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RP Kikyō no Sekku YE 46


Wiki-chan! Ganbatte yo!
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🌸 FM of Yamatai
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RP Date
YE 46.5.20
RP Location
Mazu Resort Complex and Mazu Beach, Koukotsu II
Mazu Beach
Koukotsu II
YE 46.5.20

Bathing the surface in dim, otherworldly sunlight, the binary pair of red dwarf stars, in a cheek-to-cheek dance, kept the long days and extended twilights of Koukotsu II in a state of perpetual beach sunset. The light, heavy in the red end of the spectrum and bright in the infrared that warmed the tropical world, muted colors, draining their vibrancy without touching their warmth. Everything was suffused with an ethereal, nostalgic quality, like an early color film. For those, such as the Nekovalkyrja, who could see into the near-infrared, new colors appeared that could not exist in the white-yellow light of Yamatai. For those with a serpentine sense for heat, the brilliant infrared display was a novelty that could never be described to anyone lacking those sensory organs.

Even at Double-High-Noon, the sky was an Impressionist canvas of peach and ruby, amber and orange, and lavender-blue and pink above the intense, crystalline blues and greens of Koukotsu II’s expansive ocean. Reflecting the colors of the sky, the nine bands of Koukotsu II’s rings slashed dramatically across the sky, studded with glitter of the ice and reflective, metallic dust of their substance. Sky and sea were separated from the majestic burgundies, maroons, browns, and dark greens of the rainforest foliage by slashes of pristine white beach sands in between. Among the striking dark leaves adapted to the infrared suns, the reflective, metallic shimmers of flowers and fruits stood out in the red light, much like bright colors against the vibrant greens engendered by a white star. Everywhere in this land of light, overlapping shadows crossed one another as they circled their gnomons, for each thing cast two shadows, one for each of Koukotsu’s suns.

The idyllic seaside town of Mazu Beach, named for the Yamataian Kami of the Sea, was dwarfed by the adjacent Mazu Resort Complex. The latter was a city unto itself, dozens, if not hundreds of individual hotels and resorts, and the restaurants, shops, and services that catered to their clientele. A popular leave destination for the Star Army of Yamatai not only for the endless tropical beaches, but also that it was one of the worlds available to personnel requesting land and housing— the rural, rainforest hillsides were dotted with the issued, prefabricated cabins. The Yugumo Keisatsu, uniformed and plainclothes alike kept the bustle of the tourist areas safe and secure where UOC Peacekeepers once did the same—many of them, the older, more experienced ones who remained loyal, simply traded one uniform for another.

Kikyō no Sekku, Bellflower Day, determined by the subspace-synchronized universal calendar, fell during the Koukotsu summer where the twin stars were in conjunction, close in the sky and the orbiting companion on the same side as the planet. The days, while still dimmer than Yamatai, were a bit brighter and longer during this phase of the complex procession of seasons experienced under the light of twin suns. For the festivities, Kára Kurogane, the Koukotsu System’s representative in the Imperial Senate, film, volumetric, and VR star, and member of the royal family of the NDC, was the master of ceremonies. Just off the production and premiere of SAINTs without Halos and between sitting sessions of the Senate, she was home, but still not free of official, or unofficial duty. Screenings of the tall, athletic 33A’s patriotic action blockbusters were the perfect cornerstone for a national holiday, and she was on hand for autographs, though between interactions she cast longing glances toward the many colorful sails in the distance poking up above the horizon and crests of waves..

It was mid-morning of the long day, with both suns creeping towards their highest point, and the beaches began to fill with celebrants. Kára looked out from the wings of the civic amphitheater stage at the crowds beginning to fill the plaza and beach beyond, and liven the restaurants and shops around the plaza’s perimeter, before making her way to center stage to officially open the festivities.
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Mazu Beach
Koukotsu II
YE 46.5.20

Standing beside Kara Kurogane on Mazu Beach on the planet of Koukotsu II in the Yamatai Star Empire was a dog. To any onlooker, the dog appeared perfectly ordinary, but it harbored a remarkable secret. This was Whiskers, a robot ingeniously designed and constructed by Sachiko Itatski, Kara's elder half-sister. Sachiko, had entrusted Whiskers, her long-time companion, to Kara. She believed that the unassuming robot dog would be able to protect her sister just as effectively as any high-tech security system.

Whiskers' true nature was concealed beneath a sophisticated array of holograms, giving the appearance of a regular dog. However, beneath this facade lay advanced robotic systems and enhanced sensors. Her robotic eyes, camouflaged by the holographic disguise, continuously scanned the crowds, analyzing every movement and potential threat. As Kara stood, Whiskers remained ever vigilant, her hidden capabilities ensuring Kara's safety amidst the bustling beachgoers.

Whiskers moved closer to Kara, her tail wagging in a display of happiness that was indistinguishable from that of any other dog. This wagging was not just an instinctive canine behavior, but a carefully programmed response designed to reinforce her disguise. As Whiskers stayed by Kara's side, her advanced sensors continued to scan the environment. So far, she had detected no threats.

However, amidst the throng of beachgoers, Whiskers thought she spotted someone who resembled Sachiko, her creator. Her sophisticated recognition algorithms flagged the individual, but Whiskers knew her primary directive was to protect Kara. Despite the fleeting recognition, Whiskers, like a well-trained dog, stayed close to Kara, maintaining her vigilance. Her loyalty was unwavering, and her primary function was clear: to ensure Kara's safety above all else. The potential sighting of Sachiko was logged in her memory banks, but for now, her focus remained on guarding Kara on the sunlit sands of Mazu Beach.
Mazu Beach
Koukotsu II
YE 46.5.20

Zelphon Belmont stepped onto Mazu Beach, feeling the warm sand beneath her feet. It was a rare break from her busy life, a change to recharge. She wore a new swimsuit, a symbol of letting go and embracing the moment. Thinking back to her conversation with her brother, this was a smart move coming to the beach. After her short time on the Kaiyo II she knew a recharge was in order. She had over committed herself and this was a way to bring herself back into balance.

As she walked, she spotted Kara Kurogane, her unofficial rival. Zelphon felt a mix of competition and admiration. She decided to enjoy the day, letting the sun and sea wash away her worries. The beach was alive with people celebrating Kikyō no Sekku, and for once, Zelphon allowed herself to be part of the joy. It was a day of relaxation, reflection, and a reminder that even the busiest lives need moments of peace.

Zelphon Belmont strolled along the pristine sands of Mazu Beach, her eyes catching the sight of a seemingly ordinary dog beside Kara Kurogane. Intrigued by the dog’s presence, she approached with a warm smile.

“Hey there, little one,” Zelphon said, crouching down to Whiskers’ level. She extended her hand, allowing the dog to sniff it. Zelphon then looked to Kara and smiled in her direction. "I see you have a new friend. It has been a while, how have you been?" She asked as she stood back up.
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Mazu Beach
Koukotsu II
YE 46.5.20

Hiro Nakamitsu:

Hiro arrived in full rockstar fashion, Sleeveless leather jacket, with nothing but a pair of red/black swim trunks underneath, sandals on his feet, portable amp clicked to his hip and his electric guitar slung over his back. He had his aviator shades on the bridge of his nose so he could see over then without the shade. He didn't necessarily need a recharge, but who could say no to a beach trip.

Finding a somewhat shady spot, he sat as he slung his guitar around so he could play it. Closing his eyes he wondered what his former band was doing without him since he had been given his orders. And he began to strum the solo played by Alex Draven in The Crow movie. He wasn't sure who or what he was waiting for but, that wouldn't stop him from having a good time, maybe meet some new people and simply jam out.
Mazu Beach
Koukotsu II
YE 46.5.20

Calandri was a little confused by the customs of the Yamataians when it came to clothing and that, especially with what they would wear when at a place like this. She had been struggling with finding a swimsuit, because of her more unique body type, She had found one that allowed movement with are four arms and wouldn't move out of place. They also thought she was something called a Elefirn, she hadn't heard of this group yet, but after time off, it would be something interesting to look into. She scanned the beach for somewhere to relax and enough the sands for the first time in a long time. She was a little nervous as normally she had someone with her, especially for new things, she didn't want to mess up anything, but already stumbled a little as her hooves sunk into the sand as she walked.

She had found what she thought was a nice place, close enough to the edge so she could leave and do other things if she needed to and a clear walk to the water, to allow her to focus on walking. She put down her towel and bag, making sure nothing would blow away as she looked at what was going on. She realised a bit too late that she hadn't packed anything to eat and thought there must be somewhere nice to eat close. She knew this would be mission one as food was important. As she walked she noticed a couple of females talking and a pet, a dog she thought they were talked. She walked up, her hooves sunk into the sand a little, as she tried to keep her balance "Kashva.." She tilted her head and then realised she had done it again "I am sorry, I meant excuse me, I was wondering if you two knew of anywhere nice to eat?" She smiled kindly as her ears flicked a little and she waited for an answer, trying to be polite.
Mazu Beach
Koukotsu II
YE 46.5.20

Roy was not usually a person for festivities. Crowds were a magnet for trouble for a number of reasons, from the simple rowdy group to even less palatable scenarios, but its nonetheless something he could appreciate at a distance. Which was a little ironic as he's gathered up a small crowd around the front of the cabin that he and some of the crew had rented for the day.

If asked, he'd claim that a shirtless red-hair Nepleslian in dark grey swim trunks showing off battle scars brought the crowd in, but that was only partially true if one would entertain the thought. The real draw was the battle at the center of it all. A group of seven was surrounded by five people in a pentagon formation, armed with just a single volleyball to share between them. It was a simple game of dodgeball, albeit a little modified to have it be more fun than competitive. The rules were simple whoever got hit swapped places with the one who hit them. At first it was just him and a few of the PA team, but they ended up dragging some of the onlookers in as well.

The Nepleslian himself was one of the people at the center, egging the throwers on before catching the ball with his head. Up until that point the cheers were for the dodgers, but a louder cheer came when he finally got hit after the ball was passed around.

Obara Keizo, the Yukika's armorer sent out invites for the rest of the Yukika II crew, if they fancied to stop by.
Mazu Beach
Koukotsu II

YE 46.5.20

When news of the Yukika II's crew authorized return to the Kikyo Sector for leave, Yingzi was not completely thrilled at the idea. She had resigned to what she thought was her fate in that she was never going to return outside of extreme situations like the Yamataians are pushed out of the Kosuke Sector. Simple leave never factored into her equations since never really had a need for it. At least that is what her virtual teachers always said to her at least.

Wearing her swimwear similar to the SAoY PT uniform's inner layers (sold by RyuK's Clothing Brand, "Ryu and Liu Apparel") feelings melted away when she finally arrived at Mazu Beach. Sure she knew what a beach was and could tell you the elemental composition of the sand and likely what life forms are present, but she never actually experienced one. Nothing in her virtual childhood and learning would explain what it is like to have warm sand beneath her feet. A curious but somewhat uncomfortable experienced she just could not help herself to stop and put on some beach sandals to keep out the sand.

A message alert on her augmented reality HUD pulled her out of her experienced induced child-like behavior. Opening it, she was greeted with the results of a virtual intelligence scraping all of the research papers from Fujiko University and various other institutions published in the last year. She just grinned as she sat down looking at the water as she started to skim though the titles of the various papers.
Dragging a Senti off their ship is always a challenge. Senti, whether the culture or the tsulrati species, tend to see the ship they're serving on as their homes, making it almost impossible to get them to take leave, as they are already home and their jobs are just the normal necessities of life aboard a starship. Shore leave for them is usually just short market trips or travelling to meetings or negotiations. This is normally excellent for a ship's efficiency, where a single Senti crewman can easily take up the workload of two or three humans, use less leave time than a MEGAMI AI, and defend their home ships with a ferocity rarely seen outside of certain obsolete Star Army divisions of suicidal Nekovalkyrja. But even this unusual species needs a change of pace every once in a while, as they are nomadic and can serve on dozens of ships in their long lives, often being members of several families in the process.

The Koun crew's usual solution for this was to post two fully armored Nekos at each airlock the moment their Navigator left the ship, forcing her to take a few days away from the ship, or to put her and her lover on leave at the same time, where she would spend the duration on Yamatai itself with her adopted daughter and fiance. This world, however, was not Yamatai, and she didn't want to take shore leave, perfectly happy to stay in orbit with a book and the observation deck, let everyone else leave, and turn off the gravity while she was the only one aboard. Shore leave and beach days held no interest for her. In fact, deep water terrified her on an instinctive level. Let alone the lichens and mosses that could infect her flesh.

This time, they'd had to get significantly more direct, literally dragging her along the floor as she scrambled for purchase, tearing out anything she could get a grip on as she fought against the three terrifyingly strong Taiis pulling her to the shuttle with the claim that she was on leave and should spend that time enjoying herself drinking mimosas on a beach resort world that matched her biology, rather than cooped up on an empty starship.

Of course, Koukotsu is one of those worlds where it was easy to lose a Senti. The metallic sheen of fruits and flowers, and the foliage itself made it easy to disappear into the infrared baked woods, where the air was a slightly uncomfortable chill for her and where even the vomeronasal organs of a Separa'Shan could have trouble picking her distinct scents from the brush. So they didn't let her into the woods.

And that's how Aliset Koun found herself in a bikini and shivering with a book in one hand and and a hot drink in the other. Her body wanted between 104 and 175 degrees farenheit. Granted, the light of these suns was unusually comforting for her, and the heat was a lot nicer than any Star Army vessel. But she still approached the beach with trepidation, swatting with her book at the bugs that mistook her skin for the bright colors of a flower. She knew she was supposed to have a good time. But her idea of a good time was a bit different from that of her coworkers, so she spoke loudly. "Okay, I've been to the beach. Can I have my clothes back, now? It's too cold for this."