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RP Kuvexian War Letters Home


Convention Veteran
RP Date
RP Location
Kagami Galaxy
YSS Severus
Malthus IV
Mid-YE 41

The crashed Fuji over hung the cliff and provided cover for the crew desprately trying to evacuate the stricken ship as small arms fire peppers it. The return fire is much more sparse. From the holes in the hull, it was clear the ship would never fly again. Sacre's armor has a smoking crater in it as she oversees a stretcher being lowered over the side of a cliff. Sacre looks to the setting sun.

"My dearest Gravity, I write this missive from the midst of a situation from which I'm uncertain of my survival, or if you will even recieve this. We'll probably get a transmission to the Ranger tonight to see if a rescue is even possible. Should I go under, therefore, I want you to know that I went without any terror of death, and that my chief worry is the grief my death will bring to those so dear to me. Since having found myself and you, there has been much to make life sweet and glorious, but death, while distasteful, is in no way terrible. I feel wonderfully strong to do my share well, and, for my sake, you must try to drown your sorrow in the pride and satisfaction, the knowledge that I died well in so clean a cause, as is ours, should bring you. Remember how proud I have always been of your superb pluck, keep the in mind, and don’t permit my death to bow your head. Remember me to our crew, and be sure to take care of Chlorate. -Sacre"

With that Sacre saved and closed the window, advising MEGAMI that it should be uploaded to the Ranger and sent to Gravity in the case of her death. With the stretcher lowered into the caves, Sacre took the line and slid down it herself.
Malthus IV
Mid-YE 41

Sacre stood in the cave and worked desperately on a badly injured Neko in a pop up surguery. The Separa'Shan's armor looked patched together from two different suits. Every minute or so, there is an explosion that rocks the cave and sends dust falling. Sacre finishes her work and sews the injured Neko back up. Then strips off the bloody scrubs and tosses them into the surgery's recycle to be recycled into fresh ones. "Who's next?" She asks.

A Neko with blood spattered across her armor shakes her head. "That's all of them." There is a great explosion and the cave rocks again. "If that didn't make more of them that is." She says worried.

"I'll go check on our patients." Sacre says, feeling the strain of the bombardment, but determined to do her duty.

"All of our patients are stable. You need to sleep ma'am." The Neko says, she isn't wrong.

Sacre takes the measure of the Neko, "I'm not a ma'am, I work for a living. But your right. I'll check the patients and then sleep."

The neko opens her mouth to say something, "I'll sleep after I check on the patients." Sacre says sternly. She closes her mouth and nodds.

Sacre slides among the beds, checking each with her scanner. Then she curls up at the end of the row on the hard rock and tries to get some sleep. Her body yearns for the embrace, but the constant explosions keep shocking her into wakefulness. So as she lays there on the uncomfortable ground, she opens her notepad and starts another letter.

"My dearest Gravity, it's been five days since the Severus crashed here. We managed to get everyone into the tunnels and deep underground. Our Captain was killed, and her first officer has taken charge. We managed to make contact with the Ranger, and the Ranger is observing their assault. The heavy cannons that shot us down are still in place, and our mission to Malthus IV has been a failure. The Ranger said that they were requesting back up and that they may be able to mount a rescue when the other ships arrive. Perhaps the fifth battle for Malthus will go better then the fourth."

"I can only hope so, but there is a question of how long we will be able to bear up under the assault while we wait for a larger fleet to arrive. The barrage is constant, only changing pace and amount to keep us off our guard. There are more casulties every hour and we are running out of places to put them. While I remain certain in my ability to save the wounded, that ability relies on technology and supplies that are dwindling fast. I'm not sure we will be able to outlast much longer or if we will be able to push back a determined assault. This slow grind has it's effects on everyone, even biologically superior nekos. Many are unable to sleep because of the bombardment, yet sleep even small amounts is vital to us being able to hold up under the attacks."

"My only comfort is the knowlage that you are not here with me, for if you were, you would also have to live through the hell that is this battle. I imagine you with the crew, lounging in the onsen and exchanging jokes. Safe, warm, and with friends. Where I am is not safe, and as I write this to you I am curled against cold rock that sapps the heat from me. While I'm fully confident in Chusa Li's abilities, she is not the commander that Hoshi or Eden are. Those who surround me are practically strangers, as I only arrived on the ship hours before the attack begun. When I walked out of the surgury, I couldn't even remember the name of the Neko who was helping me."

"When I am being brave, I'm not scared of death. I'm much more scared of a life without you. I am not always brave, then I have to hide behind the ice queen facade of a NCO and a right bitch. However, I find that it no longer fits me as well as it once did. That it has melted at least partially and now when I need it to freeze back into place, it doesn't do it as much anymore. Something of me leaks out, and I sense that they can feel it too despite how I bury it. Even if I do not know them, not really, their injuries hurt me in a way that they shouldn't. Shouldn't perhaps isn't the right word, in a way I don't like is perhaps more accurate."

"I can manage most of the time, but then one of them will turn a certain way or say something, or just lay there without moving in a way that reminds me of home. Then suddenly their not just my patiants from whom I'm clinically detached anymore. Their my friends, and seeing them hurt, hurts me. Perhaps I should write Ragnar and ask him about it."

"The only bright spot at the moment is Ophion. Ophion doesn't like people, but he seems to know where he is needed. Where someone needs to pet him with their remaining hand, or watch his antics flying and breathing small bursts of fire. I've also heard rumors of him finding things that people thought were lost and returning them. Everyone is greatly encouraged to see him around, as am I."

"I hope you are well, and your war is going better then mine, -Sacre"

With that, Sacre sent the message to Gravity. She tried to close her eyes, but as soon as they shut, she could hear someone calling, "Wounded, they need a medic!" And she was back awake and heading for triage before she even realized she was doing so.
Malthus IV
Mid-YE 41

Sacre double checks the placement of the two charges and slides back and around a corner in the tunnel system. She checks to make sure everyone is out of the danger zone. "Fire in the hole." She announces, and there is an explosion and the tunnel completely collapses where it's supposed to. A Neko with a scanner makes a scan and nods at Sacre. The small group disperses, and Sacre makes her way back towards the makeshift surgery as she composes a letter to Gravity.

"My dearest Gravity, it's been seven days since the Severus crashed here. We just put the soul savior pod into a dead end and collapsed the tunnel to it. I am assured that they will not be able to detect the pod with it being powered down and the intervening rock dampening sensors. The Ranger knows where it is and when this world is reclaimed, be it in three days or three hundred years, the pod will be retrieved. The first officer seems to be worryingly aware that I'm the only one who's not in it. The captain, who died in the crash, will come back with missing memories of the hours leading up to her death. Mine by contrast will be rather permanent."

"We have lost contact with the Ranger. I am uncertain if we will be alive when we are rescued, as now that they have taken an entrance, we are being pressed by waves of troops. We are mostly managing to hold them off, but every few hours they will make a new push, and we are forced to retreat deeper into the cave system."

"It's times like these that I wished I believed in the Gods. It is said that Naga'Shun reincarnates us into new bodies and our souls are destined to meet the same people over and over until we come to be at peace with all. It is said that lovers in one life would often find each outher in the next. I can't help but wonder who we were or if this is something new. I wonder, when I do die, what I'll come back as. Perhaps as a Separa'Shan, but maybe a Neko. I wonder what it's like to have legs. They seem so strange at times. And wonderful."

"Your legs are one of your best features, smooth and muscular. They feel tough and strong and when we are entwined, I can even feel your heartbeat in them through my tail. Your heartbeat is a steady thing, a pulsing of pressure that reminds me of why I'm alive. I can feel the changes in it when you are excited or bored or angry or sad. I don't get that feeling from other heartbeats. Their just numbers I use to tell what is happening."

"Regardless, I do not mull over the possibility, which seems to be growing each day, of my own death to worry you. I am happy to play my part for our empress and if that means the end, then it just means that the end came sooner rather then later. I will die as I choose to live, fighting for my beloved. Fighting for you and the life we will have after this war is over. Your fighting spirit and energy helps me carry on everyday, and there is not a moment you are out of my thoughts. -Sacre"
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Malthus IV
Mid-YE 41

Sacre took a emergency ration pill out of the container and handed to one of the malnourished children that surrounded her, interested in seeing a Separa'Shan for the first time.

"My dearest Gravity, I'm still having difficulty imagining how the situation could get worse, but somehow reality has a way of surprising me. Malthus is a small mining colony, only about a hundred thousand colonists. That many colonists means children, and lots of them. It turns out that they hid their children deep in these tunnels to keep them safe for the Kuvexians. However, they didn't expect the occupation to last as long as it has and getting food down here with the occupation is difficult."

"Fortunately, we do have plenty of ration pills, having managed to get two cases of them off of the Severus. However, the math is grim. Children are only a small percentage of the colony, but a small percentage of a hundred thousand still amounts to 2,896 children and 483 adults. Call it three thousand. The ten thousand Pebble Pills we have would last the whole crew of the Malthus three months, longer with the losses we have taken. Even taking into consideration rationing and the small size of the children, we are still looking at running out in a mere fortnight. The mathmatical logistics of war never ceases to bring to mind new horrors."

"Even more annoyingly, I seem to be an object of some fascination to the children who are constantly trying to touch me. Even after asking politely, it's still a battle to avoid getting touched. I'm nearly constantly terrified of waking up during the brief moments of sleep I get to find myself yeeting a child across the cavern. Worse, I think some of them might enjoy it. Ophion is once again lifting spirits in his own Dragony way."

"One of the civilians down here is a journalist, and keeps asking about stuff. We're reluctant to talk to her, but she's really good and has a delicous tea that seems to turn everyone into drooling idiots when they sip it. Not literally, but having a hot drink and a sympathetic ear makes it easier to talk about what is happening. I'm also unfortunately also not immune to it's charms."

"I heard a story from one of the children about a Dragon who sat on top of a tall tower and all of the knights were afraid of it. Until one day a knight approached the Dragon and asked 'do you need a hand down?' to which the Dragon replied 'Yes, thank you.' You are my knight, wrapped in the shining armor of a starship. While I can wish for you to come and save me again, I know you are far away and outside of the area of operations."

"Perhaps when this is over, I'll be able to return to you and run my fingers over your skin, trace the lines of the Tiger stripes, one by one down your back. Then tease you for a while with a gentle touch before retreating to leave you unsatisfied for a short time before fufilling the ache that has been with you since our last moments together. -Sacre"
Malthus IV
Mid-YE 41

Sacre stood around a hologram of the city and the guns. The Tunnels ran into the city, but not close to the mine or the guns. The remaining officers and senior enlisted looked at two red sections of the map worriedly. "We'll close up these tunnels, it will take them at least several hours to get through. In that time, we'll blast this and give them something else to think about. If we are lucky, we will be able to contact the Ranger, they will be able to provide fire support. If not, we can only hope that they observe the actions we are taking and move to help us. Our main objective will be the guns. Our secondary target is the shield generator, if we take that down, we can teleport and the battle gets a lot easier as the Ranger will be able to send reinforcements down."

Sacre nodded, her squad was the medics, normally one of which would be with each platoon. With the losses and rearrangement, Sacre would be with the headquarters platoon taking the shield generator once the action got started. However, as the others moved around, she found that for a moment she didn't have much to do.

"My dearest Gravity, With the help of the Civilians we now have a much better map of the tunnel network. It was only recently discovered, while digging the foundations for a new building. They were planning to use it as a mine, but the Kuvexians came and they needed to hide their children. Our first officer thinks that a surprise assault on the surface may be able to take the guns. I remain uncertain."

"However, I will carry out my duty to the empress to the best of my ability. I will soldier on in the hopes that I will one day be able to return to your warm embrace. I dream of us being together every night, and if the sun should never rise for me again, that is the dream I will carry with me. I think Ophion will probably make it through, and if he should come to you, please ensure he has a horde to look after. -Sacre"

With that Sacre began making her way towards the rallying point to head into the city.

For conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity at the risk of her life above and beyond the call of duty as century medic for 96th Century of the 501st Legion, in support of the fifth battle of Malthus, on 32日 03月 YE 41. Ittô Heisho Sacre Ven Sanssinia helped to plan and execute an attack through previously unknown tunnels into Malthus city. Her platoon was tasked with taking out the shield generator that prevented reinforcements from the YSS Ranger, YSS Queastor, and YSS Titan from assaulting the city.

During the infiltration phase of the misison, The Kuvexians launched an attack on Ittô Heisho Sanssinia's platoon with no less then two hundred personnel and a gunship roughly 300 meters long. She was wounded in the initial attack, and remained outside of cover to provide covering fire as they maneuvered to find cover inside a building. This split the platoon into two groups. As the highest ranking member of her portion of the platoon, she continued to lead, formulating a plan to use the mining explosives to enable and cover their escape from the trap. She correctly deduced that they believed that her platoon was the whole of the attack and that the gunship was too low to be able to use it's shields effectively. She used what appeared to be a Sympathetic detonation to cover blasting a hole in the wall of the warehouse and into several nearby buildings. She also wired the remaining approximately 2,500 tons of mining explosives to blow upon her signal. Escaping the trap in a direct line away from the gunship allowed her to lure it away from the other platoons that were tasked with assaulting the guns. When the gunship was above the warehouse that they had been in, she detonated the explosives and destroyed the gunship.

With little remaining cover and the full attention of both the Kuvexian ambush and the returning troops that had been trying to dig into the tunnel network, Ittô Heisho Sanssinia continued to preform a moving defense to draw the attention of the Kuvexian forces away from the Star Army personnel who had not been detected. During this action, she was wounded twice more.

When the other platoons of her century launched their attack, turning the Kuvexian forces away from Ittô Heisho Sanssinia's squads, she rallied her platoon to attack the now retreating Kuvexian forces. Personally leading a charge into their flank. This assault prevented the full force of the Kuvexian garrison from being turned on the other platoons.

When the shields went down and the other centuries of the squadron were teleporting in she noticed that there was a machine gun nest in a position to attack a platoon that had just teleported down. Charging the nest, Ittô Heisho Sanssinia applied suppressive fire and advanced on the nest, preventing them from attacking the platoon that had just teleported down at great risk to herself and resulting in her fourth wound. She then refused evacuation and proceeded to care for the wounded until the battle was concluded.

Ittô Heisho Sacre Ven Sanssinia’s actions are in keeping with the finest traditions of military service and reflect great credit upon himself, 96th Century of the 501st Legion, 7th Fleet, and the Star Army. Ittô Heisho Sacre Ven Sanssinia is therefore awarded the Order Of The Blazing Sun with all of the responsibilities, rights, and privileges pursuant thereto.