Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

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  • 📅 July 2024 is YE 46.5 in the RP.

RP: Lazarus [Lazarus] - The long walk back

"This... this is exactly why I did not take veterinary courses!" Miles exclaimed as he watched the events unfold before his eyes while he was still in the process of trying to start the process of coding Aiesu's new partition. As Sana put the bunny back on the bed, Miles went to a supply cabinet, and it was not long before he produced a length of plastic, which he soon put around Aiesu's neck, forming a cone around her head, isolating her recently knit-together skull from the rest of her recently knit-together body. "We can't have her ruining the work so soon, its just not right."

"So, about where to start, hm?" Miles inquired, giving Sana a nudge. After all, he was not about to do something like make Aiesu into an oblivious pet bunny without consulting his fiance.
"I think empathy would be a good place to start..." Sana stated flatly, trying not to laugh at Aiesu.

"From there.. I'd have to know her better but I think she should be more honest. Unable to lie, maybe? Or is that too far?"
There was no positive contribution from Miles in regard to Sana's valiant effort to refrain from laughing at Aiesu and her situation, instead, his contribution was distinctively counter-productive as he let out a full on laugh, and actually took a few minutes to stifle the laughter before he returned his focus to the job at hand.

"Empathy is good." Miles spoke, before focusing on the programming interface. It was a matter of programing an algorithm, more accurately, a series of algorithms. It was why he elected to use his cybernetic interface over a manual input method, quite simply, his brain worked faster than his hands. "Lying though... it may be needed sometimes, if she gets away from us while she's in this state, she needs to be able to fend for herself some. I think, perhaps, we should limit her ability to lie without just cause. Just cause, such as safety of life, limb, and well being. It would be nice if she did not lie about the little things though, or, the really blatant things."

Let's see... emotional analysis... appropriate responses... I think I need to slip some things in here though. Personal identification, boundary permissions, trigger phrases to be set. I like my toys to be functional and user friendly, but, I don't like to share my toys with strangers. I don't want her being bald-faced honest with just anybody, in fact, I don't want just anybody to use her like Sana and I would. Permissions are going to be a must. Miles thought upon his work, as he went about working with the temporary digital memory within her cybernetic components, creating the conditioning which would be placed into her organic brain in the appropriate locations isolated by the hardware. He was no fool, conditioning a brain on the fly was reckless and stupid, but running a 'sandbox' to debug and test his programming, that was the smart way to go.

There was a bit of a verbalized thought from Miles as he looked to Sana "Mainly, I think, we should aim not so much for raw truth, but, she just needs to have some of that fear of feeling lifted away... though, I don't think you made the suggestion for this procedure with just honest hearts and good intentions in mind. Got any 'juicy' recommendations?"

Despite the lewd question to Sana, within that very moment, Miles was programming an ethics and morals subroutine into the personality profile for the partition. If anything, the person he was programming was going to be someone genuine, honest, and well intentioned. Admittedly, with an absence of complication induced by excessive morality in regard to intimacy, while some would consider it lewd, it was really more of an innocence than anything else which Miles was writing to preserve. Removing guilt and loathing from the concept of intimacy, it was what made innocence and passion able to intermingle.
"Nnn...Not really" Sana exhaled thoughtfully, staring down at the L'manel then shrugging back to Miles.

"No, really. I got nothing."
With those words from Sana, Miles stopped, he simply stopped. There was a pause in all activity for a solid minute, before he slowly turned his gaze to his fiance and raised his brow. "So... you suggested and encouraged this procedure... and you've 'got nothing' after the deed is done?" Even as he asked his question, there was a nervous quiver to his tone, which soon broke into a chuckle, then an outright laugh as he covered his face with his palm and shook his head. It was an utterly awkward moment, committing the worst malpractice of his whole career at the insistence of his fiance, for nothing.
"I just wanted her to not be so bitchy." Sana said, snapping her fingers in front of a blankly staring Aiesu. "As far as I'm concerned, we've achieved what we set out to do."

Silence. She knew that look.

"You weren't seriously expecting me to... With her? You're joking, right? I can't stand her."
Laughter on Miles' part intensified as he found himself in quite the awkward situation, and as he laughed, he knew if Aiesu ever found out, she'd likely end up relentlessly mocking him for the situation, likely after an attempt at murdering him. None the less, eventually, Miles managed to regain his sensible composure as he looked between Sana and Aiesu then decided to deposit his own input into the situation. "Well, who knows, if she's not so bitchy, then perhaps you'd stand to be around her. I bet deep down inside, beneath the life-crippling trauma and psychological scarring she's like most Lmanel, easy to get along with... maybe?"

After speaking his mind, Miles took a deep breath and followed it up with a sigh, then a conclusion; "We'll reserve further tweaking for another time then, the second, third, and fourth partitions can be addressed when we're not cooped up in a surgical ward. I can adjust her primary personality on the fly with internally manufactured medication and collar-based adjustments. Its enough to keep her safe, alive, and personable. Not to mention enough to get by Ty." It seemed, work was done for the time being, as Miles kept Aiesu in her state of absent mind for the purpose of being able to work on her properly while conscious and without defiance.

At the core of Miles' work, even with his trickery, there was still goodness, as he conducted a review of her software and hardware suites. Software was something of great importance to Miles' attention, as he ran debugging programs in Aiesu, himself, and through the university computer node. Debugging was followed by a series of tests and challenges used as a benchmark for both Aiesu's hardware and software security suite. There was something to be said for the combination of Nepleslian, Yamataian, and Lorath technologies which Miles used in assembling Aiesu's augmentation package. Where each contributing source of engineering know-how fell short, Miles filled in the space with what he knew from another contributor, and what it resulted in was a level of data security that he felt Aiesu would be safe with. Even with all that work though, Miles knew that an in-person attempt at accessing Aiesu's software and hardware would be much more difficult to challenge, though, if it would ever get to the point when a potential intruder would have physical access, things would already be far enough out of hand to where even a fully organic body would be vulnerable.

Even as Miles went about finishing up with securing Aiesu, he spoke to Sana with a bit of a smirk; "Well, since you don't want her as a plaything, mind if I use her? I've always wanted a 'pet' rabbit."
Sana's lips curled into a faintly toothy smile. Her eyes so often closed in Yamataian-fox-like fashion slowly opened, just barely revealing that sea-green.

"There's nothing quite like watching a pillar of authority crumble, is there?" she chuckled quietly to herself, scuffing up Aiesu's hair.

"New legs or not, you're still gonna be walking funny, it seems."
There was a devilish smile of amusement on Miles, as he listened to Sana's words which were quite encouraging to his more questionable notions of what was to be done to, and with, Aiesu. "Well, based on what we've managed to learn about her, she does seem to have a liking for the Yamataian way of life, she might as well live it a bit~"

As Miles spoke those words, he effectively 'closed the hood' on the work he was doing inside of Aiesu, initializing her security suite and also bringing a series of fine calibrations online, even including the little 'creature comfort' of having warm limbs with properly calibrated sensory input. As he prepared to swap over to her primary consciousness, he did decide to do a little 'side work'.

Planted Algorithm said:
(Receive sensory input) - /audio, verbal statement, address targetself 'My Little Bunny' and/or 'My little Rabbit' and/or 'Usagi-chan'/ - <Is it an authorized user?> - <Yes> - |Adjust HormoneprofileAiesuImpulses01 by +300%, Adjust AiesuBiologicalImpulseControl -50%| - (Stop, instruction repeat available @ 30 minutes)

"Switching her back over, we're done here for now." Miles spoke to Sana, while pleased with the one bit of tinkering, Miles finished swapping Aiesu back over to her 'normal self'.
"Did something happen?" the pale L'manel immediately inquired. She squinted, staring at the clock on the wall. There was an incongruity here.

"Where did the last six minutes go?"

"Mind explaining?" Sana began, nudging Miles.
"Yeah, I can explain what happened, but not why you'd bring a stun gun into a surgical ward." Miles spoke, pouring a bit of a snap into his tone for the show. "Sana was messing about with an unshielded electrical discharge before your hardware was calibrated, you lapsed into unconsciousness for a bit." There was a sigh from Miles; "Could have been worse, but, I managed to sort things out, and I finished the calibration process."
Aiesu stared up at Sana briefly with a look of odd curiosity before glancing back to Miles with an expression of disappointment.

"You need to keep your bitch on a leash, Mr. Gunn. Are we done here yet?"
There was a scowl from Miles at Aiesu's tone, a tone that managed to pull at the string which held together Miles' patience for his supervisor's behavior. "Aiesu, first off, she's not my bitch, she's my fiance. Second, I'm a fucking doctor, its Doctor Gunn. Third, you don't badmouth your doctor and your mechanic. It's bad form."

Inwardly, Miles knew that he was going to certainly live up to Sana's assessment regarding just how well Aiesu was going to be walking; I'm going to rip her a new one. He thought, before he brought a wheelchair to Aiesu's bedside. "Time for your ride back to your dorm room, my little rabbit."

I need to test it anyways, besides, she pissed me off. Miles mused as he spoke the trigger which would do just as Sana desired, making Aiesu less bitchy, amongst other things which Miles was not inclined to experiment with until they were out of the hospital portion of the campus. "Hop into the seat and we'll be going."
Promptly, Aiesu hopped off the counter.

Onto the porcelain floor.


Flat, on her face.

Sana held her hands up: palms forward.

"Your problem"
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"That was a bit of a jerk move on my part, but at least she's light." Miles spoke, giving a shrug before he went about the rather easy task of lifting the undersized Lorath from the floor, and onto the wheelchair where he made sure she was settled in properly. Once she was seated, Miles leaned in and raised Aiesu's face so he could look her in the eye, not just to check if she was injured, but, to satisfy his own curiosity as he spoke to her while perching her chin upon the edge of a finger. "Feeling alright Aiesu? You took a bit of a tumble there."
"My face hurts" Aiesu began, eyes wide with warm cerise and hollow until they came into focus. She was placid, calm... Almost sleeping awake as she settled in the chair. Her expression said she knew him but she was trying to remember where she'd seen him in the past.

"So how do you change her back?" Sana quizzed with a slow careful shrug.
Gently Miles placed a pat upon Aiesu's cheek, then settled her into leaning back in the chair before he directed his attention to Sana. "She'll be like that for thirty minutes. I just wanted something to cut down on the gripes until we could get the fine tuning done in the comfort of her dorm. We can add more sophisticated features at a later time. For now, just enough to make her seem sedated will do nicely to avoid any questions on our way out... speaking of, shall we get going?" With that, Miles went about gathering the excess supplies and his own equipment, lumping the lot into a large plastic bag, which he then placed into his own personal iconic 'black bag', aside from the packing, he also went about returning the room to a mostly tidy order, as they found it, aside from the blood, expended supplies, and dirtied instruments which were to be handled by the hospital staff.

Once he was packed up, Miles gave a nod to Sana; "I'll handle signing us out, just push her along and make sure she does not try to get up or anything, it would be embarrassing, to say the least." With that, he unlocked the door to the surgical suite and made his way out with just as much authority as he had going in. He made his way to the surgical suite desk, where he went about signing the proper paperwork, before leading the way to the lift which would take them to the lobby level of the building, and their way out.

"Thank goodness for leftovers... let's go to her dorm and eat lunch, I'm starved." Miles spoke as they made their way out of the hospital.
It wasn't long before Aiesu awoke in her dorm room. Books, desk, chair, table... No Seiren. Huh... That was unexpected. Sitting up was awkward. Not painful. Just awkward. It took her a while to recognise just what she was feeling; immediately followed by a firm slap - palms meeting each of her thighs.

She winced. That... wasn't supposed to happen.

She stared at what in her mind she thought was dead meat for a few minutes before finally her toes twitched.

The back of her head met the wall of her dorm repeatedly as expletives filled the dorm. Her skin was smooth with sweat and panic, breath tight as paranoia gripped her. But there wasn't anything she could do. The two in question who'd done this to here where nowhere to be seen and neither was the

Within the next hour, she'd disconnected every networked device in her apartment and had been crawling across the wooden floor of her dorm like a newborn - clutching at walls and unravelling books from shelves as she reached for any sort.

This... Wasn't the ideal place to do this.
"Really though, Sana..." Miles spoke, as he walked alongside his fiance, en route back to the dorm, with what can only be described as a sack of food cradled in his arms, brimming with Lorath-Nepleslian fusion cuisine fast-food. "You suggested we scramble that poor woman's noodle, without a game plan of what we could do with her?" It was clear that Miles was still utterly flabbergasted by the situation which formed based on his fiance's recommendation to augment and alter Aiesu's brain matter, though, that feeling did result in laughter from Miles as he carried on with the thought of their patient. "Though, I think what we've done can really help her grow, so I have to thank you for insisting on doing more than the bare minimum with her, this may be the breakthrough the rabbit needed."
"Mmm? I just got tired of her bullshit, Miles" Sana said, her smile never any less sweet in spite of her words. She'd taken to closing her eyes in her smiles, giving her a look Yamataians would have described as fox-like as of late - baring just the faintest bristles of teeth.

"I really... Can't stand people who tell us what to do. She's a steady pay-cheque. That's all."