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League Sports


Inactive Member
Alright I had an idea for a new concept within the SARP. With these turbulent times and an invading evil force of SMX, the masses need a form of entertainment. Thus I cam up with the idea of introducing a league sport.

The sport I contemplated was a futuristic version of lasertag/paintball. This would be a match where two teams fought each other in a zero-g environment with booster packs that allowed them to juke around at high speeds. The teams would play through a league and compete against each other until reaching the championships.

This idea is still in conception and with the new entertainment network being started up it could have great outreach potential.

So what does everyone think? There's still lots of room to work and figure out so suggestions are welcome.
Reactions: Wes
Blas and I have spoken about Ultimate-Vision and this League Sport linking, so that Ultimate-Vision would be their sponsors. I believe this to be a really good idea. All PC characters could get involved. The program would be broadcast live over channel 24 (Ultimate-Visions channel). Thought's?
Well glad to see a good reception. Okay so I'm thinking perhaps the league coordinator would approach Ultimate Vision to negotiate a contract for broadcasting the matches.

So, I suppose another consideration would be teams. How many teams can we generate? And from where? Main city teams or planetary based? Heck, maybe even have the local planetary teams compete against each other to decide who goes on to the interplanetary semi-finals. Altho that may be a little too complicated. Perhaps just for now in the beginnings the league will just accept a small number of teams.

League rules? >_>
I do play games and I do live on earth but I've never played Unreal Tournament. It sucked too much to catch my eye.
Tyler said:
I do play games and I do live on earth but I've never played Unreal Tournament. It sucked too much to catch my eye.
How can you say it sucked if you've never played it?
You know what? I can't believe it but I hadn't even come up with a NAME for this sport yet. Geez, talk about cart before the horse and such. Okay naming! Sport name, League name, Team names! I can sense people will have fun with the team names. For now lets start with naming this sport.

How about something action flashy? Like Counterstrike? Or Doom? Or Halo! Yea that one sounds good. ;p

Okay all kidding aside, I suck at developing names for games. Zero Blitz? Blitztroy? <_<;;

Please help me out.
Would the masses WANT to watch a sport so inherintly violent? Just as you said, they're in a war with staggering casualties and violence. Wouldn't there naturally be a form of massive sporting entertainment that was more althletic than warfare based? That or some non-warlike game that the aformentioned masses would participate in for lesiure that didn't remind them of what their situation is.
I asked Wes if there were any sporting events or leagues already in existence. Apparently there wasn't any. Most citizens focused on the arts and sciences. Now I would imagine that Nepleslia has all kinds of sports, gambling, and even colliseum-esque matches. The Empire tho doesn't and this would be interesting to introduce the citizens to the concept of league sports.
I think you, Blas should come to the opening of Ithopoios (the new theatre), then we can meet there. Discuss some things. You know how it works.

Names...Battle Arena? Blitz Royal? Chaos Attack? Paintball Inferno?? That's all I can think of.
If that's the case then I'd better go ahead and make a league creator character to attend this event.

It seems chaos and blitz are the popular words. Chaos Blitz League? The CBL? Hmm, the more I say that the more I like it. ^^
I like that very much. Chaos Blitz would be the sport? Then the major league would be the CBL (Chaos Blitz League) Very cool indeed. Could be a great success.

Make an appearance, and we will see what happens, it would be very cool to link the two. So your going to make a NPC?
All the weapons should be a form of stun guns. Once the target is hit, they float in the direction they were moving when they were hit.
Yes, Chaos Blitz will be the name. The League will take place towards the end of the season. Teams which had the best showing through the season will participate in the playoffs. The playoffs will consist of several matches between these teams to determine the final two who battle for the championship.

Teams! These would consist of eight players, with allowance for stand by players should injuries occur which incapacitate the active team member.

Matches! Now here I think they should depart from the typical elimination style of paintball. Instead I'm thinking we'd have more of a capture the flag style.

I had these two ideas. One style would be a flag hidden somewhere on the field. Both teams go out, zapping each other, until one finds it. Soon as the flag is found and claimed everyone is made aware of the location and chase or defend the player who has capture the flag and must now bring it back to their goal in order to score points. The flag can be stolen by the opposing team and taken to their goal to score with. Team with highest score after four fifteen minute quarters wins.

OR it would be more of a capture the 'base' style where two teams fight each other for control of certain waypoints or bases and they have to maintain control of the base over time, the team with the most base control after four fifteen minute quarters wins.

This would be a full contact sport so tackling is allowed. Severe roughness though is not. The lasers would stun the player for forty five seconds. There is even a countdown to show the time the player is out. During this stun period the boost pack would cease propelling them and they would stop flying so they don't crash into something and get injured any worse. After the forty five second period the pack would send a revival jolt to wake the player up if they haven't already done so. If they wake up before the forty five seconds they need to hold their position until the count down finishes. Special consideration is given to players with a higher 'kill' count. Yes there will be cheer leaders just to give the teams a much needed morale boost and to increase viewership.

Uniforms! Typical team 'uniforms' will consist of shoulder pads, forearm bracers, knee pads, boots, team jersey featuring name and number, gloves, the booster pack, gun (or rifle?), and helmet. The helmet will have comm unit so team members can communicate to each other. Pants will be elastic to allow freedome of movement. Colors will vary from team to team and can be customized for various reasons and occasions.

Fields! The playing field will consist of a large contained field of a zero-g environment with a cylindrical shape. Approximate size will be 30 yards long, 20 yards wide, and fifty yards high. The field will be filled with various obstacles and objects of different shapes and sizes to create a challenging field to travel through. Depending on location will determine the style and quality but all fields must be within sprt regulations. Failsafe and backup systems must be in place to prevent failure of the zero-g field and to protect the players from any disaster.
This sport sounds very interesting. I think both the capture the flag and capture the base could be use to create two versions.

Sorta like Hockey I guess with it's variations, you know ice,table,roller,floor,pond,kitchen floor, field,scooter,sledge,broomstick hockey etc. ( Canada eh? )
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