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KE-D2-W2900: Alternative Nozomi Main Gun 29L


Inactive Member
(This is an idea Yaichiro is toying with, since working on the Asuka. Once Nozomi arrive at Pisces, he will pursue this possibility. This is based on data from the Type 27, and parts are directly from the Type 29.)

Ketsurui Fleet Yards' Ke-D2-W2900 Phased Pulse Cannon:

Like the original W2800 and W2900 for the Sakura-class Gunships, it fires an incredibly intense scalar interference pulse that causes a tear in the fabric of space-time. When this occurs, all energy potentials in the target area are released into real space simultaneously, causing catastrophic destruction.

The KE-D2-W2900, or the 29L, however, is meant not for the Sakura Gunship, but for the Nozomi-class Scout vessel. The previous Nozomi Main Gun, the Type 27, is environmentally unsound; and can interrupt CCD use in the area of space it has been used in. Because of this, the use of the Type 27 is frowned upon in Yamataian space, and improper for use near a Gemini-class Star Fortress, which generally maintains a defense force of a dozen Nozomi and a dozen Sakura, and is meant to be a highly trafficked area. Because of this, an alternative main weapon for the scout was deemed necessary. Fortunately, the Type 27's assembly permits easy changing, it is merely a matter of making a type 29 to fit the mounting brackets, and adapting it to the Nozomi's Power System and Weapons Control. Due to energy contraints resulting from the Aether Generator and differences in the power distribution system, the range for the weapon has been halved, and the charging time slightly increased, and the arc mode eliminated, but the desctuctive power remains. Given that the weapon is attached to a scout vessel, the alterations are acceptible.

The 29L only posesses Pulse Mode due to power constraints and the systems in place for the weapon.

The cannon is also referred to as "the main gun" , the "29L", or the "Type 29 Light." The Light Designation is due to the fact that there are multiple W2900 designs (for different ships).

Location: Forward section of the ship.
Purpose: Anti-starship (normal usage)
Damage: Rating of 10, Total Annihalation
Area of Effect: A 15-meter wide beam.

Range: 300,000,000 km (About 2 AU or 186,000,000 miles)
Rate of Fire: Once every 20 seconds
Payload: Effectively unlimited, so long as the ship provides power

Note: Systems that make up this weapon were built in a modular fashion so that the sections composing the ship's main gun could be easily switched with other modules (weapon systems, additional crew space, sensor arrays) at a later time, if desired. Exchanging the main gun's systems in this fashion requires about 6 hours.
I don't think the bolt fired can be as big as 30 meters considering the Miharu is a bigger vessel and fires 20 meter diameter bolts.
KFY Type 27 Superheavy Weapon: This main cannon transposes the space between two lines, causing the space-time continuum of an area to collapse on itself. The aftereffects of the the tear in the dimensional branes then cause a filling of the beam path with a spill of quintessent "dark energy." The superheavy weapon is environmentally unfriendly and its use is generally avoided, especially within Yamatai space, as the area becomes a "subspace sandbar" in which hyperpulse and continuum distortion-based superluminal drive systems do not function.

Location: Forward weapons modules
Primary Purpose: Anti-starship
Secondary Purpose: Anti-fleet
Damage: Total Annihilation over a 100-mile wide area.
Range: 20 through to 4,500,000 miles (cannot hit anything <2.5 miles from the ship)
Rate of Fire: Once every minute.
Payload: Effectively unlimited, so long as the ship provides power.

Note: Systems that make up this weapon were built in a modular fashion so that the ship's main gun could be easily switched with other modules (weapon systems, additional crew space, sensor arrays) at a later time, if desired. Exchanging the KFY Type 27 Superheavy Weapon in this fashion requires about 6 hours.

So, you're replacing a 4,500,000 mile range weapon with a 186,000,000-mile range one (over 41 times as long)? How is that a downgrade?
Edited to say 15 meters diameter as per Fred's suggestion.

The old weapon did it with a shorter range, sure, but over a 100 MILE WIDE AREA. This new weapon lacks the Area ability now, and has been reduced to a 15 meter wide beam. When it comes to the volume of space affected, rather than mere range, it is a downgrade, and a vast one.


Calculations on volume of space affected:

Type 29L:
15m diameter, 186,000,000 miles.

15m = 49.21 feet
(A=[d/2]^2*3.14) (49.21 feet/2) squared * 3.14 = 1901 feet (rounded up)
(feet/5280=miles) 1901 feet/5280 = 0.36 miles
(A*L=V) 0.36 miles * 186,000,000 miles = 66,966,161 miles

Type 27
100 mile area, 4,500,000 miles

(A*L=V) 100 miles * 4,500,000 miles = 450,000,000 miles.

Type 29L Volume of Effect: 66,966,161 miles
Type 27 Volume of Effect: 450,000,000 miles.

In addition, the Type 27 has the effect of disabling CDD function in the space of its use, and is pretty much an anti-fleet weapon, not a ship-to-ship weapon. For the Type 27, it was much easier to hit a target if it was within range, and with CDD, getting in range was not an issue, even in the presence of interdiction fields.
Actually, the pulse mode should really be that: a pulse. So, the area it occupies is really only the initial diameter of the shot, which is in turn sent from the initial firing point to... well... infinity considering it is a beam-based weapon, though the weapon likely loses much of its potential accuracy and damage potential beyond the listed effective range.

The 15 meter limitation makes sense, considering the space between the prongs of the Nozomi - actually the prongs are likely shorter than that, which likely means that the shot itself either quickly expands or simply causes a burst on impact (which makes sense on anything except zesuaium considering aether delivers a tremendous amount of heat anyways).
Then the Type 29L should be the POSSIBLE Volume Of Effect...whilt the Type 27's Volume Of Effect is more concrete.

As you can see, the energy output utilized is indeed a downgrade, probably on the level of several powers.

Also, a weapon traveling at 1c over 2 AU would take roughly 15 or 16 minutes to hit its target--easily dodgable, even with only STL. By contrast, the Type 27 is STUPID HARD to dodge.

The range before the Pulse starts to dissipate is 186,000,000 miles...but it likely can't go much farther than the Type 27's 4,500,000 miles without the time for travel exceeding the time needed to detect and dodge. Its PRACTICAL range likely does not exceed its predecessor by much for that reason.