Triple post bump/update?
Firstly, I'd like the questions above answered if possible.
For those whom haven't seen it, the current look I'm basing the Kochou-class' 3d model top view is based on this picture: ... 592349.jpg
I'll most likely will tweak her final looks on the model.
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Considering the amount of weaponry to effectively cover a 360 degree firing arc adequately; the Kochou-class Light cruiser will probably have 8 subspace-encased particle cannons instead of 6. All turrets are concealed beneath an armor plate that will slide off it when the ship will be on tactical alert.
Particle Cannon turret emplacement:
- Four turrets on the around the ship's nose, one dorsal right, one dorsal left, one ventral right and another ventral left.
- One turret on each of the Kochou's wingtips.
- Two turrets on the tip of the Auxiliary craft; one ventral, the other dorsal.
The Kochou-class gravitron beam emplacement would probably be...
- One emiter on top of the nose, another just below.
- One emiter over each wings, top and bottom.
- Two emiters on the rear end of the Kochou's main hull (not the auxiliary ship), one top and another bottom. These will probably be used to to faciliate the docking of the auxiliary ship most of all.
- One emiter in each cargo bay (there are two cargo bays that will have elevator panels capable of dropping down in the ventral-side of the ship. This is to help loading and manipulating heavy cargo).
- One emiter in each launch bay to facilitate the retrieval of power armor, shuttles, escape pods and the launch/retrieval of probes.
- The auxiliary ship will have an emiter in it's backside (unusable when docked with the main hull) and another below it's tip.
This gives the Kochou-class 10 gavitron beam emiters available for active use (including the one on the tail's tip); 2 more inside the cargo bay ventral shutters, another 2 more within the launchbays and 1 inside the ship and not usuable unless the auxiliary ship launches. Total number of emiters: 15.
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I've been thinking about how the Kochou-class light cruiser would actually land on a planet - considering such things like landing gears and elevator/cargo platforms to load/offload supplies. Things were shaping out well until I noticed that the tail-end of the Kochou (it's companion/auxiliary craft) makes the ship balance backwards. A 3-to-4 landing gear configuration, even greatly favoring the central half of the ship, doesn't seen to realistically cut it.
With the recent Sakura JP showing how Mindy power armors had a muscle structure that helped them move, I was toying with the idea of giving the Kochou-class two large belt-like muscle structure that would be stowed on the outer rim of the underside of it's 'wings'. On landing, these sort of giant, self-motive rubbery belts (something much like self-supported caterpillar tracks) would unfurl out to support the ship's weight in landing and correctly maintaining it's weight, even adapting to accidented terrain or precarious perchs.
This would be for the main hull. The auxiliary craft, when landing on its own, would probably land on it's belly on a large enough flat area.
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Kochou-class ship listing by the time Sakura Mission 5 is over:
- YSS Sennyu, Ke-XC3-1a-2900 Prototype
- YSS Kochou, Ke-C3-1a-2901
- YSS Morningmist, Ke-C3-1a-2902
- YSS Alfheim, Ke-C3-1a-2903
- YSS Dana, Ke-C3-1a-2904
- YSS Uller, Ke-C3-1a-2905
- YSS Melusine, Ke-C3-1a-2906
- YSS Dakini, Ke-C3-1a-2907
- YSS Siren, Ke-C3-1a-2908
- YSS Xiuluria, Ke-C3-1a-2909
- YSS Senjo, Ke-C3-1a-2910
- YSS Hitoriga, Ke-C3-1a-2911
- YSS Firiel, Ke-C3-1a-2912
- YSS Liosliath, Ke-C3-1a-2913
- YSS Nuada, Ke-C3-1a-2914
- YSS Frey, Ke-C3-1a-2915
- YSS Melior, Ke-C3-1a-2916
- YSS Ningyo, Ke-C3-1a-2917
- YSS Pixie, Ke-C3-1a-2918
- YSS Yumiuki, Ke-C3-1a-2919
- YSS Yousei, Ke-C3-1a-2920
- YSS Seserichou, Ke-C3-1a-2921
- YSS Miadhail, Ke-C3-1a-2922
- YSS Cliodna, Ke-C3-1a-2923
- YSS Fal, Ke-C3-1a-2924
- YSS Arafel, Ke-C3-1a-2925
- YSS Palatyne, Ke-C3-1a-2926
- YSS Sidhe, Ke-C3-1a-2927
- YSS Adhene, Ke-C3-1a-2928
- YSS Trisylvania, Ke-C3-1a-2929
- YSS Yukiyona, Ke-C3-1a-2930
I'm currently defaulting with the
Kochou as the plotship, with the
YSS Morningmist,
YSS Alfheim and
YSS Danu close to completion. The
YSS Uller,
YSS Melusine,
YSS Dakini,
YSS Siren and
YSS Xiuluria are incomplete spaceframes under construction. Models 2910 to 2930 are projected.
The Kochou-class Light Cruisers should be primarely meant to be distributed to the 1st and 5th Expeditionary Fleets.