Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

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  • 📅 July 2024 is YE 46.5 in the RP.

RP: Lazarus [Lazarus] - A barrel of Lmanel

Which half of the mask should be removed?

  • The upper half - showing only the eyes but not the mouth. No words for you!

    Votes: 5 62.5%
  • The lower half - showing only the mouth. No eyes for you!

    Votes: 3 37.5%

  • Total voters
Back at the dorm...

There was a pause from the Nepleslian doctor, it was a moment that actually deserved such treatment in thought, as being presented with such an open-ended opportunity by a person who not only signed his paychecks, but also had enough corporate clout to make his life much easier if he played his cards right. Such practical thoughts were not foremost in Miles' mind however, as Nepleslian hormones kept leaping into the thought process of just how to respond to a question from a Lorath woman, who had the body of a girl a fraction of her age, a question of 'What do you want?'

For Miles, the only sane and reasonable thing to do, and not to mention sneaky and manipulative, was to take the pragmatic approach; "We have a practice on Nepleslia, some call it 'The Favor Game'. It is sort of a process where favors are exchanged and kept in mind for use at a later point as leverage. It is not really a game really, but that is how it goes. For now, we're going to call this a favor that you owe me, since I'm doing the favor of not prying into that sound, no matter how provocative it may be."

Aiesu tried to stare down her nose at him. This was difficult, considering he stood at nearly a full meter taller than she did. Realising this wasn't particularly viable, she instead took to trying to stare him down.


"If I replied to that in any meaningful way, I would not really be doing you a favor, would I?" Miles evaded, before taking a long drink from the bottled water he held in hand. "Go handle it, I'll wait in here. Pretending to be deaf and blind."

Incredulity burned in those cerise eyes, a bit unsure of just what he was getting at.


There was a simple shrug from Miles "Well, if you make the source of the noises cease making that noise, then, we can just carry on without you being nervous, and without me having to play dummy. I'll conveniently take distinctive interest in something entirely unrelated and pay no mind as to what you're doing."

"Alright, alright... Turn around."

"Hrm, what an interesting counter-top." Miles spoke, humoring the situation while Aiesu stepped away.

A clinking of a padlick tickled at Miles' ears and within moments, she was gone. Foot-steps against what was.. A stone-floor? Tickled at his ears... Chains... A familiar 'bark' of enthuiasm and some shushed whispering.

I've really need to distract myself with something, or curiosity is going to get thewowitisrfreakinghotinhere. As Miles' thoughts carried on with an internal monologue, he noticed his own sweat dripping down upon the counter-top which he was so 'intently' looking at. Allergies be damned, I'll give her an anti-histamine, or some sort of immune response regulator. he figured, as he stepped out of the kitchen, and into the living-room, seeking out the window of the dorm room.

She soon returned, hobbling now. Her hair had a more tussled appearance than it usually did -- glasses off balance: one of the lenses cracked. Rubbing the frame, the glass seemingly sealed itself up before his eyes as she panted, shoulders rolling as she slumped her back to the wall and then slid down against it onto her backside in the kitchen.

"Welcome back~" Miles sounded, as he undertook his deed.

Ka-shuuunk~ Came the sound as Miles slid the window in its pane, causing heat to flood out of the stifled room, and the relatively cooler air of the Lorath summer to roll in, it was not much cooler, but at least the air flowed in, along with the smells of the outdoors, it was refreshing in contrast to the scent of burnt file hub, and a metallic tang that Miles recognized so well, but could not put his finger on in that moment due to the scent of burnt electronics.

Aiesu immediately covered her nose with both hands, scrambling to take a kitchen towel and wrap it about herself, almost like a bandanna, hands protectively covering herself.

"What part of pollen is my natural enemy do you not understand?"

"What? I'll just give you something to block out the allergic response. I'd rather treat you for itchy eyes and a runny nose instead of heat-stroke."

"It isn't an allergic response" she said, audibly grinding her teeth now. "Xenobiology you idiot. You're studying an alien: You should be aware of its ... Constituent components. Close it."

"Yeah, and you're also a shark-girl that walks on land like some sort of fairytale." Miles countered, as a thought ran paralel to his words; Sometimes its a shame she kept the voice. Urgh., mainly evoked by her patronizing tone.

"What's the first thing you learn about Ey'tis if you keep them as pets?" she hiccupped. "Please close the window."

"Never had one as a pet, clearly. I'm freaking Nepleslian."

"But just suppose you did do your homework. That you examined my aspectation. What is the FIRST THING you learn? You're networked. You can search this one." She hiccupped again, a warmth in her cheeks now, breathing becoming heavy. Not wheazing but heavy as she squeezed her eyes shut and banged the back of her head against the kitchen wall behind herself as if to silence something: tiny pale toes curling up up tightly. "Close the fucking window."

"Talking as if giving me permission to search, pfft." Miles so dismissively leaned against the window pane, as he conducted the search none the less.

Inside of his internal browser, it was first a matter of entering his search, which was straight forward enouigh; Search: Ey'tis keeping

>About 78,900,000 results (0.03 seconds)
>78% of which were 'questionable' in nature.

'Questionable' being the Lorath Matriarchy's network speak for something containing materials not exactly suited to all viewers. It was as far as Lorath internet regulation went when it came to content, at least legal content, and it was one of the things Miles appreciated really.

What, the, fuck. Miles internally asked himself, as he followed the first result, which was distinctively not on the topic of pet keeping.

"Your face" she struggled behind the bandanna, chewing on her tongue gently now to try and keep herself sane. "Hah... Stay on topic you idiot. Close the window."

"Blame your network."

"Blame my culture. Try again. And close the window."

"Blame your aspectation."

"On what? Did you find what you were looking for?"

"Not yet."

"Did you search pollen?"

"No, I searched for 'Ey'tis keeping'."

" 'Keeping' has a different meaning here" she tried not to laugh, coughing into the bandanna now, struggling for air as she laid on her side.

"How utterly obscure."

With that information, Miles decided to conduct a bit of internal reasoning, as he eyed the results such as; 'Eytis Spring Fever' in his original search, while also conducting the search that Aiesu indicated. What came from the moment of investigation was simple; a raised brow. "Really? Pollen? Local critters are so damned quirky. As for you, what even posessed you to take on this aspectation?"

She gestured at the window, struggling to speak as she fought for air. Her breath was stabilising but her gaze had a certain lack of civility to it -- heels skittering against the kitchen floor as she kept trying to lift herself to her feet. Another hiccup. Almost instantly she was caught staring at parts of him that she shouldn't be.

There was a long moment as Miles drank in the full scope of the situation, ethics, morality, general good nature took his less-than-proper thoughts head on in a throw-down conflict of proportions that were unheard of, within the span of a second. When a man was confronted by such a situation, there was only one thing to do...

"Close. The. Window."

Two things, as Miles heard Aiesu's words, and he did just that, sliding the window shut, but he knew damn well that enough of the outside air had flowed into the little Lmanel woman's room to render it contaminated for some time. The second thing Miles knew he had to do was the only thing a Nepleslian man could do to keep himself in a good situation; call the woman.

A hand clutched Miles' arm, dragging him down to her level now with surprising strength for someone so small, so light. Her gaze quivered as she tried to stare him down once again -- nails digging into his wrist almost like claws.

Howling could be heard in the next room. It had affected someone else too.

"Sana!" Miles' digital voice called out between rooms. "Confound it woman, did you know what pollen does to these critters?!"

"You had to get permission to open the windows of the dorm from Ty for a reason, didn't you? There was a big kerfuffle about it. Its why they had us put in that two stage door, like an airlock. Of course, you were busy, weren't you?"

"Kinda busy." Miles replied, when in fact he knew exactly what was the situation; No, I was not busy, I was high as a fucking kite on some of the drugs I confinscated from Aiesu here.

"You've no interest for foreign culture, dear have you? I always take care of that sort of thing. I assumed since she was your patient, you'd do the reading."

As Miles was forced to lean to Aiesu's level, he looked into those eyes which reminded him of rubies... or was it blood? It was more like blood really. Even as he looked into those eyes, he spoke to the woman in the next room. "It was not exactly foremost on my list of things to tackle, when she was lopping off limbs with her thoughts. Now I know though... so, now what? She just got a room full of fresh air, and she has me by the wrist."

"She's your problem. I don't want any of it. You're the doctor."

"Stupid Yamataian culture." Miles replied, his frustration being carried by his digital voice. "A Nepleslian fiance would barge in here with anti-personnel weapons, or a small tank."

"I don't have any of those things. And if I leave a mark on her, Ty will throw me out. If you leave a mark on her, nobody will believe you did it because nobody thinks a man is capable of hurting a woman here. Sexism, huh?"

"Sana, you are the tank." Though that point, no matter how valid, paled in comparison to Sana's cultural immersion. Say... maybe that is why her memories keep disappearing? Wait, this is no time for that, I'll investigate that later. Eyes on the shark-thing.

"Why did you open the window?" a voice growled. Miles would recognise the sensation of teeth in his wrist, sinking. Tasting. What experience Miles had of his searches moments ago told him this was how most Lorath animals marked eachother, as a decleration of ownership.

If Miles were a lesser man, or perhaps a Lorath man, he'd likely have gasped at the sensation of Aiesu's teeth, perhaps even have been sucked into the sensation which sent a sort of malicious lightning jolting through his nervous system. However, Nepleslian psychology and Miles' own pigheadedness were in full force as he knew enough about Lorath bedroom habits to know just what she was doing.

"Frankly, I opened it because you kept it too damned hot in here, and you're too cheap to buy an air conditioner." Came Miles' reply, firm in tone, as he weighed Sana's words which she had spoken; there was the matter of sexisim in full swing in Lorath culture, he did have some wiggle room in regard to how he could handle the situation, and still come out generally unscathed. With that in mind, Miles brought his hand to Aiesu's neck, grasping her there, delivering a warning squeeze as he felt her tongue trace over his wounded wrist. A show of dominance for a show of dominance.

Her back carefully began to arch like a trained dog: a sound escaping her body that made his blood boil as her teeth tightened. Given that she was into foreign pornography where the gender-roles were switched, this perhaps wasn't the wisest of choices. Her ankle twitched, wagging like a tail against the kitchen floor.

Wisdom however, was not exactly the foremost thing in a Nepleslian's mind when it came down to the contest of 'Who is who's bitch?'. Matters of Nepleslian psychology were in full swing, crashing against Lorath physiology like a some sort of experiment which the two of them would run upon the particles which made up the very fabric of their being.

And before he could make sense of it all? Her back slapped wetly against the kitchen floor: pale petit shaking knees rising, spreading as she laid there, struggling for breath: Her left hand gripping the key to her door so tightly it leaked - his body dragged over her's. Where did all this strength come from?

As to why the Lorath were a matriarchy was beginning to show.

Fucking engineering quirk... why did I make those limbs like that? For her? Oh, right, specifications based on Lorath musculature. Fuck exact details,

"H..Haaa....Haaa..." she murmured about his wrist, still biting. Blood ran from her chin before she finally let go: Gaps left like a bear-trap as the back of her head whacked the flooring with the force of it.

Despite the pain which throbbed and radiated from his wrist, or perhaps because of it, Miles maintained his grasp upon her neck, feeling the way her head met the floor, he knew not to be concerned in the slightest, it was all anatomy really, second nature to his thought process, and unimportant in that moment as he leaned in while tilting her head back with a well placed thumb.

His response to her lustful mauling of his wrist came with the piercing sensation of primate canines, as Miles delivered a bite upon Aiesu's neck, as his lips clamped down upon the pale flesh, sealing against the skin which was flavored with sweat and the unique chemestry of Lorath tissues. Piercing skin and sucking upon it, he intended to leave his own mark, to exclude any potential bragging rights the Lmanel beneath him would have...

Continued here (18+)
Seiren's mind was slowed, but a very pleasant warmth had spread throughout his body. The qualities of Lorath booze weren't exagerrated, he thought as the noise and merriment suddenly stopped. He finally noticed that he was being held by a single Lorath, and that somebody else had asked him a question.

"Yyyes," he slurred in that comfortable, sleepy warmth.