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RP: Land of Dreamers [Land of Dreamers Chapter One] The Descent Into Chaos

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Re: [Chapter One] The Descent Into Chaos

Oskar grimaced as his questions were ignored. That was as good as saying they'd never get back home ever again. Quieting down, the young Abwehran hung his head and stared at the ground for a moment in despair. He wondered how his family would react to him missing. Would he be considered dead, possibly lost to the void from some mysterious accident of space travel? Would they search for him?

Glancing around the room, the man's eyes finally glanced over at Peace for a second time. It was then that Oskar truly got a good view of what was happening. Probably a bad idea for the poor civilian as he felt something rising in his digestive system. "Verdammt," he croaked as the Merchant's son look around for any type of container in a panic. Not finding that or a restroom, he chose a quick alternative. Leaping up from his seat, the Abwehran made a mad dash for the broken window and stuck his head out. Inside, the sounds of a poor man emptying the contents of his stomach could be heard.

Outside however, the unwary individuals would only have a head popping out as a warning before biology took over.
Re: [Chapter One] The Descent Into Chaos

Mikael enjoyed sleep immensely. He loved being wrapped in a warm blanket after a nice meal, and drifting off into the void of his subconscious. There he slew corrupt Nekovalkyrja, and cast down evil Misshu. He was a hero, in his dreams.

But unconsciousness brought about by G-Force Stress? That hurt like a bitch. Happy dreams said goodbye, and aches and pains everywhere said hello.

The words "Where", "Am", and "I" were lost in a loud groan as Mikael Battle's senses returned to ruin his day.

Luckily, he wasn't underneath the pile of bodies: he was on top. And, bleary-eyed and lost amidst the avalanche of new sensations Mikael rolled down to bump into Johnny-Ray.

"Wha' the hell?" Mikael said, trying to roll back and place his arms underneath him in an attempt to stand.

Unfortunately, the G-Stress was still screwing with his balance and he only got his arms beneath him before groaning again and wait for the world to stop spinning quite so.

"Where am I?" He asked irritably once he had a better feel for himself, and his vision had settled a bit. "I wasn't drugged, was I?"

Mikael rolled onto his back -- again -- and tilted his head toward the pile he had begun upon. Immediately, the world snapped into focus as adrenaline began pumping through his veins.

Re: [Chapter One] The Descent Into Chaos

Nova made no sounds of protest at being handed over. In truth the stonefaced guard wasn't exactly scary, just slightly unnerving due to the very simple fact his face never moved. Though once she felt the muscular arm wrapped around her; seemingly trying to help her the hangover-ridden 'Spacer buried her face into the side of Najat's neck. Not out of affection, but simply because it was so damned bright and right now her eyes felt like they'd been shot out of a rivetgun.

The Freethinker groaned a little as the pounding drumbeat of her headache continued onward. Really...never again. Never again without having something to take afterward to help with this.

"For the love of Entropy, make the bad headache go away." muttering a plea in Trade to one of her people's deities. Quite uncaring if any of them understood her foreign tongue.


Hanadi just kept holding on to Geruud, snorting as she heard the 'Spacer's plea as she made for the exit.

"Jus' chill until they get you into the vehicle. I'll give you somethin' to stop your head." to which she only received a nod from the red-haired girl staying close to Najat.

Least I won't have to hear her groaning and puking on my floor Saints willing..
Re: [Chapter One] The Descent Into Chaos

As she floated along the borderline of consciousness Laeliel was subjected to dreams that hadn't visited her in half a lifetime or more, disturbing dreams brought to the surface of her mind by the visceral smells of blood and death. Every time she felt that she had finally gotten away from violence and death and could finally start living in peace the universe had managed to perversely prove her wrong, and as she moved toward waking Laeliel was decidedly unamused by this.

She was even less amused as she opened her eyes and found that herself amongst a pile of bodies and near two of what she guessed were Nepleslian men, one of whom was shouting.

For better or for worse it wasn't the first time she'd woken up amongst the dead, and as a brain-splitting headache hammered the last nail in her personal care-factor coffin the delicately framed woman gathered up what bits of racial strength hadn't been beaten out of her in the less than gentle descent and shoved aside the corpses around her with little respect.

Laeliel glared through eyes slitted against the bright alien sunlight as she half crawled, half dragged her way clear of those less fortunate or less awake than herself.

"Shut. Up." she grumbled irritably.
Re: [Chapter One] The Descent Into Chaos

Johnny-Ray near stumbled forward on his face as he felt the colliding force Mikael rolling into him. The gruff, handlebar mustached fellow could've turned around and beat the living daylights of the kid for scaring him so, but that wouldn't help their survivability. So, instead, he decided to just tell him.

"You god'damn sum'bitch! I oughta' twist yer' fuckin' neck fer' scarin' tha' god'damn bajeeba's outta' me! God'damn." threatened the buff looking Nepleslian, not feeling to tolerable until he got a good look at Mikael. Seeing that he was just a boy, his gaze softened slightly with only a bit of anger lining the edges of it. "But yer' just a god'damn kid, so I'll f'get this lil' incident."

With one of his new friends properly threatened to acceptable extents of the law, Johnny-Ray caught sight of the grumbling woman finding her way out of the bodies. Laeliel was Elysian, but due to her concealed wings, she looked to be Geshrin, or at least, a refined looking Nepleslian. The woman was lucky to have kept her wings hidden, as Johnny-Ray wasn't one to be against tossing one of her winged people out to the wolves. Though, Momma Blizzard didn't raise no barn-boy, so the Nepleslian Police Officer stepped forward and knelt down to her.

"Ma'am, y'need a lil' assistance?"


Na'Subir sighed as the intense bared down on him again, causing a good bit of sweat to perspire all over his body. If he ever felt to say anything, he would've complained about the severe heat. Though, a Knight of his status felt above such public declarations of weakness, but he didn't expect the same restraint from Najat at least.

Geruud however, was feeling the heat of a normal day. As he clung to his caretaker, he pulled down his turban some to conceal his eyes, and pulled on his robe some to loosen it from his body. As he did so, he began to look back to the shuttle where all this madness had started. Even as Na'Subir had begun to give guidance to where to go next, the little boy kept his gaze stiff.

"Now that we've settled our business, we can conti--" started Na'Subir.

"Bad guys!" yelped Geruud. This brought Na'Subir's unfeeling stare over to the young Sund Wakir boy, who shrunk a little, noticing the attention. Though, that didn't seem to stop him as he bounced up and down in Hanadi's arms, pointing wildly towards the shuttle. "Bad guys!"

Na'Subir looked in the direction of the crashed Onset shuttle. Sure enough, there were two men, similarly dressed in the fashion of the ones that they had just disposed of, approaching the shuttle.
Re: [Chapter One] The Descent Into Chaos

Frowning a little, Harmony saw Oskar bolt for the window and start getting sick. Walking over behind him she grimaced some at the thought of a poor soul outside that was about to get covered in vomit, but even worse for the man. Of course she didn't know exactly why Oskar was puking, but regardless she felt sympathy. Rubbing his back, she spoke to him trying to reassure him.

"You'll be ok...We will eventually get used to it, It makes me a little queasy too, but a few more times and I think our bodies should be used to it." Harmony just continued to rub Oskar's back

The true reason for Oskar's sickness, Peace, had broken away from Harmony and gone to sit at Asher's side, putting his considerably large head softly on the man's leg. Oddly the large animal was gentle and soft with what he was doing, and after a moment rolled his head to the side to look up at Asher's face. He simply sat there and watched.
Re: [Chapter One] The Descent Into Chaos

When Asher felt the warm fur of the animal on his leg, the Yamataian rolled his head to the side, to let him look down the bed easier. He saw Peace, and saw the animal's stare. For a few moments, Asher only stared back, his red eyes meeting the cats, before taking in the sight of bits of left over blood that likely still remained on Peace's face.

"Heh, you did a good job, too." said Asher, placing a hand on the big cat's head, giving him a little scratch behind the ears. "What was y'name again? Grease?"
Re: [Chapter One] The Descent Into Chaos

"Yeah, assistance getting the hell off whatever poor excuse for an oven this planet is," Laeliel replied as she blinked in unspecific annoyance. Torn between assistance and her general lack of faith in anything with pulse who she hadn't already become aquainted with, Laeliel ended up pulling herself to her feet under her own strength as her headache whispered words of distrust to her.

With one hand against a nearby wall and the other against her rebelling head, she spent a few moments in silence as she surveyed the scene. "well, fuck," she mumbled, then turned to glare at the only two others on their feet.

"And?" Having failed to come up with anything intelligent to add to their predicament, Laeliel fell back on pushing resposibility onto others.
Re: [Chapter One] The Descent Into Chaos

Hanadi had her free hand resting on the holster of her Laiz pistol as Geruud enthusiastically informed her of more 'badguys'. Naturally she stopped and stared in the direction he pointed only wishing to groan. With a shake of her head the woman called back to the elder guardsman.

"Well what do you want to do?" asking as she nodded towards the shuttle. "Leave it or go check?"
Re: [Chapter One] The Descent Into Chaos

Najat turned at Geruud's sudden cry and blinked as she saw the men approaching the shuttle. She strode towards them without a second thought, Nova still clutched to her side (luckily she was blocking her empathy from the girl's touch, or she'd be incapacitated with hangover-headache) and the activated faelraig held in the other.

"Excuse me!" she barked. "What are you doing?"
Re: [Chapter One] The Descent Into Chaos

"I suppose it's safe to assume the natives aren't friendly... Maybe we should play dead until nightfall and then slip away?" Mikael suggested, flattening himself to the ground.

He watched for any signs of someone coming over to the wreck. If one did... If one did, he didn't know what he would do.
Re: [Chapter One] The Descent Into Chaos

"I would advise so, but this situation is to be held at the best capacity of the apprentice." said Na'Subir, watching Najat advance with Nova in hand. He questioned whether or not he should've stopped her and asked for the Freespacer, so that the Hopeful could fight with both hands and little worry. Though, the ever pious Najat had already advanced. "For you, Istislah? I would only recommend if there are outlanders involved."

The Living Statue looked at her from the edge of his gaze, face unmoving.

"Your pay-off increases or decreases with every xeno that lives or dies through all this."


"Well, I don't think there's much t'worry 'bout. I'm sure a shuttle like this 'least comes 'quiped with something blunt n'heavy." said Johnny-Ray, looking over at the wall. "You two don' worry none, ol'Johnny-Ray's got this." Despite how unsure the man seemed, his words would've felt empowering enough. Most Police Officer's on Nepleslia were taught to keep their cool in such situations, and while never as armored as a Marine, were tried to fight like them in the time of a crisis.

Though, what the Officer couldn't account for was the robed male stepping into the Onset shuttle's open hatch. Through the heavy garments, all they could see were two green eyes, searching like a man searching for a person in a crowd. Unlike that man, this large, larger than Johnny-Ray, fellow found his target instantly. He turned his robe head to the outside and spoke loudly, likely to some other person or people, but in a strange language none of them could hope to comprehend at that moment.

To the dismay of these unlucky survivors, he unholstered his pistol.


"Brother! I've found some more outlanders!" yelled one of the 'bad guys' that had entered the shuttle. The other one stood at the edge of the hatch, eying the approaching Temple Guard. He couldn't respond to his brother just yet, so he addressed the bald woman first.

"None of your business, Guardswoman, we've claimed this wreckage for salvage, take your law and nose elsewhere!" said the Bandit. Even if she was a Hopeful, his words were unusually disrespectful to someone of Najat's status.

Though, their 'business' would become apparent as the larger of the two brothers would come out of the hatch with a brawny looking Nepleslian. The handle-bar mustached man struggled with the other brother's vice-grip around his neck until he was pistol-whipped harshly and sent to the ground.


Johnny-Ray had struggled hard against this rag-covered stranger. Originally, the large creature of a humanoid had reached for Mikael, but, despite his own safety, Officer Blizzard threw himself at the clear threat. Now, with his face to the sand of an alien planet, he was finding himself regretting his actions. With the blow to the head, he couldn't do much. So, he looked around, and in the distance he saw what looked like a bunch of tents. Then, with a view to his right, he saw a what seemed like a more respectable looking individual approaching the two, a freespacer in one arm, and what looked like a strangely shaped blade in the other.

It was the last thing he ever saw as he was shot in the back of the head by the being that he thrown him down.


"You idiot! Don't go shooting people in front of--..." berated the smaller brother, looking back at the larger one who had carelessly killed the Nepleslian he had dragged out. Though, it seemed there wasn't much more reason to speak, as the Temple Guard had seen what happened, and likely knew their true intentions. So instead he turned, and pulled out his pistol on Najat. With the range between the two, however, the smaller brother may have been a little late in threatening the Guard the stop.
Re: [Chapter One] The Descent Into Chaos

In a moment, Najat had flicked her faelraig off by brushing the switch against her hip and dropped the weapon on the ground. Her foot came down on the handle, keeping it there, as she grabbed her own laiz pistol from her belt. She wasn't nearly as good with the ranged weapon as she was with her sword, and as such, she wasn't quite good enough to do what she had planned and shoot the gun out of the man's hand. Her finger squeezed the trigger as she swung the weapon towards him.
Re: [Chapter One] The Descent Into Chaos

Ignoring whatever damage he caused outside, Oskar looked over his shoulder to glance at the nude, winged woman with a grimace. "Get used to it..." he mumbled before he allowed a hysterical giggle from his lips. Turning around, he slid down the wall to sit on the floor and sniffed a bit. "Stuck on a world with xenos that want to kill me and none of my stash to ease my anxiety," he continued to mutter before placing his upper hands over his face and crossing his lower arms across his stomach.

"Who do I have with me? A winged woman with a crazed, man-eating beast, a librarian, some strange streaker..." he faded off into grumbling Abwehran.
Re: [Chapter One] The Descent Into Chaos

Hanadi had been about to make a retort to the Guardsman's words as the crack of a pistol was heard. She swung her head in the direction of the shuttle again, her free hand having already pulled the laiz pistol from its holster. Her thoughts having become dark and decidedly less than patient the pistol had come up to signify this.

Carrying Geruud and taking aim she saw the other guard, the one holding the Freespacer up with her own pistol out. If she takes him then I won't have to worry. Then it's just the smallfry by him. the pistol was pointed in between them as best she could just so she could draw on either quickly.


Nova however was not as calm. Having heard the shot her head was up and alert staring at the deadman. She trembled a little in Najat's hold, fearful of the situation and whatever outcome was to come from it.
Re: [Chapter One] The Descent Into Chaos

Najat's shot rang true on the bandit's pistol, melting the holster and causing the weapon to slag out of his hand and the offender to wail in pain. Though, it wasn't over until the Temple Guard's blade came down on his shoulder, sending him down, clutching his hand. The murdering bandit, on the other hand, wasn't going to let this sit.

"Brother!" The taller, bigger individual raised his pistol, firing shots from his own weapon at Najats. Before she could get a chance to act against him, he fired off three shots, two of the bullets whizzing past her wildly. The last shot pierced through her bicep, tearing through the muscle, but luckily passing through the other side.
Re: [Chapter One] The Descent Into Chaos

Nova screamed in panic, trembling in the woman's arm as shots were fired. Her first urge was to run, to flee. But doing so would only provide a target on her back and that was something she'd rather not have. The 'Spacer was torn between taking her chances here or making a run for it.


Oh Saints be damned! Hanadi wanted to exclaim since against her hope they'd calmly back off one fired. She turned herself to the side trying vainly to take the boy's eyes off the view while she pulled the trigger of her laiz pistol. There was no time to give warning shots no time to draw it out. She'd aimed for his shoulder and fired, simple as that.
Re: [Chapter One] The Descent Into Chaos

I can't even remember his name. Mikael thought numbly.

His body screamed at him to move, but either fear, anger, or even just plain ignorance kept him rooted to where he had sat up.

But the moment the second shot erupted, he moved. Surging up with his Six-foot, one-hundred and fifty pound frame and flinging it at the closest alien -- he didn't care who, or what, or how -- and wrapping his arms around it in a trained tackle. If he got it to the ground, the next step would have been to start beating the ever-living shit out of it with his bare hands.

If he got it to the ground.
Re: [Chapter One] The Descent Into Chaos

Najat grunted in pain, her face contorting, as the bullet flew threw her muscle. Her faelraig fell from her hand, and she was left with only her own pistol. Narrowing her eyes, she aimed at the man who had shot her and squeezed off a few shots, her gun hand shaking with pain.
Re: [Chapter One] The Descent Into Chaos

Hanadi's well-aimed shots tore through the air and pierced deeply into the taller bandit's shoulder. He let out a howl in pain, before being assailed by a strange looking, hornless man. Mikael, the strange looking, hornless man, was actually able to bring the murderous bandit forward, almost toppling him. He would've survived the fall and easily went to use the outlander as a hostage if not for Najat, whose trained pistol-arm worked in few lethal shots into the larger brother's chest. Though, the final pull of the trigger hit square in the center of the forehead, collapsing in his frontal sinus of his skull and searing the frontal lobe of his brain.

Needless to say, he was very dead. Though, Mikael would soon find himself under another dead body as the large bandit fell forward on his bloody and brain-covered face.
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