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RP: Kohana [Kohana] A Wanderer turns warrior


Inactive Member
Lenwe stood as two figures dressed in black made their way towards him. The elf knew that if his hired mercenaries were coming to him now, they had something important to say, and that was usually not a good thing.

When the stopped and knelt down before him, the elf godfather of Kohana's black market and fighting syndicate nodded and started the conversation.

"What is it that brings you to me this early? I thought I told you to only return once the threat had been taken care of. Have the interlopers been dealt with, or will I have new combatants for my fights against Auryxx, the Shadow Warrior?"

The two Sha'Nai spies did not even move. It was a well known fact that Sha'Nai spies were telepathically linked together as the first step in their training so that they were more efficient in moving and executing plans. Lenwe waited while the two of them discussed how it was they would deliver their report. Finally, one of them stood up and bowed in respect before speaking with a deep Nagual accent that would have made it exotic and alluring if Lenwe had not already gotten used to the way she talked.

"Master, we took care of the interlopers from the stars, just like you asked. But we have brought you back one of them, we thought that you would enjoy his style. He is a very spirited fighter, and we did not want to waste that by feeding him to the death god. He is being held down with the other slaves and fighters if you wish to evaluate him. Or perhaps a better test would be to put him in the fight this evening? Perhaps against the warrior maiden?"

Lenwe's eyes flicked slightly to the side, where his computer screen still held the flight path of an unmarked shuttlecraft making it's way towards Neo Kohana.

"You both are very quick thinkers, that's why you are still alive and on my payroll. If you say this wanderer is worthy of being a gladiator, then I will trust your judgement. But I do not think that his first battle shall be against my Nelew, I think that first he will prove himself against Blood Paw. I will start making the preparations for this evening's fight, I want the both of you to start spreading the word that for the first time, we are going to have a Nepleslian slave fighting for not only his life, but I think he will be fighting in the tournament. Tell the slavemaster to put him in with the other tournament slaves, and to be sure to explain to him how this works. Win, and he will rise through the ranks, lose and he will be a slave forever. Now go, we have much to do, and little time to do it in."

And as was how it usually was when dealing with the Sha'Nai, when the ashen skinned elf looked up, his spies were not in his office. He made his way around his desk and sat down in his tall backed chair, a throne really, and steepled his fingers, staring once again at the screen of his computer, and just watched the small white triangle getting nearer and nearer to Kohana.

"Soon, my daughter, we will be reunited and we shall rule the Kohanian Underground. We shall become like royalty by dealing not with the ruling class, but by playing to the workers. We shall be the true ruling power, and it will be wonderful."

And then he leaned forward and began to write up the paperwork for his newest tournament fighter's entry into the Colosseum's ranks.
Darkness gave way to blinding light as Eric's eyes opened. It took a few moments of blinking before the light dimmed to the point where the mercenary could see around him. He was laying on a cold hard floor in an undershirt and his pants. As his consciousness returned so did his awareness of his body, along with a stabbing pain within his skull. Sitting up slowly, the soldier of fortune brought a hand to his head and rubbed the bridge of his nose with his thumb and index finger.

"Fucking hell." Eric muttered as he dropped his hand and started looking at his surroundings. He was in a cell and it was dark enough that his still unadjusted eyes couldn't make out the full contents of his cell, but he could sense that other people nearby. Pushing the pain in his head to the back of his mind, the imprisoned male tried to remember how he got here. As his memory played over the events that happened Eric frowned. *It looks like I've been captured, that's either a good or bad thing.* These thoughts floated through his head as he stared patting the pockets of his pants. All of the obvious pockets were empty, but whoever had captured him had managed to miss one. The mercenary smiled as he pulled out two very distinct objects.

A few seconds later the faint light of a fire could be seen coming from Eric's cell, and then the faint glow of embers. Eric had found his cigarettes and for a few moments things were looking a little better.
Eric wouldn't have long to enjoy his cigarette, for only about two minutes after he lit up, the door to his cell eased open on well oiled hinges, and a lithe backlit frame entered it's space.

"Get your things and come with me. We're moving you up to accommodations that are a little more befitting one of your status."

And then who, or what, ever had been there turned and made it's way to the right of the doorway and the prisoner was left with a choice to follow or try to make a break for it.

Outside of the cell, the captive would find the normal prison scene. Stone walls were lined with metal doorways leading to other cells, and if he was quick, Eric would see the fluttering of his guide's hooded cloak heading down towards a set of stairs leading up into brighter light, if that was possible. What the warrior would find if he followed was that he was being led towards an open area with a large commons house. It was still within the walls of the Colosseum, but with plenty of open space. All around people of different races, genders, and physical make ups could be seen practicing sparring with each other, but the guide took no notice of them, just leading the way towards the door of the commons house, long white braid of hair bobbing with every step.
Eyes turned toward the figure that stood in the doorway of the cell as the mercenary considered what it was he was going to do. Standing slowly and looking around the cell, Eric noted that his socks and boots were off to one side. *Must have taken them off to check for anything hidden in them.* He thought as he grabbed them. Not bothering to put them on, Eric followed the figure. Now some might wonder why he would follow someone that obviously one of his captors when he had a chance to make a break for it, for them there were three reasons.

1) There are three reason you kept a merc alive and in your care after a battle. First, you want to publicly execute them for daring to try whatever they tried to do. Second, you want information about who it was they were working for and what they were after. Or lastly, you have a job for them. In this case it was probably option three because option one or two would have him under much heavier guard. And since his previous employer was unable to pay him the soldier of fortune was in the market for a job.

2) He was on a planet he was a stranger to with no contacts and no reliable way off. Even if he did escape at this moment he didn't really have anywhere that he could hide out, much less get off planet.

3) They had his stuff. No ifs, ands, or buts about it, they had his gear and he was going to get it back from them. Especially his dog tags with the medallion between them and his knife. The other stuff he wanted back because they were his, but those items had sentimental value as well.

The stone floor was cold against Eric's rough feet, but he followed with a quick step in order to catch up to his guide. Smoke continued to be sucked into his lungs as the mercenary ascended the stairs into the bright light of the outdoors. Shielding his eyes against the light as they adjusted, Eric looked around as his feet continued to carry himself after his guide. Instead of awe for the numerous different individuals and different races present, the soldier was noting what he could about who he was passing. Most importantly he was paying attention to who was noting him as he passed. In this way he continued to follow the guide up to the doors of the commons house, his bare feet enduring the rough ground heated by the sun.
Eric would have plenty to study. Every pair that he passed slowed and stopped their sparring to watch the merc pass. When Eric was close enough to the front door the figure turned revealing the soft, almost beautiful, features of an ash skinned elf with a very determined scowl on his face.

"Alright listen up everyone. This will be a new combatant with you all. As with each new person who comes into my employ I do not want anything to happen to him. Should I find that any 'accidents' were in truth not accidents, you will face my wrath and believe me, I have just the person to make you face and you will not be coming back the same way you went in. Also, I want you to train him how to fight in the colosseum. I am going to be making money off him, so I want the show to be entertaining."

Then Lenwe stepped down off the porch like area of the house, made from stone, and walked up to the merc who had been following. He nodded one time, making his braid fall over his shoulder.

"Welcome to the life of a Colosseum gladiator, Meat. I'll give you thirty seconds to come up with a good fight name before you become known just as The Merc. And by the way, I would recommend that you get settled in quickly, because tonight you are fighting The Scientist, so be ready for some quick moves."

With that, the elf brushed past Eric and started to walk back to the staircase leading down, pointed ears listening for any name that the mercenary would choose to be known as here in the fighting pits.
The mercenary listen to the elf speak and remained silent. His eyes found and locked onto Lenwe as he approached. When the man nodded to him he returned the nod politely. The elf would note that there was no hint of malice or anger in the man's eyes, but neither was there fear and compliance. It was almost as if the soldier of fortune was listening to the arena master telling him how the weather was going to be. However once Lenwe finished speaking and started to walk away Eric spoke in a clear tone that carried. "I had a set of dog tags with a medallion of the Saint of Lost Causes between them before I woke up here. You will get them back for me." It didn't sound like a request or an order, but more like Eric was making a statement of fact. After that the merc turned toward where the rest of the gladiators were, Lenwn dismissed from his mind as the elf had probably dismissed Eric from his.

"Should I introduce myself or do any of you really care what my name is?" Eric addressed to the crowd that was probably still watching him and the departing elf. The tone was polite and it sounded like the soldier wanted an honest answer out of someone. If he got an affirmative then he would introduce himself and if he got a negative or no response then he wouldn't, it was as simple as that. After that Eric would wait until one of the crowd stepped forward to introduce him to the life of a gladiator. Because even among slaves there was rank and those with power, most likely the leader among those here or one of the people with influence would be the one to step forward to continue in asserting their dominance in this small world. What remained to be seen was whether that person was worthy of respect or Eric was going to have to explain something to the person in a not so polite fashion.
Seeing as Eric had not taken the opportunity to create a name for himself, Lenwe decided that it would just remain The Merc. As the elf walked away, he was joined by a canine and a massive wall of muscle that was obviously an augmented bovine. The elf mumbled to them softly about the request of the fighter, which to Lenwe it was just a request to be granted or denied at his whim, and then they disappeared behind a large metal door that kept the fighters and slaves, from entering the underground tunnels of the Colosseum.


Eric's question was left hanging in the air until the dull thud of the metal door was heard. Then some of the fighters went back to their sparring, but a slight majority moved to introduce themselves to the newcomer.

"Welcome to hell." One of them said, extending a paw badly mangled and broken in at least four places. "My name is Corpse. I have been killed in the arena four times, but the Boogywalker that The Godfather has on staff has always brought me back."

Next to introduce themselves were a large stallion with a small bat sitting on his shoulder. "My name is, or was, Zero, and this is my closest friend, Grr." The bat flew off of the tall ebony stallion's shoulder and tried to land on Eric's and look into the mercenary's face, speaking in a voice that sounded like he sucked helium in his spare time. "Hi there!"

Zero would again speak, looking towards the house.

"We're all prisoners of The Godfather, that's what that elf prefers to be called around here. His real name is Lenwe Veneanar, a refugee from a place called Yamatai, where the Star Destroyers come from. I don't know too much more about him, and Grr's friends in the Sha'Nai spy network can't penetrate his security measures to get more information. I would recommend that for your safety and well being when he tells you to jump that you just do so without asking questions. Also, there are a few people you should just avoid in here. One of them will be your opponant tonight. The Scientist was the leading researcher in a program that involved trying to create the ultimate soldier. When he failed to unlock the full potential, he was brought here, to fight with people who made their life from killing and maiming others. What we didn't realize was that he had a dark side of his own. He has this...stuff that he injects himself with during a fight. It brings out the worst in a person and make him little better than a Mokoi, ummm what you would call a monster of the night I think."

The stallion motioned for Eric to follow him as they walked around the edge of the house towards an outdoor eating area, where Grr landed on his shoulder again and looked around before nodding to Zero.

"Also, he is the only combatant who is allowed to bring weapons with him into a fight. They are little robot pets he has created in the lab below the house here. Nasty little creatures that bite and claw with the power of a warrior, but the speed of a spy. Watch out, Merc, this will not be an easy first fight to walk away from. If you can disable the robots, you will be in good shape though until he uses that serum. Then it will be a matter of just staying out of reach until it wears off."

The horse nodded once to the bat, who flew off through an open window to return with a plate of cooked meat, steamed veggies, and a brownie in one hand, and a small jug of something in the other hand.

"I recommend you eat something before your fight tonight, you will need all of your strength and wits to get past the Scientist."

Grr set the plate down on the table across from Zero, who was watching the yard for any signs of danger, but most of the others didn't bother the group once they moved away.

"If you have questions about your new life, come to me. Most of the others here have forgotten the life they had outside of the Colosseum. There are a few souls who have not been tainted, but those whose hearts are filled with the love of violence will arrange those accidents the Godfather was talking about."
The merc's eyes flickered over the individuals approaching him with a simple observing glance. Once the first one spoke though, Eric's eyes turned to him. He nodded once when he received Corpse's name and took the scarred paw with his hand. "Eric Sidel." His tone was both polite and neutral. He nodded again when the stallion repeated his name, but remained silent as he had already told them his name. However when the bat landed on his shoulder he frowned slightly. Since nodding his head would have banged into the bat on his shoulder he spoke his greeting. "Hello." After that he turned his eyes back toward the large stallion as he started telling the soldier about the man he was just talking to. He made a mental note to look into information on the Yamataian when he had the chance, however he had other things to concentrate on at the moment. Mainly the information that he was getting about the person that he was about to fight.

When Zero motioned for Eric to follow he did, paying close attention to everything the stallion was saying. His eyes only leaving his new acquaintance to briefly follow Grr as he flew off. However when the bat returned with the food and drink Eric turned fully to the other and gave the bat a nod. "Thank you."

Sitting down across from Zero, Eric considered the offer to ask questions. "I do have some questions now. However I don't like owing people so I propose an exchange instead. I'll ask my questions and for each question I ask, ask a question you think I could answer." The mercenary paused waiting for a moment to gauge his current companion's reaction.

"First off I would like to know a few more things about The Scientist since I'll be fighting him. He is a Nagual I'm guessing since he was a scientist before becoming a gladiator. What I want to know is how long between the activation of his enhancement drug and the drug takes full effect, the signs that the drug is starting to do it's work, and how much mobility he has when the drug is being activated." After he finished his first set of inquiries he started eating slowly, waiting to hear Zero's response and what questions he would ask if any.
Scratching softly at the side of his muzzle, Zero pondered on the offer of question for question, and then the answers to the questions his new acquaintance was asking.

"I don't have any questions that I feel you would be able to answer, Sir, so I am afraid you will be asking the questions, I will be answering them, and if something comes up, I will ask."

The bat fidgeted on Zero's shoulders, and when he went still, the stallion began to speak again.

"To answer your questions, the drug that The Scientist uses is a variant, a failed variant, of the drug Lycanthromide. It begins to work on a docile subject in about five minutes, but due to the large amount of it he has taken since losing his unpayable bet, it has built up in his system. I would guess from the few times I have been allowed to see him fight, that it would take anywhere from forty five seconds to two minutes to fully begin affecting him. As for how you will know, believe me, there will be changes. His body mass will increase dramatically, as will his strength, agility, and reaction time. Also, since it is not the marketable variety, it has the added 'benefit' of side effects. The times that I have seen him use it, he has become an unstoppable beast. He begins as Nagual, but what he becomes while on that drug, I would not be able to tell you, or even guess.

As I know it will be your next question, the effects last until he tastes blood. He thought it would be a good way of ensuring he did not lose the effects until he was finished with the fight, but if you take a moment to think about it, it works even more as a limiting factor, and I am sure that a smart fighter like you, and I can tell that your line of work before The Godfather found you was as a fighter of some sort, you will think of a way of using it to your advantage."

And then, the stallion fell silent to pull a small hunk of rock hard bread from a pouch on his belt and gnawed noisily on it while awaiting the next round of questions.
Eric nodded as he finished the last of the plate. The food was good, better than he expected for prisoners. And when he noted that Zero pulled out a hunk of hard bread to eat he guessed that it was better then their mutual host intended. That was another thing he would owe these three for. However, as a dog of war there was only one thing he was really good at. Fortunately it seems like these people had a bastard problem, that was something Eric could deal with. And when he was finished with 'The Scientist' it wouldn't matter how good a Boogywalker Lenwe had. In fact they might be concerned with having enough to bury.

"Your guess is right, I am a mercenary by trade. I'm well used to dealing with augments trying to kill me. Least this time I know what I'm going up against." Eric pushed the empty plate aside and finished the last contents of the mug. He looked at the empty container thoughtfully for a moment. "You guys called this place hell, this isn't. This is at best an inconvenience. Actually in truth for me it's not even that. Since my previous employer is now incapable of paying me I don't have work. So here I get food, shelter and time to get my bearings on a world I'm unfamiliar with. And all I got to do while I'm here is apply my trade. When I feel I'm ready to leave, I'll leave. If Lenwe objects to strongly to that I'll leave stepping over him, simple as that."

Eric looked up at the three that were talking to him and gave them a small nod. "Don't know where my views put me on your list of darkened souls, but they've kept me alive this long so I doubt they'll change. So after this fight I might have a few more questions, you can decide then if you'll be the ones to answer them. Until then, I'm going to get some rest. I have some work to do soon." With that Eric stood up and gathered his foot gear. Before leaving the group he turned to them and gave them one last nod. "Thank you for the meal." With that he went looking for a place out of the way with some shade to sit down and close his eyes for a while. He would sleep lightly, like he usually did in the field. There were people that were dangerous to him here and so he wouldn't be getting the most restful of naps, but it would be enough to dull his headache some.

But before he went to sleep he put on his boots and socks. Didn't want someone running off with them while he rested.
At the brave words against the leader of the Colosseum, Zero bit his lower lip and looked slightly more nervous. He didn't want to interrupt the new fighter, but at the same time, he didn't want this man to get in over his head, which such statements would quickly do if the wrong person heard them and decided to try and gain points with the Godfather of Kohana.

As Eric got up to leave, the large equine male nodded to the bat, and Grr divebombed the plate and mug, snatching them up and carrying them back towards the window they had come from. Meanwhile, Zero had some preparations of his own to do. He needed to keep the furless one alive, and that meant going to see a certain someone who the warrior had long ago befriended, and owed him a favor.


Looking over his shoulder one final time as he approached the little hut on the edge of the gladiator's living area, Zero motioned upwards to the eaves, where Grr quickly flew and hung as bats do, from the eaves. Then Zero knocked on the door, and waited for the customary fifteen seconds, before pushing it open with a dull groan, and ducked into the shadows within.

"So, you came to cash in your favor already, have you? I thought you would hold onto this until something more important came up, and something that affected you directly, Zero. I already know that you come to me to beg for the life of the furless one, and I must tell you that there is nothing I can do to get him out of the match with the Scientist, especially after his comments about He Who Reigns. What I can do, however, is ensure that your friend does not fight the true form. I will replace the untested, with the tested. But in so doing, we are even, and I owe you nothing. That means that you will not come back here to ask favors of me either. I have lived in your debt, and I wish to not do so again."

Zero remained silent, it never ceased to amaze him how the Oracle always knew so much. But then again, she was in touch with both the Sha'Nai spies, as well as those who controlled the dark arts. Either one could have granted her the knowledge, but when one was able to communicate with the shadows of the dead still walking, and this place was filled with such creatures, nothing would escape her eye.

"You know just why it is that I come, but you are mistaken as to why it is. I do not come to ask that you keep him alive. I have come to ask for something else, a rule change of sorts. If he is to survive here, the first thing we must do is prove to him that his off world training will be no match for all of the dangers that he will face here. I don't care that he is fighting the scientist, we all know that the way to defeat him is to force him to taste his own blood, and then he is little more than an angry sabretiger. What I want is for you to use your connections to get the Godfather to make this more than just an evaluation match. I want this to be a true test of the male's prowess in battle. I want this to be a doubles match. The Scientist against The Merc, but I want The Battle Maiden to be added to the match on the side of the Merc, I know she has returned, and I want her to show him that he is not as powerful as he thinks." Zero spoke softly, and still his voice seemed extraordinarily loud within the hut so filled with magical energies.

From the shadows, two green flames seemed to appear, and the stallion had to grit his teeth to keep from turning and running in fear, for her eyes were now upon him, and he could feel them boring deep into his soul, reading his deepest secrets and desires. And though she did this, the voice that reached out to him was playful in it's question.

"And who do you propose teams up with the good doctor?"

Zero licked his lips, his answer had already been decided, but even now the words choked the air from his lungs. When finally his voice was again found, the words came out raspy and broken. As he spoke the flame like eyes flared larger, showing the Oracle enjoyed his struggle as well as his answer,

"M-M- Mistress....Mistwalker."

And then the hut went dark and Zero quickly found himself laying in the dirt outside, with Grr sitting on his chest with head canted and goofy smile on his face, unsure how he got there. But in his mind, words unspoken echoed.

"It shall be done."

And then the stallion got to his large hooves and trodded away, rubbing the back of his head as Grr sat on his head, holding his ears like reigns, and hummed a song.
Some time after he had fallen asleep the merc would open his eyes to the world again. The headache hadn’t really died down and the inactivity was making him restless, he just couldn’t sleep anymore at the moment. He wasn’t sure how much time had passed, but he felt that it was enough to start digesting the food that he had eaten. Standing and brushing off his pants, Eric looked around the compound for an open area that was currently unoccupied. As he moved to open ground the soldier of fortune started stretching out his muscles in preparations. Once he was sure he was well clear of anything or anyone he did his final stretches for his lower body and started practicing.

His moves were excessively slow, but they were meant to be. Eric’s punches and kicks were taking almost 5 seconds to be done no matter how simple they were. In that time the mercenary carefully felt his form for flaws that would throw off his balance during a fight. He could feel his muscles loosen as they warmed up, freeing him the kinks of his rest. Coming out of a slow reverse round house, the soldier of fortune stamped his foot down hard. His leg came back up at the full speed as Eric spun into a round house. His body flowed into a back kick before he swung into the next move and the next. Dust kicked up around his boots as he circled around an imaginary opponent, arms up to guard his face and body. Nothing showed on his face however, all he seemed to be doing was looking forward.
At first, Zero was happy to just let the merc work out the kinks in his fighting style, but after a few moments of watching him at full speed, the stallion stepped forward. Effortlessly dodging the kicks that got too close, he showed that he was a seasoned fighter as well.

"A piece of advice, Master Eric. Your punches and kicks will be very effective against one of your opponents. But I have just been informed that this will be a sort of two on two affair, and the other person you have been slated to fight, will not be able to be so easily dispatched with frontal assaults. You will not want to get to a place where she will be able to grab hold of you. You see, you will be fighting The Scientist, who your hand to hand combat will be very effective against until he uses his Lycanthromide. But your other foe is the leader of the Boogeywalkers, Mistress Mistwalker. She has a great command of the darker arts, and if she should get hold of you, she can rot the flesh from your bones within moments. I would recommend that you find one of the Nagual to practice on, for she shares their agility and flexibility. And remember, if they grab your wrist, or an ankle, you are dead."

The stallion stepped back outside of Eric's range, and just went back to watching the male practice, making notes in his mind about what the merc's fighting strengths were, and how they would match up against someone as profficient in magic as Mistwalker is.
The fact that Zero was weaving between his punches and kicks actually didn't bother Eric that much for several reasons. First off none of the blows he was throwing were aimed at hitting the other gladiator, so him dodging them now wasn't as much a concern as it would be during a fight. Also there was the fact that all Eric was doing was very basic attacks that were working and stretching the muscles he would be using in the future, so an experienced opponent would be able to read them fairly easily. So when he said that such attacks would be effective against one opponent, but probably not a second one that was now being mentioned Eric just nodded once as he finished his series of blows. When he came to a stop, his palms were flat and facing the ground while his arms were strait down by his side. His feet were in the same spot that they had been in when he started the series of attacks and he was looking strait ahead rather then looking at the stallion.

"So the fight has changed then? Odd that it would be changed so quickly after we finished talking and without someone else entering the training area to make such an announcement." Eric didn't look over at Zero as he spoke, but continued to look strait ahead. "I suppose that you have a suggestion of who to look for as a sparring partner." The words weren't spoken as a question, but as if Eric thought that Zero already had something in mind when he came over here. He didn't actually know that Zero was the one that changed the fight or really know if no one else came into the training area. But the timing of this change was strange and that made the mercenary slightly suspicious. The way he worded what he said didn't cast any suspicion onto Zero, but what he said next could.

As for this Mistress Mistwalker's ability to rot flesh, Eric didn't know how she would be able to do it, but that didn't matter. What mattered was if she really had that ability and how to best avoid it during the fight. He would have to think on that before this evening.
Zero canted his head to the side and sort of shrugged his wide shoulders. He watched and listened intently to what the human had to say, weighing it in his mind for hidden meanings and the like. He didn't take any of it as accusation, which was probably good for Eric, since he was the new guy around, and for all he knew every one of the other gladiators would take the stallion's side in an arguement.

"I don't know about another person coming in to announce the changes to the bout, but it is on the bulletin board by where you entered the area, so it must be true. After our meal earlier I took time away to meditate and think on my own battles. You see, I am the opening act for your main event. Grr and I will be warming the crowd up to enjoy the match that you are having with two of the high ticket fighters of the Colosseum. As to the question about your partner, it has already been selected. To say that the battle is one sided, would be a bit of an understatement under the circumstances. You see, you will be teamed up with the Godfather's own daughter known to some as Nelwe, to others, The Battle Maiden. She holds a perfect record out there, having taken on and won just about any challenge that has been put before her on the realm of straight hand to hand combat. The only type of battle she has not fought, is that against a magic user, or against a Mokoi. So your bout tonight will bring in high profits for His Lordship. I hate to say it, and hope you don't take it personally, but most of the bets will come against you. Most of the regular spectators who put out the large money don't like off worlders. There will be some who will put their money behind you just because you are paired with the Maiden, but they will be few, and very far between."

The stallion lowered himself to the ground and stared over Eric's head, at the towering walls that surrounded their practice arena.

"My best advice in this pairing will be to take what she says to heart. She is from here, born and raised in the colosseum and has been given the best training that money could buy. You are a very capable fighter, I can tell that easily, but she knows what she is talking about when it comes to her father's business. There are those who even believe that she could best him if he ever joined in the fights...But that is just heresay."

Laying back, right in the middle of the training area, the stallion smiled softly and closed his eyes.

"Just make it interesting, and you need not fear death. The Godfather doesn't like to see his big moneymakers leaving the game. If you entertain the masses, he will make sure that no permanent death will befall you. It will be painful, but it will not be permanent."
Eric looked over at Zero. "So you have a match before mine, then I hope the Lord of Thunder judges your fight favorably." Eric looked back forward an gently extended his arms. They began to move slowly, but that was slightly deceptive when you considered the strength of the blows they were performing. As he performed the attacks, Eric reflected on what the stallion had said. *So I will be partnered with Lenwe's daughter. And if what he said is true then Lenwe is a comparable fighter to his daughter, which means I should pay extra attention to my partner this match.* As these thoughts finished Eric started speaking out loud again.

"This is useful information, but that wasn't quite what I was asking. You said I should find a Nagaul to spar with before the match, I was asking if you had someone in mind." He was grateful for the information he had been given, however he needed to prepare properly and the information he was asking for was something he could do at this moment. He finished with his attack exercise and relaxed his arms once more. Sparring would do him good since it wasn't exactly easy to do complicated moves by himself. It wasn't impossible, but it still wouldn't feel quite right.
"There are many would would jump at the chance to fight you, Master Eric. Finding one that would not stage an accident to get you out of the main event might be slightly more difficult. If I had to choose one of the feline clan to spar with, I would recommend Flowing Fire. She is an outcast of the Storm Temple, so is a capable fighter who mixes storm bending with her attacks. She also has great respect for all fighters chosen to live here at the Colosseum after the accident that got her expelled, so you need not worry about her killing you in just a practice fight." Zero commented softly from the ground, still with eyes closed and breathing steady, almost like he was trying to fall asleep.

"She works part time in the kitchen preparing meals for the other fighters, and if she is not there, her room is the second door at the top of the steps."

Raising his arm, he pointed first at the building that Grr had stolen the food from, and then arced it around to point at a set of stairs across the courtyard from that building, and behind Eric.

"They have to seperate the males from the females to prevent the Heat Accident of the first season. Needless to say, it's difficult to fight when one is carrying a litter." He laughed and rolled up to his buttocks, then back to his shoulders from which he kicked back up to his hooves.

"I wish you well, Eric, and thank you for the like sentiments about my match. May the Hand of War smile on you as well."

Then with a whistle, Zero began to walk away, his bat companion swooping down from high above to land on his shoulder as the equine warrior walked into the male dormitory.
Eric looked over at Zero after the news that many would jump at the chance to fight him. For him fighting was a profession, not usually something he did for fun. True he did enjoy the martial arts, but when standing against some opponents it becomes less about the art and more about the destruction of their opponent. Then it became another day at the office and he ended up killing another person. But battle for the sake of battle, that's when one could really enjoy the fight. He looked in the two directions that Zero pointed for where he might find Flowing Fire. He nodded and looked back toward the stallion as he stood back up. He waited and watched as Zero walked away. He then began to move himself, first to the bulletin board that his acquaintance had pointed out held the announcements for the fights. He was going to see for himself what it said.

After that he moved to the building that Grr stole the food from. He had no idea if the Nagaul was there, but he was guessing that Grr knew whoever he had gotten the food from. He doubted that as a fighter that he was allowed into the kitchen, so he knocked on the door of the building and waited. Once someone answered he would tell them he was looking for Flowing Fire and wait for directions if they were given.
The door was quickly answered by a powerfully built, if not quite old looking badger wearing an apron over a grungy looking dress.

"Yeah? What do you want?" She snarled, tapping a footpaw against the wooden planks of the floor. When Eric told her that he was looking for Flowing Fire, she rolled her beady little eyes and motioned for him to follow after her. "If that was all you wanted you could have just come in. I thought you were The Godfather, or one of his lackeys that he sends down here to harass me sometimes. I get so tired of the life here in the pits, but it beats doing with you do, I guess. At least I know that when I go to work I will be returning home in the evening." And with that she pushed open the door to the kitchen and waved a paw towards a feline with her back to the door, bent over a large cooking pot from which the wonderful smell of stewing meat and veggies as well as a plethora of spices, could be smelled.

"Fire, you have another gladiator visitor. Don't dally girl, there are a lot of mouths that need feeding, and that means you have a lot of cooking to do." The badger shouted, and then turned to walk back across the room and up some stairs, grumbling and growling the whole way.

The tiger, colored normally with firey oranges and inky blacks turned, wiping large and dangerous looking paws on the hem of her apron.

"What can I do for you?" She asked with a voice like melted winter snow over smooth river stones. "As you heard, I have much that needs to get done, and not a lot of time to do it in. But you must forgive her brash nature, she has seen too many of her assistants going from the kitchens to the birthing wards since the Heat has come on and they gave themselves to the first male who offered..."

Flowing Fire was well built, with corded muscle flexing beneath her taut pelt. She was dressed conservatively in just a grey shirt like cloth, tucked into loose leather pants, while her paws were contained within equally tanned leather boots speciallly made to cradle a Kohanian's interesting foot structure. In one paw was a large knife, and the other head the remnants of a carrot that she had been slicing into the stew. She looked at both, tossing the carrot out a window to the compost heap, and the knife she buried deep into a wooden board on the counter with barely a flick of her wrist.

"I haven't seen you around here before. Are you the new meat that the boys have been chattering about lately? Not bad, I suppose, at least you look like you could take care of yourself. Last thing we need hobbling around here is another Corpse..." She laughed and again wiped her paws, moving past him into what could have been considered a dining room and began to collect earthenware bowls from a table and carried them into the kitchen to serve up the evening meal, waiting to hear what it was Eric needed from her.
As Eric followed the badger into the kitchen he was quiet. He looked around the kitchen as he walked through, noting his surroundings without taking any real interest in them. When they got to the place where Flowing Fire was Eric gave her a quick once over with his eyes. If the others saw this they would probably notice it was more one warrior eying up another then anything else. He nodded to the badger as she left, though he doubted she noticed. He listened quietly to Fire as she explained the badger's rough mannerism and what she had heard about him up to this point. When she finished speaking he took his turn.

"I have a fight tonight against the Scientist and Mistress Mistwalker, Zero recommended I come find you for practicing fighting against a Nagaul before the match. However it seems you have other things to take care of at the moment. I'll leave you to them." He nodded to the tiger and started to leave. He considered what he would need to do in the mean time. Zero's warning was fresh in his mind and choosing a wrong partner to practice with could end up troublesome. From the sounds of it Mistress Mistwalker was not someone to be taken lightly. The Scientist Eric was sure he could deal with when the time came, but that still left the unknown enemy and an untested partner. Well, untested as far as he went, she did apparently have an unbeaten record in the arena so far. But Eric preferred information gathered with his own eyes to those of second hand reports. The recent job that had fallen through with his ex-coworkers was an example of why. According to the information he had at hand they had been professionals, in the field however they proved to be... lacking. *Ah well, we shall see soon enough.* His thoughts played through like the calm before a storm.