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Lets make a deal [Rathenaan, Neplesslia and Ty Sibo]

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Inactive Member
RP Date
RP Location
Rathenaan space
It had been Some time since the initial jump into unknown space when Ty was out exploring the local cluster of the unknown space. Normally this would go about the same as any other, Scan area observe anomalies and move on. However, upon making a scan this time he felt a strange feeling one of fear as he felt his inner workings starts to malfunction. "Nien now." he thought in desperation when he looked at the scans and saw one of the anomalies were moving. Taking a leap of faith, he booted up his thrusters and went full burn in their general direction eventually coming across the A unknown fleet. It didn't seem to bear the markings of any known faction and was too advanced to be a corporate fleet. Hailing the vessel he spoke out.

"This is Ty Sibo of the golden band I'm requesting Immediate medical aid I belive one or more of my cybernetics Have began failing and I might die without help. I would be willing to help set up a trade network with my sponser in order to pay for any repairs."

Hoping that they would be able to understand him he set up his shuttle to flicker its lights in morse code of SOS just to make sure as he locked down his power armor suit to buy himself more time.
The lone Random Alien ship stood in the middle of space, surveying a small asteroid. When the distress call came through, their translation systems came online, as the emergency frequency was accessed. As the vessel picked up the call, it began moving toward the shuttle, and gave a response.

"Golden Band Shuttle, this is the RJFV Tuat'la, we have received your distress hail, standby for rendezvous. Be advised, we will be locking onto your vessel with a tractor beam, and bringing you into our hangar bay."

The Random Alien vessel did just that indeed, quickly locking onto the ship with it's tractor beam, and bringing them into the shuttle bay. A group of rathenkans wearing medical uniforms quickly appeared outside the shuttle, as two engineers stood by in case they needed to open the shuttle brute force.

Eventually, when Ty emerged, the medical officers quickly ran various scanners over the body of the individual.

"One incoming, needs surgery due to MSOF. Prep an OR, some Peridaxon, and Clonextradone, STAT." One said over the radio, as the others strapped Ty onto a gurney, and they began rushing down the hallway.
After Ty's ship was opened via a cutting torch and he was gurnied out into their ship. He was starting to feel the cold air on his remains as he's carted threw to the ships medical facility, they would see the horrors that is Ty Sibo. Ty is a nearly full conversion cyborg; his body having been broken and put back together so many times that little of the original material remains. 3d printed bones and artificial muscle tissue replacing traditionally grown flesh and blood.

Furthermore, his body is encased in an endo exo skeleton. Angular, armored plates cover him, and an armored 3 panel visor covers his face. This armor is not intended to be removed, merely replaced when damaged, as his body is not intended for long term use outside of the armor itself. The face under the armored visor is somewhat mangled. Much like the rest of his body, his face requires the suit's medial maintenance systems to stay healthy.

the technology holding him together is a rough patch job of technology that's over 300 years old. optimally his circulatory system would need repaired as well as his lungs and flesh outside of this they would find the equivalent of a Blackbox housing a synthetic soul as well as a data catch of his entire operating history including the horrifying conclusion that Ty was a young man who died in a war before being forced back from death and converted against his will to be a super soldier assassin of a faction long since dead.
"My Lungs and possibly circulatory system are failing on me. " He says as his breathing starts becoming labored. old lights and wires protruding from under his color and attaching into his exposed skull bone.
As Ty was loaded into a medical scanner, and scanned, he could hear the doctors around him discussing what they were going to do. The hadn't dealt with this level of damage, on a scale as large as this before, but they would attempt their best. Carefully, they explained what they were going to do to Ty, as one said.

"Alright, we're moving you to OR-1, we're going to do everything we can to get you in tip-top shape."

Eventually, the doctors had him changed into a gown, and moved to the operating table. He was put on a ventilator, and life support, as they began to cut throught the power armour around him. Not after turning on the Neural Suppressor, though, effectively sedating him.

"Get me the IMS, and a laser scalpel." a doctor said as they began to quickly work on making an incision right above the chest. medical alarms were beeping loudly. They had little time. Carefully, and slowly, the physician made an incision into the chest, placing the Incision management system into the wound, sawing through the ribcage, and finally retracting open the chest cavity, as they moved to take a sample of the lung for biopsy. Taking a large portion of the lung, they placed it into the flash cloner opposite the room. With a drip of Dexalin Plus, the man didn't even have need for lungs, so as the Random Alien doctors slowly began detaching the circuluatory system from the pulmonary system, they had to take extra care not to puncture an artery.

"Brain function improving, blood O2 rising. Good work."

As the drip kept going, and the cloning machine kept running, the rathenkans slowly began removing piece by piece the armour plating that rested in the man's dermal layer. Taking samples of the skin below, and grafting it onto the exposed patches, it would take time, but it would work. The man was left laying on an operating table, chest open, and the top layer of his skin removed. Finally, they were able to begin the reconstructive process:

The lungs now printed, they began attaching the new lungs into the cavity, and taking grafts of various areas around the heart in order to regenerate it as well. Sealing the airways, and the pulmonary aretery and vein, they began to reassameble the internal structure of the chest cavity, and gradually began to close the incision. Eventually, they repaired the ribcage with bone gel, set it, applied some more for good measure, and closed it up.

Now for the dermais layer, taking out a dermal regenerator, they began to slowly build back the skin using energy and butazoline-laden gel. Applying a thin layer, and already wonders could be seen. The skin was slowly coming back, but it would take time. When the skin regeneration had reached a satisfactory level, they wrapped him up in regenerative gause, and switched off the neural suppressor. Before somnantic functions could occur, they were wheeled quickly into the recovery bay.

Ty awoke to a seering pain in his body, surrounded by a cold fluid, very cold. He was so cold it was beyond freezing, but it wasn't painful. Looking out, everything was blurry, as he appeared to be in some form of cryogenics tube.
As Ty woke up in the vat, he was caught off guard. <pain? my pain? what's going on?> He thought to himself, before realizing how cold he was. with such a blurry vision he tried to wrap his arms around himself only to bump them into the edges of the tank he's residing in. He tried to speak but found himself unable to due to the cold and how he was patched up. <No, no! please I don't want to go back I don't want to be with them anymore.> He thought in a panic believing he was back in the hands of his horrible creators as he thrashed about from inside the tank.
The tank automatically released, as two rathenkans seemingly walked over, confused and concerned. Taking him out, they placed him on a gurney, with a heating blanket to help him warm up. As he slowly began to get back to a functioning state, one of them peered over him and said:

"Don't worry, we picked up your distress signal. We've removed much of the damaging components and grafted your skin back together from what little was left... You were in surgery for over ten hours..."

"You nearly died, but we'll be letting you go once you're medically cleared. You're safe now, trust me..."
Ty laid there Wrapped in bandages and a heating blanket. after being explained the situation, he was silent for a bit, "h-how can I feel again? I feel lighter more alive than I once was what did you do to me?" he stated not in anger but sheer bewilderment. Hes lived a long time and now at this moment he felt alive mortal and afraid out of his element and to him he felt physically and metaphorically naked. he couldn't feel the various wires and pinging reminder of being in life support and constant dull pain. now he doesn't feel any of it, the only thing that he knows that he's still alive is his ocliar cybernetics are still functioning in the way of telling him a lot of his cybernetics were gone and a foren substance is covering his body. Honestly nothing of this extent has been available or even possible for one guy to even think of being able to afford it something like this couldn't be cheap.
"Why did you help me this much, the cost of this is very extreme no one's ever helped me this much." he stated in a shaky voice letting what little humanity he once had showing threw more and more.
"Are you kidding?" A Commander walking by set her stinkingly strong drink on a table, her uniform and hair still frazzled from the ten hour surgery. It might take a moment to realize from her irridescant hair and dark grey, flecked skin that this woman was actually Senti. She approached calmly, quickly lifting Ty's hand to check for feeling. "The opportunity to use our skills and techniques in a meaningful way? You gave us quite the scare. I've never seen such extensive augmentation before. My surgical team was quite impressed with themselves when they pulled it off. Granted, you still look like crap, and are probably not feeling much better, but you'll live. And besides, it wouldn't have cost that much if we planned to charge you."

As she checked the reflexive nerves of his hand, she smiled approvingly. "Your genome and nervous system were a mess. You had half the staff working doubletime. I regret to inform you you could have as few as seventy years left... By your reckoning. But we managed to get almost everything back up and running. There were a few augments we couldn't remove, but we managed to get those properly repaired and hooked up. And your time in the tank seems to have done wonders. Didn't expect your species to handle it so well, but we learn new shit daily. Remind me to put our neurologist in for a commendation. I knew they were good, but this work is better than I could have anticipated... Squeeze my hand. Hard as you can. Hey, can one of you grab my drink? I'm gonna check his taste buds, next."
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Running a diagnostic via his cyber eyes the Senti was right a lot of his cybernetics were removed as he was human again. At the mention of he has seventy years left he couldn't help but laugh. "Oh god hurts to do that again, yeah but for living as a 300-year-old dead guy it's still surprising is all. Like I hope you understand the surprise I have is due to for lack of better term being undead mixed with cybernetics for god knows how long." He admitted, dashing his eyes to the left to read the diagnostic letting him know the few cybernetics left are his heart, eyes, bone lacing and targeting assistance in one eye.

looking down at his bandaged hands he looked at them turning them over before flexing them. "Countless wars battles and the like for my home world and those for those I left behind yet even now I yet again have beaten death." He says to no one in particular as the Senti requests he squeeze her hand as hard as he can. Giving a squeeze he still noted how weak he was though understandably that's to be expected given his atrophied muscles and everything rebuilding itself.
Looking up at his saviors he smiled from under the bandages. "You just made this human very happy with what you accomplished." He admitted before waiting for the drink he was to be tested on.
The neurologist walked over, quickly pulling out a scanner and nodding to Dusali, as they ran it over Ty. Quickly noting the scan results, they said "Better than expected, Chief. Full return to nominal brain function." Instead of grabbing the drink, the doctor pulled out a small sharp implement, and pressed it against the foot of Ty. If he was capable of feeling, it would hurt like hell. Which it did, but only for a brief moment, as the doctor quickly noted the pain response and reflex on the scanner. "Pain reflex is active. Let me get you something for the rest of it." They said, as they quickly turned and popped a vial into a MIDAS device, quickly injecting some painkiller into the man's bloodstream.

Getting the CMO her drink, the Neurologist smiled, saying, "Alright, check their taste. I've never understood your methodology, but... it works..."
She quickly took a deep swig of the stimulant, before turning the cup to Ty's lips. "Simple. I can't tell what's normal for him. So we rely on his instincts. Besides, as useful as that scanner is, it can never beat a woman's touch... Except where it can. You know what? You stick to the scans, I'll handle bedside manner despite having spent the last sixteen hours deep cleaning my operating room."

Gently pressing the stiff drink to Ty's lips, she kept eye contact with the man, offering a soft smile. "Drink. Tell me what your senses are telling you. Don't worry about being polite."
Ty would take the drink and sip from it, His face showing visible disgust." dear god I'm more of a tea person but if I didn't know any better, I'd say you Senti put wd-40 in your coffee to keep you from rusting." Ty said shaking his head. "I do appreciate the work you put in with helping me, but I need to let my company know I'm okay, so they don't think their leader just disappeared in uncharted space."
As the painkillers started to take effect Ty would note the drousyness kicking in. "As much as I know these tests are required im starting to get a bit sleepy from the painkillers any chance i can take a nap and we can continue them later?"
"Absolutely, take as much time as you need." The neurologist said, quickly moving away, and going to work on various other things. They had work to get done, and it wasn't going to do itself. A nurse came over, and began moving the gurney over into the Post-Op ward, where ty could finally get some much needed rest. A computing device was set by him so he could contact people as he pleased.

Now hooked up to various monitoring systems, Ty was able to relax. The nurse came over and said, "We'll get you some proper food soon, alright?"
Dusali gave a smirk and shook her head. "Well, his senses work well enough... Part of the ship, part of the crew?"
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