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Approved Submission [Lazarus/LSDF] LA/AN063 G-Series Attenuated Aetheric powerplant


Inactive Member
Retired Member
Submission Type: Technology
Submission URL: https://wiki.stararmy.com/doku.php?id=lazarus:aura

FM Approved Yet?: Yes (LSDF)
Faction requires art?: No, but its there anyway

For Reviewers:
Contains Unapproved Sub-Articles?: Nope
Contains New art?: Yes
Previously Submitted?: Yeah like a year ago it was an indecipherable mess lol

A bit nervous. Spent a long time getting this right. Normally I like brash submission... I don't ask this often but be kind, even if you must be honest. I've put a lot of love into this and I want to make it work.

Why do I keep refreshing the thread? Nothing's going to happen inside like an hour...
Why am I so nervous?

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This suggestion has been implemented. Votes are no longer accepted.
There is only one issue I can see with this submission. I do not see how the generator can act as a sensor. The sheer proximity to the aether energy channeling through the tap would preclude it from sensing outside stuff. Further issue with the sensor aspect is that it fails to give any reference to the range. As written someone using it could claim to be able to locate every Aether generator in SARP which we all know is ludicrous. Recommend removing the Aether sensor aspect and make that a separate submission as part of the Sensor Suite used by the LSDF.
Nashoba, all aether taps compete for output and the more powerful deplete one another, depriving others: Wes has stated this is a core principle. Its also the core principle of how the system works.

This means the output received is the capacity of the device minus the competition in range.

This comparison of information meant if it existed in many positions, you could 'draw' a pixelated map of where draw is most intensely.

Since we can't be in many positions without networked datalinks, a single generator can have this function triangulated in close proximity. In doing so, range and competition verses capacity can be calculated by comparing input sources. This gives us direction. By also applying this not only in triangulated space but calculating the response-time, we can also calculate relative distance -- and then by comparing our compiled information from this raw data that tells us position and distance, we can calculate trajectory heading, velocity and acceleration. With competition-rating ontop of that, we can also calculate the current output of the generator that we've detected.

In this specific case, the various outputs along the main conductor's topology are compared. That's one hell of a lot more than the bare minimum of three points for 2D triangulation and four for 3D triangulation: It is every possible exit point used for aether to electrical conversion along the Main Conductor's construction.

The same principle of expected return verses actual return compared in space is exactly how hearing (specifically, cetera [*VERY* interesting], holophonics and binaural systems), acoustic location and radar work.

I'm legitimately shocked nobody's altered any/all existing generator(s) to do this.

Its such an obvious use of the technology.

It obviously wouldn't locate every generator: Just those within a set range with an observable competition-rate.

IF a networked datalink is used, the data can be compared and the triangulated points further apart, dramatically improving the accuracy and range, with the whole network of units acting as a single system like an aetheric AWACs. If a quantum network were used, this information could be over an enormous decentralised node-like network in space and act as an early warning system.

Would you like me to elaborate on this in the article?
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It STILL needs a range to it Osaka. Without a range, this tech will be able to detect all aetheric generators, reactors, etc, in usage in the cluster.. which means the Lorath can use this to TRACK Yamatai, Neplesia, and other ships.. what point would there be to other sensors when you have this? Please, either put in a range, or make it a separate article with drawbacks to it.

And ease off the technical replies.
Osaska, no I do not want you to elaborate on it in the article. The article is already far to weighty for the needs of most people. I spent 14 years working on navigation systems in the Air Force, and am familiar with how the systems work. You need to put a range for the sensor operation as I have already said. Beyond that, even though such a system would have issues, I'm going to hand wave it.
what point would there be to other sensors when you have this?
It can only pick up the presence of another active aetheric tap. It doesn't work as an electromagnetic or gravitational sensor.

And ease off the technical replies.

>On technical board
>Doesn't welcome technical discussion

>I'll er...

Ahem. I'll work on the ranging in a bit. I need to talk with some people to work out what a good 'balanced' range or number would be. I like the idea that... The further out it goes, the bigger the lag it is, so it stops being realtime somewhere around the light-second range.
This review is for: [Lazarus/LSDF] LA/AN063 G-Series Attenuated Aetheric powerplant

The submitted article is/hasโ€ฆ
[X] A very high level of overall quality
[X] A general topic sentence under the title header
[X] Artwork (Required for new species; Strongly recommended for vehicles and hand weapons)\\
[ ] Needed and/or useful to the setting
[ ] In the proper format/template
[ ] Proofread for spelling and grammar
[ ] Easy to read and understand (not a lengthy mass of technobabble)
[X] Wikified (terms that could be a link should be a link)
[X] No red and/or broken links
[ ] Reasonably scientifically plausible
[ ] Reasonably neutral point of view

The submitted article is/does notโ€ฆ
[ ] Overpowered (or cutting tech for a faction with little or no roleplay)
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[ ] Contain copy pasta descriptions of systems or interior compartments
[ ] Unauthorized by faction managers or player-controlled corporation
[ ] Contain references to IC events that have not occurred (SM must authorize retcons)
[ ] Use second-person language (โ€œyouโ€ or โ€œyourโ€) unless it is an instructional guide aimed at players.
[ ] Use bombastic language (โ€œvirtually immune,โ€ โ€œnearly indestructible,โ€ โ€œinsanely powerful,โ€ โ€œhorrible effectsโ€)
[ ] Use an unbalanced header/text ratio (many headers but sections are one-liners)
[ ] Use major unapproved sub-articles that should be submitted separately
[ ] Lacking Detail
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The article hasโ€ฆ
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[X] The in-character year of creation/manufacture. (Should be current year. Future years not allowed).
[ ] The Standard Product Nomenclature System, if applicable.

Note here if any serious issues are present. These are the issues that will hold up approval.

**Overly complex and technical, this needs to be toned down.
**A range needs to be set for this items sensors.

Status: On hold


1. The complexity of this article makes it hard for most people to understand, and while such technical details make the article very professional and detailed, it isn't required as articles must be easily understood by tech moderators and also the board as a whole. This needs to be toned down a bit so that tech moderators can more easily understand just what it is this reactor really does and how it functions, but also so that future members who see this article - and who do not possess a technical mind - can also understand it as well.

2. The reactor possess a type of sensors that can detect 'any' aetheric signature in the cluster, this presents problems where-as people can use said reactor to detect these active signatures. This sensor needs to have a range to it.

I intend to finish this review by: Finished
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Overtly technical? I had ShotJon and Mog proof-read it and they said it was okay...

The sensor thing needs fixing though, yeah.

Also sorry for snark. I shouldn't take what I'm going through out on you guys.
Helped with a revision on those sensors with the help of Kyle as a sounding board. Waiting for potential developments.
I have read this and I see interesting similarities to the GN Drive of Gundam 00. There are even principles of baryonic decay involved, the ability to remove a limiter for a burst of power at the cost of a recovery phase (Trans Am), and a hypothetical Known Absolute Matching which pairs two drives together and exponentially increases the output to a specific power (Twin Drive System). It's even called the "G-Series". Is this intentional?

While I don't mind there being nod-offs to Gundam as long as copyrights aren't broken (Kirie and Keiko are vaguely inspired by the Gundam and GM in intended function albeit PA-sized), I want to make sure that this submission, which is detailed enough to set precedent in the function of future Aether devices, won't change the concept of Aether technologies to fit them to a Gundam-esque analogue.

Also, in the second to last small section ("Main Condenser"), you have typed "063AN" instead of "AN063". Just pointing it out for your convenience.
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I wrote the original version of this like five years ago. Wes said it couldn't be mass-produced, so the Aura (its logical successor) is hugely gimped to make things fair.

The original Aura began life as an attempt to explain how a GN Drive would actually work as part of an ongoing set of engineering threads I ran on 4chan's /m/ -- were we all tried to explain a plethora of different things in different franchises.

I eventually stepped back and turned the gimmick's advantage into a functional limitation: the requirement for fuel and limited output which became the converter, to add flavour. The function of the attenuator however is all completely new.

The idea of dominance is to bolt several of these together as part of a pair of twin frames that usually dock together but separate on demand to be used by future characters myself and Mog will be playing. The other issue is that lots of these things will be linked together in a starship in clusters based on the topology of a brain-gear:

Seriously, how cool is that? It all spins and everything.

The whole thing of squared output is something only one of Soresu's characters figured out years ago and its more a step-in should he want to reintroduce her.
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You mention that it uses water, but can reasonably use any form of matter as fuel, and reclaim it at a slow rate when minimal power draw is used. How would matter collection systems impact it? Such as collecting hydrogen from open space or nebulae?

Also, I am curious as to the nature of the sensor function. Forgive my ignorance if I'm wrong, but since the effect is an energy drain in a higher level of reality, and it is in that reality where the effect of another Aether Tap or comparable system would be measured via the reduction in energy coming from it...how does that allow one to detect the direction of an interfering/competing Aether Tap? I can understand how the detection and perhaps even the energy consumption/range could be determined by measuring the reduction of energy return, but I can't really see how one could interpret any directional data for triangulation if it is measuring the flow coming through to this universe rather than the flow in general in that higher plane.

It might be another matter to detect a competing Aether Tap if there were a direct way to see which direction the energy not entering the first system was going, but we can't directly observe that without a sensor that is physically in the higher level of reality, can we?
I'm going to chime in here as well.

Here's the thing, the Aurora and the work that went into it consisted of entirely fresh material. Trust me, I was the person who Osaka would come to with every development and advancement in the concept, and would vet her work to make sure it was Uso-proof. Talk of dumbing down the Aurora was spoken of before the project was even completed. Furthermore, to get an understanding of the dates involved in Aurora development, we can look back to one of Osaka's earliest character concepts; Muse Leal, who was written for the purpose of having a face to go with the design that was already on paper for some time, problem is, Osaka tends to take months or years to finish a project.

As for how the sensor works, I'll help with that, considering I'm the one who re-wrote it in response to Kyle and Nashoba's concerns, and directly communicated with Kyle over the matter while I worked on it.

The sensor function effectively monitors the 'aether sea', to see where the energy of the aether is flowing to based upon flow and resistance produced by other taps, and the disruptions that those effects produce which can be tracked, assuming that such tapping remains distinctive and constant. For the sake of an example; a battleship parked in the middle of open space is going to produce a distinctive disruption to the flow of aether in the corresponding space within the dimensional layer of the aether sea, thus making its presence obvious. Though, as you note, if there is interferance there is detection resolution loss due to clutter, and that is directly noted in the wiki article already, and ranges have already been stated to indicate the severe reduction of the system's effectiveness in the event of clutter, in contrast to occasions in which a clear scan would be possible, at which maximum ranges can be attained with ideal conditions.
You mention that it uses water, but can reasonably use any form of matter as fuel, and reclaim it at a slow rate when minimal power draw is used. How would matter collection systems impact it? Such as collecting hydrogen from open space or nebulae?

Fuel is fuel. The denser the fuel, the better it would work. Water is or typical example because if we crash, its the most important compound related to pilot survival. In an unmanned unit, we'd be using something much much deneser.

Because the competing drain of a tap occurs in three dimensional relative space as stated by Wes in the past.

Because the tap displacement occurs in three dimensional space. Imagine we have three Yamataian style generators. One is starbase scale. One is starship scale. One is armour scale. The smaller output generators will see a dip in output when they come into the three-dimensional 'tap' range of the others, based on facts Wes has already stated. If this were not the case, aetheric interdiction around population centres would make aether almost entirely unusable over much larger distances, possibly enclosing all of known space.


Every device has a tap range. When a lower output device enters the tap-range of a higher output device, the lower devices effective tap-rate drops.

This property might be incredibly weak but if you can directionalize, range and triangulate the difference and then estimate the actual output difference based on what other sensors confirm the distances to be verses the expected pull, you can use this comparative information to estimate the current draw of the generator too.
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The "competing" thing is overblown; my idea of it was that it only ever mattered at extremely close ranges.
I was thinking under a kilometer, tops, for power armor, and 25 km for ships (these are subject to change).
So a sensor might be impractical for anything less than avoiding covert boarding attempts for Power Armor, but may be able to detect stealthed ships that get too close before opening fire.
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