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RP: Land of Dreamers [Land of Dreamers Chapter Three] What Was Once Lost

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Re: [Chapter Three] What Was Once Lost

Hanadi didn't get very far before she was stopped again by a further merchant, this one in heavy adornment of jewelry. The woman trader's every movement clacked and clicked with the sounds of small jeweled metals tapping each other at joints. Her many necklaces glittered against the sun beautifully attracting the eyes of several passers-by.

"My goodness someone as important as you and you'll not stop to look at my goods? I'm almost shamed!" said the merchant woman, her bangles shaking on her wrists as he held up her hands. "Come now, you simply must see my work, I know it cannot be beyond such a person with your means! Having a Temple Guard protecting you and your own retinue! Come come come!" She turned picking up a small box, before turning back around and opening it, revealing rows of bangles with rings in the center of each one. "My lady must feel dreadful being so horribly under-dressed!"

"Feh! As if you have any goods worth selling, rocks and metal I say! More befitting of sand-rats!" said the silk merchant, pulling out a simple blue dress with gold filigree embroideries. The clothing was indeed beautiful, but not completely impractical as it offered plenty of room for movement. "True beauty is enhancing the body's traits with what you wear over it. I put my very soul into this work, Bahbi himself would be impressed with it! Even your space freer friend should be able to see it's magnificence! Come here, ma'am! Let me show you the best."

Oskar would feel a hand pat him on the shoulder as he passed by a stall on the other side of the narrow market way.

"You. Alien." it was an Iroma speaking Trade. When Oskar chose to turn around and see, he'd find himself staring and barrel-bellied man sitting on a cask, behind a stall lined with bottles of rotgut, wine, and various other alcohols. "Brew. Smell. You." He picked up a bottle of wine that was marked with the year 827. "Best brew. For best." He looked at Ellis too, seeing which foreigner would take to his wares.

Though those were the only ones, it seemed that the other traders were bringing out their best goods as well. Everything they kept in the back came out front, all with a careful eye on the group.
Re: [Chapter Three] What Was Once Lost

Cassiel hurried to catch up with the group, doing his best to keep his wings close to his body and his head down, not particularly wanting to be noticed more than he absolutely had to. His only consolation in having to deal with all of these salesmen was that he'd finally had a chance to stretch his wings before coming in, not much, but just for a little bit. Seeing as he hadn't really had much of a chance to talk to most of the people out here just yet, he didn't feel any particular need to jump in on any of the conversations (especially since he had no clue what was going on), so he just kinda attached himself to their little train of foreigners.
Re: [Chapter Three] What Was Once Lost

Oskar's eyes widened under his googles, which seemed rather comedic even with them being covered, when he heard the word 'fission'. "You...you can't be serious!? Y..y...you would actually carry something like that on your person!?" he stammered moments before a hand upon his shoulder made him jump.

Turning quickly, he quickly found himself staring into what had to be the most beautiful display on the whole damn planet. The crimson-haired Abwehran practically drooled...actually, more literally as he gazed upon his 'happy place'.

"I...I have been drinking my own rotgut a bit much...maybe a little something different," he said in a daze. Apparently, his merchant senses had fled him over the sheer glory of booze.
Re: [Chapter Three] What Was Once Lost

"Yes... " Nova reluctantly replied, staring up at Oskar with wide, green eyes filled with innocence. "Prior to my being stranded on this world I was a scientist. And that was a hobby of mine. Making fission weapons."


Hanadi just rubbed at her face with her free hand. "I'm under-dressed because I choose to be. If I wanted to be all gussied up I'd go back to the Ether River Region." huffing now at the continued badgering.

She waved to Na'subir then. "Let's round up the offworlders and get our business done in the Monastery."
Re: [Chapter Three] What Was Once Lost

Na'Subir nodded to Hanadi, before grabbing Oskar's shoulder and tugging him along. The Temple Guard seemed to become increasingly wary of his surroundings, eying the security guards that were eying them. Despite a lack of emotion and the usual surreal stoniness of his expression, there was a certain hesitation in the Guardsman's movements. He didn't keep the brisk pace Hanadi did. As they came to the door a rather slender looking man with a nice embroidered turban regarded them with a stare that near mirrored the Guardsman.

"Name, buying or selling, items of inquiry." said the thin looking man. He seemed to share a lot of features similar to the doctor back in Laruslan, with the exception of an overt lust for four-armed merchants. He was indeed Ivuori, though apparently more so than the physician. With a bored look on his face, one that didn't even meet eyes with Hanadi, he droned on, "But before that, as business representative of the Spotted Turbans, I am to make aware that we do not accept slaves, promote the sale substances deemed illegal by the commonwealth, nor will any unhealthy bouts of unusual behavior go unpunished."

Meanwhile Cassiel was on the receiving end of differing problems. While the other aliens of differing traits were largely ignored, the Elysian's wings were him the ohs and ahs of the stall children. At first they kept their distance, until one boy came forth. With little respect to the man's space, he tugged at one of his feathers.

"Are these real?" the boy asked, in Sal-saari, before the other kids came swarming out. They all gibbered and chattered to each other, trying to figure out just what the doctor was.

"Are you a bird?"

"Can you fly?"

"You're really pretty!"

"Do you taste like wyrm?"

"Can I have one of your feathers?"

"Do you poop on stuff?"

To Cassiel it was a bunch of excited gibberish. Though, he was not alone in this respect.

"Why you got so many arms, army man?" asked a little girl with a missing tooth, to Oskar. A little red-head had broken off from the other children to look at the Abwehran, but steered clear of his right, of which Na'Subir occupied. A few of her friends seemed to follow, but she was the only one who pestered further. "Why you gettin' drug around by that stony face, army man? Why's that red lady stickin' so close to you? Is she your sister? Is that why she's wearing glasses, too? Why don't she got no extra arms, army man?"

The more normal looking members of the group like Ellis and Asher were generally ignored for their normal traits, looking more like hornless Iroma. Though... where was Asher, anyway?
Re: [Chapter Three] What Was Once Lost

"That's nice," Oskar replied to Nova absentmindedly. A response he probably wouldn't have made if he were truely cognizant of his surroundings. Maybe he could trade alcohol for alcohol? No, someone with actually labeled prizes would never stoop so low as too -- why was he getting farther from his heaven?

It was then that Oskar suddenly realized he was being dragged away from the alcohol stand. "Wa...wait! No...don't pull me away yet! I just need a loan, that's all...don't..." the crimson-haired Abwehran began to protest profusely before noting a rather childish voice speaking that damned foreign language -- wait, it was native to these people.

Looking down, the Goggled man couldn't help but stare at the little girl for a moment. "What?"
Re: [Chapter Three] What Was Once Lost

Cassiel easily lifted his wings up out of the reach of the babbling children, not really sure what he was involved in, or whether or not he should be worried. He decided that it was in his best interest to just try to keep up with the rest of the group, and let someone else worry about the children. After all, without him knowing the languages, there wasn't much point in trying to decipher what they wanted. He did his best to just trail along behind Oskar and Na'Subir, only noting the Abwehran's tag-along in passing.
Re: [Chapter Three] What Was Once Lost

"She wants to know why you have so many arms, and if Red there is your sister because she's wearing glasses 'just like you.'" Hanadi translates with more than a little humor finding its way into her words. She then looked to Geruud.

"I'm glad you don't ask all those questions when it comes to the xenos." she said before looking the man up and down.

"Hanadi Istislah, Buying and I've come to purchase food, water, tools and other supplies. As well as something more grey area."
Re: [Chapter Three] What Was Once Lost

Ellis replaced his makeshift head-scarf and stuck close to Hanadi. Finally, some other person was getting all the negative attention. The perpetually nervous Nepleslian stuffed his hands (noisily) into his pockets and kept up a casual pace through the market. After a moment of listening to the exchange between the bored-looking greeter and Hanadi, he lent in to add, "May I have some oil for my joints? I could be a much better prostitute if my limbs were better oiled. I mean, that is why I haven't been made to service anyone yet, isn't it?"

Truly, Ellis wasn't exactly looking forward to the life of prostitution he'd falsely assumed himself to be involved in. However; he was certain that if they didn't find use of him, he'd be killed. So he tried to look eager and responsible, despite his fears that Na'Subir possessed massive girth, and Iroma women actually made use of their horns in the bedroom.
Re: [Chapter Three] What Was Once Lost

"Grey area, you say?" said the Ivuori, catching that last term as he appeared to write down just what exactly she needed, and most importantly, her name. "I don't believe we sell grey areas here. If you're looking for less-than-legal items of interest, you're going to have to leave your pet Guardsman at the door." The doorman looked to his two associates flanking the door way, turban-wearing bodyguards in light flak and carrying slug-throwing rifles. Both seemed a little tense in the varied group's presence. "As much respect as I am required to have for the Guardsman as I do have, he won't be welcome inside the Monastery."

A few of the children began to crowd Nova, jumping on their toes and trying to reach the glittering charms in her hair. Older children, spent their time, oohing and ahing at Oskar. One of the security guards, however, interceded on the merchant's behalf, shooing them away with his feet, as if they were little mongrel dogs.

"Beat it, you little bastards, don't bother the customers!" snarled the face-wrapped woman, shaking a finger at them.

Cassiel, however, received the gasps of many children and that of some of the traders who saw him. All around her were admiring and amazed eyes of the people, seeing this strangely heavenly creature. Oskar was thinly for an Abwehran but still a lot more rough and thick than most Iroma see, and thus seemed somewhat of a wordless tough-guy. Nova was a dazzling array of colors, as all Freespacers seemed to be. Cassiel, though, was an Elysian. The people around him saw a dream-like figure, someone with strong features, but a smooth body. Even the security guard, shooing children at the moment, was suddenly distracted by the majesty of an elegant Patrician.
Re: [Chapter Three] What Was Once Lost

Hanadi just rolled her eyes along with a exhaling of breath that wasn't quite a sigh, yet more in line with a huff. Grimacing as she glanced toward Geruud, her charge, and the possibility in having to leave him with the off-worlders wasn't sitting well with her.

Putting him down she spoke, "You stay here with the Guardsman and your Color-sera." and then placed hands on hips. "Keep them out of trouble." looking to both the Temple Guard, and Geruud as she said this before letting her gaze settle on Na'subir.

She smoothed out the sash she wore, before hooking one of her thumbs behind it and her pants.

"I'll be back. See if you can get some provisions from the merchants. Just... don't let some them swindle you."

She then looked back toward the Ivouri. "Alright he'll stay out. The boy to. Let's get this over with."
Re: [Chapter Three] What Was Once Lost

Oskar looked blankly at Hanadi for a moment before glancing back at the child. “Ah…no, we aren’t related,” the Abwehran spoke in Trade as he shook his head to give a visual indication as to what he was saying. Or at least, he hoped it would be read as such. The Abwehran couldn’t help but look around as the crowd of children descended upon them with the much older ones paying attention to him.

Poor Oskar wasn’t used to being the center of attention, but at least these ones were more behaved than the brat traveling with them. But he decided to not pay attention, lest he get flustered by the strange crowds rattling on in strange tongues. “Sometimes I wish I could learn languages quickly like the Yamataians,” the Abwehran said as he moved closer to Nova. “Then at least I could understand what everyone was babbling on about. Or even figure out what the damn exchange rates between currency could be.”
Re: [Chapter Three] What Was Once Lost

Na'Subir nodded his head dutifully to Hanadi whilst Geruud was put on his feet, and somewhat sheepishly took his place next to the Guard. The young boy never seemed to handle being alone with Na'Subir very well. In fact, it seemed that few did. So, to mull that sensation away he hobbled over to Nova, taking her side, away from the man who had grabbed Oskar, and urged him along with Hanadi.

"Take Oskar with you. He is apparently apt at business judging by what I could understand." advised Na'Subir, before leaning in to whisper to Hanadi, "He is also extremely sturdy, and should be fine if something happens."

The Ivuori crossed his arms, a mild look of impatience on his face.
Re: [Chapter Three] What Was Once Lost

Cassiel froze up when he saw everyone staring at him, not sure of what he was doing wrong (or not doing right, for that matter). He did his best to hurry after Mu'Tasim and Oskar as a result, not wanting to be on his own if he had indeed messed up. He realized he was being left behind though, trapped as he had been by the small children of this strange world (who were looking at him with a strange adoration that was making him more than a bit uncomfortable). "Ah... Oskar? Wait up!"
Re: [Chapter Three] What Was Once Lost

Hanadi nodded her head a little towards the Abwehran. "Didn't say I couldn't bring the alien." she said to the Ivouri before pointing to Oskar and making a 'Come here' gesture.
Re: [Chapter Three] What Was Once Lost

Before the little girl could respond, Oskar suddenly felt a tug as he was dragged away the kids and Nova. "Not again," the Abwehran sighed loudly in defeat as he was brought before their transporter. Once released, the 'small' Abwehran man followed Hanadi's direction and came closer.

"Is something wrong, Fraulein?" the Merchant asked in Trade, his accent thick and harsh in comparison to the other aliens.
Re: [Chapter Three] What Was Once Lost

Hanadi wore a rather disarming, sweet smile as she nodded at the Abwehran's question. Then she began rubbing at her chin with a hand before nodding toward the door.

"Want a crash course in local economics and trade?" she asked before reaching out and snatching one of his four hands. "Because you're about to get one, Oskar."
Re: [Chapter Three] What Was Once Lost

"Oh!" Ellis exclaimed, moving closer to Hanadi and Oskar, "I would like one as well."

He didn't really explain any more than that and hoped that it would be enough to invite his presence in the conversation. So, he looked expectantly at Hanadi, nervously adjusting his makeshift shawl with stiffened fingers.
Re: [Chapter Three] What Was Once Lost

Oskar stared blankly (or it was blank thanks to the goggles) at Hanadi as she smiled. That smile didn't feel too assuring. "That's all well and good, but none of that will be of any use if I don't know the basis of your currency and how it compares to an Abwehran Credit." the Merchant's Son replied with a hint of annoyance.

"Unless it's the Barter system, which any merchant would know."
Re: [Chapter Three] What Was Once Lost

Hanadi rolled her eyes at the Abwehran as she dragged him toward the door. "Don't worry, that comes with the education!" she almost snapped while waving Ellis along with them.

"Don't worry too hard about the offworlders. They don't speak a word of Saal'sari. Hell, they don't even know our economic system. I just have to baby sit a few while we conduct our business. Now, you going to let me through so you can make a profit or what?"
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