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RP [Kallaris Protectors] Mission 1: The maiden voyage

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Well-Known Member
RP Date
YE 40
RP Location
In a lone area of the spaceport sat a Henkei-class starship, with a few people loading food, drinks and other important gear for the team's first journey to start helping other planets and animals that people may have only heard of in legends. While the people were loading up the ship there was a woman who looked more like a hippy than what she actually was, A alien that was only met on this planet. The plant woman was humming and singing to herself as she looked over the list of equipment and smiled happily. She started watching the people and chuckled "Hey now make sure that there are tranquilizers in the ammo as well as live rounds, as we have no idea what sort of animals we will be dealing with off this planet."

"Yes, Lady Edonica" said one of the loading crew as they showed the woman the tranq rounds and she nodded "Oh don't call me that I have always said for you to call me Kaliah." Kaliah's voice was soft and calming to most people who listened to it but she could only speak broken common to the team, she turned from the workers and made sure the table she made for the new team that was coming to join her for the voyage of a conservationist's lifetime.

On the table was fruit juice and some homemade biscuits that Kaliah had made herself after a few arguments with some of the cooks on the planet, but they accepted that she wanted to make the welcome to the new generation of the Kallaris Protectors. She stood there and waited for her crew that would be joining her, she was nervous and started to hum a small song and played with a tendril of hair as she watched the entranced to see what would be coming through to join her team.
Hailey Neopolianto was buzzing. In fact, she wasn't just buzzing, she was shaking, literally. The rather flamboyant woman had managed to twist a friend's arm to drop her off on Kallaris after a few prods and pokes. The thing was that it had been a longer trip than expected and all that her ride had brought were energy drinks and candy, being the favorite of most activists like her.

Her messy, rock-and-roll hair streamed like a storm as Hailey bounded towards the entrance she was expected at, even though to her overloaded mind it looked like there was about four entrances. The Minkan's strawberry and vanilla tones fluttered, her loose fitting green shirt bearing a overexaggerated "NATURE! GO!" logo, her light brown shorts figure-hugging yet sporting many a pocket.

A small camo-pattern daypack was tossed over one shoulder, jiggling wildly with the motions of the hyperactive activist as she approached the laden table with breakneck speeds, hiking boots tightly fastened. Unfortunately, the backpack wasn't totally synced into Hailey's vibes today, a bright pink waterbottle suddenly flying free and arcing to clatter to the left of the hyena-girl.

With a little yelp at the sudden crashing sound, the rather unique-looking Minkan stopped in her tracks, boots sliding along the uneven ground for a few inches before she turned to see what had happened.
Saren Sebae slid into view with a large worn brown hiking backpack. His shirt had a large circle with wildlife inside it. Around the edge, it repeated, "DON'T BREAK THE CIRCLE". At his side was a knife that looked similar to a bolo knife, useful in the dense jungles of his homeworld Essia. It had clearly seen long use. There was also a small pistol next to it. He had graduated at the top of his class in comparative biology, before going on a expedition to a recently discovered jungle world where he wrote his doctoral thesis on the comparative biology of that world with his home. Sections of that thesis made their way into some of the most important books on jungle survival and textbooks on the biology of jungles. He was up and coming in the world of comparative biology.

He was holding his hands together as if there was something in them. He had a huge grin on his face. The bright pink water bottle clattered to the side of his tail. "Perfect!" He exclaimed, grabbing it with one hand while keeping something in his other hand from escaping. He dumped out the water and put the clear bright pink water bottle over whatever he had in his hand. After letting it crawl in, he screwed the top back on.

As he approached the table, he showed everyone his prize. "See what I found on the way here?" He said excitedly. Showing everyone the Beatle that was in the water bottle. It was a fairly common sight on Kallaris, but Saren didn't care, it was new to him. It was impossible to cover every known species in even the most in-depth of courses.
Wazu would then roll up to the ship.

This was a metaphor for getting close to the ship, as his form closed the distance between itself and the loading ramp at a brisk pace. This was also quite literally what Wazu was doing, as the body he was remotely controlling had formed itself into a dense, mostly opaque, glossy black sphere. That sphere would continue rolling forward until it wasn't.

As soon as it stopped infront of the loading ramp the sphere became a blob, the bulk of it now resting against the floor as it extended two eye stalks which looked around the area followed by a small speaker.

"Hello. I am looking to speak with Lady Edonica."
Kaliah looked over at the three people that had entered the hanger and giggled when she saw what happened with the furry humanoid, but the giggle turned to a frown shortly after seeing another member take the girl's bottle and use it for an insect. Kaliah took the bottle gently and smiled "Thank you there Sir, but this wasn't your bottle, it was one of our other newcomers." She opened the bottle and let the insect crawl over her hand for a few minutes "This is a good find for a first-time visit to Kallaris, these little critters eat sweet fruit and um really like me for some reason."

She walked over to the snacks and then put the Beatle on the table and then gave it a berry, she then poured some home-made juice into the bottle and handed it back to the furry human "Oh where are my manners, I am Kaliah Edonica, otherwise known as the Lady of the World for the people who live here."

Kaliah heard someone call her name "Oh over here Slime thing? I am Kaliah Edonica, you don't have to call me Lady, that is what some people here call me as the leader of the Kallaris Protectors." She looked over the three people and her hair moves by itself and she gestures to the food and drinks on the table "Please help yourself to my home cooking and I will discuss our first mission together on um I haven't given her a name yet as we have just gotten her." She happily points to the Henkei-class starship and smiled happily "Maybe as the first members of the crew we can all come up with a name for her, as a bonding exercise and see how we click together."

She pulled out a file and stretched as she activated it to run through the information and sighed as her hair laid limp against her back as she read out the information for the team that had formed. "Well I don't know what you guys were expecting, but we have information that there are a group of smugglers planning to sell some rare exotic creatures at an underground auction, we are going there and shutting down the event any way we can." She looked a little upset at the next point "We can use force if needed, but I hope it doesn't come to that, but I have contacts that will come and pick up the creatures to transport them back to their planets of origin, everyone happy with the details? you can ask your questions now."
Hailey blinked as a blur of motion scooped up her fallen bottle, speeding away and doing whatever they were doing with it before she had a chance to process. "H-HEY!" She exclaimed, dashing over as fast as she could manage, hiking boots kicking up clouds of dust in her wake.

The vibrant-coloured Minkan drew up to the others, a blur by all accounts, Hailey realised this was where she was supposed to be. Placing her hands on her thighs, she gave the traditional Yamataian bow to them all. "Hello everyone, it looks like I'm in the right place." The chocolate-furred woman then took in the unique-looking plant woman, "Oh- You must be the good Lady." Hailey offered up a winning smile, nodding a greeting.

Before she could chase up the bottle issue, she had already been handed it back, refilled with something a lot healthier than had originally been in there. It all sounded very exciting, an auction for those poor animals - how cruel! "Awesome, saving the world one action at a time." Hailey perked up with the conversation, having apparently forgiven the budding entimologist. With that, she swooped onto the table of delicious-smelling morsels, famised from the journey.
"Oh, this is Wazu. I have other engagements I have to attend to in person but I wanted to support your initiative here. I am remote controlling this Liquid Soldier from quite a distance."

The slime would wait there, motionless, as the rest of the talking finished up. It continued to diligently hold up the speaker, while its eyes seemed to get bored, slowly starting to look around and observe the rest of the room before jolting to attention when the speaker started up again.

"Is this a legal auction? I am not familiar with the local planet, but I would assume there are some local authorities we could contact?"
Saren watched the Beetle eat the berry happily. "I's mandibles have a similar shape to the Jarwaba, the shape is pretty common among fruit-eating insects." He seemed enthralled by the insect until people started introducing themselves. He straightened up, seeming somewhat surprised that there were other people around him. "Oh, yes introductions! I'm Saren Sebae, I'm a comparative biologist. Do we know how many there are going to be?" He asked.
Kaliah smiled at the group of eager people as she was bombarded with questions and she spoke softly as she first turned to the slime that was being controlled "Ah Sir Wazu, it is nice to meet your acquaintance maybe some time we can meet in person and discuss things of over some brewed tea." She thought for a moment "Well, let me just say welcome to you all, Wazu, Saren Sebae and you, miss bundle of excitement must be the girl Hailey who messaged me about joining this little team."

She sorted out some of her vines before speaking again as her smile disappears and she looked over them "No this is not legal, the animals are being sold in the black market, on a Garisia." As she said this word one of the people loading stuff onto their ships sighs "Lady Kaliah, you mean spaceport remember your Common, only a couple of people understand you and they have been with you since the beginning of this place."

Kaliah coughed and continued "This spaceport, is not well known and they have kept it away from authorities to keep doing these auctions and other things, we are prepared for anything with this ship and we will be the authorities on this one Wazu, I hope you are all okay with that?" She turned to Saren "People umm no, our mole has said they kept security low for this advent as no one really cares for animals auction except to use the animals in some way, but animals there are seven being auctioned.
Saren nodded, "The police are going to be doing their job which is the taking everyone in part of things. So we're going to be taking care of the animals once everything is safe." Saren said, trying to get a picture of what exactly they would be doing.
Hailey looked absolutely mortified, curling her fists by her side in dismay. "Those.. those..!" The tricolored girl was practically shaking, though if that was the anger, energy drinks or a mix of both was anyone's guess. She slurped her tea aggressively, quite a feat for a woman that looked as she did with a lovely hot beverage. As much as Hailey hated to admit it, the delicious liquid actually helped a lot to calm her down, "This is delicious, thank you my Lady.." She mumbled appreciatively, swirling the lovely elixir as she tried to cool off from her usual overactive self best she could.
Wazu would wait for a while before responding.

Really, it was just a bit of lag time. The actual Wazu was busy being thrown around a bridge somewhere, other tasks like not being killed were taking up his attention.

The speaker on his goo-bot would finally speak up,

"What is the plan of action?" It asked, "Are we to try and engage their security detail during the auction? What kind of security can we expect on the ground? Do I have time to hire some additional help? And do we have a plan for recovering the animals and loading them into this ship?"

The attention would then shift to Kaliah herself, "We could schedule some time together once this current action is over. I am certain there is a good tea house somewhere within travel range."
Kaliah listened to everyone while she sipped on the tea and sighed a little as she put the cup down on the table and looked at the three in front of her "Well first off, we are the police in this scenario, the police don't mind if a few animals get sold off, they are more concerned with sentient creature trafficking, like if any of you people were being sold." She stood up and smiled at the small group "So it will be us versus the auction, I hope you are ready for that."

"Miss Hailey please be calm about the situation, we don't want any trigger happy people rushing into this mission, but thanks for the compliment of the tea." She coughed "Sorry about this, I still haven't mastered common so it still takes me some time to handle the explaining side of stuff." She breathed in and thought for a moment "Okay, so we are going to a small secluded space station that is used for selling things, like our animal friends. These people are having an auction for some rare animals, we are going to go to this station and shut down the auction by any means and then load the animals onto this ship." She pointed to the ship being loaded with gear "And then we will take the animals to a group that works with us who will take the critters back to their homeworlds."

She sat back down and was clearly still uncertain if this was clearer for the group or not as she sipped at her tea as she looked over at Wazu "I don't think it necessary to bring in more people, we could sneak in easier as a small group." She thought about it and looked at them "With the security detail and everything on this mission will be up to us to decide the best way to do this, I don't think we can buy all the animals though so it will be different options, either sneaking in and pretending to be staff, or by force, or any other way you want."

She looked at the group "The animals are already in cages so we can load the cages onto our ship, but if something happened and they escape the cages it will be a little harder to load on the ship, we will have to recapture them if that happens."

She finished her tea and chuckled "When this job is finished, I will treat you all to a tour and a nice relax in the city and maybe we can find you a home each somewhere so you can have a nice home away from home."
"Do we have access to the schematics of the station? It will be far easier for us to take control of the cargo without causing fatalities if we first take control of the station. Access to either their control room, or to their main engineering area, would allow us control of the station. From there we could lower the oxygen content to force an evacuation or disorient the remaining individuals. From there it would be an easier job of producing the animals." Wazu suggested.
Kaliah sighs as she sees people leave the group with a small sigh "This type of work isn't for everyone, but I guess that means only the strong will stay around then." She looks over at Saren with a grin "At least one of you stayed, so we will see if anyone else comes because of our ad" she looks over at the plates on the table and sighs a little "I was hoping for a nice big turn out. I helped made all of this with our dinning team" she Laughs a little "Doesn't matter the animals and crew will enjoy it now."

She looks at the ship and smiles "We have tranq rifles and pistols packed in there, supplies and comms with this base, it is fully kited out from what the others say, I am not really sure what they mean by that though." A woman walks up to the two chatting and bows "Lady Kaliah, everything is ready for the mission, I also took a look at the supplies and we we are still in the green for this month."
"If you don't mind me taking a nap, I think I can make sure it doesn't go to waste," Saren said with a grin.
Meanwhile,A pair of hired hands arrived under the order of the Minkan Cyborg,Allen Hackett,while carrying an unknown entity inside a black-purple cocoon.It seems to have 3 pairs of small,frail arms,and the body of a human.

"Is this Henkai-class Starship belongs to Lady Edocina?"One of the thugs asked.
A female separa pythus of copper and red scales slithered along by at first, wearing working clothes, tools, gloves, and a few other work items including a holstered pistol adorning the seemingly distracted snake woman. A pair of headphones sat oh her ears as she weaved to a unheard beat, but progress halted as she saw the ship and odd grouping. Reptilian eyes regarded the group curiously as she considered whether to investigate, or not to, the runaway having learned to judge a situation before running in.

Seeming harmless enough, she lowered the headphones, some sort of rock faintly playing out of them. Casually, she slithered over, her posture relaxed and calm. With a curious expression, she drew closer to the ship and gathered people. "Don't mean to pry, but, I wass wondering what wass happening in this place. You had quite a few gathered here, is this a merchant transaction of some sort, or other type of business?"
"I don't know,I was only assigned to deliver this cage.But according to our boss,this is supposed to be an animal recovery mission."One of the thugs said,his brown eyes remains fixed to the strange visitor.
"Well,you know what they said....'Up the hills to Noah's ark.' "The other one said,fidgeting with his butterfly knife to pass the time.
The entity inside the cage soon starts to move,although it is subtle.A black-purple slime then starts to cover the flooring of the cage,emitting an unusual fragrant smell that is the mix of lavender and honey.
Kaliah nodded to Saren and smiled "Of course, go onto the ship and make yourself at home" she then looked over the new people that entered the room, firstly she turned to the people asking about her "Yes I am Kaliah Edocina, but I wasn't expecting this, maybe someone used my name, I don't know we are already shaqia, um I mean late." She sighs and looks at the people "Yea it is fine leave it here or that it into the ship, either is fine with me, just make sure it doesn't interfere with the other people already in the ship." She sighed and looked over to the new entry "Sorry about that, this is some other bussiness, we are the animal protection organisation, Kallaris Protectors, I was recruiting people for a new force that will deal with the black market selling and hunting of animal species that come from any planet."
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