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Approved Submission Ke-V10 "Mamushi" Multirole Starfighter + V10 Accessories


The Ham Lord
Inactive Member
Submission Type: Starfighter and Two Modules
Submission URL(s):

Faction: Yamatai Star Empire - Star Army of Yamatai
FM Approved Yet? (Yes/No; Who, When) No, @Wes
Faction requires art? (Yes/No) Yes, Already Have It.

For Reviewers:
Contains Unapproved Sub-Articles? (Yes/No) Yes
Contains New art? (Yes/No) Yes
Previously Submitted? (Yes/No; explain reason if rejected) No

Notes: First Tech Submissions. I decided to cram all the submissions for this (total of three including the fighter itself). I didn't know if there was a specific template for fighters, so I used the Warship template and just cut out the sections that would not apply.
This suggestion has been implemented. Votes are no longer accepted.
Just going to point this out right off the bat. Everywhere that says "EDIT" needs text:

Statistics and Performance

Ship Systems
Armored Hull and Hull Integrated Systems

This is not a full review, but during skimming noticed you didn't link SPINE the one time it came up.
Cool fighter! Gunny did a great job with the art, as always!

I'm wondering why you're having it as a stated replacement for the Nodachi and Hayabusa II, though. Both have awesome art themselves and aren't particularly outdated designs. At least in the case of the Nodachi, which is a whopping 82-foot-long boat of a ship and seems to have an entirely different mission profile, why not have them serve alongside each other?
I'm wondering why you're having it as a stated replacement for the Nodachi and Hayabusa II, though.

Having been waiting for this question, the explanation is hopefully as simple as it is in my head.

The Mamushi is only a potential replacement, which probably won't be actually designated as a replacement for a while. The majority of the possible replacement idea comes from the idea of unified airframes. It is easier on IC logistics to have carrier-borne aircraft have as much use as they can squeeze into them as possible due to limited numbers of fighters, hence the Multirole name. As a Multirole, it is designed to be able to do just about any mission by being able to mount nearly anything. While one fighter may be designated as a superiority fighter and fitted with more high-maneuvering torpedoes, another could be set up for atmospheric close air support by attaching two mini-missile pods and bombs to the external pylons while keeping two to four torpedoes in the interior hardpoints for Air-to-Air/Space-to-Space/Air-to-Ground combat.

While yes, a single Sharie-Class Battleship carries a full wing of sixty Fighters, some ships may only be able to carry ten fighters total. Instead of trying to change up and scramble pilots on different starfighters and different strategies for different airframes, the Mamushi was designed to do the jobs of both in a single airframe.

For a real world reference, it is like the F-14 series and the F/A-18. While designed to supplement the other, one airframe ended up replacing the other due to logistics, ease of maintenance, and newer version tech.

I am not trashing the Nodachi or the Hayabusa II. They both have good art and good styles. The purpose of me putting the potential replacement sentence is the option of being able to select a new generation starfighter as a primary option in, for example, five years or more, when the Nodachi and Hayabusa IIs are much older. If it replaces anything, it will probably replace the Hayabusa II first before the Nodachi, due to the base missions specs for the Mamushi to be considered a newer generation than the Hayabusa II.

TL;DR: They will be serving alongside each other for a while anyway. The Mamushi will probably replace the Hayabusa II faster than it would the Nodachi but ever still this would happen a fair number of years later. The Mamushi has the ability to do the jobs of both the Hayabusa II and the Nodachi, but not at the same time.
Also, apologies to whoever is currently looking over and reviewing the fighter, I forgot two things.

  • Appearance of Internal Weapons Bay
  • Ke-Z2 on Weapons List
Again, sorry.
I honestly forgot about the Kawarime, one side of me apparently thought it was already phased out.

  • Possible Replacement Note for Kawarime.
I like the design and description of the fighter, and its cross-compatibility with previous armaments. I'm a fan of modular designs, and this seems to fit the bill nicely. First, you mention an "integrated CFS" and mention the use of arrays, but don't link to the Integrated CFS Array article explicitly. Is this some other form of CFS that uses arrays?

Secondly, and I hesitated until someone brought up asking this in chat: Is there a reason it lacks the Type 32 Pilot Pod as an option? Because I have no problem with its use like in the Hayabusa II if that's a desired option. If it's not desired for this submission, that's fine too.

Third question is about the Gun Turret Pod. I understand that it is the preferred option of wielding two for complete coverage. Each one can do Tier 7 damage. Since each Tier is double the power output of the last, should we include that they're Tier 8 total if both are fired onto the same target at the same time as might be a common practice?
In response to the first question, that was a linking mistake. I cut a corner when I wrote it and forgot to check for an actual integrated array page. I fixed that in the latest interation

To the second question, I didn't want to use the pilot pod as the airframe technically wouldn't support it right. Basically, while it might work better on the 1A (Single Seat) model just fine, the 1B (Two Seater) would make it harder to cooperate art wise. I really don't see why it couldn't be an option besides that, so I may make a note of using it if I make a Ke-V10-2X series barring that this iteration is approved.

To the third, I don't think that is how the DRv3 works, though I may be entirely wrong. I listed the Tiers for the gun pods as the individual tier for each pod so if that is correct, it could be noted that the guns may have a Tier 8 damage tier if targeting the same target. I am going to hold off on making that note until I figure out if that is completely right. In truth, I get confused by this DR system and I welcome your thoughts.

  • Integrated CFS link to replace generic CFS link.
DRv3 is a new system to me, so perhaps I'm misinterpreting, but I was looking at how things like barrier depletion doubles with each successive tier up to a shield's limit. However, after that depletion it only scales at +50% per perhaps I am oversimplifying too much.
After combing back through the DRv3 articles and actually consulting some people, it wouldn't raise to tier eight, it would just be two tier seven weapons. I based it off the offensive DRv3 examples, but after reading through the barriers section I think you got confused on the way it states what happens when the barrier is overmatched (150% Barrier Damage Plus).

The weapon strength doesn't change, just the amount of damage taken increases when the barriers can't compensate or absorb.
I should mention, that the Integrated CFS Array has an added benefit here that isn't detailed on the fighter. As the streamlined shields can have some variance to them, it's possible to change the geometry of the shields to change airflow around the fighter. This can be used for precise maneuvering actions across the whole wing without needing to use conventional control surfaces, though normal control surfaces can and should be present. While all the information allowing this is in the Integrated CFS Array article, and it is referred to, maybe I need to add one sentence in a specific section to make it more obvious.


I'm also working on a new type of multi-function Turbo Aether Plasma engine that should be submitted very soon (the article is done save for DOGA art). As this craft has intakes and aims to use thrust-vectoring, it would be compatible with their use. If they are approved, I have no problem with this fighter using those engines if HAMnJAM wishes.


Also, what is its top speed in atmosphere? I understand that the setting is aiming for Mach 5 now for the aerodynamic stuff. I don't see much in the way of specs for planetary operation.
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It looks really cool but there is just one thing bugging me, and it really isn't too critical since it's cosmetic.

The fighter has 5 aether cannons at tier 8, and I'm not crying OP. It's just that... they don't fit.

It took me three attempts to word this right and this is the best I can do. If you look at the picture of the Kawarime and Nodatchi you can see the sheer size of the cannons but on the new Mamushi it's like the pilot is where the cannon should be!

I know it doesn't matter too much but it's just something that sparked my OCD.
Honestly, I still need to figure out it's atmospheric speed. That will go up in the next revision. I guess I skipped the CFS atmosphere bit when looking over it and that will be going in too.

In regards to the cannons, I just went with the silent miniaturization tech. Same weapon, different exteriors. I am personally not a fan of large bulky cannons, so this was my attempt at giving a more conserved approach to the guns.
Yeah, I double posted but...

  • CFS Bubble Atmosphere Note in Shield Section
  • Atmospheric top speed at ~ Mach 4.8 at Full Military Power