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Approved Submission Ke-Z3 Series Ransā Anti-Capital/Super-Capital Torpedo


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  1. Yamatai (except Elysia)
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  1. I agree
Please bear in mind I've tried keeping Wes in the loop about this since it is his faction I am making it for. And he has asked me to put it up for review. This is my first torpedo article, and has some concessions built in around its "launched" FTL speed in comparison to the Z1, but maintains the same overall STL speed. Another drawback, or rather double-edged blade is built in that can work for, or against the user. I'd be more than happy to answer any questions, and discuss any advice given!
This suggestion has been implemented. Votes are no longer accepted.
Took a look at this and it's interesting, but there are a lot of questions, also we'll need @Wes to post his approval on this one.

But the questions I have at the moment are ;
  • It appears this weapon changes it's 'effect' when it hits and drops shields? Is that just a miscommunication or does it actually do that? If so how is it area shields were knocked out after impact?
  • How big is this 'no fly zone' that it makes? I know the exact size is condition based, but are we talking about the size of 1 or 2 capital ships? Or are we talking about the size equivalent to a 'parking lot' for star ships?
  • From my understanding the 'warhead' of this torpedo is the hyperfold generator? If that is the case I have a few concerns with that
    • First is, what happens if this this is attempted to be detonated in a space that is 'anti-hyperspace' for whatever reason, does it just dud?
    • This mentioned being used inside the gravity well of a solar system, but the hyperspace article specifically says hyper space drives can't start or end in the gravity wells of wars or planets. What's the call on this @Wes ?
  • if it is not a hyperfold generator as a warhead, what is the material that is being 'detonated' with this torpedo?
The effect is the same, just it is the shield pushing against the fold bubble. I figured most combined field systems would have some form of countermeasure than allow a foreign 'fold' effect to pass through incase of such an event occurring. I suck at wording, so I'll try and tweak that. But for the no-fly zone thing would likely be double the size of the torpedo's 'blast' radius. So it'd be a decent 860 meters spread out. Against say a battleship for size comparisons it'd be close to the size of a Sharie, I'd compare against Nepland, or the Kuvies, but I can't seem to find measurements for them.

Yes, the warhead is the fold generator. As for it working in an anti-ftl field, which I don't know if it is a form of gravity generation, or some other exotic effect. But inside of a gravity well it is stated as being unstable and quite literally brute forced if possible for such a small FTL bubble. The damage could dip really low on starship-scale weapons, some medium ship main-guns or all the way up to its maximum damage. The no-fly thing would also vary wildly as well. I figured doing something like this would be an ideal balance and GM-crafting tool if they ever wanted to do such things. ^^;

But I'm perfectly content to wait and see what happens. Bear in mind Sya, I'm writing this before bed so it might be garbled. Lemme know on what to focus on if necessary.
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Just focus on the first two bullets for now, the bullets related to it being Hyper fold are going to require that we get some approvals and conformations from Wes.
1: The effect changes due to the shields. The shields which include distortion shields for CFS based systems. I figured that it would do this due to that fact as it is a foreign distortion of space-time and other anomalous effects. Plus it isn't true 'mass' like say a block of stone. So perhaps that protective effect isn't in place when encountering actual, physical matter? And yeah, we're going to need some conformations etc.

2: I believe I said the AoE of the cloud is around 860m, effectively double the 430m radius of the generator when it does its job. It wouldn't last long, maybe several minutes or so. And it doesn't cling enough to the ship or shields. So it doesn't drag the radiation with it. Really though, just think of it as a poisonous cloud in space. It degrades matter similar to the this. So if a captain, pilot or PA soldier float in it they can expect to have their armor begin to degrade should their shields be down.
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What I meant when I said focus on those things was putting them on the actual wiki page. They don't have to be super detailed, just enough to clear up the confusion. That way if anyone using it has the same questions they don't have to find this post and it'll be in the article instead.
Righto. Misunderstanding on my part. My bad. I've tried to make it a little more cleared up and included the radiation cloud's radius to the discharge information.
@Wes Do we have any word on this part

From my understanding the 'warhead' of this torpedo is the hyperfold generator? If that is the case I have a few concerns with that
  • First is, what happens if this this is attempted to be detonated in a space that is 'anti-hyperspace' for whatever reason, does it just dud?
  • This mentioned being used inside the gravity well of a solar system, but the hyperspace article specifically says hyper space drives can't start or end in the gravity wells of wars or planets. What's the call on this @Wes ?
Honestly I'm a little iffy on this because I'm worried it doesn't work with the DR system.

From an FM approval standpoint I'll approve it though.
DR System wise it works as intended in ideal conditions out in space between star systems. In system the generator becomes unstable due to the gravity well since it literally brute forces it to open a fold bubble for a split second. From there I figured it'd be a GM tool for them to work off of. It could work as intended, or be weak as a normal torpedo with the only constant being the 'cloud' of radioactive particles. So in solar system it can go anywhere from 15 to 10, or 10 to 15 at GM discretion. :)
Okay sorry for the delay had to make a decision on stuff. So this is what I'm thinking, Soresu. This will be allowed, but as Hyperspace does not work in gravity wells. I need to be clear in saying for archival and ruling purposes, this only works because it's hyperspace is an 'instantaneous' activation and immediately collapses, which is why it doesn't work at full capacity.

So once again, will say this is APPROVED.