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RP: Neshaten [KF Recruit] The frustrated fox

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Retired Staff
Inactive Member
RP Date
RP Location
Nesha Prime: May'nale City
The birds were singing, the animals in the forest were making noises, but the biggest noise came from the city that was busy with people trying to trade their raw materials. Materials like steel, iron, copper and much more. These days the Kingdom policy was focused on the economical boost, to create work and supply everyone with food. But unrest was also growing for years already in the Kingdom. People started to lose fate in their government and yet it was only whispers here and there. Those that made loud statements were picked up from the streets and never to be seen again. Delfino or just Del was one of the people that disliked the direction the Kingdom was going. He was in May'nale per his father's request to work as an engineer on various jobs, but a the same time was gathering information for his shadowy job that he could sell towards the highest bidder.

Looking around, the people were always so busy, such a haste to get to their appointment. Yet he was standing there leaning against a machine that was used to supply power. He was supposed to fix it, yet his focus was directed at some ladies as he gave them his charming smile making them giggle "Still got it..." He mutters to himself with a grin on his face "Get to work Del, we don't have the whole day" An elder fox spoke working on the machine. He looked at the man and shrugs "It will be broken over a few months again because the Kingdom is doing nothing about the situation that is going on here...." Del pointed out as he handed over another tool.

The man shook his head as he turned the tool on some gear "And what would that be Del?" He didn't seem that much interested in the young fox, but it was not going to stop Del from giving his opinion "Well people are leaving, people are not being taken care of by the Kingdom. They feel left behind as if the King and Queen don't care about the people of this Kingdom..." He felt bitter about saying it, but in his view, in his mind, it was the reality and he saw it happen already twice. The old man took a deep breath and signs as he placed the tool next to him and placed his hand on his knee while looking up at Del "I know that both Aida and Dalida leaving hit you bad kid, but keep in mind that it was their choice to leave the Kingdom and it was not the Kingdom fault that they left" He pointed out as Del looked away to the crowd that was passing them "But the Kingdom didn't do anything to stop them either, Daur should stick together, stay together and work for a better Kingdom. The shape of this kingdom is now in this condition because everyone is leaving" the man shrugs and looked at the machine "You are talking dangerous here kid, go cool off your head I will wrap this up"

Del signs and just nods to him as he placed his hands behind his back walking away. What could that man understand about the frustration of what had happened to his family? Aida was the role-model of the family and turned her back for her greedy reasons. Then Dalida was intoxicated by those ambitions and left for space as well. He felt that it was his prime responsibility to protect his family. He wonders through some dirt roads as they were working on the edge of the city and took a breathing break.

Unknown to the young Daur, someone had been watching him with great interest for the last few minutes and had followed him out to the edge of where they had been working. Without warning a young Daur stepped out in front of the boy and raised a gun up to point it at Delfino with a shit eating grin.

”Sup kid, no sudden moves or screaming now, would hate to lose you when you’re destined for greatness.” The unidentifiable man before him kept his cocky grin before hopping up on a crate nearby and crossing his legs. “You don’t know who I am, and for now you don’t need to know. But I suppose I’ll let you in on a secret, Ive been keeping an eye on you because of how you feel and what you’ve said.” To Delfino it would appear that someone had caught wind of his rambling and had come to take him away.
”Sup kid, no sudden moves or screaming now, would hate to lose you when you’re destined for greatness.” “You don’t know who I am, and for now you don’t need to know. But I suppose I’ll let you in on a secret, Ive been keeping an eye on you because of how you feel and what you’ve said.”

Del had jumped up a bit when he noticed the gun aimed at him. He wanted to do something, but fear had taken over his nerves. Hearing the fair warning that a scream would not be in his best interest, he kept his pose and looked at the man as he continued to talk. Del narrowed his eyes hearing that the man had overheard his discontent about the Kingdom and their policy that has only brought unfortunate to the people. The damn old geezer was right, his big mouth got him into trouble finally and now he had to witness the fruits of that bad omen.

Taking a bit of courage, he looked down to his feet and then to the side "What about it, what I have said is but merely my observation of how I see the Kingdom. Are you with the military? Going to make me disappear also because I spoke out" He sighs with a smirk followed and looked at the man as if he was not impressed "Do you people not got something better to do then pick on young adults that try to survive the day?" He was nervous, maybe it was shown in his body languages but his face was kept up as a pokerface, the man was holding a pistol at his direction and it could end his life in a second. He wanted to get out of this situation but still couldn't move.
The other Daur’s grin widened as he looked over the boy, he was a spritely one, to show him his place however he fired a needle into the ground beside Del’s feet, the intimidating 3 inch steel spike didn’t so much as quiver as it hissed from the barrel of the gun silently. “Now we both know you’re bluffing. And no I’m not with the navy, or Division 5 incase you were wondering.”

The daur then approached his target slowly, hopping off the crate and sauntering over slowly while reholstering his gun. “I’m what you would call an anarchist, an agent of change and reform and you, Delfino, would make an excellent addition to my little group.” The self proclaimed anarchist offered the boy a hand, if he accepted now there would be no going back, that much would be clear.
Hearing the shot, let his ears go up as he looked slowly down to the needle where a 4-inch steel spike was. The man meant business and was not going to go easy on Del. Del looked at the man that was just sitting there with a smile when he could hear him stating that it was a bluff and that he was not from the navy, or whoever Division 5 was. He hopped off the crate as Del stood there frozen in fear, while his eyes followed the gun and then looked at the man.

"I’m what you would call an anarchist, an agent of change and reform and you, Delfino, would make an excellent addition to my little group.”

An anarchist? Other words for troublemakers within the Kingdom. Yet Del felt calm, at ease as if this man had recognized his frustration and wanted his help to contribute towards whatever cause they were going to do. Del saw the hand reaching out to him and knew that this was a one-way ticket. On that note, turning his back and walking back to the life he now had was not an option as this man was not going to let him walk away. He slowly reached out his own hand and touched that of the other fox and made a firm grip "What is this little group about"
“Well let’s say that for now, we have quite the plan to help turn this nation around. And we’re always looking for more recruits.” The Daur released Del’s hand and then reached into his jacket to produce yet another gun and handed it to the boy in front of him. “Think of this as your first test, your boss, he’s got this coming to him.” The anarchist daur said calmly. Though he was testing Delfino it may not have been in the way that he throught.
“Well let’s say that for now, we have quite the plan to help turn this nation around. And we’re always looking for more recruits.”

Del stayed rather calm as he heard out the man talking about the grand plan. He wondered what this plan was and it was only in his nature to seek out information, it was in his job to get that information. He retracted his hand after the man did the same and reached into his jacket to see another weapon appear, yet it was offered to him.

“Think of this as your first test, your boss, he’s got this coming to him.”

Looking at the gun, he reached out and grabs it, looking at the gun he took a deep breath and looked around slowly "You know, I am not going to do that. While in theory, that man had done things that would bring our kind in a difficult spot. He did so by demand of the Kingdom. The man had to choose between the health of his family and his sick wife that he is taking care of and where most of his savings are going to. Then ignore the Kingdom that will bring his wife in danger" He turned the pistol and smirks as he looked at the man "Yet I only know this man for a day or two, it is my work is an information broker to know what I am dealing with. Yet you have not yet stated the nature of your group, your goals or the motivates to recruit me. Yes, I showed disgruntled towards the Kingdom, yet you know nothing else about me. I might as well point this pistol at you...yet the likelihood that this gun is one, loaded, two you even going to allow that is about 12%, so I won't do your request and neither put myself in danger by aiming it at you"
The other Daur nodded in approval, "Well, it is loaded, but you wouldn't get the chance to use it on me if you tried don't worry." He sauntered over to Delfino and took his gun back seeing as the test was completed now he wouldn't be needing it anymore. "Our group, is dedicated to seeing this kingdom change for the betterment of the people, primarily by overthrowing the royal family and all those who would support them. We mean to start a new government and introduce new rules so that our great nation will never be harmed by outsiders who cannot be trusted." The anarchist spoke quite patriotically for someone dedicated to creating chaos.

"So, now is the part where you come with me back to meet the rest of the gang and then we get you acquainted with your new role, and don't worry you will be able to visit your family. After all, your parents could never live with themselves if yet another of their children were to leave and never return." The Daur smirked knowing that would strike a nerve, they'd done plenty of research on Delfino and knew what had happened to his family, he held much resentment for his sisters it would seem. "Your sisters betrayed us and joined with foreign powers, but you can help us put a stop to these acts of betrayal."
"Our group, is dedicated to seeing this kingdom change for the betterment of the people, primarily by overthrowing the royal family and all those who would support them. We mean to start a new government and introduce new rules so that our great nation will never be harmed by outsiders who cannot be trusted."

The change was indeed something Del was looking for, he wanted to make a difference in this all and yet back in his mind he was on alert with this man. His reaction in rejecting to kill the old man did pan out better then he had suspected. But does that mean he was less suspicious about this whole ordeal? Dell shrugs a bit thinking about it, the royal family did fail on so many fronts to provide the kingdom what it really needs and maybe this group might be able to change the course of it all.

"So, now is the part where you come with me back to meet the rest of the gang and then we get you acquainted with your new role, and don't worry you will be able to visit your family. After all, your parents could never live with themselves if yet another of their children were to leave and never return."

That was good news that he was able to return towards his parents and his little sister. Yet that last few words are hitting a sensitive snare for him, he saw the memories pass by of both Dalida and Aida leaving home. He bolds up his fist and yet didn't show it facial expression about it, until....

"Your sisters betrayed us and joined with foreign powers, but you can help us put a stop to these acts of betrayal."

He elt the anger boiling up inside of him, he wanted to make them pay for betraying the Kingdom, for his family and just fight or explore the unknown on their own behalf. They had no idea what kind of damage was done to the family, the sadness his mother had to endure "Where do I sign up" without a minute to think about it, he just blurted it out and knew he was going to regret some of it.
The anarchist fox looked him up and down while retaining his smirk, this had been fairly easy as most of their recruiting was, plenty of young adults who were unhappy and needed someone to blame. Turning to his side he whistled, a low grumble started up somewhere out of sight before a large vehicle rolled into view, it had been painted and modified to blend in better but it was obvious this was a machine made for withstanding bullets and bombs. "Just climb aboard, Initiate." He said, running and jumping into the side of the lumbering truck which like most other vehicles was hovering a foot off the ground. With practiced ease he slid a concealed door open on the side and twisted his way inside motioning for Delfino to follow him.

"Once you step through this door you will be officially crowned an Initiate of Kingdom Fall by the power I hold as one of the six founders, you may call me Et'Nonda." He said waiting to see what the young Daur would do, though he had to provide incentive. "If you choose to stay behind, you're entitled to go back to your old life and forget about meeting me, though no one else will get revenge for poisoning the minds of your dear sisters. No one else will work to bring them home."
"Once you step through this door you will be officially crowned an Initiate of Kingdom Fall by the power I hold as one of the six founders, you may call me Et'Nonda." "If you choose to stay behind, you're entitled to go back to your old life and forget about meeting me, though no one else will get revenge for poisoning the minds of your dear sisters. No one else will work to bring them home."

Was this truly the only way to fight the Kingdom corruption and get it back on track towards a better standing. His choice was nothing but weight upon his shoulders, whatever he was going to choose right now had an impact on his way of life. Yet he was also interested to see where this adventure would lead him to, his current life he was tied with his hands behind his back to see his family being ripped apart. Del took a deep breath and nods slowly to himself as he gets into the car and closes the door "Drive me where I need to go, whatever awaits me...I will fight and I fight for the Kingdom. The right way"
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