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Ke-T5-1A Cougar Tactical Aeroshuttle


Retired Staff
Ke-T5-1a "Cougar"

Primary Purpose: Starfighter
Secondary Purpose: Interstellar Transport, Dropship
Range: 20 days of travel (about 274 light-years at maximum speed)
Speed: 5000c, Mach 5 in atmosphere. Transatmospheric.
Load Capacity: 8 personnel with gear or 2 personnel with cargo.
  • [*]Light triple-barreled Particle Cannons (2)
    Purpose: Anti-mecha, Anti-Starship
    Damage: Very Heavy on mecha, moderate to heavy on small to average starships, light on capital ships; penetrates solid/scalar shields.
    Range: 1 AU
    Rate of Fire: 9 per second.
    Payload: Effectively Unlimited

    [*]Mini-Missile Pods (MSAP, SSDMM, MFMA, ARMA)
    Warheads: Guided Multi-purpose Shield and Armor Piercing, Subspace detonating, Multi-Function Missile Avoidance and Anti-Radar Missile Avoidance.
    Damage: The MSAP take out small hard and soft targets at close range; One missile is capable of destroying an enemy drone, gun turret, or small enemy mecha. The SSDMM creates holes in shield systems, disables FTL flight, collapses wormholes. The MFMA distracts enemy missiles with intense heat and electromagnetogravitic spikes. The ARMA distracts enemy missiles with aetheric distortions and chaff dispersal.
    Range: 50 miles
    Rate of Fire: Varied volleys in multiple of five (to a maximum of 25 for the MSAP pods and 10 for the other pods). Volleys can be combined.
    Payload: Four 25 MSAP Mini-Missile pods each for a total of 100. Four 10 SSDMM Mini-Missile pods each for a total of 40. Four 10 MFMA Mini-Missile pods each for a total of 40. Four 10 ARMA Mini-Missile pods each for a total of 40. Mini-Missile pods are mounted over the Cougar's fuselage.

    [*]Projected Energy Beams
    Purpose: Point-defense
    Damage: moderate on smaller mecha, light on non-capital ship and negligible on larger hulls.
    Range: Theoretically unlimited except by the beam's speed (1c)
    Rate of Fire: Ten one-second bursts every 15 seconds
    Payload: Effectively Unlimited
Systems: PCS, Anti-Gravity, Armor w/ thermoptic camouflage (Xiulurium-coated Zesuaium), CFS, Communications, Aether generator & auxiliary power capacitors, Nodal fabrication system, Graviton beam emiter, Emergency Homing Beacon, Shields, AIES, Stasis system, atmospheric shielding for pilot compartment and rear hatch.

Notes: contains 72 standard Star Army rations, 150 gallons of water, a WickedArms TA-17 survival kit, and a WickedArms TA-13 field surgery kit. The stasis function has a maximum use of twenty years. The Ke-T5 is more combat-oriented than the slightly smaller T4 and is outfitted with many state-of-the-art systems adapted from recent power armors.
All I would ask for is a description. The only one we have of any shuttle is a JP-based description of a Fox as "arrowhead-shaped."
There's a little top-down view of three of them in the Nozomi's interior diagram.


It's not much, but it's a start.
1) Please define "and cargo" (i.e. how much).

2) A few things on the particle cannon:

--A) Effective range will be far, far less than 1 AU, since the particles are limited to a maximum velocity of c.

--B ) What particle do these weapons fire? How do they accelerate them? Does it rely on individual particle energy, or the energy of the beam as a whole to do its damage?

--C) No matter-based weapon (missile, railguns, etc.) should have a effectivly unlimited payload, least of all on a strike craft.

3) On the missile launcher:

--A) Please expand on the "Guided Multi-purpose Shield and Armor Piercing" missile. How does it do its damage? Why is it particularly penetrative?

--B ) "Subspace Detonating"; explain these please. How do they 'destroy subspace' (how do you go about destroying space-time?) ? How does such a small device accomplish this? How long does the effect last?

4) In general, where are these weapons located on the ship? Pretty much what chris said, please provide a description. Even a few paragraphs would be good.

5) How does thermoptic camoflauge interact with the CFS system, seeing as said shield would block all visible light from reaching the sensors?
I was sort of loathe to involve many details in this one considering the scant details shown on the KFY shuttle page. I mean, what's the fun of writing a big description of a craft when barely anything will be shown - I did that for an escape pod once before and learned my lesson, you could say ~_~;

1) Same as the T4 Fox. The amount of free internal space is about the same. The insides are more modular though adn the sats can be tucked away to leave more place for the occupants (in the instances where the Cougar is acting as an power armor transport.

2) The particle cannons are an analog to the light tunneling cannons on the SMX attack pods just like the medium tunneling SMX cannon has a subspace-encased particle cannon analog. They pretty much work the same way in a manner compatible with Star Army technology (the Yui can equip a SMX tunneling cannon, so, compatibility has already been established - it just was never mainstream weaponry). I cannot debate the origin of the technology, but it is an approved weapon port.

3) The Cougar carries mini-missile pod modules that are pretty much the same as the one carried by the M1 Lamia power armor, except it has twice more payload since it's a larger craft. I can't provide more technical specifications than that - it's established Star Army technology.

4) The Cougar is a craft that is slightly longer and wider than the T4 Fox, with a smoother, less angular shape (it does have a sharp profile... just not as much like an arrowhead as the Fox). My mental picture is actually quite close to the Type 9 Shuttle from Star Trek Voyager without the nacelles and replaced with stubby wings and conspicuous flaring armor plates. with flattened areas where the previously mentioned missile pods are placed over on the craft on the top and the sides - these are mini-missiles, so they actually cover over the armor and shoot outward and then home in on their targets (very lame direct fire weapon). The Cougar has a rear hatch like the Fox with the graviton emiter being tucked under the hatch (to speedily recover armors and reel them in) and it's triple barreled particle cannons are fixed forward near the tip of it's wings in a manner similar to a Battlestar Gallactica Viper Mark VII.

I do intend to make an original 3d model of it eventually, but I don't want to spend that much effort on a craft that is not approved.

5) The Cougar's CFS isn't always active when it isn't in combat condition. It can just as well move at sublight speed while in combat and so resort to it's stealth plating for camouflage instead of it's CFS. The CFs stealth is very handy and all, but when it's use, you're as blind to the people you are hiding from as they are to you.
I'd approve it if there were full stats for the thing.
Wes, I based the information I posted so far on the following link.

KFY shuttles aren't really detailed. I didn't plan to make a full submission for something that will only end up in a very brief description - look at what I did for the Type 29 escape pod and see what mention it deserved in the Sakura. A lot of effort for very little; so, I didn't plan on making the same mistake twice.

Besides, I have next to no knowledge on the KFY produced shuttles because of the actual lack of full stats and you already hinted you didn't really want the thing since it was too large for it's intended function... so, I end up being very confused. Can you help me out?
I just said I'd approve it if you would put full stats. What more do I need to say? As for the escape pod, I used my own design because I thought the one you made was more powerful than I wanted the Sakura's escape pods to be. You're free to use it on the Miharu class. It was approved, after all.
Cora said:
Just don't make the size to ludacris. We've seen what happens when metres are misused.
Chris! Ludacris is a rapper! I'm going to assume you meant "too ludicrous." Also note the difference between "to" and "too" (links provided). Illiteracy is bad.
I think that's an unfair assumption. Chris may well have been warning us against sending the figures to Ludacris. I doubt he'd be particularly interested. For the second line I'm just assuming that 'metres' in this context is some rapping street slang.

Is there any particular reason why it's in quotations? It just makes it look ... strange.

Some description of the interior would make RP using the shuttle a lot more interesting. Detailing how to get on and off for example, perhaps detailing what level of computer it has on board.

On the other hand - I like it a lot. Very heavily armed.
In all honesty I suggest you get the google taskbar. There's a simple button on it which will spellcheck all the text you've written. It's free, simple and fast - and has saved me on numerous occasions.

*checks text three times since he's well aware that whenever he talks about spelling he begins to misspell*
Since my previous post was deleted (uncalled for btw, it was relevant and not much shorter than your own post Wes), I will repost it and make it bigger.

You guys, stop being gramatically anal, you both know what he meant (oh, and check: http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/metre ; the metre is in fact a acceptable spelling of meter). Just because you have nothing useful to add at the time does not mean you need to assault people about their spelling just to talk for talking's sake.

Fred edit: Vesper, my doing. It's unseemly to go and try to be a smartass when two moderators have already said their piece. The issue was pointed out and Cora can answer for himself just fine.

Service Policies forum rules #11 clearly states that if you're going to bother posting, you might as well try to post with legible writing or not at all out of respect for the people whom end up trying to decipher it. Furthermore, your own post sort of tramples over rule #1 of the same list.
I'm dropping this submission. Barring Wes picking it up and adapting it to his liking (to which I have the distinct impression it wasn't) it just didn't seem like it was needed or desirable.