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Approved Character Kaida Nagamira

Looking through, I like her. she's a quirky character. I just have a couple questions:

1) What fleet was her mother part of? you may have to talk to Wes or someone similar to figure out what base it would have been that had been destroyed

2) Why does she have a Daisy listed? This is more of my own curiosity, seeing as most Neko use the Mindy.
kai said:
2) Why does she have a Daisy listed? This is more of my own curiosity, seeing as most Neko use the Mindy.

Since Star Army standard issues everyone a PA, the two choices are Daisy and Mindy. It's purely preferential. Considering it's her first Neko, I don't think she's aware of which one is more common. If her character is going to be involved primarily in planetary combat, the Daisy is the better choice.

But what really struck me is the name similarity to Kai.
Kai Nakamura -> Kaida Nagamira? Was that intentional, dragonnova, or just an ironic coincidence?
1. Umm ... far be it from me to question a woman on the figure a girl should have, but, um, ... 5'10" and she's only 98 pounds? With D-cups? That doesn't quite add up to me (hot as it sounds).

At the least, the height is off. Did you mean 5'1"? Note that if she's taller than 5'6", she cannot pilot a Mindy II power armor. She'd also be looked upon strangely by her peers, as there is no Neko listed anywhere in the SARP with a such a height.

2. Her hair sounds very pretty, so you can add that she gets compliments about that, too. (Haw.)

3. In her personality, it sounds to me as if she doesn't like computers or technology in general. That's OK; Neko are individuals who can deviate from cultural norms just as anyone else. But in space, it's hard to target anything without the assistance of computers. Does this mean she stays out of space combat if she can help it?

Also, how does she feel about her own computerized brain and war machine body, considering it is bred for war?

3a. Why does she seem to be so fearful of others? That doesn't fit in with her distrust of technology, nor does her desire for modesty (the bodystocking/stretch suit uniform, or the technician's/Redberry uniform, would work for her, right?).

4. I'm guessing her mother was a member of the 5th XF. That fleet has suffered plenty, and since Taiie was destroyed, that would explain the loss of backups.

I'd actually like to see a little more history about the mother -- her name and what was her duty on the ship she served on, for instance.

5. For her Fighting skill, you make no mention of her sharpshooting. With my character Yukari, sharpshooting is a secondary skill beneath Combat. However, Yukari earned that distinction through RP, something you can't do yet.

There's a couple of ways I'm willing to let the sharpshooting stand.

a. Lessen her ability with other weapons inside the Fighting skill, while enhancing the "sharpshooting." For instance, she might be merely proficient enough to pass tests with pistols, knives and grenades, but excel with rifle-like weapons.

That means that in the RP, against a Nekovalkyrja fresh out of basic training, she would have a higher degree of losing a fight that involved grenades, knives or energy pistols. However, if she and her Neko opponent were given rifles, she'd have a much better chance of succeeding.

b. Eliminate one of her elective skills (Culinary, Physical, Domestic) and add the secondary skill to Fighting. Pretty self-explanatory. Since she's a Neko and benefits much less from exercise than a Yamataian or a Nepleslian, that would be my first choice of skills to cut if you go this route. She could still be an exercise freak if you want her to be, since her exercise doesn't seem to involve anything special (gymnastics, swordplay, etc.).

Either route you take is fine with me, as the same can apply to any character being created by a veteran of the SARP.

Overall: A fine Nekovalkyrja character -- highly capable in battle under the right circumstances, not so solid outside of battle. An entirely solid stab at a Neko character!

This character is pending. Please address the list of edits and questions above.
Teddo said:
But what really struck me is the name similarity to Kai.
Kai Nakamura -> Kaida Nagamira? Was that intentional, dragonnova, or just an ironic coincidence?

Noticed it too, decided to laugh IRL but keep it to myself. =P

Also, Doshii, Really tall Nekos could probably be issued a Mindy 3A.
They are still new, and listed as "test types available", but I'm certain one can be special ordered for a tall Neko. In the Senbu plot, my character has a 3A, although I did RP him saying it had been tough to get his hands on it.

With regards to the Mindy 2-3A availability. You might treat it for now as GM approval required item.

The crew of the Aeon just got permission Wes to field test the 2-3A as a unit.
Ok ok, this is me with a caffeine headache and receiving a huge dissatisfaction in another plot, but here goes, I'll try to not be a jerk.

1. Am I getting deja vu here? Didn't coffee already mess up body proportions on other characters? Blargh. Well, I put it at the maximum height. (5'6") and changed the weight to 103. Hopefully that's a bit better. (Stupid CCG and it's confusing guidelines.)

2. No. That's for others to decide if they like it or not. Bite me.

3. She will do it if she has to, but if she can pull off the shot manually, then she will do it. Typically, I assume that she'll use the targeting to identify and center a target, then take aim and fire off a shot at it. Computer brains could pull that off with a little effort, I imagine. (unless I'm stupid like I imagine and I know nothing about space combat.)

And she doesn't trust external machines, I should clarify that. Within her body she doesn't care.

A: Honestly, it's because she's not too experienced in social situations, but I suppose that would change quickly. I'm not sure whether to elaborate or just remove that little blurb.

4. And I'd like to oblige, but since I'm not really much of a yamatai player, I'd need some assistance in figuring out the specifics. This is something I'm going to have to fix at a later time. (Which also means this isn't getting approved very quickly. -_-) If someone can catch me on the IRC or is patient with PM's, I'd appreciate it.

5a and b: I removed physical, since that is redundant. I placed the sharpshooting subskill as you suggested, though I don't know if I did that correctly. Guess I'll wait for the second critique.

Changed the Daisy to a Mindy, since I'm a technologically challenged idiot.
No, I didn't notice the name thing. She actually shares a close resemblance with the name of a character I have in another RP. Plus I like the name Kaida, bite me.

EDIT: GODDAMNIT stop posting so it will stop asking me if I want to revise it.
Doshii Jun said:
At the least, the height is off. Did you mean 5'1"? Note that if she's taller than 5'6", she cannot pilot a Mindy II power armor. She'd also be looked upon strangely by her peers, as there is no Neko listed anywhere in the SARP with a such a height.
Doshii Jun said:
Hmmm. I suppose. But she'd still be a freak at 5'10"; Neko just aren't that tall.

Neko listed in the SARP

... :shock: ... :? .... ...

*backs away from the thread slowly*

Fuck fuck shit.
Great, Teddo. Did I approve her? Anyway, you should take off the Mindy 2A from her inventory, because she can't use it.

1, 2, 3 — Cool. Just clarify the external machines part in the bio and you're OK.

4 — I can let the history part slide, as I'll see you on IRC anyway. It's less of a necessary edit as a chance for you to learn more.

5 — Edit looks good!

Don't sweat the Mindy/Daisy part; you're new to Yamatai's particulars.

This character is approved for IC usage. While additional edits are scheduled to be made later, they do not rise to the level of stopping approval.
This is my reaction to seeing this:

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