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Kochou plotship concept

I don't think the systems you mentioned would be any problem. The Custodians don't have zero-G propulsion, true, but they are large enough to be able to pull themselves along by friction to the walls or bouncing if they need to, and a Custodians balance is far far greater than that of a human, so accompanied by its lightning fast reflexes I don't see which the deck sections would be a huge problem. Oh, and Custodians don't sleep.
Slightly less elaborate sensors, probably.
Okay, WIES it is then.

Also, I classify Custodians as crewmen. I won't start listing that the Kochou's crew will be 5 Yamataians, 9 NH-29s, 3 NH-27s and a pet dog with anti-gravity training... so no, I won't list that Custodians are in the crew - that should be on a ship to ship basis.

Question :
When a Type 29 vessel would produce sprites, what neko type should it emulate? The Anri list them as being NH-28 and NH-29 and I hardly think it's an accurate figure.

Sprites, wether normal-sized or miniature-sized, seem to be able to turn invisible. That said, can a confirmation be given that the NH-12B are capable of doing that? Would there be a possible NH-29S variant for stealth? Or is it that since a ship's nodal system can generate holograms, the sprites themselves would be able to effect invisibility while inside the ship?

Unrelated comments :
~ I'll point out again that a NH-29S (S for Stealth) neko would be really nice, but I won't go in dept with that since it's not the point of this thread.

~ Also, I've taken a look at the Sakura's Ke-S3-W2900 and I'll bring up something about it here, since I know it was inspired from the Kochou's main weapon. The Sakura's Type 29 main cannon is modular and was made to replace the former Type 28 Anti-Fleet weapon because it was sometimes too powerful to be of any use. However, the thing is that the Type 29 not only does everything the Type 28 does, but actually improves on it.

The Ke-S3-W2900 can switch from a burstfire mode similar to the Kochou's, but it has the double the range (which is 2 AU) while having a similar firing rate. It can switch to the 'cone-of-death' mode the type 28 had... halving the range to 1 AU (which was the Type 28's normal range) while firing the in spread mode two times faster!

Now, I'm wondering if Wes went wild with the numbers, or decided to go overboard because the Sakura-class was supposed to be the 'best in the West' or again if I should consider this as a new standard for KFY technology and thus just up the Kochou's main gun range to 2 AU.

Personally, I'm in favor of recommending the Ke-S3-W2900's range be halved in both settings with it's spread shot still requiring 1 minute to charge and fire (this mean it'd cover 0.5 AU and take 60 seconds to be ready to be used). Having versatile functions is good, but if it's supposed to be an alternative to the Type 28, the W2800 Aether Shock Cannon should keep the advantage of range over the new one in spread mode. I'd also add making the Ke-S3-W2900 fire a shot per 20 seconds instead of one for 15 seconds... but that comes from a selfish desire on my part to have the Kochou's main gun be slightly better than the Sakura's Type 29 in burst mode. ~_^
Regarding the Ke-S3-2900: 1 AU isn't that far in terms of space combat. The Sakura, crusing at 1c, would cover 1AU in about 8 seconds. The Sakura's maximum speed is 250,000 times faster. Considering that, I'm tempted to actually increase the maximum range.

Regarding the Ke-C3-2900: I would increase the range to 2 AU and increase its rate of fire to 6 bursts per 15 seconds in a non-expanding pulse fire mode and 2 bursts per 15 seconds in expanding pulse-fire mode (call it spread mode?).

Ship-killing damage at a rate of 24 shots a minute? o.O
How about I just increase it to 6 shots per minute? See this for comparison :

~ Ke-S3-W2900
  • [*]Pulse mode- Damage : Good chance of destroying a non-capital ship in a single hit. Lot's of possibly crippling damage on a capital ship.
    - Range : 2 AU, single target 30m-diameter bolt
    - Rate of fire : 4 per minute (1 per 15 seconds)
  • Spread Mode
    - Damage : Probably wipes out anything that's not a capital ship. Severely damages capital ships, potentially crippling them.
    - Range : 1 AU, 30 degree cone (multiple targets)
    - Rate of fire : 1 per 45 seconds

~ Ke-C3-W2900
  • [*]Pulse mode- Damage : Good chance of destroying a non-capital ship in a single hit. Possibly crippling damage on a capital ship.
    - Range : 2 AU, single target 20m diameter bolt
    - Rate of fire : 6 per minute (1 per 10 seconds)
  • Beam Mode
    - Damage : sustained beam from 1 to 10' in diameter. Good for surgical strikes, downing mechas or cause tremendous boring damage to tougher targets such as battleships and space stations.
    - Range : 2 AU, single target ray
    - Rate of fire : continuous
Wes, you think you can elaborate on what a recreation room does?

Since the Kochou's interior has more than just the main passageway that's in 0 G, the crew really don't have any place to do physical activities and such. The launch bays are out since they aren't as large as the Sakura's Mindy Bay too.

Failing the recreation room being able to serve the crew in that capacity, I'm considering adding a gym of sorts. Not sure where it'll fit though, which is why I'd like to have an idea of what the rec room can do before changing the ship's layout to accomodate a gym.

Additionally, is a WIES capable of integrating WARMS functions? I've only seens WARMS on KAMI/MEGAMI-IES so far.
Traditionally, a recreation room would have thing like video games, books, and/or excercise equipment depending on the ship (Neko ships tend to have more mental recreation, while humans need to stay in shape). The Nozomi also used the recreation rooms to house virtual reality systems that would allow crewmembers to enter a virtual world of their choosing. Another option would be to make the receation room use a nodal system to function as a sort of "holodeck."

As for the WARMS, I'm undecided for the moment.
Okay, well, as long as it can function as a place to hone fighting skills, practice and exercise, it's fine.

Also, I don't really mind which you choose, but the Kochou is a duelist kind of ship - it needs WARMS to be able to put up with the sort of combat tactic it was designed for.
Double posting FTW!

I spent 7 hours today hammering on the Kochou's design and I finally found something I found visually pleasing and functional too. I had a small epiphany when I considered the Kochou would have STL engines and moved to include them.

It's just a bunch of sketches, really, but I've detailed a lot of things I was not able to attend to earlier and I am very pleased with how it looks (weapon blisters, escape pods, engine exhausts, etc...). The next step is to make a cleaned version in Photoshop and I'll then attend to the internal layout.

Question: the Kochou's auxiliary ship looks a lot like a mix of the Yushi Destroyer and the blade of the Sakura's Aether Shock Array. It's a bit larger than I anticipated and actually has major components to the Kochou-class optimal functions (like the main bridge, officer quarters, backup computer, backup CFS). Do I truly make them separate at this point in time? It's starting to look more like a relationship between the Enterprise-D's saucer and star drive sections rather than a completely separate vessel.

I think the Kochou's auxiliary craft's going to be armed with two fore particle cannons, projected energy beams and perhaps a couple of variable pod hatches.


I'm thinking the Kochou's armored hull will consist for the most part a 150 cm-thick mix of Xiulurium coated self-regenerative Yamataium armor plates (hexagonal pattern, also capable of speedy regeneration with the armor-repair pods) on the surface, a thick core of Yamataium in the middle - tied to the HSCS-3 - and another layer of Zesuaium that branches out from the innermost layer of armored hull to become the ship's framework. The interior corridors and rooms of the ship have Yarvex sheating for protection. The ship will have a few Zesuaium windows.

The Kochou's launch bays will have atmospheric shielding, but also physical, closeable doors. They will not be quick launch bays.

Also, not counting the backup CFS and C-IES; I'm planning to have the ship have an handful of emergency battery cells to keep certain systems (such as hangar door opening/closing, general door functioning, atmospheric shielding, gravity plating) capable of functioning for a limited amount of time.

Since the Kochou is quite small compared to a cruiser like the Ayame or an escort like the Arashii, I'd like it to be sturdy enough to be a match for these giants without just resorting to 'strong shields' (If you look around, all Star Army vessels have 'strong shields' anyways...). I go for regenerative armor and good backup systems, even though having good shields is cool too. XD
Triple post bump/update?

Firstly, I'd like the questions above answered if possible.

For those whom haven't seen it, the current look I'm basing the Kochou-class' 3d model top view is based on this picture: ... 592349.jpg

I'll most likely will tweak her final looks on the model.

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Considering the amount of weaponry to effectively cover a 360 degree firing arc adequately; the Kochou-class Light cruiser will probably have 8 subspace-encased particle cannons instead of 6. All turrets are concealed beneath an armor plate that will slide off it when the ship will be on tactical alert.

Particle Cannon turret emplacement:
- Four turrets on the around the ship's nose, one dorsal right, one dorsal left, one ventral right and another ventral left.
- One turret on each of the Kochou's wingtips.
- Two turrets on the tip of the Auxiliary craft; one ventral, the other dorsal.

The Kochou-class gravitron beam emplacement would probably be...
- One emiter on top of the nose, another just below.
- One emiter over each wings, top and bottom.
- Two emiters on the rear end of the Kochou's main hull (not the auxiliary ship), one top and another bottom. These will probably be used to to faciliate the docking of the auxiliary ship most of all.
- One emiter in each cargo bay (there are two cargo bays that will have elevator panels capable of dropping down in the ventral-side of the ship. This is to help loading and manipulating heavy cargo).
- One emiter in each launch bay to facilitate the retrieval of power armor, shuttles, escape pods and the launch/retrieval of probes.
- The auxiliary ship will have an emiter in it's backside (unusable when docked with the main hull) and another below it's tip.

This gives the Kochou-class 10 gavitron beam emiters available for active use (including the one on the tail's tip); 2 more inside the cargo bay ventral shutters, another 2 more within the launchbays and 1 inside the ship and not usuable unless the auxiliary ship launches. Total number of emiters: 15.

<center>* * *</center>

I've been thinking about how the Kochou-class light cruiser would actually land on a planet - considering such things like landing gears and elevator/cargo platforms to load/offload supplies. Things were shaping out well until I noticed that the tail-end of the Kochou (it's companion/auxiliary craft) makes the ship balance backwards. A 3-to-4 landing gear configuration, even greatly favoring the central half of the ship, doesn't seen to realistically cut it.

With the recent Sakura JP showing how Mindy power armors had a muscle structure that helped them move, I was toying with the idea of giving the Kochou-class two large belt-like muscle structure that would be stowed on the outer rim of the underside of it's 'wings'. On landing, these sort of giant, self-motive rubbery belts (something much like self-supported caterpillar tracks) would unfurl out to support the ship's weight in landing and correctly maintaining it's weight, even adapting to accidented terrain or precarious perchs.

This would be for the main hull. The auxiliary craft, when landing on its own, would probably land on it's belly on a large enough flat area.

<center>* * *</center>

Kochou-class ship listing by the time Sakura Mission 5 is over:

  • YSS Sennyu, Ke-XC3-1a-2900 Prototype
  • YSS Kochou, Ke-C3-1a-2901
  • YSS Morningmist, Ke-C3-1a-2902
  • YSS Alfheim, Ke-C3-1a-2903
  • YSS Dana, Ke-C3-1a-2904
  • YSS Uller, Ke-C3-1a-2905
  • YSS Melusine, Ke-C3-1a-2906
  • YSS Dakini, Ke-C3-1a-2907
  • YSS Siren, Ke-C3-1a-2908
  • YSS Xiuluria, Ke-C3-1a-2909
  • YSS Senjo, Ke-C3-1a-2910
  • YSS Hitoriga, Ke-C3-1a-2911
  • YSS Firiel, Ke-C3-1a-2912
  • YSS Liosliath, Ke-C3-1a-2913
  • YSS Nuada, Ke-C3-1a-2914
  • YSS Frey, Ke-C3-1a-2915
  • YSS Melior, Ke-C3-1a-2916
  • YSS Ningyo, Ke-C3-1a-2917
  • YSS Pixie, Ke-C3-1a-2918
  • YSS Yumiuki, Ke-C3-1a-2919
  • YSS Yousei, Ke-C3-1a-2920
  • YSS Seserichou, Ke-C3-1a-2921
  • YSS Miadhail, Ke-C3-1a-2922
  • YSS Cliodna, Ke-C3-1a-2923
  • YSS Fal, Ke-C3-1a-2924
  • YSS Arafel, Ke-C3-1a-2925
  • YSS Palatyne, Ke-C3-1a-2926
  • YSS Sidhe, Ke-C3-1a-2927
  • YSS Adhene, Ke-C3-1a-2928
  • YSS Trisylvania, Ke-C3-1a-2929
  • YSS Yukiyona, Ke-C3-1a-2930

I'm currently defaulting with the Kochou as the plotship, with the YSS Morningmist, YSS Alfheim and YSS Danu close to completion. The YSS Uller, YSS Melusine, YSS Dakini, YSS Siren and YSS Xiuluria are incomplete spaceframes under construction. Models 2910 to 2930 are projected.

The Kochou-class Light Cruisers should be primarely meant to be distributed to the 1st and 5th Expeditionary Fleets.
3d model is still underway. The basic shape has been established. I am now detailing. As long as the 3d model is not complete, I am not getting into intricately detailing the insides of the Kochou.

Furthermore, upon consultation with Wes, the 'artificial muscle fiber-like landing gear' idea was discarded. The Kochou's main hull has no landing gear but can 'hover' and float over water.

Upon more careful observation of the performance Star Army FTL drives have, I've disminished the Kochou's distorsion speed to 200 000c - it's still extremely fast for a KFY-ship, especially one with the cruiser qualification, but leaves the Nozomi, Sakura and Chiharu-classes with better, faster drive systems.

It's likely that, since a considerable part of the Kochou will be devoted to it's auxiliary engines, that the Type 29 Nekovalkyrja Light Cruiser will have 0.95c similarly to the Sakura-class standard nacelle configuration.
^_^ Keep up the good work!