Star Army

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RP: Kohana [Kohana] A Wanderer turns warrior

"I was not told why the change was made," Nelew said, still watching Eric. He was well-informed, good. "You were assigned to fight The Scientist, and you will fight him. It seems that I am to finish the fight if you should fail." She nodded once at him. "I will take care of the robots at the start while you stay back. Then you can take their creator while I confront Mistress Mistwalker. What happens next will depend on who finishes or is finished by their opponent first." She tipped her head inquisitively. "Does that sound reasonable?"
Well pride would have a person deal with all the Scientist's tricks themselves, however tactically it was probably a better choice to do it the way Nel described. Still Eric could make his own contributions to the planning phase. "Like I said, from what I'm told the Scientist isn't a fighter. He can probably be provoked by me. If I do that he'll probably send out his robots first targeting me and then you'll have an opportunity to sideswipe them. It should make that idea a little less risky on your part. If Mistress Mistwalker is a seasoned fighter as she sounds to be she probably won't rush in right away because she knows your reputation and I'm an unknown to her. That would buy a little time to deal with the robots alone."

He finished his cigarette and crushed the butt under his heel. He looked back to the entrance of the Arena to check if Flowing Fire had returned yet. From the way she took off he figured she might have run all the way to where the healers were and would bring them back in a hurry. His jaw still hurt a little from the kick he had received and the burns were still there, but that pain was pushed to the back of his mind as he waited now in silence. As far as he knew what was needed to be said was said, if any other conversation was going to happen it would be started by Nel.
Before the awkward silence could stretch any further, the tigress returned leading a tall and powerfully built male fox. He looked like another fighter, but the white tunic and trousers he wore showed that that was probably not a true statement.

"Mistress Nel, I have found the Arena's healer to deal with your partner's injuries. Is there anything else that this one can do for you?" Fire asked, kneeling down about five feet away from Nel and Eric. "I apologize for injuring you, Mercenary, I just had to be sure of what I saw that first time. It is very rare to find an off worlder who is able to accomplish the results you have." She continued, keeping her head bowed.
Eric nodded to Fire as she approached, but it seemed that she was more concerned with Nel in this matter. He approached the healer, nodded a greeting to him and showed the fox his hands. While the healer did what he needed to do Eric spoke to the kneeling tigress. "I don't see what your apologizing for, this was what training is about. I got hurt here because of this, I would have been killed in a real fight if it had been discovered there. So I do not accept your apology because it is not needed."
Nelew glanced down, re-running her strategy with Eric's alterations. Then she realized there was a glaring error. "Neither of us know what the Scientist's arsenal is. He changes it, making upgrades and adjustments regularly; my information is out of date."

She looked up at Eric and noticed his attention shift, so she stopped talking and waited with him. When Flowing Fire appeared, Nelew watched the tigress kneel and report, then apologize to Eric with a passive expression. Eric's rejection of the apology was curious, though. She could see his reasoning, but at the same time...

"She apologizes out of courtesy. Rejection of this extension of goodwill is ill-advised, it implies pride, that you are above her when you are not." The pale woman kept a portion of her attention on Eric for a reaction as she turned to Flowing Fire. "Thank you for your attention. I have what I need. You may return to what you were doing." She bowed her head once, politely, to the tigress, then did the same to Eric. "I have other preparations to make. I will see you before the event, Mercenary."
Eric's eyes shifted to Nel as she spoke. "And as I was raised it's a greater insult to accept what is not due to you. That includes such things as apologies. As it is I have probably already taken to much from this session. I took no insult from the apology being offered as I would one raised with a like background, so do not take offense when I respond different then what your culture dictates." Different cultures, different rules, Flowing Fire meant no insult by offering the apology and Eric meant no disrespect by refusing it. He would respect their way of life and how they chose to live it. But his actions and his words would be governed by his chosen way of life and he expected them to respect that. If it had been someone raised similar to him he wouldn't have explained his rejection at all, but he felt it would help them understand better. However it seemed he needed to explain his reactions more thoroughly.

As for what the Warrior Maiden said about the Scientist's weapons... Well there wasn't much that Eric could do about that. If she could get better information, then fine. If she couldn't then they would have to make do with what they had. It wouldn't be the first time he had gone into battle without all the details. As Nel left Eric nodded to her in response to her bow, his hands still outstretched for the healer to examine.
Flowing Fire returned the bow from Nel, and then turned to nod to the healer. The healing didn't take much time, the longest wait coming as herbs were mixed into a medium sized bowl with some mineral water. Then, strips of cloth were immersed in the mixture before being wrapped around Eric's hands.

Almost immediately, he would start to feel a cooling and numbing sensation spread wherever the cloth touched from the mixture of herbs, the water, and of course a small amount of Kohanian magic.

When she was satisfied with the results, Fire would thank the healer for his assistance in their native tongue, and then watched as he walked away the tigress turned back to Eric.

"We should go, the festivities will be starting soon, and I must finish my duties in the kitchen. Please be well, Mercenary. Do not fear death, and you will have no worry of it's touch."

Another bow, and then the tigress sprinted towards the doorway after the healer, leaving the male alone with his thoughts as the sounds of trumpets, drums, and many people shouting and singing could be heard wafting in from outside the colosseum.
"Lllllllladies and gentlemen, boys and girls! Children of ALL ages! The Godfather of the Arena wishes to welcome you all to Cirque de Wonder!"

The tall gazelle was dressed in a deep violet colored suit, pinstriped with gold philagree. He was waving around a long black wood cane, beckoning to all who passed along the path in and out of the Holy city. To those unfamiliar with the Arena, they might find it odd that a place catering to bloodlust and hedonism would be right on the outskirts of the most holy of cities. But the reasoning was simple, even the most religious had to be bad sometime. There must be evil for the good to stand out. At least, that is the reasoning that Lenwe gave to the elders to gain permission to build and run the colosseum.

People were filing through the tall gates that surrounded the arena's courtyard, where vendors sold food, wine, and all manner of armor and weapons. There even were smiths right there on site pulling and shaping orange hot steel into blades and breastplates. Some of the mingling crowds were headed for the entrance to the colosseum, wanting to get the best seats for the night's festivities. In the dirt and stone filled center, there were feats of strength and skill being practiced. Wrestling matches, tests of magical and more practical knowledge. And then of course there were the fire jugglers, the sword swallowers, and even a few dancing men and women working for a little extra coin to pad their pouches.

The festivities would continue until the sun set, and then the true show would begin. Lights began to flow into the colosseum from magical spheres of light floating from somewhere in the tops of the walls, to hover over the crowd, and the fighting grounds beneath them. While all of this was happening, Lenwe was walking out onto the balcony at the far end of the arena, a large screen below him magnified his entrance and his voice carried over the masses with the help of speakers he kept concealed within the stonework of the seating.

"Good evening my friends, and I welcome you to another night of battles both physical and mental. For these fighters are not fighting pre programmed drones. We tried that already." He paused to chuckle, and the sentiment was copied by the crowd.

"Anyway, tonight these gladiators will be fighting another living, breathing, THINKING being. They will be battling strategy versus strategy, will to live versus will to live. So be sure to watch carefully, because what happens here tonight, might have a ripple effect to the lives you all go to when the week of festivities comes to an end."

And with that, he held up his arms, to raucous applause and cheers. And then he would motion to the far end of the arena, the doorway through which Flowing Fire had led Eric earlier. Now, a spotlight type light fell upon it, and from the gate came a large beast, some sort of abomination of normal bovine Kohanian, and that of a more feral four legged variety, its body was covered with muscle and scars, and with the tossing of its head, it send long strands of spittle flying to splat against the stone walls. Once it had entered, the people began to chant and cheer. And from another gate beneath where Lenwe had stood, came a human dressed in battle gear and weilding a spear.

He was not large like his opponant. Instead his build was more lithe and athletic. The helm he wore was bell shaped, with holes left for his eyes and a mesh over his mouth. He wore no chestplate, and his legs were protected by little more than greaves around his ankles, and a sort of short metal skirt around his hips. The backs of his hands were protected by a curved piece of metal that came down to attach to bronze colored bracers. His spear had a long silver shaft leading to a black almost stone like head, and this was all he carried into battle.

"For the opening contest, I thought I would give you a show of the eternal struggle we all must face on this wild and untamed planet. A battle of civilized man," Lenwe motioned to the gladiator standing below his balcony, there were cheers but they were reserved, and few. "versus hellish beast."

At that point, the crowd burst into cheers. The beast tossed his head, letting the light glint off black metal caps atop his curved horns.

Lenwe sat down on a tall throne like chair and looked down and canted his head, whispering something to a black panther dressed in a very business like suit. The panther whispered something into a communicator, and the grate behind the large bull creature opened up, and a rack rose up into the arena, two battle axes hanging from it. The bull creature picked up them both, seemed to weigh them, and threw the smaller of the two back at the rack with such force that the wooden structure was demolished. Turning back to hold the shaft leading to a crescent blade larger than the man he faced, the bull creature snorted menacingly. To be fair, the human was given a choice of secondary weapons as well, and he chose a sword and shield. The sword strapped to his waist, the shield on his back. He nodded to the attendants and then faced his adversary.

Lenwe raised his hands high, and then as he dropped them again, both human and bulltaur ran at each other, and the crowd, bellowed with excitement.
As the battle in the arena was joined amidst the roaring crowds, Eric was waiting for his own turn on the battlefield. He had found somewhere relatively quiet and out of sight of others where he sat down Indian style with his eyes closed. All thoughts of the fight to come, his opponents for that night, even his current situation were pushed to the side as his mind's eye turned inward. In his thoughts he pictured a storm pouring out all its fury. The rain, the wind, and finally silent lightning all lashing out against anything foolish enough to be caught out in it. And in this storm within his mindscape Eric pictured himself standing there quietly. He felt the wind ripping and tearing at his clothing and the rain pelting him, soaking him to the bone. But the lightning... the lightning never struck him directly, even though in this barren landscape he pictured he was always the tallest thing around. Instead it danced around him, bolts constantly striking near him while never quite touching. And unlike in a real storm, these bolts of raw energy never made a sound.

In the real world Eric took a deep breath and let it out slowly. With his eyes still closed he rested his elbows on his knees and held his hands out in front of him like he was holding something about the size and shape of a basketball. As this was done the figure of himself that he pictured reached out and touched one of the bolts of lightning that was dancing near him. He wasn't trying to control it, nor was he trying to channel it. All he was doing was feeling the energy of the lighting, letting it slip into and out of his touch like pouring water over an open palm. If he was going to be able to use this power he discovered he was first going to have to understand it a little bit better.

And perhaps, the lightning that he touched was going to have to understand him as well. Who knew, it was magic after all.
Session Start: Sun Aug 09 18:39:14 2009
Session Ident: #HorizonsKeyIC

Location: New Kohana, Anetheronn Colosseum

Nel sat in her room in the labs as the festival progressed. Once the time drew near for her match, she stood as the door opened and a guard escorted her from the laboratories to the surface. From there another guard gave her a thick, oversized cloak which she put on before being led through back roads of Anetheronn toward the Colosseum. They arrived at the combatants' entrance and the guard left her to enter on her own. The pale woman made her way through the halls and arrived at the rooms used to prepare creatures and fighters before their matches.

There were several of these rooms arranged around the edge of the arena, each connecting with a long hallway and a heavy gate of either stonewood or iron at the end leading into the arena proper. Each room was fairly large, with a circular area in the center where an armorer kept the weapons and equipment the fighters would need. Against one wall was a series of bookshelves with material for last-minute studies, and another wall had a large closet for cloaks and clothes that would be left behind. The room was fairly clean, no messes, but it was lit by dim torchlight and a grit covered most of the objects in it.

This was where Nel was to stay until the time came. She looked around, pulling the heavy hood of her cloak back from her head before she found Eric seated in the quietest part of the large room. The only noise was the ever-present roar of the crowds that seemed to permeate the stones and the sounds of battle that filtered through the hallway.

Eric could feel eyes on him and the image of the storm faded from his mind. He looked over and spotted Nel. Standing slowly, he dusted off his pants. “With magic, metaphors can be taken literally… Can’t they?”

Nel's vision shifted as she studied her to-be teammate. "Sometimes," she said after a moment. "I have no experience using magic." There was a slight increase in electrical activity around the man, which she supposed was expected. "You were practicing?"

"Trying to understand what it was that I was using. And I think I do now." He looked down at the palms of his hands. "Uncontrolled rage will consume the person that possesses it. In this case, it will happen literally if I loose control"

"Possibly." Nel turned to a bank of equipment lockers opposite the cages and reached up to undo the clasp on her cloak. Catching the thick cloth with one hand as it dropped toward the floor, she folded it neatly and set it inside one of the open lockers. Underneath the cloak she wore a heavy leather half-chestplate that covered her from neck to the bottom of her ribs, front and back, with a heavy cloth tunic underneath. The arrangement was to allow her to keep flexibility while giving protection where she wanted it. The rest of her armor was similarly heavy leather; bracers on her forearms and heavy leather boots that stopped just below her knees and were bound with straps with the thicker leather over her shins. Under the armor was a heavy shirt with long sleeves that were padded from neck to waist front and back and at the elbows. She also wore britches that were heavily padded on the outer thighs and knees, the hem of the legs covered by the boots.

After putting her cloak away Nel paused and glanced at the ceiling. "Stand," she said looking over at Eric, then faced the bookshelves. A few seconds later, a dark figure emerged.


Lenwe sat on the balcony overlooking the fighting ring. This fight was a wonderful warm up. The human was quick and agile, able to dodge the blows of the massive creature that had been created just for this evening's fights. It would be killed if it managed to win, or die in the arena if it lost. The elf steepled his fingers as a bat dressed in a long hooded cowl and leather armor walked up behind the elf, hiding in the shadows of the throne. "Over twelve thousand," he mumbled softly.

The Godfather's guards barely flicked an ear at the comment, but Lenwe grinned. "Excellent, then we have some high rollers here this evening. That is good for the Mercenary. His fight will draw in quite a bundle since he is to go against the Scientist and Mistwalker at the same time. Tell Zero to get ready, and not to bring that annoying bat with him this time. It gives him an unfair advantage to have another set of eyes watching and advising him. Also, start the process for getting the new guy fitted with armor and weapons. We can not afford to waste time tonight, this crowd will be in a frenzy if things do not go smoothly."

Lenwe's small companion nodded and flitted off into the shadows with a shiff shiff shiff of his wings beating. Then the elf stood again, nodded to his guards, and started heading down the hallway to the staircase that led down to his secret business. It was an odd thing to think of that the Colosseum would be a workable front for anything, but Lenwe had used his quick thinking, and behind tightly guarded doors, he had begun running a casino for the highest of the high rollers, with everything from estates and shoppes to ships and weapons passing for bets. As they wound their way through the tables and betting cages, Lenwe would shake hands and greet various people.

When he was on the other side of the casino, Lenwe slipped a cardkey out of his suit jacket pocket and slipped it through a reader. With a soft click the door was unlocked and the guards opened the door, letting the ashen-skinned elf stride down the stairs leading to a side staircase hidden behind a bookcase in the preparation chamber below. At the other end, the false shelves would open into the room and allow the dark elf to enter. He walked over to Nel and Eric, a smile on his face. "Ah, my daughter, I trust your time away has been educational?"


Nel's expression didn't change as Lenwe appeared and spoke to her, but, if it was possible, she stood even more at attention. Her reply was delivered in monotone, but with a distinct note of respect in her voice. "It was."

Eric stood up straight and looked over at the shelves that Nel was looking at. When Lenwe entered he turned fully toward where the elf was, but remained silent. He would wait for his turn to speak, for now it was time just for the father and daughter.

Nodding slightly to her comment, the elf looked around the fighters’ antechamber. "Been a while since I have been down here. I suppose I should work on getting things a little more updated." Lenwe then looked over to Eric with a smile. "So, are you getting settled into your new life? If there is anything I can get you that will make it easier for you to get them cheering for you," he pointed to the staircase leading up into the arena's fighting area. "Let them know." The dark skinned elf pointed to the small structure in the middle of the room. It was like a cage in a casino, with a white leopard female dressed in commoners clothing. "They will get you any weapons, armor, or healing services that you need. Just be sure you can afford it. I will not be footing your bill."

Nel stepped to one side as Lenwe spoke to Eric, taking the time to visually inspect her armor. Straps, plates, clothes, all in desired condition. Finishing that, she walked over to the armorer.

The leopardess bowed her head to the elf’s adopted daughter and set two long leather accessories to be put on over Nel’s bracers, each one holding fifteen sheathed throwing blades. The blades were small and arranged on a track overlapping one another so when one was removed another moved up to take its place with its handle below her wrist. Nel strapped the holders on so the blades lined the inside of her arm and then nodded to herself. She was ready.

The leopard set a small shield, a buckler about sixteen inches in diameter, on the counter as well and the pale woman looked at her. "I do not question your ability, Favored One, but it may be useful in other ways," said the armorer, attempting to smile. Nel looked at it a moment, then looked over at Lenwe as if asking if he agreed.

Eric looked back at the structure and noting it before looking back to Lenwe. "Understood, I have just three questions. Do they accept off-world credits and have a way of accessing my off-world accounts? Also did you manage to find my dog tags?" The first two questions were rolled into one, but the third was the one the Mercenary cared most about.

With a curt nod, Lenwe answered Nel's unasked question. Then he turned back to Eric and answered his questions. "They will accept Nepleslian currency, as that is the nation that helps fund my endeavors here. They are not able to access your accounts though, as the computer network does not reach the Holy City yet. As for your dogtags, I have not been able to find them, but I have agents searching for them."

Given the confirmation, Nel took the shield and nodded at the armorer. Looking at the inside edge, she found a dulled, wide hook and flipped the shield so she could hook it to her chestplate just below back of her neck. Satisfied, she stood to the side and watched the Mercenary and the Don.

"Then I guess I'll be going as I am. The only money I had on me at the time of my captured was the money set aside for whoever killed me to properly dispose of my body along with my final wishes on a data card. And that was hidden in my armor." Eric turned his head for a moment when he heard the roar of the crowd suddenly increase. "It feels like it's almost time."

Lenwe nodded slowly and would look to the agent inside the cage. "Alright then, I will give you basic armors and a weapon. I can't have you going out there and getting yourself slaughtered. But from this basic set you will be on your own." The leopardess within the cage reached under the counter and began placing items up onto the counter. Bracers, grieves, breastplate, and belt. And then she looked up to Lenwe and shrugged. "What is your weapon of choice?"

Eric nodded his thanks to Lenwe and moved over to inspect the armor as the leopardess put them on the counter. When the question of what weapon he wanted came up he looked over to the woman. He usually used a knife, but there was another weapon he had gained familiarity with in his youth on Nepleslia. "Do you have a length of chain around six to eight feet?"

Lenwe smiled at the choice, and nodded. With a sort of unsure whining sound, the leopardess shook her head and turned to walk down a small set of stairs hidden beneath a trapdoor. She was gone for a while and then would return with a length of chain that looked like something that would be used to secure a drawbridge. The links were heavy inch thick rings of metal. She wrapped it around her paw and elbow a few times, and then laid it with the armor, giving a shrug to the elf standing nearby, and a weak forced smile to Eric.

"There you are my boy. Now the only thing left for me to give you, is my wish for good luck. With that done, I leave you in the capable hands of my daughter." And with that, Lenwe turned to the bookcase door, and again disappeared behind it.

Eric lifted the chain and tested its weight. His hands gripping it so when they were brought together the ends and the middle were the same length. Stepping back from the stand, he lightly whirled one end of the heavy chain, getting a feel for how it moved. "This will do, thank you." He nodded to the leopardess and Lewne. After that the mercenary set the chain down and started putting his armor on, piece by piece, as Lewne disappeared behind the bookshelf. When he finished he picked up his weapon and turned back to Nel. "I am ready."

Nel nodded and turned to the hallway leading to the arena. Another cheer broke out as the fight above came to its conclusion. As she walked down the hall, with the Mercenary behind her, the spectators knowing what was about to come next, increased in volume until their cheering became a sound so palpable it felt as if it shook the planet…

Session Start: Sun Aug 16 17:18:13 2009
Session Ident: #HorizonsKeyIC

Location: New Kohana, Anetheronn Colosseum

A large oval-shaped wall enclosed the stadium stands and the arena, rising several stories over the crowds gathered outside heading in or waiting around for their desired event to start. Several wings branched out from the main wall, containing employee-only areas such as the training grounds and barracks for the competitors.

Inside the walls was everything one could want in a stadium. Covered breezeways contained tent- and kiosk-style shops on the main promenade and the first two floors, while the higher floors were reserved for the more prominent visitors and spectators who could afford to grease their way into the observation boxes. The stadium was mostly bench-style seating, set on a slope that started gradually but quickly grew steeper as it got closer to the walls. Lenwe's personal box was on the south end of the stadium, rising above the seats below on columns with a large holographic viewscreen beneath it.

Stone made up most of the structure, with metal being used for the framework and bleachers and the three-foot-thick armor plating around the edge of the arena. The arena was about the size of a sports field with a stone floor, overlaid with two-inch-thick metal plating, and buried under three feet of dirt on top of that. The walls surrounding it were eighteen feet high from the dirt to the top of the wall. There were gates in this wall, one at each point of the compass, with smaller doors were at each half-point (such as northeast), largely for the first-aid crews when they were needed. Or wanted.


The Kohanians were one of the most interesting species in the known Universe, according to one Patrician's opinion. They were deeply divided among their religious beliefs, and could in a certain light be considered a sample tray of the most popular "trends" as they would pertain to spirituality and the seeking therein.

So, naturally, Kohana was the first place Patrician Uriel Hisshana went when he began his journey in search of spiritual enlightenment and evidence for a greater power. He'd been on the planet for perhaps two days, and thorough discussion with the Nagual was proving rather limiting in his search. At first, he considered the possibility that he was simply being biased due to his previous history with religion, but after some time there was simply no moving the conversation with some of them. Finding he had the money and time to indulge himself, Uriel took himself on a lovely day out to the Colosseum. There he could spectate an event that would encompass two of his greatest pleasures: cultural learning and physical contest.

As it stood, he was seated about midway up the public seating, with no one directly behind him: his height and wings were more than enough to block the vision of almost anyone other than an Archangel. As the crowd rose to cheer, Uriel stood and clapped a few times in respect, but did not hold the event in as high esteem as those around him, which surely would irritate them with his presence further, but he didn't let it bother him.

He'd only just arrived to see the end of the last fight, so there was no telling just how exciting it had all been. 'Or maybe I'm becoming the sullen bastard my brother thinks me to be,' Uriel wondered to himself, but instantly dismissed it. 'I still have the strength and honor of the Patricians.'


Nel walked up the steps from the preparation room into the main hallway, a ten-yard-wide throughway that lead from the larger containment area for beasts and such to the arena proper. At the end of the hall was a large gate; as she left the shelter of the tunnel she looked up through the bars overhead. The few spectators feeling inebriated or foolish enough to jeer found their liquid courage to be not nearly enough as her eyes swept over them.

Eric's grip shifted over his weapon as his mind became lost in thought. A chain was a hard weapon to use, even for a person that was familiar with it. And while he was confident that he could use it, he wanted to be sure that he didn't make a mistake at a critical moment. So while he and Nel walked up the steps to where they would enter the arena, he began concentrating and whispering softly as he walked. "A weapon is just an extension of the body, and so an extension of my will." It wasn't supposed to be much, just a small spell to ensure that the chain would move as he wanted too. And to test to see if the spell worked he jerked on one end of the chain, bringing the end up where he was concentrating on the end tying itself in a knot as it fell back down. However he had to look up as they were walking into the arena, so he couldn't see the results of his intended effort. He looked around the arena and frowned slightly at the crowd. However in the end he looked away from the spectators, their attendance there unimportant to him. All he cared about was the two opponents that he would soon be seeing.

As they entered though, and the light bathed over them, Eric would notice his spell had been for naught, the chain still hung within his hands, no knot being tied into it. His spell had the heart, but was not something one of his limited knowledge could perform.


Lenwe had not gone directly back to his box. He had made a stop over in the casino that he ran illegally and covertly in one of the empty spaces beneath the coliseum. While there he would again shmooze with the high level officials that were on his payroll, including the head of the Kapua tribe, who was coming to evaluate if Lenwe was a worthy investment to front a bit of the clan's stolen riches through. Lenwe stopped at one of the roulette tables and would place a bet for 00, a bet that would no doubt lose, and indeed it did, but the elf didn't seem to mind. He moved on towards his box, just in time to catch Nel and Eric coming up into the waiting area for the fighters. With a slight nod, he would take his seat, and an odd mix of rock, techno, and opera would blare through unseen speakers as the first aid crews hauled the bodies of Zero and his opponent, a badger, off the field, both exhausted to the point of immobility, both bleeding quite badly from the nearly hour long match they had been involved in. But it had been all for good, as the crowd was on their feet, cheering and howling erupted from the stands as Lenwe stood to introduce the new fighters.

"Tonight you will have the privilege of seeing the return of the Princess of Pain, the Sultaness of Smackdown, the return of NELEW, Arena CHAMPION!" At this information, the arena started to vibrate with the sheer sonic power of almost one hundred thousand Kohanians, Nepleslians, and various other races, all rising to their feet as the gate before the fighters lowered, allowing them access onto the arena floor.


Nelew faced forward once more as the gate lowered, retracting into the ground. Stepping out into the dimming sunlight, as the day was passing late afternoon and into evening, The Daughter of The Don studied the arena. Impact craters from missed strikes and falling bodies were noted, the angle of the sunlight filtering through the stonework of the walls around her, and the sounds created from the audience's excitement were stored away. She stopped ten yards from the center of the stadium and waited for her opponent to appear. Waited for both the known and the unknown.

Eric looked over the arena as well, taking in the sights. He had noted that his attempt at a spell had failed, but that concerned him about as much as the crowd did at the moment. If magic was that easy then everyone on the planet would be using it... possibly. Still he figured that was a good indication of how much he could rely on that ability. If he got really desperate then maybe he could use it in a strike, but that would be very, very risky most likely. When Nel stopped moving he stopped as well a little bit behind and to her right.

Session Start: Wed Aug 26 14:59:30 2009
Session Ident: #ColosseumIC


Location: New Kohana, Anetheronn Colosseum

Lenwe grinned as the first two combatants made their way out into the arena, much to the cheering of the crowd at Nel's entrance, but most also let forth jeers and insults as Eric made his way in, some in Kohanian, others in the common tongue of the Nepleslian Empire. The elf waited, letting the setting sink in for the competitors, before he would again start his announcement.

"And who would be brave, or foolish, enough to put their life on the line against the champion's undefeated streak? No one!" With a laugh, the Don paused, and then continued. "I am kidding, I am kidding. We have tonight what should shape up as a great battle, for we have Power..." He motioned to Nelew.

"...Strategy..." The gates in front of Nel and Eric opened, and out walked The Scientist, looking every bit the mad scientist in a torn and spattered white labcoat, black slacks and no shirt. Around his arms were two metal sheathes, on one was a computer like device, while the other seemed wrapped and twined within lines and leads pumping some sort of purple and green liquids into his arm. The male snarled softly, hunched over as he slowly made his way into the light, shying away slightly when it first struck him.

"Then we have the Unknown in our new competitor known only as The Mercenary..." Lenwe motioned a hand to Eric at this statement.

“…And the final competitor VOLUNTEERED for this battle, she is the head of one of our greatest assets, I give you the Mistress of the Undead, Leader of the Occult...MISTRESS MISTWALKER!"

The crowd fell into a hush as a green mist crept and crawled out from the far end of the arena. Where it touched, the ground seemed to blacken and die. And when the mist came nearly to Nel and Eric's feet, from the thick fog rose the mink, dressed in her usual attire of leather apron with bone, gemstone suspended with twine made from actual hair. Her upper body was wrapped in a sickly green top, and her face was covered by a black veil.


Eric looked at The Scientist, then looked toward Mistress Mistwalker as they both made their entrance. He then looked to Nel. "So how long till we start killing each other?"

The pale woman standing next to Eric was studying their opponents as well, but in somewhat more detail. The Scientist appeared to have made some modifications to himself and his gear since their previous encounter, but he was intended to be the Mercenary's battle, not hers. But, as for the vaporous one…if Nel could recognize what emotions felt like, she would have recognized the spike of cold that ran down her spine as anticipation and fear. As it was, she read it as her body running a nervous system check, making sure all primary connections were active. She looked at Mistwalker, eying the deadly mist that spread out from the VooDoo Queen as it scarred the earth around her. She didn't turn her head as she answered Eric after a moment. "Father will begin the match. Are you equal to your target?"

Eric looked back to his opponent and narrowed his eyes slightly. "I'll deal with him. You concentrate on your fight, don't even worry about those robots he's suppose to have. If somehow I do fall I'll be sure to make enough noise so you know to watch your back." Eric started slowly wrapping one end of his chain around his left forearm. Something was telling him that he would need a limb to block surprises from their scientifically inclined opponent.


Lenwe looked down on the combatants and then the crowd. "Who here believes that our 'heroes' will come out on top? Fighting for the good and the righteous? Or will it be the villainous scourge of society’s shadows and underbelly? I am willing to put 500 gold on the line that Mistwalker and The Scientist find victory! Who is with me? Anyone?" With a wry grin, he looked around the arena, where already coin purses were being opened and dug through as bets flew in from all sides. "Yes...this will be an interesting evening." He spoke to himself, leaning on the balcony railing.


Mistwalker just stood looking at Nel as if they were not standing in the middle of a grand arena.

The Scientist, on the other hand, was pacing, mumbling to himself and using the limb that had the pumping lines to stroke over the more computer-like arm. "You think I am going to be an easy mark just because I spend my days with oil and metal, shaping it as the voices tell me to. You are wrong, Mercenary. Your training has never seen the likes of what I bring for you." And then he would start cackling in a shrill choppy sort of way.

Nel backed away from the center of the arena, moving until she was halfway between the center and the wall behind her, holding her hand out in front of Eric in a motion to let him know that he should back up too.

"First time I'm suppose to be on the 'good and righteous'." Eric muttered softly as he slowly followed Nel's directions and backed up as well. He also put a little space between then, moving to the side so he was just opposite of the Scientist. "So you’re going to show me something new?" His voice was now in a normal tone that would carry over to his opponent. "I hope it's as entertaining, because your boasting is already boring me to death."


Above, the Godfather nodded to his guards, who nodded back and seemed to speak into thin air. As they did, the shadows behind Mistwalker started to roil and churn, and then up from the corrupted earth rose four bodies, pulled and pieced together from what little information could be gathered from the sweat, tears, and blood mixed into the dirt. The beasts that rose were horrible nightmares of creatures, a wolf's head, an arm of a Tikbalang, porcupine quills all along the back, flesh not even covering all of the exposed internals, black ooze like blood slopping out when the creatures moved too quickly, a hissing showing that this concoction would mean serious necrosis if touched.

And as for the scientist, jagged metal constructs lumbered out of the shadows, glinting and gleaming in the low evening light. Around their feet scuttled a few dozen little three legged creations with what looked like video camera heads, as well as dire-wolf-sized Mokoi armored on the chests, forelegs, neck and shoulders, while a head armor dimmed the red light that was normal for the Mokoi eyes into a violet gleam, showing they were under his control. And, just as Lenwe was about to start the fight, a snarling came from the tunnels, followed by the sounds of shouting and heavy objects hitting stone. And then, bursting THROUGH the gate, was Mistwalker's familiar, that freakish canine tracker beast.

“Awww, was Momma's pet lonely down in the cages. I am happy to see you, My Sweet, you will be a wonderful asset to our team..." Mistwalker cooed to the creature, whose slobber fell into the mist and smaller versions of it seemed to form directly out of the mist, about the size of a bull terrier, but no less menacing.


"Let the battle....BEGIN!" Lenwe called, and immediately the zombie creations of Mistwalkers, and the three legged scuttlers headed for Nel and Eric.

Nel fell into a relaxed fighting stance, eying the new targets that had appeared out of, as far as she had sensed, nowhere. Forget how impossible that was supposed to be. And there was the very large one, the one Mistwalker called her "Sweet". Somehow the creature's drool had spontaneously spawned more creatures that were very much alive. Oddly enough, the only ones who didn't register as "living" were the patchwork creations.

The pale woman decided to save her knives and focus on dodging strikes for now. There was no reason to believe that the creations featured the same caustic qualities that the vapors did, not yet. Instead of moving toward her attackers, though, Nel remained in place, waiting for them to leave the protection of the vapors...and for the mist to disperse, if it behaved like real mists at all.

Taking her shield onto her right arm and a single throwing knife (each was four inches from the throwing grip to the tip of the blade, the blade was three inches of the total length). Her perception accelerated, but only so things moved slow enough that she could follow their motions...nothing extreme yet. Prepared as she was, she snuck a look at Eric, taking a snapshot look at what he was doing to prepare for his own encounter.

Eric looked at the different... things... approaching them. He wrapped the chain around his left fist a little tighter so when he struck something all that would touch the creature was the chain. He then started whirling the other, free, end around. Faster and faster it spun until it whistled through the air in a circle beside the mercenary. Glancing over each of the approaching creatures, the Merc lashed out at the one that was currently closest to him with the end of the chain when it got within range. It was but a single strike, but Eric wanted to see how these things reacted to being hit.

As was custom for battles of this magnitude, the crowd was going nuts, bets were flying in from all over, changes to preconceived bets for the 'good' team changing over to the baddies and vice versa. Lenwe just steepled his fingers and grinned methodically behind his hands. This would be a big main event. It was already shaping up to be wonderful.

Down below, the chain connected with one of the freakish abominations and actually pierced through the thin flesh, spilling black blood out onto the ground with a congealed splatter, but the creature did not stop it's shuffling closer. The creature Eric had struck had the body of Kapua, it's breeding almost unable to be seen, it was dragging it's huge right arm, that of bovine Tibalang, but ending in the wicked claws of some sort of feline. Its other hand, however, held a green glowing rod of twisted root, and swung that down at the chain, trying to wrench Eric closer, as the large metal creations thundered forward on stomping legs.

The Mokoi and their puppetmaster held back, The Scientist grinning madly as he surveyed the battlefield. Mistwalker on the other hand was loping forward behind the other three zombie Kohanian, their bodies shielding her so that all that could be seen were her dainty feet jogging, or maybe dancing was a better word for it, behind her sentries. The sounds of her singing a lilting dirge could barely be heard over the drowning cheers of the crowd. Also, her pet seemed to have melted back into the shadows again.

Too many targets. No information on Mistwalker or her allies. And it appeared that there was not going to be a segregation of targets, as one of the four zombies was attacking Eric as well. Nel moved over to Eric and nodded to the south end of the arena. They needed more space behind them, and quickly.

"Retreat, quickly. I will buy time, but there will be plenty for you to do soon," she said calmly, but loudly over the roar of the crowds and beasts. Energy crackled at her fingertips as she attempted to try something that she had seen in the new information she had absorbed from the strange case. A strong flick of her wrist sent the first blade at the nearest scuttler, a somewhat-thick band of electricity arcing between her fingertips and the blade, which flew with enough force to tear through armor like her own and continue. Through metal, it should pierce one, dragging the arc with it and sparking others nearby. The voltage was enough to melt circuitry but not to make it explode as true lighting would.

Unlike Eric's newfound ability, this was not magic but a concentration of electricity created within her. The charge was not enough to drain her on any significant level, but she might find it difficult to do it too many times. As the arc continued while the blade flew, her fingertips began to sizzle. With the arc on its way, she kept her other arm with the buckler in front of her, watching the zombie that had been focused on Eric. "Run!"

Of all the things that a person should find odd in a situation like this, perhaps what Eric noticed should be the last on the list. Huh, seems Mistwalker has a sense for music, her pitch and tone are perfect, he thought as the Zombie tried to snatch at the chain he held. Yanking back with his arm the Merc let the chain whip around behind him ready for another strike. However Nel moved over to him and ordered him to retreat. Believing she was more familiar with this sort of thing and knew what she was doing, Eric moved quickly in the direction his partner had indicated while keeping an eye on their multiple opponents. As he moved he saw what Nel was doing and blinked in surprise. The same magic as me? Then the command came to run and Eric hauled ass to the spot where he was suppose to be as indicated by the arena champion.

Session Start: Sun Aug 30 17:07:55 2009
Session Ident: #ColosseumIC


Location: New Kohana, Anetheronn Colosseum

At the attack by the Arena champion, the scuttler initially hit wobbled a little on it's legs, trying to remain up, but with it's circuit board fried by the electricity, it was not able to continue and fell over onto it's side, the light in it's single eyes dimming. The same fate fell upon the other three scuttlers that were hit by the arc of electricity. The Scientist roared in anger as he watched his creations fall, screaming like a madman, "You'll pay for that, you'll pay for harming my little babies." And with that he too would join the fray, loping forward like a wild animal to try and catch up with Eric's retreating. Mistwalker on the other hand was still dancing and singing her dirge, pulling a curved dagger from sheathes on either thigh. She would start adding them to the dancing, light flashing off of the metal blades as she whirled them through the air.

"The tactics have changed." Nelew turned her head toward the Mercenary but kept her eyes on her targets, rapidly ranking them in order of priority based on distance with secondary priority based on perceived threat. "They are not separating, but cooperating. We must do the same." She nodded toward the Scientist, who was rapidly gaining on them. "Either run or attack him. I will keep the others back." She hoped he knew what she was trying to do for him and would plan accordingly. "Keep moving. We must keep Mistwalker away from us!" The urgency in her voice rose notably with the last statement.

As the two of them backed away, Nel darted to the side as the Scientist passed her on his way toward Eric, even if she had been the one to actually damage his scuttlers....her foot flashed out in a flying side-kick that was intended to push him further forward on his trajectory and render him airborn, calculated to arch over Eric's head and land some yards away, giving the two of them more space to face off one-on-one. However, the Scientist could have other ideas when faced with that move...

Eric turned so his eyes could see The Scientist after his voice rang out above the roar of the crowd. His ice blue orbs narrowing slightly as their one opponent lopped easily toward them. "I don't know, seems like the general idea is still being carried out. I'll attack him." As the two of them separated and the Scientist continued to charge him his mouth flipped up at the corners when he saw his partner's attack land to send the scientist flying over his head. He lashed upward with his chain, aiming to whip it across the Scientist's face as he flew overhead. And once his opponent landed Eric would be moving quickly to where the madman was, his chain whirling at high speed for another strike.

The scientist didn't just sit by idly as he was sent up into the air. For the first moment or two, he was in fact taken by surprise, but after that passed, he brought his metal arms up to block the attack that was sure to be coming. He didn't take the chain to the face, but Eric did get rewarded as the chain wrapped around his arms, and when the slack was pulled out, the Scientist found himself quickly inverted, slamming upside down into the stone wall to fall on the top of his head with a grunt as he slowly kicked off the wall like a child throwing a tantrum, sliding a small distance away as expletives flowed from his maw in native tongue.


With the two set apart from the scuttlers, mech-monstrosities, zombies, and terror terriers, Nel turned her attention to keeping that separation intact. Noting that Mistwalker was in no apparent hurry to get to her, Nel left a mental tag on her as she dealt with the swarming minions.

Crowd-control was a mere matter of choosing out of several options. The electrical charge was effective on the scuttlers, but Nel was unsure how long she could keep that up and whether the same charge would take down the larger mechanicals. An easier weakness would need to be found. The four zombies, shambler-type, were as much danger as Mistwalker in terms of speed at the moment, so she ignored those. The terror-spawn of the tracker monster were a concern, however, and she wasn't sure what they were like yet. Preliminary scans suggested flesh-and-blood, so Nelew decided to deal with them as such.

As the scuttlers rapidly approached on the heels of their master, Nel marked them in order of approach and flew into a blur of motion. With rushes of air marking her movements, she sequentially performed open-hand strikes on the core point of each scuttler's forward momentum, effectively reversing that motion while amplifying it a small bit to send each scuttler back twenty yards to land momentarily disoriented but unharmed.

The scuttlers were knocked backwards, their spindly legs sliding through the loose dirt and some even had them bend or break, leading to a macabre limping motion to come back towards Nel. But as they did so, the large jagged metal constructs came within range as well and attempted to crush the woman beneath fists the size of 50 gallon barrels. The zombie protection of the voodoo queen began to separate with two shuffling off to the right, while the left most would head off in that direction, but they didn't seem to be going for either combatant, they seemed to just be trying to reach the arena wall behind them. Of course, this meant that the weasel femme was standing alone, still prancing in place and tossing her arms and head to the sides or forward in time with her dance. Then, she slammed both feet down in a fighter's stance and tossed off the shawl she had been wearing with a shrug of her shoulders, daggers held at the ready before her as she started to weave and bob in a capoera ginga.

Only about fifteen of the twenty scuttlers were dealt with by the time the mechanicals -- Designation: Mashers -- arrived in range. Four strikes snapped four more scuttlers into the background while the fifth found itself an unfortunate replacement for Nel as she slid out of the way of the first heavy-landing fist. Scuttler Count: 19

Four seconds remained before the first of the survivors would arrive, Nel regained her upright stance and began side-stepping the whack-a-mole attempts at smashing her as she watched the scuttlers. Her tags on the zombies and Mistwalker began to separate, which made her pause for a mental moment. Hm. Maybe crowd control was not the best option, at least for the mechanicals. The organics were hanging back, were they perhaps the stronger ones, either in force or resilience?

The pale woman reset her sequence for scuttler control and began flicking them back with the open-palm strikes, but this time dodging hammer-blows from mashers. Then one of them tried to grab her instead. Five scuttlers broke through Nel's line before Nel's reinforced skeleton and resilient muscular system bent back the fingers of the masher enough to slip through, leaving it unable to fully close its hand but not unable to continue swatting at her.

The masher that Nelew attacked first roared in pain, and that distracted the scientist for a moment, but the scuttlers and mashers still moved to try and attack the femme as she started her knocking them back. But with Nel focusing on them, rather than Mistwalker, the female Kohanian would make her move closer, cartwheeling and flipping closer to slash with both daggers while dropping down into a sort of crouch that would give her a perfect opportunity to kick at both Nel's knees simultaneously if the knives were blocked. The zombies kept up their shambling to the sides, now the first two were perpendicular to the battles going on and kept circling, Mistwalker obviously had a plan.


Eric knew that Nel was going to have her hands full with the minions and Mistress Mistwalker, so he wouldn't have much time to waste with The Scientist. He was currently laying on the ground face up with his shoulders toward the Merc. So Eric raised the chain up and brought it lashing down. If the Scientist didn't do anything it would slam into his face, but as the attack moved a single thought flashed through Eric's mind. Block like you did before.

The scientist was acting on instinct, and when the chain came down he did the first thing he could think of, bringing his hands up in an X type block while trying to snatch the chain between the top portion of the X.

As the Scientist brought his hands up to block the chain came down and twisted around the arms, locking them in their X shaped position. The Merc, then hauled hard on his chain in an attempt to pull his opponent closer to him with his arms stretched out above his head. Eric would then step forward and place his foot on the chain near where it wrapped around the Scientist's hands as his left fist came up, still wrapped tightly in the other end of the chain. From this position the wandering male would drive his fist downward, followed by all the weight and strength in his body, to slam that metal wrapped limb into the jaw of the Scientist.

The Scientist, after his momentary distraction, was brought back to the battle by Eric jerking on the chain that held his wrists. Using the momentum he had just been given like a gift, he arched his back upwards, and then pushed off with his feet in an attempt to catch Eric on the side of the head as he came down with the punch. If successful, it would send Eric's head snapping down to his chest, and possibly off his feet. If it failed, or was too slow, the male would try to move his head to the side to at least lessen the direct damage.


The roar caught Nel off-guard, and she glanced at the mechanical monster for a moment longer than she probably should have.

Proximity Alert.

Mistwalker's tracking tag on Nel's mental map suddenly darted forward, abandoning the slow, steady, but erratic movement it had shown thus far, abruptly joining the mashers and scuttlers in a mass around her. The mink was now in her vision, knives flashing, body sliding inside Nel's perimeter, and she still had the mashers and scuttlers to avoid. There was a breeze that tugged lightly at Mistwalker's hair and fur as Nel slid back away from Mistwalker quickly enough to leave a rush of air in her wake. The champion looked disoriented herself for a moment, as if the movement was not of her own volition, but recovered. Bumping up her processing speed a bit more, Nel began perceiving things in proper slow motion, where things had not yet stopped moving. However, there was now a growing lag between perception and her physical reactions.

It was time to dismantle a few things. The area was getting very crowded as every minion began mobbing her trying to get through to Eric. Nel drew a blade and began using her shield to bash scuttlers, removing five from commission before she began to scale the nearest masher, analyzing it for wires, gears, or joints to jam or sever. Meanwhile she kept Mistwalker on priority tracking...but the zombies were still low-priority targets.


As the Scientist was dragged toward Eric, the mercenary noted that his opponent was arching his back. His fist came down as the Scientist's feet came up and he had to tuck his head in order to avoid having two clawed feet driving themselves into his temple. But even with his chin tucked to his chest he couldn't avoid the blow fully. The Scientist's claws raking across the top of his shoulder, leaving eight bloody gashes. Now his body weight wasn't directly above his punch because of his hit and the glancing blow, greatly reducing the power of his strike. A growl rumbled through the Merc's throat as he opened his left hand to grip the top of the Scientist's head. His right hand gripped the middle of the chain and he attempted to wrap it around his opponent's throat.

The Scientist let his body go limp so when the mercenary wrapped the chain around him he would not strain muscles in resisting. After all, there was another trick that the scientist possessed. With a sick grin, he turned his head, even as the chain wrapped around it. "So you think you have won? I have not yet even begun to toy with you, my prey." Blood, dark in the low lights, ran from the side of his face, as he clenched his fists and braced his legs beneath him, a growl rumbling from his lupine muzzle as a sneer crossed it.


Two hissing sounds could be heard from the metal arms wrapped around the flesh of the prone scientist's body. Above and behind Eric the familiar voice of a very tired friend could be heard. "GET AWAY! ERIC GET OFF HIM!" Zero yelled as loud as he could, but the crowd was out for blood, so all that could be heard was "...Away...Eric, Get...him".


Nel, on the other hand, was not finding much better luck. Her search for an exploitable weakness to the constructs would come up pretty fruitless. Of course the creatures would have joints, but within them was nothing but open space. Within the chests of the creations however, were glowing red stones that pulsed like hearts. The containment devices bound to the great things, the souls of the assistants The Scientist sacrificed to create the lumbering weapons.

So this battle was a study in futility as far as information went. If there was one thing that the Warrior Maiden, Daughter of the Don, Champion of the Colosseum, could find it within her to hate, it was not knowing what she was fighting. In her IPG training days, she had thought she knew what she was fighting on several occasions, and had been soundly refuted on more than one of them with all of the others barely ending in victories usually because of a teammate's quick action. This situation was becoming too similar to those experiences for her to recognize this as an easy victory.

Thus far, Nel had played her cards close to her chest, fought conservatively and succeeded as far as damage went. She had cleared a little over a quarter of the scuttlers (which she was now realizing were the lowest on the priority list: Dangerous if they swarmed but ultimately only because they opened their target to attack from the more dangerous opponents; otherwise they did no damage), damaged the fingers of a masher (but when there are four of those behemoths, things got crowded quickly), and had successfully, if unintentionally, evaded the first strike of her intended primary opponent. No damage on her part, minor damage inflicted on the enemy. Meanwhile she noted that Eric was only holding his own against the Scientist. Both were trading blows, neither overly serious, but things were escalating quickly against the Mercenary's favor.

She reached the peak of one of the mashers, and stood puzzled at the top. Glowing stones that radiated no known energy, and metal that hovered without any known source or cause. What was this? But that new primary concern was nothing compared with what began to occur next.

While Nel searched, Mistwalker looked to her zombie minions who now stood at either side of the battle, and one directly across from her. All of them looked like disgusting, oozing statues, but Mistwalker just smiled as she clapped her paw palms together and bowed her head, a low hum starting to run through the entirety of the arena as the oppressive feeling of great magic began to build. The crowd began to panic a little, looking around at their friends and neighbors for some sort of explanation. From the far side of the arena, where the Voodoo Queen and her tag team partner entered, the yelping cry of the small copies of her pet could be heard as the mist began to drift over their feet, sucking them down into it. As this happened more and more, the mist got thicker, and it's wall got taller, slipping nearer and nearer to the battle at hand. Standing at the halfway point, the massive tracking hound stood solidly, staring straight ahead. As the mist washed over it, it gave a death howl that rumbled and echoed around the arena and then was gone, but thick lines began to appear connecting each of the zombies to their mistress, a circle appearing in the very dust beneath all who found themselves on the battlefield. Within the circle were two smaller circles, with Kohanian symbols appearing between each, sick green light pulsing brighter the closer to the middle a circle got.

The zombies had been remaining still for some time, not attacking, but no longer moving either. Nel had dismissed them as threats, but still kept their locations tagged. The tracker beast and its spawn had also been relegated to the lowest threat level. She looked down at Mistwalker as the mysterious mink-lady clapped her hands together.

Then the hum began. Nel did not even wait for the rest of the situation to unfold, she jumped from the top of the masher to stand behind Eric and whispered in his ear.

"Do a barrel roll."

A hand flashed forward from behind him with the intent to plant a blade through the lower jaw of the Scientist. If Eric did not immediately move, he would find himself on his own as Nel lead a mad dash back, along the wall, to the center of the arena, stopping just outside the outer perimeter of the growing number of menacingly arranged marks on the Colosseum floor. If he did move, he could roll to the outside and get clear for the dash toward the center of the arena as well.


The chain wrapped tightly around the Scientist's neck and the mercenary let go with his left hand to bring it down so it could hold onto the chain around the Scientist's neck. But as the Scientist spoke his words Eric remembered the words Zero had told him before the match started, about the transformation that the Scientist went through thanks to the serum he had. It was almost as if he could hear the stallion in his head telling him to run away.

However this was the moment that augments were at their weakest, when they started to use their enhanced abilities and thinking it gives them an undeniable edge. So as the Merc's hand gripped the both sides if the chain around the Scientist's neck his right hand drew back and snaked forward. Two fingers targeted themselves toward the inside corner of the Scientist's eye socket, seeking to drive themselves deep into his opponent's flesh and past the skull through the eye socket. It was at this point that Eric would try something that in many ways bordered on insane simply because he didn't know if it would work or what it would do. He would reach within himself, attempt to grab just a small amount of the magical energy that he appeared to be able to use, and just release it from his finger tips that were inside the Scientist's head. No spell, no guidance, just the raw energy of elemental lightning going off, about enough that would make a 40 watt bulb flicker for a few seconds. It was then that Nel whispered into his ear to do a barrel roll which he attempted to do while getting his weapon untangled from the Scientist. Then he noticed the glowing circle that was now marked on the floor of the arena. And while it might not be the best move, if he couldn't get his chain untangled from the scientist he simply dropped it and dashed as quickly as he could to the edge of the circle. Jumping the last few feet to avoid touching the ground as he cleared the magical markings.

The Scientist tried to fight off the move, but with his hands bound as they were, there was really nothing that he could do to stop his eye from being jabbed. And then when the burst of magic hit him there was again no defense, and he screamed bloody murder as he was actually fully conscious and feeling as his brain literally got fried. His body started convulsing and twitching as blood oozed out of his eye sockets and ears, the electricity totally frying his whole system. As the body fell limp to the ground, and the chain was unwound, Lenwe stood up to call the fight, as already it was passed the stopping point of incapacitation. But without looking over her shoulder, Mistwalker raised her left fist, stopping Lenwe in his tracks as the fog rolled into the circle, filling the entire outer circle just as Eric lept over it, the almost palpable air seeming to reach out for the mercenary's body. But as it filled the circles, at the center came a swirling vortex of green light and energy, and from that, a single paw snaked through to thud against the ground. It would have kicked up mist and dust, but Mistwalker was completely in control of all within her summoning circle. Another paw came out, slamming into the ground on the other side, and then a head, snarling and fierce broke the surface, eyes burning like coals. Then another head next to it, and a third on the other side. Then shoulders that stretched the vortex out to the center circle, followed by chest, and a narrowing haunch. Within a span of two minutes, a massive hellhound had been pulled from the Planes of Darkness.

But that was not the end of this hellish show. As the vortex began to close, there came a scream that turned to groan, which became a howl as slowly from the mist, The Scientist rose, blood still oozing out of his now useless eye socket, his body hunched, muzzle sporting two elongated saber fangs. With each pant of breath, his whole body, which had an odd slump to the right and included a hang of his head slightly in that direction, shuddered. He grinned, his teeth yellowed and disgusting as he raised his left hand and pointed to Eric. "You thought you had killed me boy, when I fight with the queen of the dead?" And then a high pitched cackle of a laugh was given as the last bit of his sanity slipped away.
