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RP: Section 6 Lazarus Effect: Part 1

Jack Pine

Inactive Member
A dark figure in a long trench casually strolled down the street and out from the desert. A hood concealed his face in shadow as the night gave little light. He stops across the street directly in front of a house, the lights of the two stories on, the sounds of a family inside.

Lazarus chuckled to himself, "Time for a little chat."

Jack sat in the living room as his family busseled around the house, which brought a smile to his face. To think a man with his past having one of the greatest joys imaginable, a family.

"Honey dinner smells good." Jack said as he tinkered with a device on the coffee table.

A knock was heard at the door eliciting a raised brow as he wondered who could possibly be visiting at this hour. Jack got up, "I'll get it." He called to his wife Isabelle as he opened the door. What he saw, he was not prepared for.

@Ira bring backup
@Kim aster and Lukina?
@Air Admiral
@Trainscanflytoo save the babies and help neera
@White Wolf
@Noodlewerfer evil dad clone reaction
Due to several mentions of Beaumont wanting some upgrades, Rose sat on the back of the couch with a handful of spare parts for his body. Her new knife had come in, along with Thorn's and she quickly summoned the blade to her wrist. A flash of her eyes prompted the blade's gravitic engine to push against the table, flipping over to lock to her wrist, and a curl of her hand extended the blade.

A small movement of her wrist stripped a few wires, and the knife was retracted and dismissed to the mantle of Jack's living room. Another part found its way into her hand and she could begin the delicate process of splicing the circuits together.

"Who is it, Jack?"
"Foolish boy. Have you no idea what sort of power you wield? The energy of the swirl is far too great to comprehend, let alone be used for long periods of time." A large man on the TV growls to a small, red haired boy. "I know good and well what this power is. It is the key to my destiny, the key to the future. The hope for all of mankind!

"Engage, Mega Digger Killer!" The Cyborg would say in sync with the boy as the latter's shade-wearing robot proceeds to bore a hole through the man, followed by massive explosions, making the whole room light up in red before turning dark once more. Beaumont lay on the couch with his legs crossed on the armrest opposite his head, which is cocked on his knuckles, as though he were posing for a painter. Besides the television roaring, all was quiet and empty in the surgeon's home. He had decided to come back here since Jack declared him living in his office to be "unhealthy." Which was somewhat true, but he wasn't going to argue with his boss. He'd look out his window, gazing across the street at his boss's home. He would see a man, but he would pay no mind to this. The family probably had a guest over.

"You do not realize what you have started." The large, now crispy man gasps on screen. "The moment the planet is coated in two million chimps, the moon will drop." And with that, the individual died on screen.

"Two million chimps, eh?" The cyborg watching would grunt. "Thought they would make a better line than that."
Across the street from the Pine residence in House 3

Aster sat on her couch wearing a tank top and shorts behind a large crate that had been shipped to her from Oshima courtesy of her mother. She looked over the long manifest with growing curiosity, her violet eyes widen in wonderment. “Why did my mom just send me a crate of guns from the PACT?” There were other things in the shipment besides the guns and some ammunition but the guns stood out to her as strange.

She tried to remember what she had said to her mother in her last phone call. Was it the mention of a boyfriend that had prompted this? She pursed her lips together as she tried to figure out the subtle message her mom might have been trying to send.

She set the manifest down and pried open the lid to start going through the shipment and figuring out what she was supposed to do with these. If there was something strange going on elsewhere in the neighborhood, for now Aster was oblivious- simply just too focused on her toybox.
Amit had come down for dinner that evening. Companion in tow as he moved along and havin taken a seat. He was still uneasy and displeased at how the other two reacted to the small infernal point in had. So hearing the doorbell ring, the young boy saw it as his chance to escape before the other two got to the table. It would be a small release from the eventual glares that would probably proceed into dinner no doubt. Jumping down from the chair, he chased after Jack Pine; he'd rather deal with this man than those two newcomers with their glaring faces.

"So who....what..." Amit asked as he pushed his way to be standing next to Jack, but also looking at the door.

The boy's eyes went wide as he saw a look alike of the man that had saved him and outran a tank. The collar around his neck gave a few beeps which, Lazarus would no doubt recognize as Psychopomp property. He probably would've heard of a boy having escaped, lugging around a feline plushie and sporting a scar across the bridge of their nose. Course, Amit had no clue who this man was. Other than the fact, they looked oddly similar to Jack.

"Uh...Mr....Pine sole, do you have other family?" Amit questioned, giving a confused look to Jack.
Jack was horrified and shocked. To think the man that was a mirror of himself, also responsible for Stacie's brutal murder, was here at less than a foot away on his door step. His family was now at risk, and dreaded what might happen next.

"Amit go hide with your mother, and whatever you hear, stay hidden. No go!" Jack said shoving Amit back quickly before something sent him flying across the room with a hard impact, which sent him slamming into a wall.

"RUN!" Jack shouted as he slowly pulled himself up off the floor.

Sarah just entered the room from the kitchen where she had been helping Isabelle with dinner, a noticeable baby bump from being almost a third through her pregnancy.

"Jack!", Shouted as her brother was stuck across the room. She looked back in horror at what she now realized was some sort of Doppleganger.

Lazarus laughed as he entered the house and into the living room, "You truly have grown weak father, and such a nice family you have. I will enjoy taking them from you."

He looked down at Amit and did indeed recognize escaped Psychopomp property. He leaned forward, only inches from the boy's face, his crimson eyes narrowing at him as he idly ran a hand through his black hair. "Looks like an unfinished toy has escaped the toy chest, my bosses will wish to finish." Lazarus said now reaching to grab the child.
Rose watched as Jack was hurled across the room. On instinct, she slipped off the couch, her eyes flashed as her Geist set off a distress pulse.

Home invasion: Pine Residence, S6 residential district. Suspect appears extremely hostile. Director Pine is down. Women and children present.

"Amit, come here. Sarah, your rifle would be nice to have."
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The shove startled Amit as he pushed and he stumbled backwards. Though the confusion on his face melted away to fear as the stranger entered the house and gave a look at him, speaking of 'unfinished toy' and 'bosses wishing to finish'. No...oh no. Amit bolted quickly away from em with Companion pinned against their chest. Just avoiding Lazaruas's hand when they tried to grab em. Going over to Sarah, he hide behind her and glanced back at Jack and then the one who looked just like them; save for a few differences.

"MISS IZZY!!" Amit yelled, bolting for the kitchen in the attempt to warn her with all this ruckus. "HIDE!!"

Going over to her, he pulled on her shirt or dress to try and get her to move from her place. At least the other two weren't down yet....but...oh no. Who was gonna warn them?
One block over from the Pine residence

Jay was in the middle of setting up a monitoring station in one of the bedrooms in his house when he received the distress signal. He had been monitoring some strange signatures on the planetary sensor feed, though he'd assumed they were a result of the setup process. Now it dawned on him that his worst fears were coming true.

"Fucking hell..." he said as he went to get his Revenant suit, which he'd always kept close by. On his way, he called the usual operator for the SABER teams - normally, he would've called Sarah, but he always kept tabs on the important people. Finally, his paranoid preparation was paying off.

"Reichardt, it's happening. Initiate the Alamo protocol." He said this with an air of calm urgency, like a president preparing for nuclear war. This was it. The moment he'd feared his entire life.
Across the street from the Pine residence in House 3

Aster received the distress signal over her multi-function bracelet's commslink. She frowned and looked down at the crate of guns in front of her. She was not a soldier. Her experience firing guns was limited. But she knew that Amit was across the street with the others. She grabbed the largest rifle that was in the crate and the box of bullets that went with it, the Kist DMR, Chem-rail Common Receiver. She was torn but she had to be quick, these situations turned bad quickly.

Her violet eyes stared at her front door and she called her boyfriend over her commslink. "Jay? I'm home, what should I do? I want to help and my mom just sent me a ton of guns. I don't want to be a liability but I want to help. Should I just go to the roof with one of these after I lock my door? I don't have any body armor except maybe my undersuite. Please advise"
Sacre watched from the house across the street and two over. She listed over a passive receiver to the conversation. The cold bodies of the former owners lay in pools of blood on the second floor, their throats expertly slit by Sacre's knives. It had been chosen for the large gate to the backyard behind which their escape vehicle, a Starbryte, was parked under a tarp. Inside the cargo compartment of the Starbryte was a large array of weaponry and other devices they could use to help their escape.
Jay answered immediately upon recognizing Aster's voice.

"Shit. Ok look, You remember what I told you about my past? Yeah, looks like it's happening. I have a protocol for this, which Reichardt should be taking care of. SABER's being put on notice and I'm rushing two strike groups." Arriving at his emergency armoury, he looked down in hesitation. "Aster, listen carefully. Do not engage them. Barricade the doors, leave the lights on. Avoid the windows and try not to draw attention." Putting on the suit (minus the helmet) and grabbing his RKAR and pistol, he continued. "They're probably monitoring communications, so stay on secure channels. I have my own monitoring station here. If they get inside, just remember I can see them. Remember - SABER is coming. I've prepared for this."

Grabbing some extra ammunition, he returned to his 'safe room'. Briefly checking back with Reichardt, he became more urgent. "Reichardt, we have confirmed breach at Pine's. Set condition blue code zero-seven-three and reset Alamo. And get Vier on the line."
The GEIST implant in Beaumont's cybernetics would send an alert to his heads up display, obscuring his view of the television. An emergency protocol had been installed that would activate his internal radio feed and tune it immediately to that of the one who sent out the signal. So that's who was dwelling at the doorstep he thinks. Out the window, Beaumont could see the front door to the Pine residence hanging agape, the yellow light from inside pouring out onto the street.

He jumped from his couch and yanked his lab coat from a nearby chair, pulling it on before grabbing a hold a of a couple metal scalpels from its pockets. Whatever was going on, it wasn't good. Not in the slightest. "Well shit, there goes my night off." The surgeon growled. He didn't even pull on shoes before leaving his house, bursting from the door while his metal feet clapped against the pavement as he ran. He couldn't help but let the thought of some elaborate prank fly through his head. Then the thought of Neera, Rose, and Sarah being at risk. For a prank, that would be going too far.

He engaged his targeting systems, scanning the area and reading any bio-signatures nearby - only one was unfamiliar.
Across the street from the Pine residence in House 3

Aster held the large rifle in her hands and stared at the door. Barricade the doors. She made a face but she knew better. She didn't have the training to do more than to make herself another liability. She made sure the door was locked and pushed the couch against the door. She pushed her coffee table out of the way and pulled open a trap door beneath the floor. She didn't like this at all. It reminded her too much of being trapped in a random access hatch for two months and then the Customs' office on Mayer Station for the rest of those two years.

She pulled the crate into the hidden compartment before she dropped down into the small space. She whistled and the lights turned on. He violet eyes scanned the room. Do not engage. She switched her commslink on her bracelet over to secure as she replied to Jay again, "I'll stay low. Jay.. ai shitemasu yo. Watashi no moto ni modotte kite." She pulled the trap door shut and locked it. With a sigh, she settled in the dim lighting and started loading magazines.
Izzy looked down at Amit and then to the living room, worry on her face as a hand went to the obvious baby bump she had. "Who's here?" She asked, turning off the burners, everything was almost done anyway, the residual heat would cook it the rest the way. "Stay here."

She peered into the living room and saw Jack thrown across the room, a look of anger filled her eyes and she rushed over to him to try and check on him. She looked at his look alike with malice as her wings shifted behind her, her body was caught between fight and flight because she wanted to protect Jack but she also had two unborn kids to worry about as well. No part of this situation was good in her opinion and she saw no way out of it, at least no easy way.
With a flash of her eyes, Rose charged, her knife locking onto her arm as she threw herself forward. Her arm cocked back and she extended the ten inch monomolecular blade. Punching forward, she knew she would probably do little more than get this man to back off momentarily, but still, the knife was headed for Lazarus's face.
Lazarus saw Rose coming and moved with unnatural speed as he reacted. He ducked his head to the side grabbing her arm to twist and dislocate before grabbing the blade with both hands by the palms to snap it off, then used it to pin her to the wall through the shoulder.

He takes as he wagged a finger at Rose, "It was a good effort, but pointless. Not many even manage to touch me, and yet you have managed to slash my cheek. Sad to see father surrounds him self with such weak pitiful creatures." Lazarus chuckled as he wiped away blood from a gash on his cheek where the knife managed to make contact.

"Father you disappoint, for you to be so compassionate for these waste of flesh and blood. What happened to the man who left entire settlements in fear, well if there was even a survivor left that is. You were strong despite that flawed shell you call a body, a lion among men. Oh, you were quite the achievement." He stepped towards jack and Isabelle, but was stopped as two 10mm rounds impacted his chest.

Lazarus looked down at the flattened rounds just visible under the dermal layer of skin, the rounds having struck his metallic sternum. He looked up to see the pregnant Sarah with a Zen 10mm, a whisp of steam from the barrel. Her face betrayed her surprise, "The hell, your not even wearing armor." She almost stammered as she took aim again and began firing. Lazarus turned sideways, his forearm raised to cover his face as more rounds struck his yamatainium coated skeleton. He advanced forward as round after round hit with no effect, a sadistic smile on his face.

The gun emptied, it clicked as Sarah tried firing one last time, only to have a hand clamp around her throat. "Should have learned." Lazarus said as he lifted her off her feet. Hurried paws could be heard on the stairs, with Neera appearing a moment later as she stopped on the stairs with the sight that greeted her.

Jack having recovered pulled one of the pistols he had hidden around the house and began firing 45 rounds into the man. As before it had no effect. Lazarus simply laughed as he dropped Sarah to the floor, to bring a boot to the chest, laying her flat on the wood floors, "AMIT RUN!!" She screamed as she saw the boy still in the kitchen.

"Pop goes the weasel!" Lazarus said stomping with the same boot down on Sarah's head, causing a sickening splattering crunch as it burst across the floor boards reduced to a wet mush as he giggled. "No! You bastard!" Jack shouted as he continued to fire.
Amit was frozen, terrified. Had he brought this man upon them? They were from the same place. The fact that this man kept calling Jack father kept going over the boy's head. Shaking as he stood there, Companion was held firmly to them as tears threatened to come from their eyes. The beeping of his collar making a painful sting into his neck as he stood there on the brink of tears. The thought of the other two kids in this house was out of his mind, warning them was nowhere near on his mind now.

The boy foolishly locked gazes with Sarah as she heard her shouting at him. He flinched greatly as he watched her head explode from being stomped on!! Tears immedeatly fell and as he shook like a set of windchimes in the wind of a hurricane, Amit bolted for Neera. Tears pouring down his face as he tired to seek some comfort besides Companion. One hand reached for Neera, trying to grasp hold of her and trying to pull her back up the stairs. No words would leave him but sobs, tears flooding from his eyes.
Rose glared in defiance and grabbed the knife with her good hand, pulling the blade free with a spurt of blood and a sickly sucking sound. But then she froze, watching Sarah's skull be spattered across the floor.

She couldn't process that, the hero she loved and her twitching corpse, with her children trapped within. There wasn't much room for thought as a scream of anguish and fury filled her mind and escaped, ripping free of her throat. She lept forward again with the knife, hoping this time to wrap her injured arm behind the monster and slip the monomolecular edge between his ribs, ten inches towards his heart.
A choked sob left Izzy's throat as she saw what the look alike did to Sarah, that was family. "You bastard," She said, turning on the intruder.

Her eyes held tears and defiance, fuck fear. This person came into her home and threatened her family, killed her family. The anger in her stance was obvious and she stepped forward to try and punch the intruder in the face, aiming to more disorient and help Rose, who she could see coming up behind him. She was not having this, she was going to do what she could to protect everyone else. Her family was everything to her, and she wasn't about to lose them to this stranger who looked oddly like her husband.