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RP: Neshaten [Kingdom Fall] - The Fight Begins

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Everything Is Magical
RP Date
Late EE004v (ye41)
RP Location
Kester - Neshaten Space
Kingdom Fall - Kester FOB

In the depths of a mountain base several hours from the military city of Kester a gathering was taking place. Many new recruits had been brought together to be sorted into their new assignments within the organisation. Standing in the room now were roughly 100 new initiates with 10 members of Gun rank lined up along a stage at the front of the room, one of these stepped forwards.

”Congratulations initiates, you’ve made it through the basic testing and will now be chosen by one of us to join our team to server our glorious founders.” The speaker was a red furred Laibe, clearly she had a lot of physical discipline and training to say nothing of the piercing glare she shot several Initiates when she caught them whispering. “All of you are here because you took the first step into trust, and now its time for the leap of faith which everyone will be subjected to after they’re chosen.” She scanned the crowd and saw a rag-tag mix, the recruits of Kingdom Fall were not battle hardened soldiers, most of the time anyway.

after the brief introduction speech each of the Gun ranked stepped forwards and chose members for their team, about halfway through the list the same red furred Laibe stepped up and chose her next two. “You.” She said pointing to a pair of Daur. “Rudouva and Delfino, you will join my team, stand with the others.” She motioned to a small gathering of 3 others who’d been chosen by the woman earlier. The choosing continued on for another few minutes as another 5 members joined with the two daur and the rest of the group. Unsurprisingly it seemed many recruits were of Daur lineage, though there were several Laibe present in the room as well, mostly disgruntled ex navy or youth corps members.

Soon enough every Initiate had been picked and all of the Guns returned to the stage. “Each of you will be given the opportunity to pursue a most noble and righteous path when you leave this gathering.” A new speaker this time, a Laibe male with a sly looking face and eyes that seemed to be searching for his exit strategy at all times. The small group of Daur plus a couple Laibe belonging to the red furred Laibe woman were led out by their new leader, back to a dormitory that was simply “Red Dorm” denoted by the red lining around the entryway. “You all have 10 minutes to sort out sleeping arrangements and sort out your belongings, when I return I expect everyone at attention waiting for my arrival with a spotless dorm.” As she strode off the lead initiate pushed open the door and their sorrow was audible from the back of the group. What they hadn’t been told was that the room was completely trashed, beds overturned and dirt scattered everywhere. Bedding was damaged or missing and they had 10 minutes to make it spotless. The tests had begun and they had been thrown in at the deep end.
Standing in line with the other initiates that stood at this gathering, Del was actually wondering what he was doing here. After his meeting with that fox, everything happened so fast. Everything was done and sorted so fast. Yet the ritual of being chosen into a team made him wonder what was ahead of them. The red-furred Laibe spoke with strength and power in her voice, she showed the discipline that was needed. Thought, Del was more of an information gatherer, a person that wanted to get info, do his engineering jobs and not be military. Was he lure into this madness because of his own ego and problems with the Kingdom. Hearing everyone introduce themselves made him note a few key elements of who everyone was, he might forget them sure, but it was good to remember the troublemakers. Then it was his turn "Delfino La Rostislavovna " he spoke and saw that he caught the attention of the red-furred Laibe and shrugs. Great now he had her attention.

“Rudouva and Delfino, you will join my team, stand with the others.”

He shrugs, yet Del listens towards the woman and walked towards the group. A small group thus far, but over time it grew to a few more initiates and waited for the selection to come towards an end. It was only logical for him to conclude that the people now in his group were his teammates for unknown amount of time. A few grunts of plausible navy come from and the rest Daur. What was going to happen to them, well the Laibe moved them to a Red Dorm that was one big cluster f*ck of a mess. He rolled his eyes and wondered what was in store for them.

“You all have 10 minutes to sort out sleeping arrangements and sort out your belongings when I return I expect everyone at attention waiting for my arrival with a spotless dorm.”

He shrugs and saw the furred Laibe leave "Great...this is why I skipped bloody youth corp" He mutters and walked into the room with the others and sighs as he started to go towards the back and pick up the pieces of a broken bed and shrugs again. This was going to be a long trip, he started to be creative as an engineer and took a crate as he placed it under the broken bed to stabilize it and cleaned a bit around his bed as he looked at the rest "You can stay a mutter and bicker all you want, but this room is not going to clean show some efforts as that lady will show her fury at us"
Ugh, this is a bit too high-and-mighty for my taste, Eliana thought with a mental groan. Her time in the navy taught her the importance of an expert poker face when a superior muttered bullshit. But, these are the only people who are listening to this nation's problems, just gotta deal with it for now. She nodded and advanced at the call of her name, her arms calmly resting by her side and her face neutral. This is gonna be like bootcamp again, isn't it?

Yup, it is,
she thought as she saw the messy excuse for a room with only ten minutes to clean it. Well last time, punching the CO in the face and sleeping in the brig wasn't the right answer for day one. The best way to piss them off is to meet their impossible expectations.

"Alright, we've got ten minutes, let's show that boss of ours that we can't be stepped on!" Eliana shouted enthusiastically. She then scanned the room and began pointing to various people. "You three, gather large junk and make a pile. You two scout around for a broom or something, but don't wander off too far."

"And you," she said as she pointed to Delfino. "You're doing good, see how many beds need repair and fix up what you can by whatever means. Take junk from the junk pile if you have to. Two of you, help him out. And lastly, the rest of us will find cloths of some kind and use them as brooms for now." Eliana took on her role by finding a discarded shirt on the ground, rolling it up, and using it to begin pushing dirt on the floor into a pile.
Red Dorm

A white-furred Laibe stepped forward from the rest of the group which was standing just inside the doorway. "Oh, who made you the boss huh? Little Daur girl, you don't even look strong enough to lead the rest of your kind behind me." He said gesturing behind him at the other 7 initiates, all of which bar one were also of the Daur subspecies, the only other Laibe being a reddish-brown fur colour. The white one stepped up to Eliana and pushed her, enough to make her stumble but not to topple. "The whole reason I joined these guys is because of your inferior kind, so I'd rather be dead than listen to a little girl." He hissed once more before flicking his head at the others. "All you inferiors, get to work on this room while my friend and I choose our beds and unpack our things."

The other Daur behind him shuffled their feet forwards with heads down, beginning to work on repairing their dorm, strangely enough they were following the instructions laid out by Eliana earlier though no one dared talk to each other about their task at hand. "That's more like it." The second Laibe said with a chuckle as he and his white friend chose the best beds in the whole room and set their packs down.

Observation Center

In a room at the centre of the level a large monitoring setup hummed to life as the 10 members of Gun rank filed in and took their seats. The cameras in each dormitory weren't hidden by any manner, the view of the room was complete on each screen with no blind spots either. "So, which dorm will win the bed making challenge this time?" Said a short stocky Daur male watching a camera labelled "Yellow Dormitory" on which several Laibe had already started fist-fighting in the middle of the room while the only two Daur in the group huddled in a corner watching with cautious wonder.

"Shove it Five, we all know Yellow Dorm always fails, have they started fighting yet?" Shot back the red-furred Laibe as she watched her own screen, each Gun chose their initiates based on their records and gut feelings, each had a tendency to veer towards certain groups and Red was no exception. She watched as the two chosen Laibe seemed to assert their natural dominance while the Daur did all the work, though she thought at least one of them wouldn't stand for it.
"Oh, who made you the boss huh? Little Daur girl, you don't even look strong enough to lead the rest of your kind behind me."

He was already busy with fixing some beds and rolled his eyes at the comment "Great, we are showing longest tails already" He mutters and shook his head to ignore the whole ordeal. He knew by the setting of this Dorm, the way the Dorm was left behind and the reactions between the people that this was the real test. To test each other and see if there is any kind of teamwork possible. But with this dominance, he wondered how that will hit off.

"All you inferiors, get to work on this room while my friend and I choose our beds and unpack our things." "That's more like it."

Choose beds, heh that was something to expect from these lads. They were going for the best bed, show minimal effort and try to boss everyone around. He signs and stands up as he had fixed up a Daur bed and smiled at her as he walked to them while cleaning his hands and looked at their bed and took one without them able to say anything he kicked on a certain spot and the bed collapse "That's better, oh before you talk Laibe....let me tell you something because for some hormone reason did the function of your brain shut down and think that showing your muscles is going to help you for being lazy" He cleaned his hands further and smirked "If you have not noticed is that we are being tested, we are in a room that is a royal mess and they are looking if we are able to set our differences aside and put some teamwork in motion. Now they are not looking for some spineless leader that dictates everyone without showing effort. From what I know of this group, they are looking for people willing to follow orders, willing to work together for a common goal. Stop making enemies mate, I might consider fixing your bed before that lady is coming back" His face stayed neutral, yet he was not trying to intimidate the best man "If you have not noticed it yet, I am the only engineer in this room...keep that mind" He walked away to get another bed fixed.
Eliana tried not to laugh as the engineer laid into the asshole Laibe. This daur's got guts, but will that last after a punch to the face? She decided to back him up, but not without first casually picking up a small but hefty metal piece of junk off the floor and hiding it behind her back. Gotta even the odds a little bit if push comes to punch in face.

"You're sitting here worried about inferior kinds while our government ignores the aliens with superior tech out there coming for us? We're all inferior races to those Yamalesians and Neplataians, so if you don't want to be the weakest on galactic scale, I'd suggest we all just help each other out!"
The Laibe's eye twitched angrily as he was sent crashing down. "You filthy animals dare oppose us? You forget your heritage and inferior genes.” He started, raising a fist before his friend grabbed the hand and stopped him.
”It’s not worth the effort beating them up.” The other said, trying to diffuse the situation, sorely regretting it a moment later when the bigger Laibe delivered a swift knee to his gut and winding him.

”You wanna stand with them? Fine, then I’ll treat you like them.” He said, breathing heavily as he scanned the faces of the others in the room. “They’re looking for people to follow orders? Thats exactly what the royal dogs do already, it’s why we’re in this mess. And I don’t care if you’re an engineer, you still take orders from us.” He continued ranting before turning on Delfino with rage in his eyes. Striding forwards he kicked the Daur in the side.

Observation Centre

Red continued watching, while also tossing 20RN over to Green who she’d made a bet with before they started, and had subsequently lost. Watching as the obvious candidate began to throw punches. “Well I guess we should go and check the rooms then?” She said casually to her associates gathered in the room who all murmured their agreement.
“They’re looking for people to follow orders? Thats exactly what the royal dogs do already, it’s why we’re in this mess. And I don’t care if you’re an engineer, you still take orders from us.”

Del knew that this was going to happen, this Laibe was a hot head and too many bonds to heritage. He eyed the woman that was approaching them and shook his head casual as he took the kick to his side, dropping to his knees and hands as he gritted his teeth "Oh you are for sure from navy" As he took another kick and rolled to the side making a surprise expression "You are a spicy one are ya..." Del cracked his neck as he leans a bit up "But you can beat me all you want, I won't follow your orders. I won't fight you...why you think? Because it lowers my standards to a tug like yourself. You totally miss the point of this group, we are the stronger are the weakest link" He stated as he tried to get up and shook again his head to others that tried to intervene as he received another hit rolling now over a bed and coming to halt at the wall "You never will achieve something with this attitude..." He could taste blood at his lips and shrugs.

Taking the beating and declining help was his way of showing what kind of pity guy this man was, by every hit or kick he did showed only more what kind of scumbag he is and he made the analyzing perception that they were watching them and judging the behavior of this guy as not worthy for the cause they were strictly being selected for. Del felt another hit and just man up trying to let the man dig his own grave further.
Eliana paused briefly, watching as Del refused her help. That kid's got conviction, she thought in surprise. But once the Laibe kicked the small Daur a second time, she gave up waiting. She shot herself forward, throwing her arm back and aiming to slam the blunt metal object against the back of the Laibe's head.
Whispers, arguments, fights, all of it passed Misha by. Before she was chosen last, she simply clutched her worn bag closely, almost blindly staring forward as names were called. She wasn't short, by Daur standards, but she was certainly small, her frame missing any real level of muscles or fat. Her clothes were dirty and worn, but to her credit, any holes had been heavily stitched and sewn over. There were more people here than she rightly expected, far more than she was comfortable with by any means. So loud, so crowded, the room was not small but it felt to be shrinking at a constant, exponential rate. Perhaps this was a mistake.

Before she was given more time to doubt her decisions she was thrown into the same situation as the others. The last chosen, and by her own lack of urgency, the last to see the state of the room they would share. It was a mess, horrendous, dirty and trashed. It was perhaps the closest thing to what she was used to that she had seen today. The instruction was a simple one, a time limit of ten minutes, get it clean, organized, practically spotless.

It was impossible.

She made no attempt to convince herself otherwise, she could hear the fighting, arguments, no one was working towards the goal, as much as they convinced themselves of it. It was a no-win scenario, no action, no attempt would result in the proper outcome required for achieving such a goal. It was to give someone a puzzle to solve, without telling them that the key component had been removed before the test even began.

It took her a moment, standing and watching with impassive, slightly-squinted eyes as the others fought. She didn't know where they came from, why there were here, or what plan they had devised to solve the unsolvable. Even if they did, by some grand and sudden cooperation of similar mind, clear the room of debris and sweep out all the dirt, grime would still coat the walls and floors, deep cleaning the only solution, while also being the solution out of reach.

Effort was not their downfall, resources would not even save them, their fall rested solely in time.

Regardless, she moved quietly around the sudden fighting group. She delicately placed her worn bag on a rack that none had touched and gone about gathering as much of the trash as she could. She was quick, but no hurry or urgency was about her. Her intention was simple, remove as much trash as possible, while also avoiding the looks or touches of the fighters.

She knew she would fail, regardless.
Unluckily for Eliana her act of bravado was cut short as the other Laibe cut her off and caught the makeshift weapon, giving her a shove in the chest hard enough to send her sprawling. "I didn't say I was with them, asshole, but seriously take a look around, as far as the group is concerned we do lead them, except for these stubborn two that is." He said as he casually disarmed the Daur.

Before anyone could say another word however a deafening alarm blared across the whole of the base and the room was flooded with red light as the emergency lights engaged, startling all the young Daur and Laibe in each of the dorm rooms. The stomping of boots on the stone floors approached the Red dorm accompanied by barked orders and frantic yelling from somewhere else which was quickly cut off. Within moments of the alarm going off a black clad figure kicked in the door to their dorm, dressed from toe to ear tips in combat gear with their face obscured by a matte black helmet which quickly zeroed in on the Laibe and Daur who'd just been engaged in combat. Sprinting into the room they ejected a magazine from their SMG and threw the hefty gun with a considerable amount of force at Eliana before drawing a small pistol looking weapon and leveling it at Delfino, firing a sonic wave at him knocking the Daur down.

The two Laibe could only watch as the Daur were dispatched with such efficiency before their calling was upon them, in the form of this masked attacker leaping through the air and bringing their fist down onto the leaders face with the force of a gravity assisted punch knocking him off balance. The black-clad figure didn't wait around, as soon as their feet hit the ground they shifted stances and leaned to the side as they kicked out with one leg, using their momentum from landing to propel the stunned Laibe across the room and into one of the only standing bunk beds. Behind them the second Laibe, finally got his thoughts together and swung at this assailant using his techniques from the youth corps but it was futile, he was many seconds too slow compared to them. The attacker spun round and swatted the punch away before grabbing him with both hands on his shirt collar, dropping to the floor using their weight to drag the poor boy down while pulling their feet in and positioning them on his midsection. As their back hit the floor they rolled over backwards and kicked the second Laibe overhead where he landed on his friend.

Completing their roll backwards they transitioned up into a crouch and once again brought up the pistol and aimed it at the remaining Daur huddled in the corner. "Stay right where you are, any attempts to attack me will be met with force as will attempts to run." Came a feminine voice from the helmet.
Without a moment to react as the black-clad figure had pulled out a pistol and aimed at him, for a moment he felt fear and yet a sense of relief as well? He looked at the man as he felt the gunfire hit his body. He felt like he hears were going to pop and his head was spinning around. He dropped back onto the floor with his hands pressing onto his ears as he struggles to bite this off. Hef elt the headache not stop and getting worse as he felt nausea coming up and pressed one hand onto his mouth as he closed his eyes to refocus. When he came around and finally opened his eyes he could see that most of the fighting people were knocked out and the woman was pointing at a scared little Daur.

Standing slowly up, he felt that his body was heavy and he was also struggling to keep his focus "Leave....leave that Daur...alone" He felt to the floor as Del struggles against the effects was getting worse. Breathing heavy as he pushed himself up again "You got guts to attack people that are.....that is afraid" As he tried to keep his focus on that woman, but the headache.
Eliana let out a tsk as the other Laibe stopped her backhanded attack. Things were bleak, but maybe she could at least--


Confusion wash over Eliana as she felt herself falling backwards. Before she hit the ground, she saw the SMG hit the floor near her with a clacking bounce.


She felt her throbbing temple and propped herself on one arm so she could see her assailant. Getting in a fist fight was one thing, pissing off someone with a gun was different. She turned her wrists lazily upwards to show she meant to surrender.
Ten minutes.

It didn't matter, as the alarm went off, giving Misha quite the jump as the siren blared, she made a defeatist assumption. They never had any intention of giving them ten minutes to fix the room. Before Misha could linger on it, however, the door slammed open, and hot pops filled the air, and a heightened sense of chaotic actions overpowered and ended the fight. She blinked, and it seemed like she missed it, her body instinctively crouching down, holding what little trash she had gathered between her and the assailant. She didn't scream, nor cry out, it had been some time since she had allowed herself to do either.

Then she saw it, or rather, she understood what she was seeing. The barrel of a pistol leveled at her huddled form.

She wouldn't have called her clothing warm, nor the temperature of the room necessarily comfortable, but at that moment as her brain processed the shape of the weapon, her blood ran cold. As if she had been dropped from wherever she stood, unknowingly, into a deep pool of cold viscous liquid that forced its way into her lungs, her heart, her core.

Before this moment she had only seen a pistol a handful of times, all of them briefly, in passing. Never anything more, never in use. Yet, despite this ignorance, she knew what they could do, she knew that if the trigger was pulled, she likely wouldn't even be aware of the fact that anything happened before she simply... Ceased to be aware, embraced by the slow trot of death that never hurried.

She visibly paled, and her body stiffened. It was an instinctual need that consumed her, one more primal than any other emotion, the want to survive, by any means. Resisting was death, fighting was death, moving was death; so she did not move. Silent as ever, she cowered in the corner, trying her best to keep her faculties about her. There were no words that would convince someone like this, no method to put herself as anything but the lowest ring that she had already been placed.

It was a doomed effort. She didn't even recognize the armor the woman wore, but a paranoid thought rose in her head. Was this lady even from Kingdom Fall? She didn't look like the ragtag revolutionaries she had envisioned, she looked official, she looked... The only word she could think to describe it was 'Loyalist.' She was military, possibly, maybe they had been busted, they'd been found out and soldiers sent to secure them. This almost scared her as much as death, words of what would happen if the government got their hands on her echoing from her childhood.

Tears formed.

She was terrified.
Red Dorm

The masked attacker looked over at Delfino, the gun barrel unflinching. "Playing hero huh? Not smart." She said before blazingly quickly moving into a roundhouse kick delivered right to his gut. "Keep your mouth shut or I'll break your jaw so badly you can never speak again." She hissed, standing up and holstering the gun, satisfying she wouldn't need to pacify anyone else now. With not a care in the world she strolled over and retrieved the discarded SMG, slipping the strap back over her head but not replacing the magazine. The menacing gaze of the helmet swept over the huddled group in the corner before turning back to the two Laibe and Daur who'd been forcibly put in their place.

"All of you get up, we're going." Her voice was flat, clearly she wouldn't tolerate any questions or refusals. "And someone help those two in the corner, I don't need them slowing us down."

Once the group had been ushered into the hall it became apparent that the other initiates would be of no assistance as they were also being marched out of their dorms by other black clad figures, one for each group it seemed and in the case of Yellow Dorm it seemed the attacker had to knock out 2 particularly feisty Laibe and drag them along, though they must have scared the others something fierce as not a single other in the group dared turn around. The wide hall was quickly filled with groups of Laibe and Daur being marched towards the exit of the mountain base, the black suited figures saying nothing.
It was over before it even really began, her chance of gaining something more in life quickly replaced with being shoved down to the lower reaches of society, but this time was different than the rest of her life. This time she would go on record, name and information known and forever treated like a criminal, assuming she was ever allowed to leave whatever prison she was sent to. She was easily ushered out with the others, but she was quick to tightly hug her pack to her chest. It was small, and it was clear from a glance that little, if anything, resided in it.

Of course, it contained a single object. A stuffed animal, a cartoonish mimic of some native woodland predator, with more than a few holes, each patched with old and worn cloth- Pillowcase fabric that was only somewhat younger than she was. It was just big enough for her to hug tightly to get some semblance of comfort from, and it was really the one object she possessed that she actually cared for. She feared damaging it by how tightly she clutched the bag it was contained it, but at the same time she couldn't stomach the mere thought of having it confiscated.

Her eyes only briefly glanced at the others, to see the daur who had been beaten into submission and the others who had been terrified into it. With a quiet sigh, she realized that she fell into the latter category. What was she to do? Fight back? They had training, weapons, and she had... Not even a body that could do more than bide the pain of whatever would hit. The coldness in her blood did not cease to spread and linger.

Thoughts and worries echoed in her head, tales spoken to her of what the Government would do to people like her. She had been told from a young age by her parents that police couldn't be trusted, that running to them would cause much more harm than good, all with such threats of malice and punishment, both from the police and from them, that she was better off holding her tongue. Even when her home no longer existed, she feared the patrols of workers and policemen that looked for survivors too much to ever approach them. Even the few groups she had resided withheld different, albeit similar views of avoidance.

And now here she was, at gunpoint, being herded in a large group like cattle. Perhaps they were right, and perhaps she shouldn't have left the cubby that she had been sleeping in for weeks now, perhaps she shouldn't have left the thieving group that, for the most part, left her alone.

She didn't want to cry, but she could feel the tears forming. She couldn't get caught, not like this, this would be the end. She had to get away, but how? Trying to keep herself from panicking, she tried to subtly look around, looking for... Anything, that could cause distraction. A fire alarm? Ventilation shafts? Anything would do, anything that would give her a chance to run, to hide, to live.
"Keep your mouth shut or I'll break your jaw so badly you can never speak again."

Getting kicked in the guts made him roll over the floor again, it was not his intention to be hero, heh him a hero? What a joke...but he got himself again in this troubling situation and he tried to get up but could feel his ribs poking back at him as he took a few good breaths. The situation was not something he was hoping for, nor was it ideal as the older man had sketched up for him. Was this a training camp? Or just a poke the little ones so much they cry and want to run back to their mommy contest. Taking a deep breath he pushed himself up and saw everyone leaving the dorm on the command of the lady.

It was best not to piss her moreover as she was already at them. He took a glance at the little frightfull Daur and shrugs to only give her a soft smile to try to ease her nerves. With that, he moved out of the dorm following the others and not speaking a word of what just happened, though he could see that the same thing happened in the other dorm as well. Made him wonder what the whole idea was and what was expected of them.
Eliana gave no reaction as the cloaked assailant took back their SMG. Her mind felt like it was bouncing in a dryer. Is this the test? Was that the test? Do I pass if I escape this? Do I fail from being too reckless if I do escape? When is okay to give up? Ugh, just tell me what needs a solid punching! She ultimately decided to just follow along for now; schemes and plotting were not her strong suit.

As they walked out, Eliana noticed the shivering daur who looked like they might explode in tears at any minute. She knew that face well from her little brother Vezio, who wasn't exactly the bravest one out there, but also hated to admit it. Eliana walked up to her and placed a firm hand on her shoulder.

"Take a deep breath. We'll be okay. This is a probably another test to scare us. And if it's not, come find me and I'll keep you safe." Eliana turned to the smaller daur and smiled. "Okay?"

The group was led to a wide open space, some of the initiates recognised that it was the room they'd first come through when they were brought to the base and it connected directly to the outside world via a heavy, reinforced set of hangar doors. Presently there were no vehicles stored in the giant hangar room though the various stains and marks around suggested it had seen use before and its regular occupants may have been out on an assignment.

Standing in a line before the large group of 100 were the Guns, each dorm was shoved, dragged and generally directed into a ragged formation in front of their respective dorm leader, the 10 leaders did not look impressed to say the least.

"As you have no doubt just realised, or at the very least been able to confirm your suspicions, that was a test of sorts." Blue spoke up, stepping forward to address the group of Shukaren, his gaze lingering on Yellow Dorm's group for a while longer as though they'd earned an extra second of inspection time. "A more accurate description would be a demonstration, specifically of the enemy you may encounter, Division 5 operators." He continued. "They are well trained and picked from the best of the Shukara navy ranks and will do whatever they can to stop you, including the use of lethal force should you be deemed too dangerous or difficult to take alive. You won't beat them in a one on one fight, with or without a gun, we have to play the smart game and avoid putting ourselves in a position of danger."

So far it almost sounded like a work safety video you might hear in a retail business, don't lift things above your shoulder and such.

"However it is a little disappointing that when the odds were 10-1 in a confined space only one dorm attempted to stand against the attacker together. You're all here because you want to defend our great kingdom, so next time we want to see a bit more of a fight before you all roll over."

Holding up his face, he could feel the pain in his body, oh being righteous could be a bitch sometime for the little Daur. But he did blink at the explanation of what the man was explaining. The test was not about leadership, but to work together to defend against their dorm leader. Well, he was partly right, he did figure out that it was working together to clean up the room. Del took a deep breath trying to keep his standing right, but the pain was getting the better of him. Was he going to be a smartass again or....he sighs a bit knowing himself too well.

"So , up the common folk that wants to fight for the rights of our kingdom to teach them a valuable lesson and scare them? Message received sir..." He felt the sweat rolling down his neck as he tried to hold his focus, yet if these people were going to make an example of his smartass and just kick him down while he was wounded, it told him more about them then about himself. Del knew that 80% of these people were not even combat trained, yes Del knew the cheap tricks in the book, but by far could he consider himself a military veteran.
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