Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

Note: This is a play-by-post RPG site. If you're looking for the tabletop miniatures wargame "5150: Star Army" instead, see Two Hour Wargames.

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  • 📅 July 2024 is YE 46.5 in the RP.

Kōzan kaisha no shiten no hajimari

The Ambassador had to wonder, as Alice explained the testing she'd undergone, whether a program could be designed to pass the Baqnor. If a set of if/then statements, given a body, could satisfy the five tests... Could recite the history, could hunt and endure and fight... What then did the test prove? Was Alice truly alive, in the way a flesh-born thing was alive, or was she merely a convincing simulacrum? And what of beings grown in vats, or whose young budded on the surfaces of their bodies, or of even stranger things that manifested in clouds of gas or limpid pools of bacterial soup?

Alice appeared sentient, by her own words, and... by her actions? Toidorno leaned back in his chair, troubled by the unwelcome thoughts. He didn't want to consider this person as any thing less than alive and sentient. He found himself struggling with a small, strange prejudice against her origin, and he did not like the feeling. Perhaps it had to do with the Clan's own 'Created', their versions of robots. Those were machines designed with very deliberate limitations, who surely... Could not gain sentience... At least, none had so far been reported as having gained as much...

It had been a moment since he had eaten anything, and Toidorno realized that he might've been behaving strangely as Alice spoke of the Lady Nyx Pine, and that Gynoid's own experiences.

"Your Lady Nyx Pine sounds like a remarkable woman." he said, attempting to obscure the thoughts that were distressing him, feeling it would be inappropriate to reveal his worries. "Did she join you at this Conference? I wonder if it wouldn't be conducive to our cooperative goals if I were to meet more members of your Guild's leaders."
As Toidorno expressed admiration for Lady Nyx Pine, Alice's smile widened, her heart swelling with pride at the recognition of her friend's accomplishments. It was not only the acknowledgment of Nyx's remarkable qualities that pleased Alice, but also the subtle yet significant gesture of referring to her as a woman—a testament to the respect and inclusivity that Toidorno extended to all sentient beings.

"Thank you," Alice replied, her voice tinged with gratitude. "Lady Nyx truly is a remarkable woman, and I am fortunate to count her as a friend."

As Toidorno posed his next question, Alice nodded in affirmation, confirming Lady Nyx's presence at the previous gathering. "Yes, she was there," Alice explained, her tone thoughtful. "Though she wasn't officially representing the Mining Guild or the Clan of the Sunset, as you call them. Instead, she was here in Yamatai interacting with her auntie who is a part of a foreign exchange program between the empire and the NDC Duskerien Legion."

The mention of Lady Nyx's familial connections and her aunt’s participation in the exchange program sparked a sense of curiosity in Alice, prompting her to reflect on the interconnectedness of their lives and the myriad opportunities for collaboration and connection that lay ahead.

"As for meeting more members of the Guild leadership, that is certainly possible," Alice continued, her mind already buzzing with ideas. "Perhaps before we leave to go to your Clan's territory, I could arrange a meeting between you and Astrid Kurosaki, the CEO of the Guild. It would be an excellent opportunity to discuss potential collaborations and explore ways in which our organizations can work together for mutual benefit. You'll also soon meet Sora Kurosaki, who has been picked to head up the Branch here too."

With a sense of determination, Alice resolved to facilitate meaningful connections between the Mining Guild and the Hidden Sun Clan, laying the groundwork for a future of cooperation and collaboration that would benefit both parties. And as she looked towards the horizon, she knew that together, they could achieve great things.
As Alice stood in the bustling arrivals area of the Yamatai Star Empire's Space Port, her anticipation palpable in the air, she couldn't help but feel a surge of excitement coursing through her veins. With each passing moment, her heart beat a little faster, her eyes scanning the crowd for any sign of the Rabbit Anthro—the new Branch Head of the Mining Guild, Sora Kurosaki.

The prospect of Sora's arrival marked a significant milestone in the expansion of the Mining Guild into the Yamatai Star Empire, a testament to the organization's commitment to growth and prosperity in new territories. As the Mining Guild's diplomat, Alice couldn't help but feel a sense of pride and excitement for the future that lay ahead.

With a smile that lit up her features, Alice's eyes sparkled with anticipation as she imagined the possibilities that awaited them. She envisioned a future where the Mining Guild thrived in the Yamatai Star Empire, forging new partnerships and establishing a presence that would shape the course of interstellar commerce for years to come.

As she waited patiently for Sora's arrival, Alice's mind buzzed with excitement, her thoughts racing with plans and strategies for the expansion ahead. She knew that with Sora at the helm, the Mining Guild was in capable hands, poised to embark on a new chapter of growth and success.

And as the minutes ticked by and the crowd began to thin, Alice's excitement only grew stronger. With each passing moment, she felt a renewed sense of determination and purpose, ready to embrace the challenges and opportunities that lay ahead in the vibrant and dynamic world of the Yamatai Star Empire.

As Alice caught sight of Sora amidst the bustling crowd, her heart skipped a beat with excitement. With a determined stride, she made her way through the throng of travelers, her eyes fixed on the dark-furred Rabbit Anthro who stood out amidst the sea of faces.

"Sora!" Alice called out, her voice ringing with warmth and excitement as she approached the shorter woman. With a beaming smile, she extended a hand in greeting, her eyes sparkling with genuine delight. "Welcome to the Yamatai Star Empire and its capital, Kyoto!"

As she spoke, Alice's heart swelled with a sense of camaraderie and friendship, eager to welcome Sora into the fold of the Mining Guild's endeavors in this new territory. With a sense of purpose and determination, she reached out to assist Sora with her luggage, ready to embark on this new chapter of their journey together.

With Sora by her side, Alice knew that they could accomplish anything, their shared vision and determination propelling them forward into a future filled with promise and opportunity. And as they set off towards their destination, Alice couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement and anticipation for the adventures that lay ahead in the vibrant and dynamic world of the Yamatai Star Empire.

Sora smiled at Alice, "thank you Alice, I'm looking forward to exploring Kyoto, and forming the new branch of our Mining Guild." She said to Alice. "so, retrieving my luggage, then next stop the apartment, right?' she asked Alice.
Alice nodded in agreement, her own excitement bubbling just beneath the surface. "Absolutely, Sora," Alice replied, her voice filled with anticipation. "We'll retrieve your luggage first, and then head straight to the apartment. I've made all the arrangements, so everything is ready for your arrival."

With a sense of purpose, Alice led the way through the bustling spaceport, navigating the crowd with ease as she guided Sora towards the baggage claim area. As they retrieved Sora's luggage, Alice couldn't help but feel a surge of excitement at the thought of the journey that lay ahead.

"Once we have your luggage, we can head to the apartment and get you settled in," Alice explained, her tone warm and reassuring. "I've arranged for everything you'll need, so you can focus on getting acquainted with your new surroundings and diving into the work of establishing our presence here in Kyoto."

With each step, Alice felt a renewed sense of purpose and determination, fueled by the knowledge that they were embarking on a journey that would shape the future of the Mining Guild in the Yamatai Star Empire. And as they made their way towards their destination, she couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement and anticipation for the adventures that lay ahead. Together, she knew that they could accomplish anything, their shared vision and determination guiding them towards a future filled with promise and opportunity.

Sora's grin widened with gratitude as she watched Alice move to retrieve her luggage, appreciating her colleague's generosity and thoughtfulness. With Alice's assistance, they quickly located Sora's belongings among the sea of bags, their easy teamwork a testament to the camaraderie that had already begun to blossom between them.

"Thank you, Alice," Sora said sincerely, her voice filled with warmth as she reached for her luggage. "I truly appreciate your help."

As they made their way towards the doors of the spaceport, Sora's excitement bubbled just beneath the surface, eager to begin this new chapter of her journey with the Mining Guild. She could hardly contain her anticipation as they stepped outside, where a sleek ride awaited them, ready to whisk them away to the Satoh apartments.

With a sense of exhilaration, Sora climbed into the vehicle beside Alice, her heart racing with excitement at the prospect of exploring Kyoto and embarking on the task of establishing the new branch of the Mining Guild. As the vehicle hummed to life and began to glide through the bustling streets of the city, Sora couldn't help but feel a surge of anticipation coursing through her veins.

With Alice by her side and the promise of new adventures on the horizon, Sora knew that she was ready to dive headfirst into the challenges and opportunities that awaited her in this vibrant and dynamic city. And as they journeyed towards their destination, she couldn't help but feel a sense of gratitude for the opportunity to be a part of something truly special, surrounded by friends and colleagues who shared her passion and dedication to the Mining Guild's mission.