Star Army

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Interest Check Kingdom Fall - Fluffy terrorism


Everything Is Magical
I am back with yet another plot to compound my aching brain further. Dramatics aside, this is going to be the second plot for Neshaten and in the effort of creating diversity, its a bad guy plot.

As some may know I’m running a plot for Division 5 currently which is counter terrorism agents and now I’ll be running an opposing force to them. These plots may not directly interact but the actions in each will affect the other, in this way i hope to make a more dynamic setting for the faction which has been largely static.

Now for the hook.

As a member of kingdom fall your characters will have the opportunity to fight against the status quo, KF has been around a long time according to how i wrote it but hiding in the shadows. Their members have been growing steadily and now they are getting more bold and lashing out. During the plot you will be working in groups under a superior of the organisation in hit and run operations as well as stakeouts and even infiltrations.

However, you will be less proficient and not as well armed as most of your enemies, kingdom fall has maintained itself through careful planning and precise execution and you will follow this trend as well as I’m able to write it. And for the first time ever players will have the option of bring non neshaten characters to the kingdom, however I’m limiting positions to 1 of each outsider species maximum so I don’t just run a bunch of humans or minkans. First in best dressed and if someone drops out I shall put the species back up for grabs.

Neshaten characters are unlimited and will be favoured in character by their superiors as they are seen as fighting for purpose rather than monetary gains.

I am aware that @Aria and @RaWolfe are both interested already but it is open to all.
No rush, given there is somewhat limited info for this new/old group feel free to message me about things regarding him.
Now that my stupidly long work week is over i'll be working on the plot page for this as well as starting rp within the next week
I think this would be a fine opportunity to learn what the Neshaten faction is all about! Would their be a need for support characters, like mechanics/engineers?
well, i wouldn't base your entire understanding around the view of extremists but as for support characters, for the plot itself they wont have a huge role such as people on a starship but Kingdom Fall still has vehicles at its disposal. Many members of KF are just civilians without even youth corps training so all professions are present, but as I said before, would possibly have a more limited role though i usually gm to cater to the characters present.
I might be misunderstanding, is this an RP where we are playing what would stereotypically be the bad guy?
yes that is correct, as briefly outlined in the OP of the thread Kingdom Fall or KF is a long standing secretive organisation that has been plotting to overthrow the royal family for going on 20 odd years now, due to them finally gaining enough man power and resources they have began lashing out in the last year or two which prompted the creation of Division 5, the counter terrorist unit which my other neshaten plot is based around
Oh wow, I must be like a magnet to making bad guy characters! Maybe I can just run with a really big Daur that doesn’t say much. I’ve been wanting to play Big Dude for a while! Is there any chance we might end up in is there any chance we might end up in PvP vs. D5 players in a crossover?
if you wanted to play a *big dude* you might be better off with a laibe as they are naturally bigger and stronger than daur due to being the genetically superior sub-species though you can still make a large daur by comparison to his own kind. as for pvp its unlikely but not completely ruled out, im not a fan of running pvp in a plot as it requires careful coordination with players and people can end up changing their minds and toppling threads.
It definitely requires a very special type of person to run PVP. I gotta go to work but I’ll do some research on the different species! There’s a good chance I don’t know what I’m talking about