Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

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  • 📅 September 2024 is YE 46.7 in the RP.

OOC Kingdom of Neshaten


Everything Is Magical
Alrighy lads and ladies, I’m here and now creating an official OOC for the faction. This thread will be where any FM and GM people for neshland will post general updates.

Not only that but people interested in the faction, please feel free to ask questions here and ideas from all are welcome. However please refrain from being hostile or aggressive towards any nesh FM’s both now and in future if they don’t believe an ideo can work. This faction has different lore and ideals compared with most of the setting so not everything is doable here.

Sept 2018 update:
So first off I want to address the current neshie plots, with this factions territory we currently have the Horizon Expeditionary Force and will soon have a Division 5 plot, the Furi’Ken has been discontinued due to Kyle leaving the site.

As it stands I’m working slowly to add a few new things to the faction here and there but if anyone else would like to try their hand at article writing contact me.

If any potential GM’s are looking to start plots here then please feel free to shoot me your ideas. We have several major organisations which would make for good groups to rp with.

That’s all for now, with Kyle leaving and me taking over things will be considerably slower for a while during the transition.
First note I think I need to make a point of, Kyle and myself discovered an issue with almost all existing Neshaten characters in regards to their DOB, the page with the neshie calendar on it was a little incorrect and confusing and subsequently, everyone is actually double their intended age.

For anyone who wants to take it upon themselves to go and fix their character this is what you need to look for, neshies ages once every 2 years however their calendar works as follows; for example this year is 2018 and next year for them would be 2018v so your characters birth year will still look like it was only 20 years ago although it has actually been 40 years.

Yes i know its confusing, if you don't want to risk it alone feel free to contact me or wait for me to slowly move around and get to every character i can eventually.
It might make some sense for the Neshaten to consider adopting the "international" standard calendar that Yamatai and Nepleslia use (at least the same YE XX years, not necessarily the same months and stuff). Otherwise you might want to at least make a chart.
As far as I'm aware Kyle had made a chart, i just have to go find the page and look over it and make sure it makes sense to me so then i can properly explain it, I don't want to change too much core stuff about them but i do think this is an issue i need to work on first to avoid any problems in future.
So I mentioned this in the GM board but forgot to do it here as well, I've gone through and converted every neshaten character's Bday year to the correct one that I could so don't be alarmed if it says I edited your character page as that's all I've done as well as link it to the neshie year page for reference.

Another point i'd like to make refers directly to Furi'Ken players; @SirSkully @Soresu @Aria @Primitive Polygon that if you guys wish too your more than welcome to discuss moving those characters to a new plot. Division 5 is open to them and so is Horizon however if you'd like to send them off to another place feel free to talk to me in discord about it, long as we can make it fit the spirit of neshi culture and such I'm ok with it.
Hey man. I'm still interested in using Olffa, and I still have a whole bunch of ideas for expanding the Neshy close combat arsenal that could set them apart from other races. It's mostly just waiting for my crappy IRL job situation to stabilise a little that is slowing me down.

What's your overview of where you want to go with them tactically? Personally I'm finding power armour a bit overdone on this site, so talk of that a while back might have made me de-prioritize working on Nesh stuff a bit too.
I’m inclined to agree with you, also adorable foxies in pa just doesn’t seem right so I don’t plan on making any for them. As for close quarters I recently made them an smg but im up for ideas
Going full Metal Gear and doing a stealth and subterfuge focus is what I was planning on. Melee weapons, traps and chameleonic gear, since they kind of already have that with quieter weapons like the bow... These ideas could just end up being a special kind of unit, but, like, they couldn't really go toe-to-toe with someone like Nepland or the Yammies anyway, right?

Some smaller scale stuff like designing the actual computers they use, more melee weapons apart from just swords, e.t.c, is also in the cards. A boomerang and a throwing axe are two ideas.
I like where you're head is at polygon, and yeah the neshies for all intents and purposes barely need any heavyweight tech since they haven't ever fought in a war and are isolated from the rest of the factions anyway. Also the fact that Daur at least are naturally smaller and their whole species are born with basic hunting instincts and some heightened senses means metal gear style loadouts would definitely be complimentary.

I have another point to say actually, again as a condensed version from the GM board, eventually I'm going to work though every approved neshie article and ensure their OOC and DRv are up to standard. Building on from this I think I might try and track down info about the business families and see whats out there. So far the entire military arsenal is constructed by the navy itself which while it hasn't been a problem before, is not ideal moving forwards.

Since I already made a dedicated vehicle corp, I may work on expanding them into ship building as well but I think using one of the families for weapon research/manufacturing may be useful too especially when it comes to writing new articles.
Alright. I could try tying together whatever I make with a family like that.

If you don't make one, then fine; If you do make one, rival companies could be a cool thing!
indeed they could, opens up potential for more foxies :3

I'm headed to bed for the night, but I'll be sure to keep you in the loop
Ok i really should use this thread more, though to be fair I haven't done much development work on Nesh recently that is particularly interesting to the public. Anyway I'm planning on starting up a SECOND PLOT, that's right, now there will be 2 times the fox employment options and hopefully more to come in future.

For my bad pitch of this new idea plot, it will be focused around the baddies, I have discussed this idea with @Arbitrated and @Aria already and my current players @IQ and @SirSkully you're always welcome as well as is anyone else who likes the idea of playing bad guy in fox land and it doesn't stop there.

The organisation this plot will be revolving around is none other than Kingdom Fall who as it says on their wiki page, are all about overthrowing the royal family and reforming the current governing system of Neshaten, using any means necessary. As a player you will have the pleasure of playing a member of this group under the command of whatever fox i cook up for it, however the real interesting bit is that compared to Division 5 and the Neshaten military Kingdom Fall also employs other species within their ranks. This means you will have the option of bringing in another species which has effectively never been done before within Neshaten.

For now I'm not putting any restrictions on this, but I would prefer to only have a max of 1 member of any other species so that it isn't just a team of minkan or nepleslians and nothing else. This is subject to change based on circumstances. Any questions or inquires please don't hesitate to contact me, if I get some interest i may also post an interest check thread later for more exposure. Also tagging @SpaceEye because you said you might be interested.
What happens if Kingdom Fall wins? Will Neshaten finally stop being isolationists? :)
Unlikely, kingdom fall just wants to kick the royals out and run the country themselves and while i do appreciate the friendly jab I’m trying to do what i can to keep them active in the universe without breaking their core values as several people has suggested i do in the past.
Well i have a Mad Mutant whose building an army of drones and mechs and wants to rent them out to every single conflict in this settings future regardless or consequence...

Lemmie know if you really wanna make some foreigners not be liked by the neshies~
@club24 What rank should we plan on making our characters for this plot? Thinking players as Guns leading initiates, or having us be fresh disposable grunts? Was thinking I'd play a standard Neshy race, though not sure which one yet (who am I kidding, it's probably a Daur).
I’ll have a Sword rank in a similar way I have vaughn and leo in division 5 so the grunt initiates would probably be the standard for players yeah though they don’t have to be untrained by any means

Edit: depends on what the players are interested in, cause if everyone wanted to play a gun I’d work it to be a somewhat larger scale perhaps, or more of an elite group of gun runks under the sword I’ll be playing, though if everyone plays grunts I’ll have a gun as well since the grunts don’t actually know that the swords exist
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The kingdom fall plot has officially begun, I’ll be accepting late entries for a little but if you’re able to throw a character together in record time and hop in so feel free to hit up my dms