Star Army

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RP: YSS Heartbreaker Let's Play Tag ((Pre-Crossover))

Edto Xar'Sivaree

Lizard Freak!
Inactive Member
YSS Heartbreaker, Armor Bay

The scout's armor bay was mostly in its usual state of cleanliness and good repair, except around Edtoto's newly issued Mindy armor, its parts scattered across the floor. Edtoto was toying with the modified Mindy unit they were trying to adapt.

Skade quickly walked into the bay, coveralls over her usual uniform and holding a tray of computer parts. "You would think these things would be more interchangeable, but that would be too much to ask I guess," she said with a sigh.

"Interchangable? You are building this thing for an entirely new species. One that likes to bite things," The local Alien on board said, working the armoured jaw of the suit. They had maintained much of the original functionality of the MCAS she had before, but to say this was a similar beast was a joke.

"Well, yeah," the leapord spotted Neko replied, putting the tray to the side, "But you would think more MCAS parts would plug and play into it. I guess the designers didn't think about that, for whatever reason."

"Your entire race has a similar profile. Also, I notice that as a whole your kind tend to be rather Xenophobic. I don't think Yamatai actually expected a Vekimen to be wearing one of these devices when they set it up. All the parts have to fit into the shell after all" Edtoto explained, not sounding bothered.

"If by xenophobic," the technician said, counting things off with her hand, "you mean giving the best equipment to Nekos, essentially containing the other races to their own worlds, and then acting surprised when non-Yamatai want to be treated with respect, then yeah." Sighing again, she picked up her datapad off the floor, where she had left it earlier, and started scrolling through the data. "At least Captain Valesti is willing to let us do this, I guess."

"Well, there is only so much that can be done, and really we aren't changing the original programming like we did with the MCAS before. We are just adding a few new scripts to better suit me. Really, we are doing Yamatai a favor given our new diplomatic relationship" Edtoto expressed, still sounding bored as she toyed with the helmet. "Have you gotten a chance to look through the latest scripts I sent you by the way?" She asked, placing the object down.

"Yep," Skade replied, looking at the code for a few more seconds before pressing a button and putting it back down. "Should work great. It helps that we got a bunch of data from the old system and had more time for massaging it. I wouldn't say it's finished, but that's just computer programming."

"I actually worked on my coding. It should take up less space and interface with the original scripting much better. There was still quite a bit of lag. Also, I modified the failsafe so I could still move but weapons operations would shut down and I would only have enough mobility to remain mobile without the ability to attack with any strength. I found it tiresome being a statue," Edtoto sighed, walking over to the computer.

"Yeah, just sent you back the code. Made a few tweaks, but you've definitely improved since the MCAS project. And yeah, the previous failsafe was kind of dangerous," the blue-hued Neko agreed.

"What lines did you modify? I need to translate it back into Vekimen so that I can make it mesh with the rest of the programming. Do you know how long it took me to do a full translation of the entire script? It was horible!" Edtto exclaimed, sitting down.

Turning away from the armor and walking next to the lizard, she pulled up the two different versions, both in Vekimen. "Lines 485, 674, and 698," she said, pointing at the appropriate spots. I put what I thought was the correct words into the program, but I have the Yamataian code in the comments if I made a mistake."

"Alright. Doesn't look like it inteferes with any other code, but I'll probably be able to fix things like that while operational. The interface on this armour is much nicer than the previous. Developer access was a huge help," Edtoto laughed.

"For sure," the technician said, smiling as well. "Though I do admit that part of me is sad that I won't be giving you a deep massage after the test."

"You know full well I would never dream of refusing one from you, Skade. I don't need to beat myself with over sensitive armour to want one," Edtoto said, her tone just a little playful compaired to the matter of fact, quick paced speech she usually had.

"But you won't be mewling as much," she replied, chuckling as she leaned over and kissed the top of the lizard's muzzle.

"Is that a Fetish, Jôtô Hei?" Edtoto asked, giving a slight, toothy grin at the kiss. "Me mewling after punching myself a couple times? Maybe you should have helped me after my fight with the Android," Edtoto suggested. "I could have used the massage then too,"

"You are never going to let me live that down, are you?" Skade said, putting her hands on her hips, smile turned down to a smirk.

"Live what down?" The alien asked, turning to look at Skade from the Coding on the screen.

"Being too busy to help you after that silly fight," she replied, shrugging.

"The fight was far from silly. Gave me plenty of opportunity to test the new scripts I added to the machine, and allowed me to show that I was not useless in a fight. If you recall, that fight was the reason we had to work together to figure out what was wrong with the MCAS in the first place," She added, turning back to the screen. "Alright, edits are made, starting the script replacement.

"Okay, besides the scientific value, it was a little over the top, I guess," the Neko said, but letting the subject drop. "Sounds good. Let's see how it works."

Edtoto stood up, placing the helmet back onto the suit and securing it as it was meant to be secured. She stepped into the suit, groaning out as she gagged herself. The suit closed up around her, and the HUD lit up as the lights along the blue body turned red.

"Well... Doesn't look like there are any problems with the scripts," Edtoto said, doing a couple acrobatic tricks to test the armour out. "I am noticing no lag, and the output is just right," The alien added, sounding pleased with herself.

"Looks like your hard work paid off," the technician replied, smiling as she watching the small airshow.

"Well, I had your help with the hardware, lets be fair here" Edtoto said, twirling around as if to show the armour off. "How do I look?"

"Fearsome, yet beautiful," Skade said, taking the compliment in stride, "So, the usual, just more metallic than usual."

"Flattery will get you everywhere Masashiga-hei," Edtoto said, before taking a stance. "Don't comple close. I am going to attempt a hover. Would rather not Scalar Fry you, but you might want to hop into something yourself for maximum safety," Edtoto stated.

"Good to know my brown nosing is up to snuff," she replied, before shrugging off her coveralls and hopping in her own Mindy. "It'd probably be safer to at least go in the hangar or out into space, just saying," she said, turning and pointing out the door.

"True... Lead the way then," Edtoto waved, shaking the suit out again. She loved doing that, she didn't know why.

Leading the way, the Joto Hei commed the bridge. "This is Masashiga-hei. Requesting permission to leave the ship for some suit testing, over."

"Permission granted, Masashiga-hei. Stay safe out there," random neko replied as the hangar doors opened wide.

Hopping off the deck, the Neko flew to the opening in the ship's hull, then turned around. "You coming, slow poke?"

Edtoto stared for a moment, and Skade could see her vitals spike at the idea of jumping out of the ship and into space. "Perfect time to try my new systems..." Edtoto mumbled, before everything went black.

Sensor feed showed up on her HUD. It gave her a sense of closeness, while lighting up her comrades. She had that sense of depth perception, but without the feeling of distance. All the information she needed to navigate, everything. She could even see the outline of the ship, as well as the floor. It was perfect. Didn't help her much, but it was good.

She activated the propulsion feeling herself "Lift off" but it wasn't much different from what it was like in a fighter. This was good. She could handle this. Just like being in a fighter!

After a moment of getting her grip and figuring out the way to maneuver, she flew out to meet Skade, stopping a few meters away.

"A little getting used too, but I think we should be fine," Edtoto said, looking around her to just get her bearings with the sensors. They were in I'ee space, and weren't exactly dangerous, so it shouldn't have been a problem.

"Sounds good," the technician replied, moving until they were almost touching. "Then I hope you're ready for a game."

"A game?" Edtoto asked, tiling her head slightly.

"Tag, you're it," Skade said, tapping the lizard on the shoulder before zooming out into space, giggling all the way.

"I do not understand! I am what? Why are you running from me?" Edtoto asked, looking at herself.

"You have to catch up to me, then touch me," she commed back, slowing down slightly as she curved her trajectory. "Then I have to get you back, and so on. Put the armor through its paces and all that."

Edtoto blinked. "Oh... Well that seems easy enough. Fine, I will play this game with you then," Edtoto said, flying towards Skade. She started off slow, getting a feel for the motions and how to do everything.

"You're never going to catch me going that fast, silly," the Neko said, smiling as she kept her distance.

This is only the beginning... The alien though. Skade could think Edtoto was having problems, but she just wanted to get navigation down. Once she did, she actually started to push the mindy, closing the distance on the unsuspecting Neko rather quickly.

Well, crap, she thought, trying to dodge to the side to avoid the speeding lizard.

Edtoto did the thing that Skade probably wasn't expecting. She operated the Mindy, like one would operate a fightercraft. She rolled, to change direction, and did so quite effectively. She cut the corner and shot by Skade, tapping her shoulder on the way.

"Argh," the technician groaned, shaking her head. Wasting no time, she jetted off after the lizard, following in her wake. As she moved, she played with the power settings to push the armor's envelope, at the cost of some maintenance hours. I'll worry about that later, she thought.

Edtoto continued to pilot, cutting turns, and those turns were surprisingly tight. "You are going to have to try harder then that, Skade. I should not be able to pilot this better than yourself," Edtoto chuckled through the COM, flipping over so she could look at the Neko chasing her in her standard Mindy.

There's a reason that I'm a technician, dang it. "That's just showing off," the Neko said, chuckling as she kept up her speed, slowly catching up and trying to find a pattern in the lizard's turning as she waited for her to make a mistake.

Edtoto wouldn't make a mistake, but Skade would catch up to her as she righted herself, catching the speeding Neko by the arms so that she couldn't use her hands and tapping her muzzle against Skade's helmet. "Doesn't count," She laughed, before letting go and vanishing!

"Oh, come on," the technician grumbled, reverting her power settings to their regular settings as she started turning back towards the Heartbreaker.

"I would like to see you catch up to me, Skade. You should be able to find me with your IFF" Edtoto's voice piped through her speakers.

"I swear," she said, checking her IFF and tightening her turn into a lazy circle, "If you're right behind me, I'm going to..."

She would see Edtoto's IFF Tag, but she was certainly not right behind the Neko. On the contrary, she was on the opposite side of the system. "Did you forget?" Edtoto asked. If Skade could see that far with her suits optical sensors, she would see a very bored looking roboVekimen lazily floating through space.

"Freaking Hyperspace Fold! Oh, come on," she yelled, stopping in space incredulously.

"I did not use hyperspace fold. You cannot use them in the system, Skade. Do you not recognize your own technology?" Edtoto asked coyly.

"Teleporter then?" the Neko asked, sighing as she rolled her eyes.

"There you are. I thought the ability to travel such distances instantaneously would be highly beneficial. I cannot examine it, but I am free to use it," Edtoto explained. "I have a few seconds before I can use it again, but I assume you will now never win this game of tag."

"Depends if you give me five minutes to change out for a similar one," she said, mentally kicking herself at not remembering the tech right off the bat.

"Well that would just ruin my fun, would it not?" Edtoto asked.

"Depends how fun you find lording your superiority over another person versus actually having a challenge," she replied, slowly heading back to the Heartbreaker.

"Well, given our common bedroom activities, I think it is well and fine for me to lord over you now and then. So, as I believe your kind say, nanna, nanna, boo boo!" Edtoto cackled.

Doing her best to ignore the Vekimen, Skade made her way back to the ship, throwing in a few s-curves and mentally keeping on her toes if the lizard decided to teleport in close by.

She was on her toes, certainly, but while paying so much attention to where Edtoto may come up, she didn't think to look directly in front of her flight path. Edtoto popped into existence, grabbed her armoured form, pulling it into a hug. "Hello again, did you miss me?"

Snorting, Skade returned the hug, making sure they were still on route to Heartbreaker's shuttle bay. "You're so letting me on top tonight."

"That is where you usually are, Skade. I thought you preffered that position," Edtoto commented, her sensor data doing most of the navigation work for her.

"Mostly just making sure tonight worked for you," she purred, before sliding through the hangar bay's shield and slowing down enough to keep them from hitting the deck too hard, but enough that they were sent into a tumble, which she tried to manuever into her acting out her nightly wishes.

Edtoto didn't fight, soon coming to a halt while looking up at the Neko. "Is armour yet another one of your many fetishes Skade? I don't think we will be able to do much wearing these if that is your hope with being on top of me," Edtoto said, her hud flickering as it returned her sight.

"Yeah, you really can't do too much in them," the technician agreed, pulling off her helmet and twitching her pony tail out from the base of her neck, "Though you do look great though."

"I look like a robot. What about me in this suit is so great?" Edtoto asked, working her jaw a little, flashing the built in teeth of the armour.

"It accentuates the aura of violence that you carry around with you," she replied, tracing the jaw of the helmet. "It's a different kind of arousal, but its arousal nonetheless."

"Ah, so it is my violent visage. Does that visage make being on top all the better for you? Do I... Intimidate you?" Edtoto asked, her tone growing slightly deeper as she leaned up.

"Ehh, intimidate is a strong word," Skade said, before sticking her head down into the lizard's maw. "Excited is probably better," she continued, before giving a strange french kiss.

Edtoto was a little confued by Skade sticking her head into her muzzle, feeling her kissing at the inside of her mouth. "You know... I could crush your head right now," Edtoto stated coyly.

"Yep," the Neko replied, manuevering herself so she could penetrate deeper. "But who else is crazy enough to do this?"

"I know one other person, but I would not say who by their request..." Edtoto said, leaning back. There was not much space in her muzzle, and it was a little unnerving.

"Heh," the technician giggled, as the lizard's teeth pricked her throat, "That tickles."

"I could make it hurt if that is your desire," Edtoto teased, biting down a little, the teeth of the armour threatening to break skin.

"Ohh," the Neko purred, before licking the Vekimen's tongue. "Just make sure I remember this, okay?"

Edtoto would have grinned, if she could, before using her grip on Skade to turn the tables and take the higher ground so to speak. Just as she did, a familiar voice sounded from behind.

"This is inapropriate for the Hangar, yes?" Ochiko giggled, sitting on her pile of pillows, fan covering her face.

"Depends who is watching," Skade replied, though she was muffled both by her position and from her own giggling.

Edtoto removed her teeth and jaw from their place around Skade's head, turning to look at the AI. "She started it..."

"What is this?" the Neko asked, still laughing, "Elementary school?"

"You did start it though," Edtoto extorted.

"Maybe you should not place your head in the aliens mouth, yes?" Ochiko asked.

"Told you..." Edtoto sneered.

"You should not be biting the crew, yes?" Ochiko asked, looking at Edtoto, who went silent.

"I did ask for it," Skade said, giving the AI a shrug. "Kind of fun trying new things."

"Your quarters would be the best place for that yes? Out of sight, and not in very expensive equipment... Yes?" Ochiko asked.

"Fine, fine," the technician said, gently pushing the lizard off of her and picking up her helmet. "Just need to clean up the toys, mom."

Ochiko just nodded, and with a flourish of her fan, vanished. Edtoto got up when she was pushed, shaking herself off, pointlessly, but still. "Well, that was interesting," The alien stated, walking to the armour bay.

"Yep," the Neko agreed, walking behind her. "It was fun. Kind of wondering who is as crazy as I am though."

"Not so much crazy, as will do things like that to show their trust or some such. I did not mind," Edtoto said, walking to her armour bay as stepping out of the suit. Back in all her naked, reptillian glory.

"Do I sleep in the same room as her?" Skade asked, not letting up on the question as she got out of her Mindy, still in her skirt.

"Possibly," Edtoto said, her tone unwaivering.

"Hmm," the techncian said, scratching her chin. "I'd ask her how your tongue tastes, but I knew that before, so that doesn't work."

"No one is stopping you from asking her," Edtoto said, looking at Skade. "But I am told I should not kiss and tell."

"Probably for the best," she said, walking over to the Vekimen and tickling her throat, "I'd probably get in trouble myself if you did."

"But I can say this. There have been a handful on the ship. It's been quite an adventure," Edtoto teased, wrapping her tail around Skade's leg.

"Glad we could be of service," she replied, before pulling the lizard into an embrace and floated off the ground.

Edtoto tensed up at her feet were taken off the ground. "Put me down right now or I will ear your throat out..." She warned, a wild look in her eye. She may be able to fly through space, but she still did not like being picked up. How queer this alien was...