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Approved Submission Ke-M2-4ix 'Shadow Mindy' Prototype


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  1. Yamatai (except Elysia)
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  1. I agree
Y'all had enough of the teleporter shenanigans, I bet. I'm bringing gasoline to this here bonfire...

The concept referred to as the 'Shadow Mindy' is as old as SAINT itself, Xiulurium clad Mindys in the pursuit of absolute steath. Today I present the M2-4ix. This Mindy 4 had been modified to be the single stealthiest PA ever at the cost of armor and firepower. Dangerous as all hell, but favors extreme stealth over direct action.
EDIT: and yes, this is accessible to SAINT operatives only. Don't bother complaining... We Know.
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I generally like that it has advanced stealth but a couple of questions.
  1. "The suit replaces the photonic arrays with and advanced stealth field projector that renders the suit completely invisible to both eyes and sensors when not moving quickly."
    • The photonics array is generally how Mindy armors already achieve perfect visual stealth. I understand it has extra sensors dampening tech, which is great, but how does it achieve visual stealth without a photonics array?
  2. "the M2-4ix forgoes Zesuaium plates"
    • Is this necessary? I cannot see SAINT gadget guys removing Zesuaium plates to achieve any of the advantages they have modified in. They would simply strive to make its stealth capability better since Zesuaium does not conflict with stealth in any way.
  3. "Testing proved the suit so incredibly stealthy that it's test pilot was not only able to sneak out of the laboratory but also sneak back in though the front doors of the Black Sands Test Range main office and record day in the life of the base commander, stalking them for entire day before teleporting silently back to it's laboratory. When presenting the design this footage was shared as proof of just how effective the design could be."
    • Not a question. I simply find this to be hilarious. Healfdene Hallvardson got punked, I guess, unless Wes changes that because it's his NPC.
I generally like that it has advanced stealth but a couple of questions.
  1. "The suit replaces the photonic arrays with and advanced stealth field projector that renders the suit completely invisible to both eyes and sensors when not moving quickly."
    • The photonics array is generally how Mindy armors already achieve perfect visual stealth. I understand it has extra sensors dampening tech, which is great, but how does it achieve visual stealth without a photonics array?
  2. "the M2-4ix forgoes Zesuaium plates"
    • Is this necessary? I cannot see SAINT gadget guys removing Zesuaium plates to achieve any of the advantages they have modified in. They would simply strive to make its stealth capability better since Zesuaium does not conflict with stealth in any way.
  3. "Testing proved the suit so incredibly stealthy that it's test pilot was not only able to sneak out of the laboratory but also sneak back in though the front doors of the Black Sands Test Range main office and record day in the life of the base commander, stalking them for entire day before teleporting silently back to it's laboratory. When presenting the design this footage was shared as proof of just how effective the design could be."
    • Not a question. I simply find this to be hilarious. Healfdene Hallvardson got punked, I guess, unless Wes changes that because it's his NPC.
Good questions... I forgot the photonics array was responsible for the camo. I thought it did the light and magic tricks. Imma just put those back where I found them.

For the Zesu, as I recall the Infinite density of Zesu shows up on tachyon or subspace sensors or one of those other uber sensors even with Xiulurium. Buuut if it doesn't we may as well put that back too.
EDIT: I looked at the Wiki page. I was wrong, there's nothing there saying Xiulurium cannot hide Zesu. That's good 'cause my players are going to get shot a lot.
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For the Zesu, as I recall the Infinite density of Zesu shows up on tachyon or subspace sensors or one of those other uber sensors even with Xiulurium.
I do not remember that at all, and know that in fact some Yui 7-class Scout Ships possess Xiulurim-coated Zesuaium instead of the standard issue Yamataium without any stealth performance differences:

"The Yui 7’s armor calls for Xiulurium-coated Yamataium, where the original Yui-class Scout used Xiulurium-coated Zesuaium armor. Due to the stretching of resources, these panels are not always completely replaced at the time of refit, but are replaced as needed or as resources become available."
Essentially, Yamataium is only used on Yui 7 Scouts because it's easier to produce/work with/get ahold of, and Zesu doesn't change the stealth characteristics.

But, you know, I'm not reviewing. Just a guy who knows what SAINT gadget guys would most likely do giving my insight. Cool article, cool picture imo.