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RP Kikyō no Sekku YE 46

Koukotsu II
Mazu Beach: The napping corner
YE 46

From the frothing edge of the lapping surf, to the dustier area where Calliope Cardinal was reclining, a macabre red shadow drifted silently through the air… Tae Tsuguka, the befangled priest-pilot of the Yukika II... just loomed way past the point of awkwardness. Angular features and narrow eyes beamed a conflicted trepidation down onto the apparently slumbering, robust-looking nepleslian…

Several times, they opened their mouth to say something… and then closed it again.

Finally, they just settled into the sand, but kept staring…

Humans. The originals. This one was augmented, but talking to those was supposed to be the same, right? She could do this with the same protocol?

Kind of scary… Her science officer?... This one had really pronounced abs, with the earthy brown hair those kind of beings sometimes had… but she was part of the crew! That meant she was accepted under her precious Kami Futaba’s wing, and part of the machine spirit too, didn’t it? They were all married to that holy vessel, together?~ It was her duty to communicate, and protect this precious creature's divine soul!~

Hue-mans. Humans.
She could do this. It was okay. It was okay. The pilot of the other shift was one! It was fine. It was definitely fine!

“...S-shoi Cardinal, I dare say I am n-not interrupting?” Tae finally rasped out, seeming to appear out of thin air, sitting just that bit too close. Immediately, the soft white bikini covering the consecrated symbols of her temple-body felt much too exposed. She was trying to appear calm and aloof, but that only added to the toy-like quality, a religious statue completely displaced on the sunstroked beach. “Your… Your crew profile suggests a great deal of scientific acumen, and well… Far be it for me to break hierarchy, b-but…”

“Have you perhaps noticed the Kaimon unit building a small silicate fabrication over yonder? Mine data would suggest that is… a certain unit involved in an intrusion incident on the YSS Azalea II...”

“Worrysome, with our Shosa Tachiko exposed out here, is it not?..." A pause, hands digging into the sand, calming herself. Tae had long since closed her eyes to keep her nerve, and now managed to restrict that tone down to something distant, as flowing as the sea breeze. "I... I am... extremely bothered?... Beyond reason~~...”
Yuki Shinono blew a pleased sigh. No beach outing was complete without a watermelon, and she'd taken care to find one of the biggest ones she could. Lugging it along the sand was no great difficulty either, but finding a place for the requisite smashing was proving a bit difficult. She paused a moment, eyes scanning the sands and the variety of people scattered about, either sunning themselves or playing games or simply enjoying each other's company. One hand rested on her hip, toying a moent with a bow on her somewhat pedestrian bikini, a two piece in white and blue stripes. Then she settled upon her science officer. It seemed a nice enough place to plant down, and she probably would appreciate a couple slices anyhway, so she smoothed out a towel a few meters away.
Mazu Beach
Koukotsu II
YE 46.5.20

"Tsuguka!" a familiar voice called out to the fire-engine-red Nekovalkyrja. It was her old crew-mate from the Eucharis, Sakura Cherry. Cherry was wearing a dark blue Star Army swimsuit and had her pink hair in pigtails as usual. She hovered up out of the water and put herself back down near her old friend. "Hey, it's been a while! How have you been?", Cherry asked with a big grin. "What are you up to these days?"

Off in the water, Daniel Becker's eyes followed Cherry to Tsuguka, and seeing her, gave a wave before climbing atop a surfboard and setting himself up to ride the next nice wave that came in.

Back on the shore, some of the Resurgence gang was arriving, with short, green-haired science officer Kawa Euikoshi leading the way, followed by Pidole, Poppy, Cassie, Gabriela, and Sakuko and Beryl who were driving two LSTVs across the sand loaded up with beach gear in the beds. Once they selected a spot, the gang built a cabana, pulled out coolers, set up umbrellas, and basically made a well-equipped campsite for the whole crew to use. Once that was one there was a sort of mass sunscreen application with everyone helping each other.
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