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Approved Submission Ke-V10 "Mamushi" Multirole Starfighter + V10 Accessories


The Ham Lord
Inactive Member
Submission Type: Starfighter and Two Modules
Submission URL(s):

Faction: Yamatai Star Empire - Star Army of Yamatai
FM Approved Yet? (Yes/No; Who, When) No, @Wes
Faction requires art? (Yes/No) Yes, Already Have It.

For Reviewers:
Contains Unapproved Sub-Articles? (Yes/No) Yes
Contains New art? (Yes/No) Yes
Previously Submitted? (Yes/No; explain reason if rejected) No

Notes: First Tech Submissions. I decided to cram all the submissions for this (total of three including the fighter itself). I didn't know if there was a specific template for fighters, so I used the Warship template and just cut out the sections that would not apply.
This suggestion has been implemented. Votes are no longer accepted.
Perhaps you can put "(Mach 4.8)" after the atmospheric speed, and perhaps amend your speed to km/h? Speed in km/s isn't exactly a common metric that I'm aware of in and of itself. I wouldn't know how fast that was if you hadn't posted "Mach 4.8" in this thread. Of course, if the rules have changed for how to refer to atmospheric speeds, feel free to ignore my comments.
Yeah, in hindsight that probably sounds better than a hard to read number set. Now amended to Km/h and Mach 4.8

  • Atmospheric Speed Simplified

Inquiring on the status of FM Approval regarding the Mamushi and attached sub articles. It's been a week and I'm not gonna lie, I'm curious on the holds. I understand life probably has gotten in the way so I will continue to wait, but just wanted to gently remind. No offense meant.
Change this:
[[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leading-edge_slat|leading-edge slats]]

To this:
[[wp>Leading-edge slat|leading-edge slats]]
Linking to wikipedia pages should be done like that^

"When activated on startup procedure and the canopy sealed, the life support's oxygen system." (Needs to be a complete sentence.)

Can the weapons systems look like this?
All three items fixed.

  • Fixed Wikipedia Link
  • Oxygen System Sentence Correction
  • Weapon System Proper Listings
I don't know what's up here. Please explain further in the article.

6) Hardpoint are permanent, pylons are detachable. Overwing Pylons used rarely.
7) Takes back most internal hardpoints
8) Back two internal hardpoints
Hardpoints are the permanent attach points for weapons on the fighter while the pylons are the ones out on the wings. The Overwing pylons are a single pair of removable mount points for certain equipment like the turret pods. Hardpoints cannot be removed, but pylons can.

Some equipment has to be attached to the permanent hardpoints instead of the removable pylons due to size and how many connections it needs. For example the fold module has to be mounted to the back two internal hardpoints because of dimensions as well as a secure and strong attachment to the fighter. The sensors pod has to take two hardpoints because of dimensions and power required.
Wiki page updated, hopefully clearing up some confusion.

  • Hardpoint and Pylon information in appearance section
  • Cleared up non-weapon hardpoint notes to note what internal hardpoints the Fold Drive and Multirole Pod take up.
I'm wondering if we can get a chart around either picture with something that says above or beneath the pictures:

Class A (Single Pilot Config.)
Class B (Mutli-Seater Config.)

Edit made, but I don't really see the point in doing so when it is described in the paragraph below and in the Passenger's section.
Reactions: Wes
My mistake, entirely, because I did not use the checklist on this ^-^;;

BUT check out the need for text underneath headers here. Can you move around the text to have content underneath the first header (title) and underneath appearance, before the new chart you made. I am not asking you to make new content, just cut and paste a few sentences/paragraph or two underneath the headers.

The reason this is brought up is that a player had confusion today and even I was like... "Why doesn't it say right there what the two different versions are instead of embedded in a paragraph?" This fighter is going to see RP again so I want it to make sense to the few that will need to look at a glance. I know you've never had problems with this and don't see the need, so thank you for taking the time to work with me to improve it in some small way (because it was hecking good to start with).
I don't like this wiki's formatting because there isn't a flat answer on how to place text between two pictures. I don't see the real problem here, as the image block is still attached to the Appearance section. If you go to this address (https://wiki.stararmy.com/doku.php?...t:ke_v10_mamushi_multirole_fighter#appearance) you get the exact same lines of text as you would if there were words above but looks cleaner than words then images, then words again. It's either ahead or behind.
I can always cut and paste it myself for you.
Putting pictures side by side like that seems like it would not look good on a mobile browser.
I will engineer something to do with the images, probably moving them back to original status and the bending the words instead.
Moved the images into separate tables then stacked them one above the other and shoved them beneath the text, scaled them up, and added undertext stating their subtypes. I've checked it on mobile and I never get images on anything so if someone can check that will be nice so I can finish this thing...

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