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RP: Section 6 Lazarus Effect: Part 1

Lazarus quickly leapt to the side to avoid the couches that nearly hit him.

Jack took the opportunity and quickly closed the distance between him and Lazarus. He got in a couple jabs to the abdomen before his arm was seized and twisted behind him before likewise was done with his other arm. Jack twisted and kicked hard with his boot before turning around to use Lazarus's arm to grapple, flipping up to grab Lazarus's head between his knees and begin unloading rounds from his re-unholstered pistol. The flesh on the Doppleganger's forehead began to be blown away with each shot on the right side of his forehead. But jack soon found himself lifted before being slammed down into the coffee table.

Jack cried out in pain as his side and lung were punctured by two wood shards from the table. Slowly trying to crawl forward and retrieve his gun a short distance away on the floor, he was grabbed by the legs and dragged back to be held captive again. "Guns down if you don't want his brains on the floor as well. Guns down now!" Lazarus barked putting a 455. Mancannon to Jack's temple.

"Ven withdraw for now, engage ECS and link up later. Take Freya with you. To answer your question. We're here for a personal errand and to retrieve you." Lazarus spoke into his comm.
Creature had already swapped his blade out for his Scatter Gun and came clomping down the stairs of the house. Flanking Lazarus and approaching Creature stepped forward with the weapon aimed at Lazarus and Jack with one hand “Nah, My gun stays where it is mother fucker.” Creature said as the swan off, dark hued scatter gun leveled at Lazarus and Jack.

The Gartagen gave it a thought. He could end this pretty easily. Jack would get it. One space metal shell to Jack’s dome the second to Lazarus. But there were kids.....”Okay you fucking fucked up candy cane princess. Listen up, I don’t know what your beef is with this guy or really why you got this family fucked so hard. I mean seriously? That chick’s fucking brains are on your boot! What did she even do to desearve that? Like, you need to get those shit tendencies worked on. Go get fucking therapy or something. You had better start talking you sonovabitch or I’ll send your broken asshole over to my boy Bobby.” Creature’s raspy voice spoke with conviction, and little fear behind it. When the armored Gartagen mentioned bob, he motioned to the Mishuu in the room.
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Across the street from the Pine residence in House 3
In that moment, he knew what he had to do. Grabbing his guns and putting on his helmet, he fired off one last message to Aster before going silent.

"You're right, Aster. No one else needs to die today."

Aster heard the chaos outside and across the street. The noise was deafening even in her compartment under the floor. She rechecked the magazine of her rifle and once she was satisfied, she slid it back into place, waiting for the click. She checked the safety and chambered a round.

Aster remembered huddling in the dark as they heard the Peacekeepers die above them as the infection took over. How Marit and Justus had to stabilize and help move their mother to a new hiding place after one of the infected cut her throat. Her memories lingered in the dim light of the small room. Two years of her life, huddling in the dark- waiting to be recovered, to be saved.

It was five years ago. Her family was with her then and they endured together. Here she was alone, simply waiting as the sounds of death grew louder. The weight of the Kist BMR was reassuring, it offered her some measure of security in her mind. It enabled her to refocus on the present rather than her past.

She took a deep breath and waited for Jay, gripping the rifle in her hands. She was ready in the event she needed to fight but she had to be patient. "Please be safe."
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In these tight quarters, the Mishhuvurhtyar dealt with both Rose and Lazarus in the same way it would have several Nekos - easily. Or, at least it would have. The thing simply didn't care that Rose sliced off a few of its limbs as she grew slippery with her own blood. No. It simply bound her up like a present and shielded her behind its own body. However, as it finished dumping the last of its mag into Lazarus, the monster watched as the head of the household stepped up, and got slapped down before being used as a meat-shield.

"Shiiiit," they all heard an unseen man lament. As the Mishhuvurthyar reloaded its rifle from the 'Hello Hanako!' bag on the back of its carapace, the unseen Nepleslian spoke again, voice too clear, too well heard, "We're just supposed to visit the girls," he pointed out to Creature. "What'r we supposed to do with a hostage now? This isn't a quick 'kill-the-prick-that-set-off-the-alarm' anymore," the unseen man added.

The rifle in the Mishhuvurthyar's tentacles clacked as a fresh round was chambered.
With her target out of sight, and her arms and legs held firmly by Bob, Rose could do very little realistically. She could snarl and froth, she could kick and scream until she was blue in the face, but even if she were at full strength, she wouldn't have been able to budge the tentacles that didn't want to move.

So she bit down on one hard, before her eyes glazed over and she went slack, her breathing levelling out and the knife slipping from her hand to embed its tip in the floor below Bob.
Adilis shrieked on the roof as the missiles exploded almost next to them in the cloud of smoke after the neighborhood had been sprayed with bullets. He panicked, looking around for an escape route. His exceptionally long five foot long crimson-furred cat tail fluffed up in fear."Ah crap..." said Adria, deliberating what to do, and somewhat calmly when bearing in mind that there were bullets, smoke, and missiles flying everywhere. She noticed Adilis' tail fluffing and remarked "Alright fluffy... get behind the house, we need to put it between us and that shuttle to use it as cover to run." Adilis shook and whimpered but nodded, and the two quickly fluttered down the back of the house. "Now pause here puffy tail," she said, as they waited behind the house, opposite the side of the shuttle. Adria searched for a path to get away from the the house without being hit by bullets or explosions or what have you so they could tell someone that their house was being destroyed and their new family was being attacked by drones and a shuttle and some guy who knocked at the door, and a giant squid...? Well they certainly didn't know who was fighting for who anymore, but given the chaos of the situation they didn't have time to figure out what was happening.
Seeing Beaumont at the top of the stairs, Amit tried to hide as close as he could to Neera. No no no no!! Not the scary Doctor guy too!! Despite the shocking of the collar being more present, the lad's teeth sharpened a little bit. He wasn't going to change, couldn't really fully change due to that collar being around his neck. Though he made his way to the top of the stairs and being able to look down at the mess bellow, the child couldn't make himself move any farther. He watched as the man he knew outran a tank once when they found him, was being swung around like a ragdoll and being held down. Like nothing more than a bargaining chip.

For some stupid reason, Amit rushed down the stairs; as no one was blocking his way due to them going up the stairs. Now back on the ground floor, Amit didn't get in anyone's way. He didn't try to block the people who were attempting to help and the lad was doing his best to ignore the dead Aunt with her head splattered everywhere on the floor. Grabbing a broken piece of furniture, he threw it at Lazarus. It would do nothing more than just bounce off the seemingly indestructible man.

"LET HIM GO TIN CAN!!!" Amit barked at em, holding the stuffed animal tight to his chest as he stood there shaking.
Amit would feel a thick prehensile tail snake around his waist. Creature kept his weapon trained on Jack and Lazarus. Amit was soon brought over to Creature who secured the boy with his maimed hand, while his eyes never once left the sights of his gun. "Heeey little buddy. Calm the fuck down. Your uncle Creature is gonna shoot the bad man in his dick looking face mmmkaaaaay? Just calm down."

"Heh. Cute kid."
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Engaging his suit's ECS, Jay quickly moved out the back door towards Aster's house, putting his house into lockdown mode as he left. Pausing in between two houses, he checked in with Reichardt before continuing on. Noticing the few stray drones in the air over the house, he picked off two of them, hoping to draw the operator's attention away - if only for a minute.

Noticing Corgan in the air above the house, he shot off a quick message.

"Garrett - This is Nagato from Section 6. I'm on the ground near the house, sending coordinates. Engaging drones. Two SABER teams inbound, ETA in two mins. Stay on secure channels."
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Ven swore as she maneuvered the Starbryte, "Fine, get captured for all I care. See if I come rescue you." She said exasperatedly. Then to Freya, "Lets go, use the weapons to make them want to not follow us." She said, maneuvering the ship so that Freya could quickly get into the cargo vehicle.
He could see from his stair top vantage point the sudden and supposed stalemate that Lazarus had attempted. The surgeon hums. As much as he's worried about scarring the kiddies, seeing their own kin become Akemi's burger meat before them probably already did the trick. He rolls his jaw, thinking nonchalantly while he tries to figure some means of negotiation. Or he could just shoot Jack. There are plenty of STs to go around. Just gotta get some of Jack's DNA and it'll be a-ok. "He is aware that if he does a two for two on the who splattered brains thing we can just bring him back, right?" He mutters under his breath before glancing down at Neera.

As many sparks flying through the air there were, there was a peculiar stillness about the situation as what was once a frantic cluster turned static.
The two destroyed drones would fall to the ground and explode on impact sending a vibration through the nearby buildings and leaving a small crater behind. "Laz you were told not go on any of these 'escapades' I'm going to have to bring you in but I can't do that if your dead so I'll help you for now." She would then climb into Ven's ship. "I'm setting the drones to blow that house of the dude your fighting so I'd get out of there. In response the drones would begin to latch onto the building and begin to make beeping sounds counting down their explosions.
As a pair of tentacles kept the rifle leveled at both Jack and Lazarus, another fleshy limb stretched out from the Mishhuvurthyar. As the end opened up to reveal an eye, it peered at the nearby drones. "Oh shit, they're beeping - I don't like the beeping!" a man began nervously speaking in their heads. Lashing out with its limbs, the Mishhuvurthyar began hunting down the remaining drones as it tried to grab and crush them under its grasp.

"Seriously Creature, what are we going to do? I'm just a porn star - I don't know how to deal with a hostage situation! I just fuck hot women for a living!"
The psychic talking of Bob and the rumbling of the bombs roused Rose with a groan and clenching of her teeth on the tentacle in front of her.

"Just ffhive more mimits." slurred, half asleep mumbling was matched by a flash of her bleary eyes as her knife ripped itself out of the ground, lancing towards the nearest source of that damnable, annoying beep.
A few signatures around the edge of his vision would begin to blink red. Nothing good ever comes from red, blinky stuff on his HUD. "Weeeeelll Shit..." He grunts. "I get a feeling this house is going to become a lot hotter and we're gonna be as deep fried as an Akemi's sandwich if we aren't out of here within the next few minutes."

He doesn't care if his appearance may seem random to all of the individuals present, since he hadn't really entered through what would be considered a valid entrance, his best option is to at least make his presence known regardless just so he can be the voice of reason in a situation where there is none. "So if we could please all get our acts together and get our sorry asses out of a building that's about to become firewood, we could probably discuss the situation like normal people in a place that won't be *burning*." He looks around at the motley crew that had assembled inside of this now deathtrap of a home. A Misshu, a Gartagen, children crossbred with animals, a war veteran, a preggo lady, some edgy reaper and now a tin man. Guess that wouldn't really be considered a group of "normal people." And he didn't really sign up for a job working with "normal people" so to request they behave as such might be a tint of a stretch, but perhaps the notion that their current surroundings are going to soon look like the bad end of one of Rose's engineering experiments might tell that small speck of normalcy within them that the best option is to get the hell away from this house.
This was taking too long. Creature had about had his fill on this. Taking a hostage meant that this guy wanted to have some kind of upper hand and bargaining chip. Yet, Creature looked on at Jack. He was hurt, inside and out. The loss of the woman on the floor had done more damage to the man than any blade or bullet could have ever hoped to achieve. Then what would come next? Well this asshole would likely demand something, forcing the good man to cave in in order to save Jack. Yet, the damage had been done. Creature was not at all the good man in this room.

Creature leered at Jack and Lazarus. Lazarus was just like the people he had been fighting on Asura III. A murderer, the type of guy who fucked people up for fun. The type of person Creature had spent over a year battling. Annoyed by this, and the fact that standing still in a battle zone was dangerous. Creature’s clawed finger then pulled both triggers on his scatter gun.


The scatter gun had been loaded with two solid slugs, so the gun bucked with a loud thunderous thump. Penetration was low on shotguns normally, but the solid slug that could be loaded into them effectively turned shotguns into rifles. Not quite the penetrating power of a rifle, these two heavy slugs would, at such a close range tear through Jack like a piece of paper and strike Lazarus.
Being picked up by the strange being had Amit squirming for a few moments and he wasn't very appreciative of being held like a sack of potatoes. The child didn't really know what to do, his squirming slowed down for a moment however the gun soon went off. A cry left the child as he thrashed in the man's grip, trying to pull his hands free and put them against his ears. The ringing in his ears hurt!!! Everything around him didn't really matter now, he was just trying to either escape or get his hands free.

Why? Why the hell was this all happening now?
Sasha was in her home's kitchen, pulling stuffs out from the refrigerator to fix a sandwich. Tuna, and lettuce she did pulled out along with few tomatoes and a bottle of mayonnaise. She glanced at the tomatoes for a second, but shook her head before throwing it back into the refrigerator. She then proceeded to open the cabinets and looked for breads. Shucks, only flat breads.

Sasha let out groans, before pulling flat breads out of cabinets and cut it in half with her knife, whistling a tune while reaching for the lettuce and tuna before she heard few beeping noises coming from her data jockey. She stopped cutting, and turned her head toward the data jockey before walking toward it. Better be important, she though. Or else she's eating something else for dinner.

" Wait...what the hell.... "

Getting onto her data jockey, she unlocked it to read a alarm has been issued, alone with message calling all Saber team members. She stared at the message for a second, before quickly running toward her sofa. As soon as she reached her sofa, she quickly pulled one of the big pillows, and opened the zipper and pulled out a shortened shotgun. She pulled the charging handle back to check if the chamber was loaded. Great, buck shot. She pushed charging handle forward, and grabbed her gun belt and wrapped it around her waist.

" Great.... "

Sasha let out a deep sigh, before walking toward the door and opening it. She then began to run toward the Jack's residence.
Lazarus would feel the thump of the slugs as Jack let out a pained gasp. The slugs tearing through his gut. Lazarus laughed even though the rounds impact, though nonfatal, hurt quite a bit and he enjoyed the pain. He then threw Jack at the Gart before yanking the child away and dashing through the front window to run around the side of the house at great speed, soon boarding his mech which he had called in the commotion as it landed with a loud thump.

Jack struggled to get up as he felt intense pain, but with the adrenaline flowing in his system, called his U-1 "black reaper" as he headed towards the same window.

Neera having broken her paralysis shouted, "Clear the house!"