Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

Note: This is a play-by-post RPG site. If you're looking for the tabletop miniatures wargame "5150: Star Army" instead, see Two Hour Wargames.

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RP: United Outer Colonies [Kasairyuu] A New Home

"What you think that some clumsy Yamataian that can't even walk a straight line in his armor without falling down is enough to make me cry?!" Natsuko asked with a slight sneer in her 'voice'. "For your information, I am more than just a little upset by the current situation. What happens if we are told to shoot? Do we just give up our loyalties there? Dammit Xanatos, whose side are we on anyway? Last I checked I was a soldier in the Star Army of Yamatai, and I could have sworn that the 5XF was a fleet within it. Now I might be ordered to possibly shoot down my allies, my fellow sisters who fight for the same thing I do?" Near the end of the communication Natsuko started to sound exasperated. "I thought the Misshu were the enemy, now it's central Yamatai?"

As Natsuko flew in formation she gazed out at the emperor's fleet. Who is the goodguy now? she wondered as she stared into the distance.
David floated in space Infront of the Akuro III and let a small prayer leave his lips. He wouldn't let him self show how unsure he was at this whole situation but he was none-the-less conserned. His adjutants had yet to join him and he felt slightly alone. Just then Ashlyn and Charles both flew in beside him and but thier arm across thier chest in a form of salute. It was a show of respect that he liked his squadmates to use becasue the power armour does not hinder the movement and it could be done in zero-gravity. "So nice of you two to join me. Get in formation."

Charles flew into formation to the left of david and floated at attention. "I'm sorry sir, I would have gotten here sooner but I had to pick up one of the kids that fell over onto another. Clumsy idiot." He let out a laugh that had a measure of distaste in it at the young pilot.

Ashlyn chimed in aswell. "They wouldn't last a minute in a stealth action." As Ashlyn finished her sentence the emperor's transport left the Akuro III for his flagship.

"This is it people. If something is going to happen, nows the time it will. Hold steady and don't show outward agression unless they do so first." David called over the wings communication frenquency.
Xanatos thought for a moment about this. He understood what she was saying and totally agreed with her. He would have to fight her sisters, too, but the prospect of gunning down former comrades made him sick to his stomach. After a few moments of silence, the Yamataian finally replied telepathically, I understand, but we are just grunts that have to follow orders. Just stay calm, and we'll get through this. I hope we don't have to fight our comrades, and I don't think our COs want to either. He hoped that he made sense.
Wait, that's all we can do... Natsuko thought. Sensing her discomfort, Natsuko's Mindy began to massage her muscles. Natsuko watched as the Emperor's ship left. Well, so far so good....just a little bit longer. Slowly Natsuko relaxed due to a combination of time and a gentle massage from her suit. Regardless, I need to be ready for anything. Natsuko thought. "Thanks." Natsuko sent to Xanatos, But don't think I have forgotten about earlier. she thought to herself, making note of his accident.
Xanatos sighed to himself. Today had been... a strange day. Things seemed to settling down, so hopefully there won't be any combat. Yamatai has survived another day, even if just barely.
In a moment a telepathic communication would come through the vaccum to David's mind.

David. Just moments ago, our beloved Taisho was crowned empress by the former emperor. I anticipate his forces to move away once it sinks in to them through the PANTHEON system. Caine said to his XO telepathically. If they don't already know, please inform the others. He said calmly to him.
David smiled slightly as the message from Caine. There was still a bit of unease in him as he waited for the fleet to back down and return home but he felt far surer of himself. "We have word from Command that our revered Taisho has been given the thrown by the, now, former emperor. The Former emperor's fleet should withdraw and we are soon to return to the staging area for our attack of Bizranko. The Gods have smiled upon us today. Hold formation and be proud, for we are now the empress' body guard."
As soon as Galar 'heard' the message from David, he was immensely relieved.

Galar let his shields drop and smiled, this was a kind day indeed. No battles last he checked, even though they would fight later, and a prestigious assignment as the new empress' bodyguard. This day was shaping up to be quite the day, and in a better way than he hoped.
Body... guard? To the Empress? Ai thought to herself. Hardly something she deserved, being 'born' only a few months ago.

After the initial shock of this remarkable turn of events, Ai became very happy. She felt oddly hyper, now that there wasn't any pressure of having to fight Yamatai's fleet.
David recieved the comunication from Caine and nodded his head to himself. He looked around at the 17th and then opened a wing wide communication. "We are through here, it's time for us to go home. Return to the Akuro III and dismount. You are dismissed." David cut the communication and took a "step" backwards and looked to both of his Adjudants. "We are lucky that this ended in a peaceful manner. I hope there was no doubt in your minds that you were on the right side in this. Let's get back to the ship and have a few minutes of rest before the assault will recommence." David started back twards the bay with Ashlyn and Charles close behind him. When David landed in the bay he took off his hlemet and then started to dismount form his armour.
Thank goodness. Natsuko thought as she prepped to fly back. But the Taisho is now the Empress? How controversial. "Understood." Natsuko sent to David.

As Natsuko flew in she slowed her pace, so that she would fly in behind Xanatos.
Xanatos sighed heavily. No deaths today. He flew back in to the hangar and began to dismount from his power armor. Xanatos exited his power armor with another sigh of relief. They had survived... at least, for today. He stretched a few of his tired muscles. He needed to lie down for a little while...
Galar flew into the hangar and started to dismount, thinking about what had just happened to the entire empire. There was no way to tell what would happen to the system due to this crazy turn of events. The commander of the 5th is now the empress... interesting. I'll have to make note of what results... Finishing dismounting, Galar stopped to help Ai out of her armor.
Natsuko landed her armor near Xanatos, He will pay for earlier. She thought to herself. Natsuko exited her armor as fast as she could, and as soon as she was free of the Mindy she rushed over to Xanatos, coming up on his back. "Hey!" Natsuko yelled as she grabbed for his closest shoulder.
Xanatos was surprised by her voice and turned to see Natsuko with an angry expression on her face. "Yes?" he replied casually. He figured that she was still angry from before.
In one fluid motion Natsuko spun Xanatos around and pounced on to the Yamataian. As she flew at Xanatos, Natsuko increased her weight and speed using her gravity manipulation in an attempt to tackle him to the ground.
Xanatos hit the ground with a low-sounding thud. He was a little dazed from the pounce, so he didn't really know what was happening.
Once Xanatos hit the ground, Natsuko pressed her full body weight against the Yamataian and put her head next to his ear, "Gomen." she whispered angrily.

Xanatos came to with her on top of him. He smiled weakly before answering, "Eh... I guess this is payback?" The Yamataian chuckled/coughed slightly as his chest became used to her weight.
Suddenly, Natsuko became keenly aware of the fact that she was laying nude on top of Xanatos. Her face suddenly showed a great deal of surprise and her cheeks turned a great deal of red. I didn't....I did she thought as lay there frozen in place.

Xanatos looked up at her. She seemed to be embarrassed by something. Realization came to him as well that they were both naked. A light crimson formed on his cheeks about that time as well.

Natsuko noticed the crimson on the Yamataian, "Don't get any ideas!!" she said looking him dead in the eyes with her head right in front of his. Unconsciously pressing more weight on the front of her body.
Xanatos smirked as he replied, "I'm not! It's just..." His voice trailed off since he didn't really need to mention the reason. The Yamataian didn't want to move just in case she slipped and get touched inappropriatly. She'd definitly get mad at him then!

"Yea, sure whatever, pervert." Natsuko said to him. Forgetting her position yet again. 'You would probably enjoy this wouldn't you." As she accused him of this, her hair started to fall off of her back, spilling over the Yamataian.