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RP: YSS Miharu Kyoto: Samurai House

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Doshii Jun

Perpetual player
Retired Staff
The sedan stopped in front of a building rarely, if ever, visited in Kyoto.

It was hard to see what the building looked like, as it was surrounded by tall trees from the front. Unlike the palace, which had lots of open land in front of it, this building appeared to be a genuine stone wall right up to gate, with the trees — mostly cypress, but with styled pine and cherry as well — blocking a person's view from the road. Vehicles that approached from the road had only one way to go, and that was directly toward it. There was a small roundabout in front of the wall, with a small cherry tree growing out of it surrounded by dirt and bark, but on all other sides was civilian Kyoto, with its tall, modern buildings. A thin walkway separated the metropolis from the wall.

A dead end, without vehicle side exits, and no visibility beyond the wall. A formidable defensive position.

There was no grand, iron-and-brass-wrought entryway set into the wall. Just a simple wooden gate, no thicker than a quadruplet of centimeters, with slats in the doors that started just below eye-length for Nyton. Handles consisted of bamboo poles hung on each gate door. No guards were visible — nor were cameras, weapon emplacements, sensor grids, active scanners, or any other sign the area was secure.

The only hint it was what it was came from the placard attached to the wall just left of the gate, with its gold-painted Yamataian characters right against the grey, faded wood they were carved into.

"Samurai House."

The sedan's driver, a red-headed Neko enlisted, said she was instructed to drop Nyton and Kotori off at the gate. She would ensure the Shoi's things would return to Miharu in time. With that, she was away, and the pair were left with mildly sunny skies overhead. It was some time after 09:00; they had been at Rosenthal's only for about 45 minutes.

The wind rustled through the trees. They spoke with firm leaves and bendy branches — a training motif, Kotori recalled, which went something like, "Learn to bend with the wind as the trees do, and you will not break from its gusting." The wind signaled a sharp temperature change was imminent. Cold weather; probably rain.

There was no place to knock. And no one seemed to want to greet them.
Upon casting his eyes on the building Nyton felt as though he were thrown into one of his ancient warfare books. This tradition of architecture was known to him but never truly witnessed first hand, despite his time at the war college. Was this Kotori's home during Samurai training? Nyton thought to himself, a brief pause from the security concerns he was wrapped up in.

Before, during, and after the disembarkment from the sedan, Nyton's surrounding gaze was scanning all around him. Aside from the built in defensive position, security had to be tighter than what he could normally see. He began switching back and forth from thermal vision to try and pick anything up. At the same time though, who would want to attack a Samurai home anyways?

A slight chill rose up Nyton's spine but it had nothing to do with the situation. It was merely the weather as he grew slightly more uncomfortable at the dipping temperature. One factor he enjoyed about body armor was that while it did grow heavier over time, the extra weight provided a little more insulation.

There were many small factors being used to assess their position and while it looked as though they were unannounced visitors Nyton realized otherwise. Running a hand over the side of the GP-12b, he turned to face Kotori. "If our driver already had instructions in regards to us then it would appear that we are already expected, your highness." he said, continuing to refer to Kotori as 'highness.' Despite not seeing any signs of life he pursued using that term rather than the more familiar one of Kotori-sama that he used on the ship. After all, the ship was Kotori's 'domain' to rule as she saw fit. Outside of her kingdom though, the rules might be changed.
Nyton caught Kotori beholding the gate with melancholy. "Indeed," she answered, briefly making eye contact with Nyton before stepping forward and grasping the bamboo-pole handles of the gates.

With strength belying her size, she heaved them slowly open and stepped forward on the path beyond, walking under the dappled shadows of the trees overlooking it.
Nyton followed quickly beside of Kotori's left. Without having to look around he was able to absorb his surroundings but even then he still wished to cast the occasional glance with his main eyes. The cold wind may have helped to bring down Nyton's own mood but he was more concerned over Kotori's. Their discussion in regards to Kosuka had revealed the many doubts and concerns the younger neko had towards her mother.

Then while Nyton reviewed these thoughts his mind then wandered back to the time on the Sakura when he encountered Kosuka. Would she remember him? And what about his role in aiding her to kill the clone of her daughter? He began to think that there may have been more mixed feelings behind that then previously realized.

Whatever his role was in this situation, Nyton stifled his anxiety and sought to maintain a clear head.
The flat stone path did not go forward for very long. It took a sharp turn to the right, toward what appeared to be a dead end. As the two walked along, they eventually saw the path went left, but a dark wood sign — complete with a roof — waited for them at the turn.

"Welcome to the Samurai House," it stated in formal Yamataian written in the same gold lettering. "A trainee will be with you shortly to guide you through the grounds. Please continue on, and enjoy your visit."

The path lazily stretched for another 50 meters, then turned to the right. At that moment the trees on the left side ended. Looking out, the two could see the makings of a fortress, with a red-painted structure across a wide, deep moat. There were no samurai in sight, however, and the path ran along the edge of the moat, high above the water.

The trees on the right side did not thin at all, and in fact were occasionally replaced with bushier Yamataian maples. The stone path also gave way to a crunchy, fine gravel. The wind could be seen on the surface of the water in the moat, trying desperately to tear at it.

The two only had a couple minutes to enjoy the scenery. From down the path came a short, blond-haired Nekovalkyrja dressed entirely in white, loose-fitting keikogi and hakama, flying at a pretty speedy clip. She touched down with barely a sound just a meter or so in front of them, and immediately fell into a kneeling bow.

"Hime-sama," she said in Yamataian with a higher-pitched voice. "Honored guest. I am trainee Kei; please accept me as your guide for your time here at the House."
Kotori took another step forward to tower over the kneeling samurai-in-training. "I accept your services," she began. "Please lead us to our host; we are expected."
Nyton scanned over their guide, checking for anything unusual while still keeping vigilance all around. Aside from that he simply waited to react.
"At once, Hime-sama." Kei rose to her feet and turned in one fluid motion, and began to walk down the path further. Nyton's scan revealed nothing out of the ordinary; the outfit Kei wore was made of a refined hemp, dyed white, with no armor or weapons to speak of. A very simple affair.

Birds chirped from the thick trees to the right side. Kei seemed fixed on the path, leaving Nyton and Kotori to discern for themselves the finer details of the grounds —

Until Kei squawked in surprise as she crashed onto her face. The Neko was on hands and feet immediately, then standing, then flying over the fence, down toward the water. She let out a furious punch toward what appeared to be thin air while her body was nearly parallel with the water.

Nyton and Kotori could see it now. A stealthed attacker!
Kotori stopped in her tracks, quite unamused though not otherwise showing any great signs of alarm.
Nyton immediately stepped in front of Kotori and brought up his GP-12. Using his thermal vision to better silhouette the invisible attacker against the water he began to track the target. He held back from firing as he was unsure if this was some sort training exercise. There was no stun setting on his weapon and he did not want to blow someone apart by mistake.

Realizing that anymore hesitation could endanger Kotori but not wanting to inadvertantly kill the wrong target, Nyton quickly reached to his hip and drew the NSP holstered there. Allowing the sling to carry some of the GP-12's weight he set the pistol to stun and took careful aim at the target's center mass. While he was doing this his targetting software scanned all around to alert him to any other attackers, real or simulated, that may strike at their flanks. He hoped his thermal vision would be able to see through the stealthing.

Once Nyton's eyes had securely locked onto the hostile target and he could be certain that he would not hit Kei, he began to open fire with a focused series of shots. He would not stop firing until the target stopped moving or the barrage proved to be ineffective.
Nyton's first shot clipped the target, and combined with the solid punch, Kotori's bodyguard was rewarded with a curse in Yamataian and a slight splash, as the target's arm hit the water. It sped invisibly along the surface of the water, then looped back toward Kotori and Nyton, silent but for the air pushed out of its way.

Kei was there first before Nyton could shoot. And she attacked with a hard charge, placing punches and kicks at her enemy before kicking the target away. She floated in air and waited, and prepared a special strike, and found her opportunity to put the target down! —


The target froze. Kei froze.

A red-white shape topped with black flew up from behind a white fortress building and into the air. Kotori and Nyton recognized it immediately.

"UNBELIEVABLE!" Kôsuka shouted in Yamataian as she reached the two figures hanging above the moat. "YURI! Explain to me WHAT you were doing. NOW."

The target revealed itself, a deep-blue-haired Neko that was completely naked. "I was merely poin — "

"Who told you to do that? Hm? Anyone? I did not think so. You judged, yes? You judged I chose incorrectly who should escort a Ketsurui PRINCESS? You find me so foolish?"

"No Sen — !"

"That is correct, Yuri! I am well aware that I am smarter than you. That I made a decision who best would guide the princess to her destination. Why did I not choose you? I believe you have answered that question. You will proceed immediately to the wash closets and clean each and every one, in every house, for an entire month! Do you question my judgment now, Yuri?"

"No Sensei," the Neko replied, crestfallen.

"Wise. Now go." Kôsuka looked to Kei. "How did you not spot her? Hm? You let your guard down?"

The blond-haired Neko shook her head. "No, Sensei. She told me she was giving me back-up! I was unsure, but she seemed honest!"

A brief pause, then a long sigh. "You will occupy the rear, Kei, until you learn to trust your instincts."

Kei bowed and waited. Kôsuka went down to the path, along with Kei, and bowed to Kotori and Nyton. "Claymere-san. Kotori." Her voice carried no anger; in fact, it was rather warm. "I apologize for that incident. Trainees are ever mischievous."
Nyton quickly reholstered his NSP, returning it to a higher setting as he did so. He stepped aside from Kotori so that he no longer blocked her and returned the bow.
Kotori nodded to acknowledge Kôsuka's apology, but didn't join in Nyton's bow. Her eyes turned to the Nepleslian and she wavered in indecision a moment before speaking.

"Claymere-Shoi, I applaud you taking no chances, but I also disagree with your threat assessment regarding this incident and what I feel was a heavy-handed answer to it," she said. "I would not normally give critique in public, but seeing we are in the presence of a yojimbo whom would look well upon your improvement, I would prefer to do so now before we move on to other matters."
Nyton turned and bowed to Kotori before looking her in the eyes. "I would not wish to insult our host nor bring you any shame by my actions. While I have nothing but respect for the honorable Samurai and her trainees I do not find fault in my actions. The trainee should have known better than to feign assault on a princess's guide." he said before looking at Kosuka. "Again no offense to you or your trainees, Kosuka-san." he then added. Looking at Kotori again he continued. "I assessed the situation and took the possibility that this may not be a real attack which is why I set the NSP to stun." he stated flatly.
"What part of this incident even deserved the use of a firearm?" Kotori asked as she made an offhand gesture toward Kei. "Did it look like an attempt on my life? The attacker began with an ambush using a pummeling attack which was obviously non-lethal... and the target was our guide, not either one of us. What unfolded afterwards was obviously a mock battle. If real harm had been meant, there were easily a dozen much more pragmatic ways of delivering it directly on us."

"That the action of the trainee named Yuri was unwise is irrefutable. You won't find me in disagreement there," she then said, giving one lock of hair over her shoulder an idle yank as she continued: "You quickly insured my safety - which was good - but it does not mean you had to stoop down to participating in their childish squabbles if you did not absolutely have to."
"I understand that the attacker focused on the guide which is why I kept an eye on our flanks in case it was meant to divert our attention. However before such attack might occur I decided to neutralize the target while it was less a threat to you." Nyton countered with an even tone. He tried to not sound confrontational, merely matter of fact. "An attacker does not need a firearm to be dangerous. To simply assume that this was a mock fight and lower our guard could have been fatal." he replied.
"So, not shooting was like lowering our guard?" Kotori countered, tilting her head slightly to the right as the points of her ears came up.
"Your highness, shooting was to eliminate the possible danger. We could have sorted things out after she had been neutralized. If she had not been a threat then I only would have stunned her. If she was a real threat then she would have been a little less combat capable." Nyton replied, his hands shifting slightly on the GP-12 while his vision continued to scan for any possible enemies.
"Would you have done the same if these had been Nepleslian children? If these would have had been your siblings, would you have tried to put an end to their tussling with a pistol set on stun?" Kotori frowned. "On the ship, I can afford some paranoia. On the ship, we are SAINT. Here, I am a Ketsurui princess and I need to present myself in a way which will befit the prestige of the title."

Kotori sighed. "If I permit myself to be more humble or practical, I end up disappointing the expectation of others. In the same vein, some problems around me would most likely require me to deal with them elegantly rather than efficiently - see it in the same way as the Empire is critiqued over its easy reliance on gunboat diplomacy to deal with other nations. It's not because we have strength that we necessarily have to use it to solve our problems... I, for one, was hoping we could exert a little more grace under pressure."
"Perhaps you do not know what the children on Nepleslia are like." Nyton said with a bit of a sigh. "I took a less lethal approach because I did not want to risk killing a trainee. I thought I acted with consideration and a fair amount of grace under a situation that only gave me a second to react to." he then continued. "If I waited for the unknown attacker to identify herself when I see an obvious melee occur then we may have been forced to deal with two attackers or more. A bodyguard is no different from an assasin in some ways. One must think like the assasin in order to counter them. Any moment of uncertainty can be used against us."

Nyton thought for a second. "However, because you ask of it, I shall use more restraint."
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