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League Sports

I'm just saying, does anyone have a better idea? Seriously can anyone give us an original better idea to use? If we can get an original idea running then I'm all for it but so far I've read none. Heck the previous Unreal Tournament idea was generating good response so was it really a bad deal if only suffering from a lack of originality?
Zack was talking about Thomas/Zakalwe. You all should probably look at the FCP threads, as they are prime examples of what exactly is going on right now: people taking offense simply because others are pointing out problems with their ideas. There are two, one with the design, and another I started after the first one was locked, and I believe they are both in the Tech board.

As for the sport, I don't really think it's possible to invent a new sport. Pretty much everything has been done before, unless you want to take some everyday activity like washing or getting the mail a sport. I don't really have an opinion on the sports, so I'll stop talking now.
Heh, I'm not taking offense at the flaws in my ideas. I understand fully well they're not 'original'. But its the lack of suggestive ideas rather that has me going in circles. Most every sport has already been made. All we can really do is just give it a futuristic spin and most of those have already been done too as previously pointed out. If no one has any ideas or wants to suggest a different sport to use as a template then how about we just decide on which one we want to use? The lasertag or the hybrid? Not a hard question. Or just scrap the whole idea?
I'm sorry, I should have said in my previous post that I meant the FCP argument was the type of thing going on elsewhere on the forums, not in this thread.
I think that if we want to have player chacters doing the sport, the rules should be fairly simple and easy to learn.
I think your original idea was the best Blas. Originality aside, it provides a fast pace, interesting sport. From an in-character stand point it provides the populous a distraction, while not totally having them forget the fighting going on around them.

You should refine how the game field/environment works, as well as the laser's effect.

As for the object of the game, I liked the idea of a land capture system. Meaning someone must hold a location for so long in order to take control of it. For example, say there is a cluster of three asteroids/blocks/whatever in the region, only one of the blocks has a node where the player can access the capture system. After accessing there's a timer counting down until when that region is taken control of. And I think you can guess what the object of the game is, capture and control all of the regions.

Well, that's my two cents. Maybe more suggestions later.

Well, violent sports are popular. People watch races for the crashes, they watch hockey for the body checking and fights, people watch boxing and martial arts.

In most cultures, sports are training. That's why children in ancient cultures had swords to practice with.
That's not even addressing my point. Violent sports are popular, but the last time I checked the Human race wasn't fighting extinction on the scale of a war of epic intergalactic perportions?
Now that I think about it, the gladitorial games became even more popular during the turbulent times.
Also keep in mind that was in a primotive society that only had live entertainment and poor communications. You couldn't turn on the TV and see the results of the latest conflict. Cultural values are also different. Unstructured combat is more likely to be popular on Neplsia where there is a lot of chaos, but less so with the massive upsurge in nationalisum. On the other side Yamatai isn't likely to enjoy unstrucuted combat, prefering more of a structured format practiced by the ruling clan's grunts.

I don't know about the lesser planets as they are never touched upon in RP aside from Ohara, that could go either way as far as introducing a very violent sport.
Either way though, the violence is not so much bloody as simply an addition to the excitement of the game. The shooting is non-lethal and excessive roughness is not allowed. People seemed enthused so the games are on. We're going with the Unreal Tournament style here. That one got the most votes and attention from what I read. Now then if you'll give me one last quick vote, do we want capture the flag or base hold? Give me some preferences on that and in the meantime I will be introducing the Chaos Blitz coordinator to the Vision thread.
Keep in mind with ST technology everyone can be using leathal weapons without having to worry about causing a final death to anyone.
Yeah but as pointed out, the Empire is a cultured and civilized nation. ;p

So for the sake of not being a gratuitous merchant of death sport I'd rather it stay non-lethal. Although that is true and the idea did cross my mind for some time.
We need more graphic violence here anyway. but i na controlled environment, and Take out the ST factor and you have a real edge of your seat sport.
Why would you ever not want to take advantage of the ST system? There really is no reason why the sport's hosts would want to stop the players from using ST backups.
Isn't that ST stuff a bit on the expensive side tho? I mean granted every ship carries a ST pod should the crew all die but just for a sport? Maybe later once the sport has become more established and has a bigger budget they'll allow for death rules, but until then we'll stick to the non-lethal side. Oh and don't forget to give votes either in forum or PM as to which game is preferred, Flag Capture or Base Seizure. ;p
Well, with the ammount that it is used, I would think ST technology is cheap and easily avalible to citizens of the Yamatai Goverment. It is perhaps the most used technology IC and otherwise.
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