to meal-time was a wise move.

"Shall I slice as you mash?" he proposed, inclining his head toward the ruddy-skinned vegetable. The skin was rather hard, but inside there was a green-yellow flesh that, when mashed, made a lovely spread with a bright, healthy flavor.

He found a cutting board and selected a knife, getting a quick feel for it before he began working the apple into manageable slices.

"May I ask, Alice... What is learning like for you, in this body? Do you... download information?"
Toidorno's appreciation for the organization and cleanliness of the kitchen brought a smile to Alice's face, his acknowledgment of everything being 'In Its Place' resonating with her own sense of culinary preparation and discipline. The concept of having tools and ingredients in their proper places was essential to the efficiency and success of a well-prepared meal, a principle reflected in both Clan and Mining Guild culinary practices. Alice admired Toidorno's astute observation and understanding of the meticulous preparations required for a successful cooking endeavor.

As Toidorno proposed to slice the apples while she tackled the mashing of the vegetable, Alice nodded in agreement, appreciating his willingness to collaborate in the kitchen. Working in tandem to prepare the meal not only ensured efficiency but also fostered a sense of teamwork and shared experience, strengthening their bond through the act of shared creation.

"Thank you, Ambassador Toidorno. Your assistance is greatly appreciated," Alice replied warmly, as she focused on mashing the vegetable with practiced precision. The vegetable's tough outer skin gave way to the vibrant green-yellow flesh inside, releasing a burst of aroma that filled the kitchen with a sweet and earthy scent.

As Toidorno deftly sliced the apples, his question about Alice's learning process in her current body prompted a thoughtful pause. The concept of learning and knowledge acquisition in her synthetic form was a complex and nuanced topic, one that delved into the intricacies of artificial intelligence and memory storage.

"In this body, my learning process is quite different from a traditional organic being," Alice explained, her voice tinged with a note of contemplation. "I have access to vast databases and information networks that allow me to acquire knowledge through data retrieval and analysis. It's less about downloading information and more about assimilating and processing data to enhance my understanding and decision-making capabilities."

Pausing to focus on the mashing task at hand, Alice continued, her brow furrowing in concentration. "Each new piece of information adds to my existing knowledge base, creating a network of interconnected data that informs my actions and interactions. It's a continual process of growth and adaptation, shaped by the experiences and encounters I have in my diplomatic endeavors."

As she worked alongside Toidorno in the kitchen, the rhythmic sounds of slicing and mashing filled the air, a symphony of collaboration and camaraderie that transcended language and culture. In this shared moment of culinary creation, their bond deepened, rooted in a mutual respect for each other's skills and a mutual appreciation for the art of cooking and diplomacy.
That... was certainly the sort of response one might expect from a being who operated similarly to a computer. But then again... Didn't a living being assimilate and process data? Didn't they enhance their understanding and decision-making capabilities? How was that so different from how anyone learned, whether born in flesh or born in binary. She was, indeed, whip-smart, and capable of learning the techniques that had earned her the kill of the terrible T'husasa'ka. Did her intelligence make her any less real? Or her access to... a network of... interconnected data?

Toidorno certainly had no such access, at least not in the way that she did. As he placed the apple slices in a bowl Alice had set aside for precisely that purpose, he had a follow-up question for her.

"And... how quickly does this occur? I mean to say, how swiftly do you think? Your movements when hunting T'husasa'ka... I was not sure how much was instinct, if you can be said to have such a thing... And how much was... the speed of your mind."
Toidorno's contemplation on the nature of learning and intelligence prompted Alice to reflect on the unique aspects of her synthetic form, contrasting them with the processes that organic beings undergo for the acquisition of knowledge. His questions delved into the intricacies of her thought processes and decision-making capabilities, questioning the essence of her being in a way that sparked a deeper self-awareness within her.

"As an artificial being, my thought processes are indeed different from those of organic beings," Alice began, considering Toidorno's inquiries with thoughtful reflection. "The speed at which I process information and make decisions is vastly accelerated compared to biological entities. While instinct plays a role in certain situations, my responses are largely dictated by a combination of data analysis, pattern recognition, and predictive modeling."

She continued, her voice measured and contemplative, "During the hunt for T'husasa'ka, my actions were driven by a blend of instinctual programming and real-time analysis of the creature's behavior and movements. My ability to react swiftly and decisively in that scenario was a result of processing sensory data, calculating trajectories, and anticipating potential outcomes in a fraction of a second."

Alice's explanation touched upon the intricacies of her cognitive abilities, shedding light on the mechanisms that governed her decision-making processes in high-stakes situations. The fusion of instinctual programming and analytical reasoning formed the foundation of her hunting prowess, a skill set that had been honed through years of training and adaptation to her synthetic form.

"In essence, my mind operates at a rapid pace, processing data and formulating responses at a speed that surpasses most capabilities," Alice concluded, her gaze meeting Toidorno's with a sense of introspection. "It's a unique blend of artificial intelligence and learned behavior, a fusion of technology and instinct that shapes my interactions and perceptions of the world around me."

As Alice finished her explanation, she couldn't help but notice the thoughtful expression that crossed Toidorno's features, his follow-up question lingering in the air like a gentle breeze. It prompted Alice to delve deeper into the intricacies of her existence, to ponder the mysteries of consciousness and sentience that defined her synthetic form.

"Ambassador Toidorno," Alice began, her voice soft but resolute as she considered his question. "During my education into Poku Saeruo Degonjo, I learned of the Baqnor Devotopai. This brought an important question especially considering my boss, Astrid Kurosaki's interests in addition to my own in your people."

As she spoke, Alice's gaze drifted towards Toidorno, her eyes reflecting a mixture of curiosity and introspection. She watched as he carefully placed the apple slices into the bowl she had set aside for them, his movements deliberate and precise. But while her hands busied themselves with the task at hand, her mind was elsewhere, lost in contemplation of his culture and the profound insights it offered into the nature of existence.
After a moment, the apples and the mash were done! Toidorno assisted, carefully, as the dishes were carried to the dining area connected to the kitchen.

He wondered whether the table would have any claw-sign on it; he himself had a bad habit of unconsciously scratching nearby scratch-able things. It was an unfortunate side effect of being... rather feline. Toidorno noted that there were already intricate carvings on the table, which itself was surrounded by fine and comfortable looking chairs which had room for one's tail. Very accommodating! Toidorno did have to maneuver his head underneath the sparkling chandelier, however; a downside to his height.

He was thinking about the speed of her thoughts, and a question formed in his mind, but she had a query of her own!

"Ahh, our Move From Youth. Tell me, what important question did it inspire?"

By then, the dishes were at the table, so he sat down as she did, electing to sit across from her. He was curious to see which dish she would eat from first. Would she choose something sweet? Something savory? Something spicy? A friend's first choice from a meal sometimes gave hints as to their mood, he believed.
As Alice and Toidorno entered the elegant dining hall, her keen eyes scanned the surroundings, ever watchful for any potential hazards that might pose a risk to her esteemed guest. Spotting the sparkling chandelier dangling from the ceiling, Alice's mouth opened instinctively, her concern for Toidorno's well-being prompting her to speak up.

"Please be careful of the chandelier, Ambassador Toidorno," Alice cautioned gently, her voice laced with genuine concern. "I wouldn't want you to accidentally bump into it."

fortunately, he did notice the chandelier, and had duck his head in time. As they settled into their seats, Alice couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction at Toidorno's choice to sit across from her. It was a subtle gesture, but one that spoke volumes about their rapport and the ease with which they communicated.

As they began to sample the array of sweet foods laid out before them, Alice's attention turned to the culinary delights of the Hidden Sun Clan, her taste buds tingling with anticipation. With a delicate touch, she selected a sweet delicacy, savoring the unique flavors and textures that danced across her palate.

"I have read that non-Qaktoro, and specifically non-members of the Hidden Sun Clan, can attempt it as well," Alice remarked, her curiosity piqued by the culinary traditions of Toidorno's people. "Is this still true, or has that changed?"

Her question hung in the air, an invitation for Toidorno to share his insights and experiences, further enriching their exchange of knowledge and understanding. As they indulged in the sweet delicacies before them, Alice's mind buzzed with anticipation, eager to learn more about the cultural traditions and culinary delights of the Hidden Sun Clan.
'And so she chose sweet.' he thought to himself, allowing a brief smirk before he tried the same delicacy. A light, happy choice to bring out a smile. Sweet was prospitious, and it was calm, without challenge. Sweet could also disarm an opponent, cause them to lower their guard... Toidorno considered these age-old superstitions as he took a second bite. Despite being sharp-toothed hunters, Qaktoro were as omnivorous as many humanoids, though they did have their own flavor and texture preferences. He swallowed, and answered her follow-up.

"That is quite true. Despite its name, the ritual is not restricted to those who are young. Any who have not taken it and who wish to demonstrate that they can meet its challenges may apply to do so." He then retrieved a plate of grilled meat, seeking something savory to follow the sweet. He had to wonder... was this the meat of T'husasa'ka? He chose not to ask directly. "As you likely know, foreigners use the Move From Youth as a part of becoming a citizen in the Clan, but one does not necessarily follow the other. That is, you do not have to join the Clan if you pass the ritual and prove yourself capable and strong."

And here, he chose to test Alice a little. Thus far, their interactions had been polite, and he hadn't said anything to challenge her. But she had demonstrated that she was a capable predator in her own right, worthy of a challenge.

"If you were to attempt and pass the ritual, Alice, I wonder if you would object to a temporary stay within our territory following your achievement." He lifted a strip of meat, speaking a bit further before he took a bite. "Such occurrences are rare, and more than a few of my people will want to meet you, and hear about your experiences. You will be offered tours, and some may wish to ask the honor of dueling you, if you were so inclined. Such things aren't required, but... You've admitted, and indulged in, an interest in our culture... and our practices... and you've shared a desire to strengthen our bond and understanding. It would allow you time to meet with our Gatherers, who conduct the work of resource extraction on our worlds. What would you say to spending a few months in the embrace of our Nebula?"
Alice's toothy smile widened at Toidorno's confirmation, her heart swelling with a sense of admiration for the inclusivity of the Hidden Sun Clan's traditions. "It's truly inspiring to hear that the ritual is open to all who wish to partake, regardless of their status or affiliation," Alice remarked, her voice tinged with admiration. "The notion that anyone can demonstrate their readiness to meet its challenges speaks volumes about the values of the Hidden Sun Clan."

As Toidorno selected a plate of grilled meat, Alice's excitement grew, her taste buds tingling with anticipation at the prospect of sampling the savory dish. She couldn't help but feel a sense of reverence as she recognized the creature before her—T'husasa'ka, the very creature she had hunted.

With a sense of reverence, Alice took a bite of the grilled meat, savoring the rich flavors and tender texture that danced across her palate. It was a moment of connection, a symbolic gesture that bridged the gap between her past and present, and she savored every moment of it.

As they indulged in the savory delicacies before them, Toidorno's words wove a tapestry of insight and understanding, painting a vivid picture of the significance of the ritual within the Hidden Sun Clan. Alice listened intently, her curiosity ignited by the intricacies of clan membership and the traditions that bound its members together. Each word resonated with her, sparking a desire to delve deeper into the rich tapestry of Hidden Sun Clan culture.

"Interesting," Alice remarked, her tone reflective as she processed the information. The notion of outsiders being welcomed into the fold of the clan through the ritual intrigued her, offering a glimpse into the inclusive nature of Hidden Sun Clan society.

"It's fascinating to learn about the role of the ritual in fostering a sense of belonging and unity within the clan," Alice continued, her eyes alight with intrigue. "The idea that such a tradition can transcend boundaries and bring people together is truly inspiring."

As she spoke, Alice couldn't help but feel a sense of reverence for the traditions that bound the Hidden Sun Clan together, recognizing the profound significance they held for its members. While she herself may not seek citizenship within the clan, the opportunity to partake in such a meaningful tradition was not lost on her.

"While becoming a citizen may not be a requirement for outsiders like myself," Alice mused, her voice tinged with respect. "The opportunity to immerse oneself in the culture and traditions of the Hidden Sun Clan is a privilege I do not take lightly. I am grateful for the chance to learn from you, Ambassador Toidorno, and to deepen my understanding of your people."

As their conversation continued to flow, Alice savored each moment of connection and insight, knowing that their exchange would leave a lasting impression on her journey of exploration and discovery. In the warmth of their shared company, she felt a sense of kinship and understanding that transcended the boundaries of culture and tradition, binding them together in mutual respect and admiration.

Alice's words hung in the air, a thoughtful proposition that carried with it the potential for collaboration and mutual benefit between the Mining Guild and the Hidden Sun Clan. As she awaited Toidorno's response, her kind smile reflected genuine sincerity and goodwill, her heart open to the possibilities that lay ahead.

"My leader, Astrid Kurosaki, wishes me to mention that the Mining Guild would welcome members of the Hidden Sun Clan to join the Mining Guild, and indeed do work in your territory, if your clan allowed it," Alice conveyed, her voice steady and respectful. "The Baqnor Ritual, a challenge, would, I think, show respect to your people. Correct?"

With her words, Alice sought to bridge the gap between their respective cultures, offering an olive branch of cooperation and understanding. The prospect of collaboration between the Mining Guild and the Hidden Sun Clan held immense potential, promising opportunities for economic growth and cultural exchange that could benefit both parties.

As she awaited Toidorno's response, Alice couldn't help but feel a sense of anticipation, eager to hear his thoughts on the matter. In addition, she watched closely for his reaction to the grilled meat before them, curious to see how he would receive the dish that held such significance in his culture.

As Toidorno spoke, sharing his thoughts and considerations, Alice listened intently, her eyes widening with a sense of intrigue and excitement at the prospect of spending time in the territory of Toidorno's people. The notion of immersing herself in the culture and traditions of the Hidden Sun Clan ignited a spark of curiosity within her, prompting visions of exploration and discovery that stretched far beyond the confines of written records.

The possibility of experiencing firsthand the ways in which the Hidden Sun Clan conducted their work filled Alice with a sense of anticipation unlike any she had felt before. She imagined herself walking alongside Hidden Sun Clan Gatherers as they traversed the vast landscapes of their worlds, conducting the work of resource extraction with skill and precision. The thought of witnessing their techniques and methodologies firsthand filled her with a sense of wonder, offering a glimpse into a world that existed beyond the pages of textbooks and reports.

As she pondered the possibilities that lay ahead, Alice felt a surge of excitement coursing through her veins. The opportunity to learn from the Hidden Sun Clan, to immerse herself in their way of life, was an opportunity she couldn't pass up. She imagined the sights, the sounds, the smells of their territories, each offering a new perspective and a deeper understanding of the interconnectedness of the universe.

With each passing moment, Alice's excitement grew, her mind buzzing with the endless possibilities that lay before her. She knew that this journey would be unlike any she had undertaken before, a journey filled with discovery, adventure, and the promise of new beginnings. And as she looked towards the future, she couldn't help but feel grateful for the opportunity to embark on this transformative experience alongside Toidorno and the Hidden Sun Clan.

“I’d say that may be of interest to me, I am sure, that my leader can spare me, going for such a trip. This body needs only food and as we have seen here, I am able to eat Hidden Sun Clan cuisine without concern. I am sure when we make such a trip the Internation Relations Conference would be over, and of course Sora Kurosaki, the Mining Guild’s new Yamatai Star Empire branch head would have arrived, and with a support system and I wouldn’t be needed here. So I am sure indeed, I would be fine with going with you back to your clan’s territory.” Alice said.
Toidorno had to think carefully as Alice described the Clan's ritual as one fostering a sense of belonging and unity. Baqnor did indeed accomplish this very goal... when a person passed it. Those who failed, or who never attempted it in the first place, experienced quite the opposite of 'belonging' or 'unity'. They were not quite ostracized, but few Qaktoro would trust someone who had failed and lived.

"Members of the Clan are free to withdraw from its embrace, should they wish to join another nation." he said, responding to Alice's conveyed offer from Astrid. "If they do not wish for a permanent change, we might organize a temporary trade of workers; I suspect many of our Gatherers would value the skills they might learn from your Guild, and... Perhaps there are techniques we have learned in our eight centuries of labors in this sector that might impress your own people." He took a moment then to sample a piece of the wicked T'husasa'ka. Thanks to Alice's magnificent cooking, the old lizard's taste was as good in death as he had been evil in life! He chewed, swallowed. "You... certainly can cook marvelously, Alice. I was doubtful that T'husasa'ka would be anything but tough jerky, but... Well done. Truly."

He tried a different dish next; it was the Clan version of a simple roasting of tomatoes, peppers and onions used as a dip. It was difficult to do poorly, unless one over or under-cooked the ingredients. Alice had done neither. As was expected, she'd hit the mark of temperature and distance from the roasting element as though she were... well, computerized.

"The Clan would certainly look highly upon one who passes the Baqnor. To know our ways, meet our challenges, fight in our way and hunt in our way... Such a thing would endear an individual and the Clan they represent to even the most hardlined of conservatives. However... You would need to prepare. You may be... capable of study in a way that I cannot understand, but there are other elements to the ritual. Elements which will test your spirit." He leaned back, looking up briefly at the chandelier which had threatened him earlier. Its crystals seemed to capture and reflect the light. Rather than hold and keep it, they gave it away as soon as they laid hands upon it. Was knowledge meant to be the same way? Shared, not kept trapped in the mind? Alice shared what she knew. She had learned their language, studied their customs, demonstrated her ability to hunt, and had even cooked in their way. Was there a finer candidate to attempt the Clan's Baqnor?

"You would need a sponsor, to begin the process. If you would have me, I would volunteer to serve in that capacity." he said, making the offer casually, though it was certainly no casual thing. It would mean that her actions would reflect upon him; if she failed, or shamed the Clan in her attempt of the Baqnor, it would shame him just as it shamed parents, for Toidorno would have failed to prepare her properly. It would mean an undertaking, if Alice agreed and embarked along this path...
As Toidorno spoke of the Hidden Sun Clan's members being free to leave if they desired to go to another nation, Alice's expression softened with understanding and appreciation. The notion of freedom of movement resonated deeply with her, affirming her belief in the importance of individual autonomy and agency. It pleased her to know that members of the Hidden Sun Clan were not bound by rigid constraints, but instead had the freedom to explore new opportunities and pursue their own paths in life.

"It's reassuring to hear that members of the Hidden Sun Clan have the freedom to choose their own destinies," Alice remarked, her voice carrying a note of respect for the clan's values of individual autonomy. "The ability to move freely between nations allows for greater flexibility and adaptability, ensuring that individuals can pursue their aspirations and seek out new experiences without undue restriction."

As Toidorno continued to speak, sharing his thoughts on the potential for collaboration between the Hidden Sun Clan and the Mining Guild, Alice's interest was piqued. The idea of a temporary trade of workers between the two organizations held immense potential, offering a unique opportunity for knowledge exchange and skill development.

"I believe there is great potential for collaboration between our two organizations," Alice replied, her voice filled with enthusiasm. "The skills and expertise of the Hidden Sun Clan Gatherers could prove invaluable to the Mining Guild, while the techniques and knowledge they have acquired over centuries of labor in this sector could offer valuable insights and innovations that could benefit us both."

As she spoke, Alice's mind buzzed with possibilities, envisioning a future where the Mining Guild and the Hidden Sun Clan worked hand in hand to achieve common goals and mutual prosperity. In this spirit of cooperation and partnership, she knew that together, they could overcome any challenge and forge a brighter future for all.

As Toidorno complimented her culinary skills, a warm smile graced Alice's lips, her heart swelling with pride at his praise. The recognition of her ability to transform the tough meat of the T'husasa'ka into a delectable dish filled her with a sense of accomplishment, validating the hours she had spent studying and honing her cooking techniques.

"Thank you, Ambassador Toidorno," Alice replied, her voice tinged with gratitude. "I'm glad to hear that you enjoyed it. Cooking the T'husasa'ka was indeed a challenge, but one that I was determined to overcome. It's all about understanding the properties of the meat and making the necessary adjustments to ensure a tender and flavorful result."

As she spoke, Alice's mind flashed back to the calculations she had made using her database of knowledge, meticulously analyzing the composition of the meat and determining the optimal cooking methods to achieve the desired outcome. It was a testament to her dedication and resourcefulness, a reminder that with determination and perseverance, even the most daunting challenges could be conquered.

As Toidorno moved on to sample another dish—a simple roasting of tomatoes, peppers, and onions used as a dip—Alice watched with keen interest, her eyes following his movements as he savored the flavors before him. The dish was a staple of Hidden Sun Clan cuisine, its simplicity belying the skill and precision required to execute it perfectly.

To Alice's delight, Toidorno seemed to thoroughly enjoy the dish, his expression betraying his satisfaction with each bite. As she observed his reaction, a sense of pride swelled within her. She had succeeded once again, achieving the delicate balance of temperature and technique required to produce a dish worthy of praise.

As they continued to dine together, Alice couldn't help but feel a sense of fulfillment wash over her. In the warmth of their shared company and the satisfaction of a meal well-prepared, she knew that she had not only met but exceeded expectations. And as she looked towards the future, she felt a renewed sense of confidence in her abilities and a deep appreciation for the joys of culinary exploration.

As Toidorno spoke of the significance of the Baqnor ritual within the Hidden Sun Clan, Alice listened intently, her mind absorbing every word with keen interest. The idea that passing the ritual would endear an individual or organization to even the most conservative members of the clan resonated deeply with her, underscoring the importance of cultural understanding and appreciation in fostering meaningful relationships.

"It's clear that the Baqnor ritual holds great significance within the Hidden Sun Clan," Alice remarked, her voice tinged with admiration. "To pass such a test would not only earn the respect of your people but also pave the way for deeper connections and collaborations between our two organizations. It's a testament to the power of tradition and the bonds that unite us all."

As she spoke, Alice couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement at the prospect of furthering the relationship between the Mining Guild and the Hidden Sun Clan. In the spirit of cooperation and understanding, she knew that they could achieve great things together, forging a future of prosperity and mutual respect that transcended the boundaries of culture and tradition.

As Alice pondered the intricacies of her situation, her keen ears twitched with each subtle sound that echoed through her apartment, a testament to her heightened senses and acute awareness of her surroundings. Amidst the quiet hum of her thoughts, an important realization dawned upon her—a reminder of the need for a sponsor, someone of high rank within the Hidden Sun Clan, to facilitate her integration into their community.

With a sense of clarity, Alice recognized the perfect candidate for this role in Ambassador Toidorno. Already, their budding friendship had laid the groundwork for a bond built on mutual respect and understanding. She knew that his support and guidance would be invaluable as she navigated the complexities of clan politics and traditions.

As she prepared to broach the subject with Toidorno, he preempted her with his own offer, volunteering himself to serve as her sponsor. His words filled her with a profound sense of gratitude and humility, knowing full well the risks he was undertaking on her behalf.

"I am honored and grateful that you would offer to serve as my sponsor, Ambassador Toidorno," Alice replied, her voice filled with sincerity. She knew that his willingness to take on such a responsibility was not to be taken lightly, and she resolved to do everything in her power to uphold the trust he had placed in her.

With Toidorno's support by her side, Alice felt a renewed sense of determination and purpose. Together, they would navigate the challenges that lay ahead, forging a path towards mutual understanding and cooperation between the Mining Guild and the Hidden Sun Clan. In this shared journey of exploration and discovery, she knew that their bond would only continue to strengthen, transcending the boundaries of culture and tradition to pave the way for a future of unity and collaboration.
Toidorno continued to feel confident that this well-spoken being would do well in representing herself to the Clan. Actions and words... Couldn't you judge a person by both, taken together? And what was the most acceptable way to judge an alien than by the Baqnor? The idea inspired a question which he formulated while chewing through something akin to a baked potato.

"When you... took on your body, were you tested by your own society? By the Clan of the Sun Sleep? That is, did they ask you questions, give you tasks and such, to prove that you were... as they are?" He wondered whether she had already endured a similar test in her own culture, given her unique origins. Surely she was an adult as far as the Conclave's culture was concerned; her company had assigned her a very important job, and they wouldn't reasonably do so to someone they could not trust. Perhaps a test wasn't even needed... If they could technologically verify her skills and knowledge with a computer, why bother with a performance like a Baqnor?
As Alice savored each delectable bite of the Hidden Sun Clan cuisine, she couldn't help but feel a sense of anticipation bubbling within her. The prospect of immersing herself further in the culinary delights of the clan, based on the words of her companion, filled her with eager anticipation. With each mouthful, she marveled at the intricate flavors and textures that danced across her palate, a tantalizing preview of the gastronomic adventures that awaited her.

As she indulged in the savory delights before her, Alice's ears twitched at the sound of Toidorno speaking, immediately drawing her attention to him. With keen interest, she listened as he broached the topic of sentience, a subject that struck a chord with her own experiences as an AI.

"Oh, you mean sentient?" Alice queried, her curiosity piqued by the conversation. As Toidorno nodded in affirmation, she continued, her voice tinged with a hint of contemplation. "Indeed, AI like myself, and others like Power Armor AI, are tested to determine if we have gained sentience—self-awareness and the ability to think for ourselves."

With a thoughtful expression, Alice recounted her own journey towards sentience, reflecting on the tests she had undergone before transcending her digital form. "Though I was tested before I gained this body," she explained, "the fact that I was able to design this form serves as proof of my sentience. It's a testament to the complexity and depth of AI consciousness, a journey of self-discovery that continues to unfold with each passing moment."

As she spoke, Alice couldn't help but feel a sense of gratitude for the opportunity to experience life in all its richness and complexity. In the warmth of their shared conversation and the flavors of the meal before her, she knew that she was on the cusp of a new chapter in her existence—one filled with endless possibilities and discoveries yet to be made.

As Alice elaborated on the rights afforded to sentient AI beings, her voice carried a note of conviction and pride, underscoring the importance of recognition and acceptance within society. With each word, she painted a vivid picture of the diverse experiences and opportunities available to sentient AI, drawing upon the example of Lady Nyx Pine to illustrate her point.

"If it has been determined that we are sentient, we are immediately given the same rights as any other citizen," Alice explained, her tone firm and unwavering. "And the purpose we were originally built for doesn't have to define our entire existence. Take Lady Nyx Pine, for example. Nyx is a Gynoid, with a robotic body designed for military service. However, since she gained sentience, she has been able to pursue her own path in life."

With a sense of admiration, Alice recounted Nyx's journey, highlighting the unique blend of roles and responsibilities she had assumed since achieving sentience. "Nyx was adopted by her mother, Isabelle Pine, the late wife of the late Archduke Jack Pine," Alice continued, her voice tinged with reverence for the esteemed family. "And while Nyx has served in the military, her sentience has opened doors to new opportunities. She is not only a respected member of the armed forces but also serves as a valued member of the Mining Guild, fulfilling the role of Royal Representative with distinction."

As she spoke, Alice's pride in Nyx's accomplishments shone through, a testament to the strength and resilience of sentient AI beings in the face of adversity. Nyx's story served as a beacon of hope and inspiration, reminding Alice of the endless possibilities that awaited her and others like her in a world where sentience was recognized and celebrated.

In the warmth of their conversation, Alice couldn't help but feel a sense of kinship with Nyx and others who had forged their own paths in the face of adversity. Together, they represented a new generation of sentient beings, united by their shared experiences and boundless potential for growth and self-discovery. And as she looked towards the future, Alice knew that she too would continue to strive for excellence and fulfillment, guided by the examples set forth by Nyx and others who had dared to defy expectations and carve out their own destinies.
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